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    ILA Journals Get Supersized

    by ILA Staff
     | Apr 23, 2015

    International Literacy Association (ILA) is known for the valuable research-supported content found in the pages of journals such as The Reading Teacher and the Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy. Beginning with the July/August 2015 issue, those two titles will make the transition from eight issues spanning September to May to six “supersized” issues.

    Adjusting to this new publication schedule both reduces ILA’s carbon footprint and provides a steady, bimonthly delivery date for all your research and practical application needs. The July/August issue will arrive in time for back-to-school planning for a head start on preparing for the upcoming school year.

    The Reading Teacher and the Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy are dedicated to delivering the same amount of peer-reviewed, practical content they’ve always provided. The new publication dates are July/August, September/October, November/December, January/February, March/April, and May/June.

    Join ILA today to subscribe to a journal or contact ILA customer service to add a journal to your current Membership.

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    Google Hangout on Air on Inspiring Model Reading Behavior

    by Morgan Ratner
     | Apr 21, 2015

    Just one week until our next Google Hangout on Air with authors Donalyn Miller and Teri Lesesne. Join us at 8:00 p.m. ET April 28 when Miller and Lesesne will discuss how teachers can actively engage students in developing a love of reading. They’ll also share instructional strategies and resources and recommend books to get students excited and inspired to read. As a bonus, Hangout watchers will have a chance to win each  author’s latest book.

    Miller, manager of Independent Reading Outreach for Scholastic Book Fairs, is one of the founders of the popular Nerdy Book Club, a blog dedicated to discussing latest releases and facilitating a love of children’s and young adult literature. She is also the author of The Book Whisperer: Awakening the Inner Reader in Every Child (Jossey-Bass, 2009) and Reading in the Wild: The Book Whisperer’s Keys to Cultivating Lifelong Reading Habits (Jossey-Bass, 2013). She has taught fourth, fifth, and sixth grades and was a 2010 Texas Elementary Teacher of the Year finalist.

    Lesesne is the executive secretary of the Assembly on Literature for Adolescents of NCTE (ALAN) and a professor in the Library Sciences Department at Sam Houston State University. She is the author of several books on literacy, including Making the Match: The Right Book for the Right Reader at the Right Time (Stenhouse, 2003), Naked Reading: Uncovering What Tweens Need to Become Lifelong Readers (Stenhouse, 2006), and Reading Ladders: Leading Students From Where They Are to Where We’d Like Them to Be (Heinemann, 2010).

    To win a signed copy of Lesesne’s Reading Ladders and Miller’s Reading in the Wild, share the ILA “I’m a Reading Role Model” Twitter image with the hashtag #ILAHangout. One lucky tweeter selected at random will win a copy of both books.

    As part of the Hangout on Air, Lesesne and Miller will take questions via Twitter. Tweet yours using the hashtag #ILAHangout. The Hangout will stream live on the ILA YouTube channel at 8:00 p.m. ET and will be archived for later access.

    Morgan Ratner is ILA's communication assistant.

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    ILA/CAEP Joint Workshops Take on Program Reviews

    by Morgan Ratner
     | Apr 17, 2015

    On July 17, International Literacy Association and the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation are offering two joint workshops focusing on literacy program reviews and reports with up-to-date guidelines, best practices and hands-on practice to get local program recognition and accreditation. The workshops will take place in St. Louis, MO, the day before the official start of ILA 2015 Conference.

    The first workshop, Keys to Preparing ILA/CAEP Reports for Program Writers, will be from 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. The session will be presented by Beverly DeVries, an elementary education professor at Southern Nazarene University. This round table discussion will allow educators to interact with one another while examining assessments and scoring guides, as well as gain invaluable tips and updated information on current CAEP requirements.

    The session will also take a look at how increased technology has transformed education standards and guidelines, and how educators can keep evolving with changing equipment to benefit students. Co-presenters will be Debra Miller of McDaniel College, Michael Shaw of St. Thomas Aquinas College, and Kathleen Sanders of Fort Hays State University.

    The second discussion, Reviewing Reading Specialist/Literacy Coach Program Reports for ILA/CAEP will follow from 1:00–3:00 p.m. It will be led by Diane Kern, and professor at the University of Rhode Island. Kern is also ILA Special Professional Association (SPA) coordinator and has authored several articles about program reviews; she knows the value ILA/CAEP program reviewers have in shaping the future success of literacy and literacy coaching.  Kern will be joined by Nancy L. Witherell of Bridgewater State University, Angela Raines Rutherford of the University of Mississippi,  Helen Abadiano of Central Connecticut State University, and  Allison Swan Dage of West Virginia University.

    Participants new to reviews or more experienced reviewers will be able to learn about updated ILA and CAEP program information, engage in practice reviews with colleagues, and receive a resources guidebook.

    These workshops are free and run simultaneously to the ILA 2015 Preconference Institutes. No preregistration is necessary.

    CAEP (a consolidation of the National Council for Accreditation and Teacher Education and the Teacher Education Accreditation Council) offers evidence-based accreditation for quality educator preparation and supports continuous improvement to strengthen P–12 student learning.

    The ILA 2015 Conference will be held July 18–20 in St. Louis, MO, with more than 6,000 educators ready to transform their practice. The days will be jam-packed with featured speakers, the revamped Teaching Edge series, and exciting general sessions. Key topics affecting literacy featured at the conference include content literacy, children’s literature, classroom engagement, and professional development. More than 120 exhibitors will be on hand with new tools and technologies for all manners of literacy education.

    Learn more about the conference programs at Register today for the ILA 2015 Conference to take advantage of special Early Bird pricing.

    Morgan Ratner is ILA’s communications assistant.

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    Senate Committee Unanimously Passes ESEA Rewrite

    by Dan Mangan
     | Apr 17, 2015

    It was a moment the literacy education community had been hoping to see for years. The U.S. Senate’s Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee voted unanimously Thursday to approve the bipartisan redraft of the ESEA reauthorization bill entitled the Every Child Achieves Act of 2015, designed to rectify the many shortcomings of the prior reauthorization, No Child Left Behind (NCLB).

    The approved bill will now go to the Senate floor for additional debate and amendment before a vote by the full Senate. To pass, it will require 60 yea votes, after which it will move to the conference committee for further action.

    Given the many interests and constituencies concerned with K-12 education, especially where the nation’s neediest students and school districts are concerned, the bipartisan ethos displayed in the committee’s work to get the bill reported out was truly extraordinary, a stunning change from the dysfunctional party politics of recent years.

    Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN)

    Much of the credit must go to the leadership of the chairman, Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN), and the ranking member, Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA).  During the markup the Committee considered 57 amendments and approved 29 of them, most of which were proposed by democrats.

    Commenting on the vote, Alexander explained the consensus reached by the committee came down to,  “continue [NCLB’s] important measurements of academic progress of students but restore to states, school districts, classroom teachers and parents the responsibility for deciding what to do about improving student achievement.”

    Murray added that the vote was “another positive step toward fixing the badly broken No Child Left Behind law and ensuring that all students have the opportunity to learn, no matter where they live, how they learn, or how much money their parents make.”  She pledged to continue the bipartisan work to get the new law “across the finish line.”

    LEARN and the Cassidy Amendments

    Part D of Title II of the approved bill, added in the redraft, sets forth provisions from the LEARN Act—Literacy Education for All, Results for the Nation—a major literacy initiative long championed by Murray and supported by many education groups.

    LEARN provides resources to improve reading and writing instruction in the regular classroom, reducing the number of children who fail to learn how to read. It directs resources to schools with large numbers of children living in poverty. Under LEARN, schools make local decisions on how to improve reading and writing instruction for groups most in need of help in their school buildings. The act also provides funding to improve instruction using evidence based techniques, and includes supports for teachers and principals.

    Concerns arose during the markup process over amendments put forth by Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA), one of which would have added language to Part D of Title II specifically focused on children with dyslexia and other learning disabilities, and another of which would have deleted LEARN from the redraft altogether.

    To persuade the committee against adoption of the Cassidy amendments, Advocates for Literacy, a coalition of more than 50 organizations including ILA, forwarded a joint letter to Alexander and Murray opposing any such change.

    Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA)

    Murray referenced the Advocates’ letter in her exchange with Cassidy, pointing out such children are already covered under LEARN and that special language covering every conceivable learning disability is not warranted.  The amendment was subsequently voted down. Cassidy withheld his proposed amendment to strike LEARN from the bill.

    As it stands, the approved bill largely corresponds with the points taken in ILA’s board-approved position statement on ESEA Reauthorization issued last February.

    Hard Work Ahead

    Getting the bill to the floor is a major step, but more needs to happen before the bill becomes law. There is hard work ahead, as it is clear many senators on the Committee intend to continue pushing for additional changes they were willing to hold back on at this juncture to allow the bipartisan redraft to move forward.

    Sen.  Al Franken (D-MN), for example, indicated that he will work to add in language designed to address and support remedies for the bullying of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender students.

    Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) complained the bill does not live up to the legacy of the original ESEA, which aimed to help underprivileged children who were “underserved, mistreated, or outright ignored by public schools.” Warren said the bipartisan draft, as written, “falls far short,” as it “would allow states to take billions of dollars in federal grants without any assurance that they will do much for the children who need our help the most.” She promised to fight for changes that address these shortcomings once the bill goes to the floor.

    Cassidy is not finished either. A passionate dyslexia advocate for personal reasons—one of his daughters is dyslexic—Cassidy sounded a conspicuously sour note in casting his vote to approve the bipartisan redraft, observing that “This bill doesn’t do diddly squat for 10 million kids with dyslexia.”

    Dan Mangan  is the Director of Public Affairs at the International Literacy Association. Previously, he was ILA’s Strategic Communications Director and Publications Director and launched the original Reading Today magazine and the blog now known as Literacy Daily. He is a veteran of commercial publishing, a former journalist, and an attorney.

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    Making a Collective Impact on Illiteracy

    by April Hall
     | Apr 15, 2015

    Collaboration was the overarching theme of the world-class panel convened Tuesday by the International Literacy Association, for its inaugural Leaders for Literacy Day.

    A full house at the International Institute of Education, located in United Nations Plaza in New York, listened to panelists ranging from corporate partners to academics share their thoughts and ideas on what is needed to advance literacy worldwide.

    The panel included Susan B. Neuman, professor and chair of the Teaching and Learning Department at the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development at New York University, and former U.S. Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education;Steven Duggan, director of worldwide education strategy for Microsoft Corporation; Bernadette Dwyer, a lecturer in Literacy Studies at St. Patrick's College, Dublin City University; David L. Kirp, professor of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley; and ILA Executive Director Marcie Craig Post.

    Liz Willen, editor-in-chief of The Hechinger Report, moderated the discussion; Allan E. Goodman, president and CEO of the IIE opened the event, and ILA President Jill Lewis-Spector also made remarks.

    The panel convened to face some sobering facts. Around the world there are still 781 million adults who are illiterate; women account for two-thirds. According to the U.S. Department of Education, 14 percent of adults in the U.S. alone are functionally illiterate—a number that hasn’t budged in a decade, Post said. She characterized the problem as “vast in scope and stubborn in character.”

    Lily Valtchanova, liaison officer at UNESCO, also cited the failure to meet the UN Millenium Development Goal to cut global illiteracy in half by 2015 and the need to move forward to attain new sustainable educational goals.

    To battle this epidemic, the panel highlighted the role of technology, community, and how cooperation between nongovernmental organizations (NGO), corporations, and researchers can lead to innovative solutions and support for people struggling around the world.

    Even in communities that aren’t fighting poverty or lacking in resources, the picture is not perfect, panelists said.

    “We can’t talk about being digitally literate, we have to talk about becoming digitally literate,” Dwyer said. Without training teachers in the technology they already possess, the full potential of classroom technology cannot be realized.

    More than that, there is an inequity in access to technology, Dwyer said. Tech access is widening the knowledge gap between the affluent and the impoverished, contributing to the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.

    Microsoft, Duggan said, has recently turned its attention to the importance of literacy and creating tools for the most basic of needs.

    “We’re only focused on literacy because we started to listen,” Duggan said. For nine months, Microsoft representatives asked educators about what foundational challenges they faced. The resounding response was literacy, as “it affects everything else.”

    When Microsoft dug deeper, they found too few books were printed in minority languages around the world. Some children simply had no books with which to learn. In months, Microsoft was able to launch Lit4Life and the Chekhov Story Author App. Educators around the world can use these tools to write, design, and publish their books to a cloud accessible by students. A book recording option was added when the education team learned 31 percent of illiterate children live in an illiterate home.

    Technology may not always be the answer, though. In many communities advocates need to go in and—like the Microsoft Education Team did—listen.

    Neuman said while researching summer reading loss, she found one urban community that had not a single preschool-appropriate book available for children. More than 300 children would have to share one elementary-level book. For that community, it wasn’t about taking in computers—it was a desperate need for text.

    Kirp said asking parents what they need elicits similar responses regardless of neighborhood.

    “No matter who you ask, you’ll get the same kind of ‘We want for our kids what we didn’t have for ourselves,’” Kirp said. The specificity of those wants may shift from neighborhood to neighborhood, but the sentiment is universal.

    Kirp himself uses the following standard: “I always think, would I want this [program] for a child that I love,” he said.

    Moving quickly on challenges allows for the gift of failure, Duggan said. Failure is something educators everywhere, and organizations that want to help them, shouldn’t fear.

    “Failure is great,” he said to a few chuckles. “We have to embrace a culture of failure, but we need real-time data and to fail quickly. When we fail, we learn.

    “If we just focus on delivering some good services, not devices, we can scaffold literacy for all right now,” Duggan continued.

    Post agreed that failure must become an option in the Age of Literacy to spur innovation, and it may be time to re-evaluate the way NGOs operate—to not fear failure in order to learn and to work together rather than against each other.

    “We are diffusing power because we’re all vying for the small pot of money that is out there,” Post said. “We need to build meaningful partnerships.”

    Duggan agreed, saying corporate/non-profit alliances are also vital to surmounting the huge challenges to achieving worldwide literacy.

    “I’ve made some good connections [today] and I’m walking away with a lot of new e-mail addresses,” he said. “I’m opening up some interesting dialogs and I hope to open up even more.”

    Attendee Pam Allyn, global literacy advocate and founder of the nonprofit LitWorld, was encouraged by the suggestion of collaborative action.

    “I think collaboration is the key,” Allyn said. “I think in the past, NGOs have been extremely competitive… And I don’t think that’s right. I don’t think we’re serving children’s best interests that way…. Really, to put us all together is going to make the difference for millions and millions of children.”

    Allyn was one of the many stakeholders from Nairobi to New York, including several ILA Board members, who participated in fast-paced Twitter chats on Tuesday, where literacy leaders shared experiences and strategies on how to engage today’s students, how to take charge of professional development, and how to become a powerful advocate. The virtual global discussions were part of a continuing campaign asking people around the globe, “How will you make this the #AgeofLiteracy?”

    Several bloggers also participated in the exchange by making posts exploring the Age of Literacy theme.

    Starting these conversations is the first step. In the future, ILA will convene more of panels to address challenges in eradicating illiteracy, and draw on the expertise of thought leaders to mobilize people in government, schools, and homes to start a literacy movement and spread literacy for all.

    Interested in the cause? You can join the conversation here.

    April Hall is editor of Literacy Daily. A journalist for about 20 years, she has specialized in education, writing and editing for newspapers, websites, and magazines.

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