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    Meet the Guest Editor: A Q&A With Adam Brieske-Ulenski

     | Feb 20, 2024

    LT413_Ulenski_180wThe January/February/March issue of Literacy Today, ILA’s member magazine, is focused on early literacy.

    Guest editor Adam Brieske-Ulenski, associate professor of reading education at Bridgewater State University in Massachusetts, opens the issue with his note to readers laying out his vision for the issue and his emphasis on there being no greater advantage in education than having a solid foundation from the start.

    “I cannot think of a single more important concept that needs to be addressed and fully developed in children than literacy,” he wrote. “Literacy development is essential for being able to interact and function in our world, and this starts at birth.”

    Read on to learn more about the issue and how Brieske-Ulenski approached its curation.

    Tell us about how you developed your vision for this issue. What were your goals? How did you choose your authors and topics? Why do you consider early literacy a crucial concept to be addressed?

    As I worked on putting together topics and authors, one thing always kept ringing in my ears: diversity. I wanted to make sure that we were able to discuss a variety of topics related to early literacy including those that have been “hot” over the past several years. Also, it was necessary to make sure that we had voices from across the field, experiences, and perspectives. This includes practitioners, researchers, professors, and many others who contributed to a larger view of early literacy and one that I am happy to say expanded my own thinking around teaching and learning in the earliest of stages.

    I felt that early literacy was the issue that I wanted to tackle myself because of the increased attention and discussion around practices, pedagogies, and frameworks. I wanted to make sure we were able to put out an issue where any practitioner or family member could pick it up and find at least one article they thought was relevant to their lives and their children or students. Thus, the whole idea of early literacy to me meant making it meaningful and relevant to our audience.

    As a former elementary school teacher, reading specialist, and literacy coach, how have your personal experiences shaped your perspective on the importance of early literacy teaching and learning?

    I think, having served in a variety of specialist literacy professional roles, I was privileged to work with some amazing students who experienced difficulties with understanding how to read and write. Spending this quality time with my students allowed me to see first-hand how frustrating it can be to a child and recognize the privilege that I had to support them and, in many ways, support their academic identity. Also, having worked with students across multiple years, I was able to see how a lack of development in early literacy compounded over time and really affected who they were and how they went about viewing learning. This provided me an opportunity to place an emphasis on early literacy teaching and learning and how we have to rethink our approaches.

    "Literacy and Disciplinary Learning" delves into creating young scientists and mathematicians. Why was it important to include this interdisciplinary perspective, and how can it impact a child's overall learning experience?

    I think including this article helped round out the entire issue for a few reasons. First, it provides the perspective that literacy transcends academic disciplines and reflects ILA’s definition of being literate as being one who can read, write, and think critically. This article by Dr. Nicole J. Glen demonstrates how even our youngest readers and writers can engage in inquiry and apply critical thinking and critical literacy skills when provided with a rich learning environment and opportunity. It is exciting to see how our youngest learners are thinking about the world around them to engage in inquiry while at the same time using literacy skills to engage in that process. Honestly, I think this shows how literacy skills apply to real life.

    "Inclusive Foundations" discusses anti-racist and anti-bias spaces in early childhood. Can you elaborate on the significance of addressing these themes in the context of early literacy?

    I think creating a space for our colleagues to share the work they are doing to advance our society and the global community toward a more welcoming and inclusive world is necessary. All of us who have the opportunity to amplify these voices need to do so daily and in ways that bring new participants into the conversation. Politics and politicians have had a strong hold over the last few years in voicing their thoughts about what our children and students should learn, the types or topics of texts they should read, and how educators can or cannot discuss real-world topics that are relevant to our students and their learning. I believe our educators are the best ones to make those recommendations and decisions, which is why it is so necessary to continually discuss and include voices of our colleagues who advocate for a more just and worldly understanding of ourselves and one another.

    "Academics, Belonging, and Criticality" explores the use of culturally relevant texts in early childhood classrooms, while "Family Diversity in Children’s Books" delves into the representation of diverse family structures. Why is it important for children to encounter these books in school? How does it contribute to belonging, academic engagement, and critical thinking?

    Looking back on my own educational experiences, I wish I had educators and curriculum that connected with me and helped me understand others much better. We live in a very diverse and interconnected society that requires all of us to be aware of who we are interacting with, how we interact with them, and how we want others to interact with us. Immersing our children in text, cultures, and experiences that are different from them truly prepares them to be a better world citizen where we are all constantly competing in a global economy and society. Thus, by infusing text into our curriculum that represents a wide variety of families and cultures positions our children to be successful in the future because their understanding of themselves and the world in which they operate is expanded. That should be something we all celebrate and cherish. As they say…the more you know!

    What overarching message or impact do you hope these diverse topics will have regarding the importance of early literacy in a child's overall development?

    It is my hope that readers leave feeling like they can take on many of the challenges we are facing in society and in particular our school settings with resources and suggestions that were provided in our articles. Although the work is daunting, I am reminded that anything that you want to accomplish is worth working hard. I hope our readers leave the issue feeling a bit inspired with a sense of vigor in wanting to tackle some of these topics at their local level and with ILA at a larger level.

    Learn more in the Early Literacy Issue of Literacy Today.

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    ILA’s Awards & Grants: Conversations With Past Winners (Part I of III)

    By ILA Staff
     | Feb 13, 2024

     awards-and-grants_680wAs we enter the final few weeks of the submissions period for the International Literacy Association’s (ILA) awards and grants program, we’re taking a look back at some of our past recipients and their significant contributions to literacy teaching and research.

    Below, in Part I of our series, we delve into the experiences of some remarkable individuals. Each interview provides valuable insights into the impact of being recognized, how grant recipients used their funding, and why they believe initiatives like ILA’s awards program are vital for moving the field of literacy forward.

    After reading, don’t forget to follow their advice: Submit a nomination for yourself or a colleague by March 15. There are awards for students, educators, and scholars, and funding opportunities for research that you won’t want to miss.


    SarahLupo_150Sarah Lupo

    Associate Professor of Literacy Education, James Madison University
    Timothy & Cynthia Shanahan Outstanding Dissertation Award, 2018 Finalist
    Steven A. Stahl Research Grant, 2016

    How did receiving an award from ILA impact you both personally and professionally?

    For the grant, it gave me funds to do a much more rigorous dissertation than I would have been able to do without funding. For both awards, it confirmed that the work I was doing was relevant to the field of literacy and gave me motivation to keep on with my research. I also really enjoyed participating in the poster session for Outstanding Dissertation finalists at the ILA annual conference. I met some great people who were at a similar place in their careers to me and learned a lot.

    Can you share a specific project or initiative that was made possible through the support of the award/grant, and how it has contributed to advancing literacy education?

    For the grant I received, I was able to complete my dissertation, which explored whether matching ninth graders with texts at their level (using Newsela texts) helped their comprehension. It did not! Although null findings, this was an important finding for the field because many teachers are relying on text algorithm tools like Newsela to differentiate, rather than looking for ways to support readers in reading more difficult texts which, this study as well as others, has shown to be more effective in increasing literacy skills for adolescents. I was able to publish the findings eventually in Reading Research Quarterly five years ago and this piece has now been cited 53 times. A practitioner version of this (“Struggle is Not a Bad Word”) was published in the Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy and has been cited 29 times. This study was only possible because of the grant I received from ILA.

    How do you believe ILA’s awards and grants program contributes to raising awareness about the importance of literacy and its impact on individuals and communities?

    I think it helps show people where the pulse is for literacy research in our field. I have served on one of the awards committees since then and I always love seeing what folks are working on.

    For educators and researchers considering applying for the current awards and grants submissions period, what advice or insights would you offer based on your experience?

    I’d say go for it! I was pretty unsure I would receive either of these awards, but it worked out. Reach out to your mentors and ask them to review your work and talk to as many people as you can. It’s worth it!


    PatEdwards_150wPatricia A. Edwards

    University Distinguished Professor, Michigan State University
    Jerry Johns Outstanding Teacher Educator in Reading Award, 2014
    Elva Knight Research Grant, 1995

    How did receiving an award from the ILA impact you both personally and professionally?

    Receiving the Elva Knight Research Grant for my project titled “Examining Dialogues Used in Facilitating Parental Understanding of First Graders’ Reading, Writing, and Development” has been an immensely rewarding experience both personally and professionally. First and foremost, the recognition of my project as promising research that addresses significant questions within the discipline of reading/literacy research and practice filled me with a sense of validation and accomplishment. It was truly an honor to have my work acknowledged in this way.

    Professionally, receiving this award opened doors for me to make meaningful contributions to the field. Presenting my findings at the IRA annual meeting and the Michigan Reading Association not only allowed me to share my research with fellow educators and researchers but also provided a platform to engage in fruitful discussions and exchange ideas. Moreover, being recognized with the Elva Knight Research Grant has increased my visibility and credibility within the reading/literacy research community, affording me the opportunity to further contribute to the advancement of the field.

    Can you share a specific project or initiative that was made possible through the support of the award/grant, and how it has contributed to advancing literacy education? 

    The Elva Knight Research Grant proved to be a pivotal moment in my academic journey. This grant not only provided the necessary support to conduct my research but also opened doors to further opportunities in advancing literacy education. In particular, the insights gained from the Elva Knight Research Grant led to the receipt of a small Spencer Grant, which empowered me to author the 1999 Heinemann book titled A Path to Follow: Learning to Listen to Parents. Remarkably, this book has since reached a wide audience, with sales exceeding 50,000 copies. Reflecting on these achievements, it is evident that the Elva Research Grant has played a crucial role in my contributions to advancing literacy education, underscoring its significance in shaping my professional trajectory.

    Looking back, how has the recognition and support from ILA motivated you to continue your efforts in advancing literacy, and what future goals do you have in this regard?

    The recognition and support from ILA served as a significant catalyst in my writing journey. Motivated by this encouragement, I have authored several books aimed at empowering educators and fostering family involvement in student achievement. Among these publications are Tapping the Potential of Parents: A Strategic Guide to Boosting Student Achievement Through Family Involvement (Scholastic), Children’s Literacy Development: Making It Happen Through School, Family, and Community Involvement (Pearson), and New Ways to Engage Parents: Strategies and Tools for Teachers and Leaders (Teachers College Press), the latter of which was honored with the 2017 Delta Kappa Gamma Educators Book Award.

    In addition, my 2019 release from Teachers College Press, Partnering With Families for Student Success: 24 Scenarios for Problem Solving With Parents, was recommended for the 2021 AACTE Outstanding Book Award. This book aims to equip teachers with the skills to effectively collaborate with caregivers from diverse linguistic, cultural, racial, and social backgrounds. Furthermore, my latest work, Teaching With Literacy Programs: Equitable Instruction for All (Harvard Education Press), underscores the premise that while core literacy programs offer valuable starting points aligned with current research and standards, they are inherently limited. Through this book, I endeavor to empower educators with equitable instructional strategies to meet the diverse needs of all learners.

    Have there been any unexpected benefits or outcomes as a result of receiving the award/grant that you didn’t anticipate?

    Receiving the award/grant has led to several unexpected benefits and outcomes that I could not have foreseen. For instance, in 2006, I was honored to be named the first African American president of the National Reading Conference, later renamed the Literacy Research Association (LRA). This position not only provided me with a platform to advocate for literacy education but also paved the way for me to become president of the International Reading Association (now ILA) in 2010, further expanding my influence in the field.

    Another unexpected outcome occurred in 2012 when I was inducted into the Reading Hall of Fame. This recognition was particularly meaningful as I became one of the few African American women to receive this esteemed accolade, highlighting the significance of diversity in literacy research and practice.

    In 2019, I was humbled to receive the Scholars of Color Distinguished Career Contribution Award at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) conference. This honor underscored the impact of my work in education and reinforced my commitment to advancing equity and inclusion in academic spaces.

    Additionally, in 2020, I had the honor of being named the first African American recipient of the Oscar S. Causey Award from LRA, recognized as the pinnacle of achievement in reading research. This unexpected distinction not only affirmed the significance of my contributions to the field but also underscored the vital role of representation and diversity in academia. Furthermore, in 2022, I was chosen to be featured in The HistoryMakers, a digital archive documenting the Black experience in the United States, further highlighting the importance of diverse voices in shaping our collective narrative.


    StephanieReid_150Stephanie F. Reid

    Assistant Professor of Literacy Education, University of Cincinnati
    Helen M. Robinson Grant, 2019


    How did receiving a grant from the ILA impact you both personally and professionally?

    Receiving the Helen M. Robinson Grant in 2019 was an honor. I felt validated in my work with teachers and students in middle school contexts and was grateful for the funding support for my dissertation work. At that time, my identity as a scholar and researcher felt very new. I had taught middle schoolers language arts and reading for many years, so stepping into my doctoral program was a significant life change for me. Earning recognition through ILA’s Helen M. Robinson Grant helped affirm my decision to move in this new professional direction and offered me the opportunity to speak to the significance of my scholarship on multimodal approaches to literacy education.

    Can you share a specific project or initiative that was made possible through the support of the grant, and how it has contributed to advancing literacy education?

    The Helen M. Robinson Grant supported my research in a seventh-grade language arts classroom. With the classroom teacher, I codesigned an eight-week curriculum unit that invited students to read and compose multimodal texts. Findings from this study have been shared through numerous articles, book chapters, and presentations. When possible, I coauthored and copresented with Justin Scholes, the teacher who welcomed me into his classroom community. In this moment, when so much attention is focused on decoding written language, this study is a reminder that words are not the only ways people communicate and connect with each other. The ability to make meaning with images and other modes matters, too. The importance of making, comprehending, and critiquing the kinds of multimodal texts that saturate students’ social worlds must not be lost in current conversations about what counts as reading and writing in schools.

    Looking back, how has the recognition and support from ILA motivated you to continue your efforts in advancing literacy, and what future goals do you have in this regard?

    Today, I continue to build upon the research that the Helen M. Robinson Grant supported. I have continued to explore how multimodal literacy approaches might be enacted in classrooms where students have time and agency to read and compose multimodal texts. Most recently, I worked with an eighth-grade teacher, Rita Thorson, who made curricular space for students to compose accounts of their pandemic lives. I hope to continue to showcase students’ reading and writing, illuminating their brilliance and sharing their perspectives on school literacy practices. I also hope to continue exploring how multimodal literacies intersect with other disciplines—art education and special education, for example. I am constantly looking for ways to evolve and share my understanding of what it means to be a reader, writer, speaker, listener, viewer, and thinker in these current times.

    For educators and researchers considering applying for the current awards and grants submissions period, what advice or insights would you offer based on your experience?

    I felt that one of the most important outcomes of the grant writing process was the clarity I gained through writing the proposal. The proposal format encourages a succinct and streamlined account of the research questions, relevant literature, and study procedures. Most important for me, the application also invited me to think about the significance of my scholarship and state clearly the impact I hoped to make. I have been an educator for nearly 25 years. Keeping sight of my “why” continues to fuel my lifelong investment in literacy education.


    JungminKwon_150wJungmin Kwon

    Assistant Professor of Language and Literacy, Michigan State University
    Helen M. Robinson Grant, 2018


    Can you share a specific project or initiative that was made possible through the support of the grant, and how it has contributed to advancing literacy education?

    I received the Helen M. Robinson Grant in 2018, which supports doctoral students in the early stages of their dissertations in the area of reading and literacy. My dissertation project focused on the language and literacy experiences of immigrant children and families in the context of transnational migration. Taking a multi-sited ethnographic approach, I documented immigrant children’s literacy experiences by observing their experiences in various settings, such as homes, schools, playgrounds, grocery stores, and museums across countries. I also employed what I call child-centered interview activities, during which I used mapping, drawing, and photo-elicitation interviews as a way to explore the children’s transnational and multilingual experiences and to center their voices through a multimodal approach. After finishing my dissertation, I turned this project into a book, which is entitled Understanding the Transnational Lives and Literacies of Immigrant Children (Teachers College Press).

    Receiving the recognition and support from ILA for my work meant a lot to me as a doctoral student. This grant award reaffirmed my dedication to working with immigrant children and amplifying their voices, and it has motivated me to continue the work that can contribute to expanding the notion of literacy and understanding of immigrant children and families.


    Stay tuned for Part II of our series next week!

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    Earn Recognition for Your Literacy Leadership

    ILA Staff
     | Feb 06, 2024

    awards-and-grants_680wThe International Literacy Association (ILA) is currently accepting submissions for its 2024 awards and grants program. This is your chance to be recognized (or to recognize a colleague!) for outstanding contributions to literacy.

    ILA’s awards and grants provide recognition opportunities for literacy professionals at all stages of their career, from funding opportunities for graduate students to the organization’s highest individual honor, the William S. Gray Citation of Merit—an esteemed lifetime achievement award among the most prestigious in the literacy field. In between, there are awards honoring outstanding empirical research, ongoing and impactful collaborative partnerships, outstanding contributions to teacher education, and distinguished service to ILA.

    Who we are looking for

    • Literacy professionals making waves in research, teaching, and service
    • Both seasoned experts and emerging leaders alike
    • Classroom teachers and graduate students in need of research funding

    Why your nomination matters

    • It recognizes exceptional service to the field.
    • Winners join a prestigious community of past recipients including Nell K. Duke, Timothy Rasinski, and Steve Graham.
    • Recipients have their work promoted on a broader scale, which inspires others in the field.

    Why it matters to ILA (and the field)

    ILA has been setting the standard for literacy education for over 65 years. By recognizing excellence, we collectively advance literacy education, setting benchmarks for future professionals.

    Previous winners in ILA’s awards and grants program include Nell K. Duke, Timothy Rasinski, Steve Graham, Sonia Cabell, Tricia Zucker, John Z. Strong, Elena Forzani, and Diane Lapp—last year’s recipient of the William S. Gray Citation of Merit—to name just a few.

    Individuals can nominate themselves or a colleague for one of the following opportunities this year:

    Submissions, which will be reviewed by teams of researchers and teacher educators from within the global ILA network, must be received by March 15, 2024. For more information, visit the ILA awards and grants website.

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    Nominations Open for the William S. Gray Citation of Merit

    By ILA Staff
     | Jan 30, 2024

    The International Literacy Association (ILA) is calling for nominations for the prestigious William S. Gray Citation of Merit, an accolade that pays tribute to outstanding individuals who have left an indelible mark on the field. Established in 1957, this award serves as a lifetime achievement recognition for literacy leaders who have made unparalleled contributions to literacy development.

    The esteemed award, named after the eminent literacy scholar William S. Gray, is the highest individual honor awarded by ILA. Gray, the first president of the International Reading Association (now ILA), laid our foundation for serving and honoring those whose groundbreaking work has significantly influenced literacy research, theory, practice, and policy.

    The illustrious list of past honorees of the Citation of Merit reads like a hall of fame, showcasing luminaries such as

    • P. David Pearson
    • Jeanne S. Chall
    • Nila Banton Smith
    • Dorothy Strickland
    • Brian Cambourne
    • Nell K. Duke

    A complete archive of past recipients can be found on the Citation of Merit web page.

    If you know someone deserving of joining the ranks of these esteemed individuals, then submit a nomination by March 15. Eligible nominees are ILA members who have made outstanding contributions across multiple facets of literacy development, including but not limited to research, theory, and practice. To learn more, visit

    Maintaining Gray’s legacy

    Referred to as “the father of reading,” William S. Gray (1885–1960) dedicated his life to advancing literacy education and lived by the phrase he popularized: “every teacher a teacher of reading.”

    His academic journey led him from teaching elementary school in Illinois to earning a master's degree from Teachers College, Columbia University in 1914, and earning a PhD from the University of Chicago in 1916. Gray remained with the University of Chicago until his retirement in 1950, during which time he held key roles including dean of the school of education.

    Gray was considered the leading expert on reading for the first half of the 20th century. He was cocreator of the Dick and Jane book series that began publishing in the 1920s, became a staple of elementary classrooms, and is credited with teaching 85 million children how to read. He conducted a worldwide study of literacy for UNESCO that resulted in the book The Teaching of Reading and Writing: An International Survey. In total, his extensive body of work included more than 500 studies, reviews, articles, and books, which also included On Their Own in Reading: How to Give Children Independence in Analyzing New Words.

    In 1935, Gray and Bernice Leary published their landmark work in readability, What Makes a Book Readable.

    Gray cofounded the International Reading Association and served as the organization's first president from 1955–1956.

    As we carry on his legacy, we invite you to join us by submitting your nominations for the Citation of Merit or any of ILA’s other opportunities in the 2024 awards and grants program. Let us celebrate the tireless efforts of those who continue to shape the future of literacy education.

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    Literacy and Racial Justice: An Invitation to Our Youth & Their Teachers

    By Jevon D. Hunter and Patricia A. Edwards
     | Jan 23, 2024

    In the vast landscape of youth expression, there are moments that stand out for their candidness, boldness, and sharp astuteness, reflecting an unflinching instance of truth-tellin’.

    One such occurrence comes from the journal entry of King Johnson, a second-grade African American student from Chicago, IL. Dated January 22, 2018, King used his entry not only to share how official school curriculum can be meaninglessly disconnected from ones’ lived reality, but also to serve as a courageous act by challenging racially inaccurate historical narratives passing as doctrine. 

    Today was not a good learning day. blah blah blah i only wanted to hear you not talking. You said something wrong and i can’t listen when i hear lies. My mom said that the only christofer we actnokledje is Wallace. Because Columbus didn’t find our country the Indians did. I like to have columbus day off but I want you to not teach me lies. That is all. My question for the day is how can white people teach black history? King Johnson

    In response to King’s journal entry, his teacher wrote, “King, I am very disappointed in your journal today.”

    To which King replied, “ok.”

    In just seven sentences, King communicates a multifaceted critique. He questions the veracity of the information presented, asserts his community's knowledge on history, affirms his community cultural wealth, and challenges the authority of who is allowed to deliver content.

    On its own, King's writing resists what scholars call curriculum violence—the deliberate manipulation of academic programming that compromises learners' intellectual and psychological well-being.

    Leveraging literacy against racial injustice

    King's act of truth-tellin' is a testament to the transformative potential of literacy, extending beyond the realms of the classroom and the school building. We see his expressive act as a means of survival for his intellectual, psychological, and spiritual well-being. His claim of learning disappointment and desire for more accurate historical information reflects a genuine curiosity to understand the world around him.

    For literacy educators, these moments offer us thought-provoking opportunities to reconsider learning, teaching, curriculum, identity, and the important role of youth expression. King is not the only youth who sits in classrooms yearning for more authentic forms of learning engagement. How we respond to expressions such as his determines whether our classrooms strip individuals of their humanity, dignity, and sense of belonging.

    Offering students safe spaces for expression, such as journals, affords classroom teachers the chance to cultivate intellectual risk-taking and foster emerging understandings where diverse perspectives and voices are seen, heard, felt, and dignified. It is in these spaces that teachers can promote brave critical thinking, support multi-narrative cultural awareness, and nurture a sense of individual and collective agency among our students.

    Buttressed by King’s words, literacy educators should be fearless regarding our practice as stewards of literacy learning by reflecting upon a set of related compelling questions: 

    • When and where do we encourage young learners to write about race and racial injustice on their terms?
    • How can literacy learning environments foster bravery and empower students to engage in their own truth-tellin’ by addressing witnessed or experienced forms of oppression?
    • How do we create and hold space that invites youth to draw from their experiences and ideas to collaborate in redressing racial inequity for more just communities?

    Our invitation to write toward justice

    As part of a groundbreaking collaboration between the International Literacy Association (ILA) and the American Educational Research Association (AERA), K–12 teachers worldwide are invited to participate in a unique writing project that encourages youth to share their experiences, insights, and expertise on racial injustices and strategies for redress by responding to some carefully crafted prompts.

    School-based educators are invited to submit student responses to these prompts by February 16, 2024, for potential inclusion in a session at the 2024 AERA conference, to be held in Philadelphia, PA, this April.

    Prompts for students ages 5–11

    Prompts for students 12+ 

    The goal of the project is to center the thoughts and voices of young people, showcasing the ways in which racial inequity and other intersectional forms of oppression operate in their lived realities, while also illuminating the courageous and creative ways youth imagine and participate in acts to promote a more just world.

    This collaborative effort seeks to leverage the combined educational resources of ILA and AERA to champion the empowerment of youth by providing them with a platform to speak their truth and contribute to conversations about racial justice.

    By amplifying their perspectives and voices, we aim to support a generation that is unafraid to tackle systemic issues they have inherited but refuse to perpetuate. This endeavor is a special occasion for our young people to further become agents of change, using their literacy skills to navigate and reshape the world around them.

    We are confident that this writing project has the potential to be a life-changing experience, shaping perspectives, fostering empathy, and contributing to a more equitable and just society. Let us collectively, as youth and literacy educators, embark on this journey, where literacy works as a verb becoming a tool for liberation and social transformation.

    Together, our impact can be lasting, one truth-tellin’ writing entry at a time.


    Jevon D. Hunter is the Woods-Beals Endowed Chair for Urban Education and interim associate dean for the School of Education at SUNY Buffalo State.

    Patricia A. Edwards, a past president of the International Reading Association (now International Literacy Association), is a professor of language and literacy in the Teacher Education Department at Michigan State University.

    Disclaimer: The viewpoints expressed in blog posts on this website are those of the individual writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of ILA. We have taken reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in blog posts but do not warrant the accuracy or completeness of such information.

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