by Elizabeth Bleacher
The International Reading Association (IRA) Jerry Johns Outstanding Teacher Educator in Reading Award is meant to honor an exceptional college or university professor in the field of reading education. The award is US$1,000 maintained by Jerry Johns, president of the IRA from 2002-2003 and a distinguished teaching professor emeritus at Northern Illinois University.
The award is given annually to a member of IRA that is currently teaching preparation in reading to perspective educators at the undergraduate or graduate level. The submission deadline for the award’s application is November 15, 2012.
An ideal recipient is considered to be a knowledgeable professional, an innovative teacher, a leader in the field of reading, a role model, and a disseminator. Applications for the award can be submitted by colleagues, students, or the nominees themselves.
The 2013 award recipient will be invited to attend the IRA 58th Annual Convention from April 19 to 22, 2013, in San Antonio, Texas.
The 2012 award was given to Charline Barnes Rowland, EdD, an associate professor at West Virginia University. She teaches various reading methods courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Her areas of interest include literacy education and teacher education, with a concentration on the global curriculum. More information on the application process can be found at the IRA website.
Elizabeth Bleacher is the strategic communications intern at the International Reading Association.