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  • Charline Barnes RowlandIn 2012, Charline Barnes Rowland received this $1,000 award that honors an exceptional college or university professor in the field of reading education.
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    Reading Teacher Educators: Apply for the IRA Jerry Johns Award

     | Oct 02, 2012

    by Elizabeth Bleacher

    The International Reading Association (IRA) Jerry Johns Outstanding Teacher Educator in Reading Award is meant to honor an exceptional college or university professor in the field of reading education. The award is US$1,000 maintained by Jerry Johns, president of the IRA from 2002-2003 and a distinguished teaching professor emeritus at Northern Illinois University.

    The award is given annually to a member of IRA that is currently teaching preparation in reading to perspective educators at the undergraduate or graduate level. The submission deadline for the award’s application is November 15, 2012.

    An ideal recipient is considered to be a knowledgeable professional, an innovative teacher, a leader in the field of reading, a role model, and a disseminator. Applications for the award can be submitted by colleagues, students, or the nominees themselves.

    Charline Barnes Rowland

    The 2013 award recipient will be invited to attend the IRA 58th Annual Convention from April 19 to 22, 2013, in San Antonio, Texas.

    The 2012 award was given to Charline Barnes Rowland, EdD, an associate professor at West Virginia University. She teaches various reading methods courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Her areas of interest include literacy education and teacher education, with a concentration on the global curriculum. More information on the application process can be found at the IRA website.

    Elizabeth Bleacher is the strategic communications intern at the International Reading Association.




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  • Engage BlogReading Today Online is the new home of Engage: A Reading Today Blog beginning October 1. Read this article to find out how to contribute to the blog.
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    The Engage Blog Moves to Reading Today Online

     | Oct 01, 2012

    Over the next month, the International Reading Association will phase out the social networking platform, Engage. But while the site itself (http://engage./) will be discontinued on November 1, 2012, the popular Engage/Teacher to Teacher blog will live on in a new, convenient format.

    Engage Blog Screen ShotUnder the new moniker, we will continue to bring you practical teaching tips, in-depth interviews, and posts from your favorite columnists, literacy leaders, and children’s literature authors.

    Connecting the Engage blog with Reading Today Online helps us provide you with one-stop access to the dynamic content you’ve come to expect from the blog alongside the literacy news, book reviews, and important announcements you’ll find on Reading Today Online.

    As we settle into our new home, we are on the lookout for new Engage contributors—and we’d love to hear from you! Send your submissions or ideas for future posts to us at engage-membership@/.

    If you are one of Engage’s active bloggers, we want to encourage you to preserve the work you’ve previously published by moving your posts to a new platform, such as Blogger or WordPress, prior to November 1. After that date, you will no longer have access to the Engage site.

    In order to make the process of saving your work and transferring it to a new blog or social media service, we’ve put together this step-by-step tutorial to walk you through the process. And if the thought of doing this seems daunting, take a look at Cathy Mere’s guide to successful blogging. It has everything you need (including encouragement) to make the move simple and painless.

    Have questions? Need assistance? Don’t hesitate to let us know. Like everything else, emails can be directed to engage-membership@/.




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  • NBC Nightly NewsLeslie Montgomery and Margot Holmes Smith appeared on NBC Nightly News on September 24 to discuss implementing Common Core State Standards programs.
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    NBC Nightly News Common Core Segment Features IRA Members

     | Sep 28, 2012

    Leslie MontgomeryInternational Reading Association members Leslie Montgomery and Margot Holmes Smith appeared on NBC Nightly News on Tuesday, September 24, to discuss how their school is implementing Common Core State Standards programs.

    NBC producers interviewed Montgomery, a fifth-grade teacher, and Smith, an intervention teacher, on Wednesday, August 22, at J. B. Atkinson Academy in Louisville, Kentucky. The NBC crew filmed Montgomery’s class on Thursday, August 23.

    “It was an interesting experience speaking about standards that I have only taught for a year,” Montgomery says. “Initially, like most teachers, I felt overwhelmed by the change because we were no longer being told what specifically to teach. Now we were only being told what the end goal was for the student. Like all teachers, I just want to do my job well and provide my students with tools to grow into successful, contributing citizens.”

    “The Common Core State Standards are what a child needs in order to be ‘college ready,’” she continues. “To meet these goals, instruction will have to be designed to raise each individual child to this end goal. In order to make that happen, teachers will have to increase collaboration, not just horizontally but vertically. Each year, you will see the footsteps of the teacher that came before you and your footsteps will follow that child. It is an exciting shift away from test preparation toward true real world application.”

    Smith adds, “There are several great aspects of the new Common Core State Standards. For example, the standards include progressions from year to year. This will help to strengthen the collaboration between teachers at various grade levels. The standards are also more rigorous and go into more depth in reading and math. In the past, reading and math standards were taught in isolation and did not do a good job of building upon one another. The CCSS are more fluid and can be taught at the same time.”

    Montgomery and Smith contributed to an article entitled “The Common Core: Insights Into the K-5 Standards” by IRA President-Elect Maureen McLaughlin and past IRA Board Member Brenda J. Overturf which will be published in the October issue of The Reading Teacher journal.  They also assisted with McLaughlin and Overturf’s book The Common Core: Teaching K-5 Students to Meet Reading Standards which comes out later this fall.

    In addition to their IRA work, Montgomery and Smith are co-authors for Overturf’s upcoming book Word Nerds: Teaching All Students to Learn and Love Vocabulary (Stenhouse, January 2013).

    View the segment on the NBC Nightly News website.




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  • IRA LogoThe grant is for an action research study conducted by a teacher who is implementing In2Books or an e-Pals project and the Common Core State Standards.
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    November 15 is Deadline for $2,500 Esther Zolt Teacher Research Grant

     | Sep 27, 2012

    In2Books logoEstablished in memory of life-long elementary classroom teacher Esther Zolt, the International Reading Association (IRA) Esther Zolt Teacher Research Grant may be given annually for an action research study. The study should be conducted by a teacher who is implementing In2Books or an e-Pals project and the Common Core State Standards with exceptional innovation and rigor, leading to the development of curious and independent learners. This grant is for US $2,500 (sponsored by Nina Zolt and Miles Gilburne).

    All applicants must be IRA members. Applicants may apply for more than one IRA research award. However, applicants are limited to one research award per year. The submission deadline is November 15, 2012.

    The 2013 award recipient(s) will be encouraged to attend the awards ceremony held at IRA’s 58th Annual Convention in San Antonio, Texas, on April 19-22, 2013.

    Visit the IRA Esther Zolt Teacher Research Grant webpage for the application guidelines.




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  • Malea EllisonMalea Ellison was the grand prize recipient of the 2012 International Reading Association Award for Technology and Reading.
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    Award for Technology and Reading Applications Due November 15

     | Sep 20, 2012

    The International Reading Association (IRA) Award for Technology and Reading honors educators in grades K–12 who are making an outstanding and innovative contribution to the use of technology in reading education.

    There will be one grand-prize winner, seven U.S. regional winners, one Canadian, and one international winner. All entrants must be educators who work directly with students ages 5–18 for all or part of the working day. The submission deadline is November 15, 2012.

    Malea EllisonThe 2013 award recipient(s) will be encouraged to attend the awards ceremony held at IRA’s 58th Annual Convention in San Antonio, Texas, on April 19-22, 2013. The 2012 award recipient was Malea Ellison. The regional winners were Sheila K. Berenson (Plains Regional) and Meagan Lynn England (Southeast Regional).

    Visit the IRA Award for Technology and Reading webpage for the application and a list of past recipients.

    IRA 2012 Research Award Recipients

    Awards and Grants from the International Reading Association

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