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ILA & AERA Amplify Student Voices on Equity

BY ILA Staff
 | Apr 12, 2024

The International Literacy Association (ILA) has partnered with the American Educational Research Association (AERA) on a unique initiative to amplify student voices in discussions surrounding social justice, educational research, and reimagining literacy education. This exciting work will be showcased during a cosponsored Presidential Session this weekend at the AERA Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, Pa.

The joint initiative invited K–12 students from across the country to engage in a dialogue about equity, diversity, inclusion, and social justice. Students were given thought-provoking writing prompts that encouraged them to reflect on their experiences and imagine a better world.

Student voices take center stage

The response was inspiring! Hundreds of submissions poured in from schools across the United States (and even some internationally). Select responses will be featured during a session entitled “Re/Reading and Re/Writing the Wor(l)d: Engaging in Racialized Conversations to Reimagine Literacy Engagement for Justice,” taking place on Saturday, April 13.

This session is part of the AERA Presidential Session Series and provides a powerful platform for students to share their perspectives with educators, researchers, and policymakers from around the globe. Attendees will be invited to participate in a gallery walk, where they can engage with the students' thought-provoking submissions.

“Students are not just passive recipients of education; they are active agents of change," said Nicola Wedderburn, executive director of ILA. "By elevating their voices, we are not only enriching the educational research landscape but also empowering students to become advocates for justice and equity.”

The importance of listening

This partnership underscores both organizations' shared commitment to inclusivity, diversity, and empowering the next generation to shape conversations surrounding education and social justice.

“In today’s complex educational landscape, it is imperative to center student experiences and perspectives. By providing a platform for students to share their insights, challenges and aspirations with us, ILA and AERA are paving the way for more meaningful and impactful outcomes in education,” said Jevon D. Hunter, Woods-Beals Endowed Chair for Urban Education at SUNY Buffalo State and 2023–2024 American Educational Research Association Program Cochair.

For more information, read this blog post by Hunter and Patricia A. Edwards, a past president of the International Reading Association (now ILA), in which they expand on the origins of the writing project and how they hope it “[illuminates] the courageous and creative ways youth imagine and participate in acts to promote a more just world.”

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