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    Annual Convention Sunday Highlights

     | Apr 27, 2012

    This list of highlights for the Annual Convention on Sunday, April 29, features events gathered from the online program grid, Guide to the Stars, and more! Visit the online program grid's event search or the interactive digital version of the program for a full list of sessions and more details. 

    7:30 a.m.

    Be sure to stop by the IRA Bookstore at the International Reading Association (IRA) 57th Annual Convention in Chicago for the Sunday Sale! It runs from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. across from the IRA Membership Booth and Registration.

    9:00 a.m.

    The following institutes are held from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in various meeting rooms in McCormick Place West and the Hyatt Regency McCormick Place. 

    • Institute 1: Unit Projects that Work: Create Amazing Comprehensive Keepsake Books
    • Institute 2: Think Along Strategies and Common Core State Standards
    • Institute 3: Promoting Vocabulary Development from Pre-K to Grade 12
    • Institute 4: Teaching Literacy for Cognitive Engagement
    • Institute 5: Things Digital and Literacy Instruction
    • Institute 6: Literacy and Language in the Early Years
    • Institute 7: Writing Strategy Mini-lessons for Grades K-6
    • Institute 8: Quality Literacy Instruction for Second Language Learners
    • Institute 9: Raising Self-Determining Readers and Writers
    • Institute 10: Convincing teachers to Apply New Common Core Literacy Standards
    • Institute 11: It’s Not Magic! It’s Metacognition!
    • Institute 12: Rekindling the Reading Fire-Author Panel
    • Institute 13: The Reading-Spelling-Meaning Instructional Connection
    • Institute 14: IRA/NCATE: A Partnership for Reading Professional
    • Institute 15: Reaching New Heights: Differentiating Literacy Instruction
    • Institute 16: Fostering Literacy with Research-Based Instructional Practices and Web 2.0
    • Institute 17: Developing Literacy Leadership
    • Institute 18: Research Making a Difference in Common Core Standards

    6:00 p.m. 

    In the evening, awards for councils and international affiliates are presented from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at a ceremony and reception in the Chicago Hilton & Towers International Ballroom. 


    Event times and locations are subject to change. Remember to "like" the 57th Annual Convention, Chicago 2012 on Facebook and "follow" ReadingToday and the #IRA2012 hashtag on Twitter to see posts and updates throughout the day! 

    Check Reading Today Online after 11:00 a.m. on Sunday for the Monday morning overview! 


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    Get to Know the 2012 Annual Convention Authors: George O'Connor

     | Apr 26, 2012

    Graphic novelist and illustrator of the bestselling Olympian series, George O'Connor is part of the Graphic Novels Author Panel on Wednesday, May 2, at the IRA Annual Convention. He talks to Reading Today about his relationships with Hera, Hades, and Poseidon. 

    George O'ConnorReading Today: What got you interested in writing books for children and young adults? 

    George O'Connor: Pretty much since I was a little kid, I’ve always wanted to do books for kids and young adults. I suppose a lot of that has to do with my being able to draw—there aren’t a lot of books for adults that are illustrated, which is unfortunate. Since I like to illustrate my own stories, it tends to point me in the direction of kids’ books. Which is awesome, because kid’s books are way cooler than adult books anyway.

    RT: What do consider your best book to date and why? 

    GO: Tricky question—I’d say it’s a toss-up between the latest two volumes of Olympians, Hera: The Goddess and Her Glory and Hades: Lord of the Dead. I kind of nailed exactly what I set out to do with the stories in both of them, yet both books ended up surprising me with some little unplanned touches that appeared, almost as if by divine intervention. I swear there’s some cool stuff in those books that I channeled rather than wrote. 

    RT: What can attendees at IRA Chicago expect to hear from you?

    GO: A lot of mythological factoids, a few lame jokes and, if you’re lucky, the true story of my long-standing tiff with Poseidon, Lord of the Sea. 

    Visit the Olympians website for the list of books as well as teachers' guides and an Olympians family tree. For more information about the 2012 IRA Annual Convention in Chicago from April 29 to May 2, visit


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    IRA Membership Booth and Bookstore Events at the Annual Convention

     | Apr 26, 2012

    The IRA Membership Booth is your one-stop, can’t miss destination for joining IRA, renewing, or finding out more about IRA membership and journals. Take advantage of special discount membership offers and bonus gifts. Plus, enjoy presentations on what’s new in IRA’s journals and getting the most out of your member benefits. Visit the Membership Booth in McCormick Place—West Building, Hall F2, across from the Registration area. 

    Special Membership Discount for Joining or Renewing at Convention

    Member Booth

    IRA membership provides more than $600 of resources for an extremely affordable rate. If you join or renew at the Membership Booth, you can get either a Basic Membership or Online Membership for only $29! That’s only 8 ¢ a day! And it means that for $29 you can choose to receive the six issues of Reading Today in the mail as well as have access to them online. Members also have unlimited access to exclusive online content in IRA’s Members-Only Resource Area, receive a significant discount on books and convention registration, and much more. 

    Exciting Rewards and Gifts for Adding Journal Subscriptions

    You’ll also want to take advantage of special rewards for adding one or more of IRA’s three practical, peer-reviewed journals to your membership. The Reading Teacher, Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, and Reading Research Quarterly are chock-full of the latest evidence-based teaching techniques.

    Add on one or more journal subscriptions to your membership at the booth and receive $5 in “IRA Bookstore Bucks” for each journal. Redeem your “bucks” towards a purchase of books or merchandise in the IRA Bookstore at Booth #2247 in the Exhibit Hall. You can pick up free sample journals at the Membership Booth while supplies last. 

    Information-packed Presentations on Membership and Journals

    Join one of the free presentations in the Membership Booth for a unique opportunity to find out about the insightful content and new, user-friendly features in IRA’s journals—and about all the ways that membership can keep you inspired and your students energized.

    The Membership Booth is located directly across from the Registration area and has the same hours as Registration. Be sure to put a visit to the IRA Membership Booth at the top of your agenda!Presentations and question and answer sessions are scheduled for every half hour from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Monday and Tuesday and 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Wednesday. The membership booth staff is here to help you learn more about IRA and answer any questions about your current membership or journal subscriptions.




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    Get to Know the 2012 Annual Convention Authors: Geoffrey Hayes

     | Apr 25, 2012

    Otto and Uncle Tooth series, Patrick Bear series, and Benny and Penny series author and When the Wind Blew (Margaret Wise Brown) illustrator Geoffrey Hayes participates in the Graphic Novel Author Panel on Wednesday, May 2, at the IRA Annual Convention in Chicago. In this interview with Reading Today, he talks about his passion for book from an early age and how graphic novels can facilitate both verbal and visual literacy in children. 

    Geoffrey HayesReading Today: What got you interested in writing books for children?

    Geoffrey Hayes: I have always had a wild imagination. Had I written books for adults, they probably would have been Fantasy or Horror books. I have such fond recollections of my mother reading to my brother and me. It was a nightly ritual, continuing past the time when we were able to read on our own. The rhythm and cadence of the words gave me a love of good writing, and especially the particular magic of children's books. Since I'm also an artist, children's books seemed like a good marriage of my two loves.

    RT: What do consider your best book to date and why?

    GH: It's difficult to say what my best book is, having done Early Readers, Picture Books, and Graphic novels, each with their own set of challenges, but I'm going to pick my second book, The Alligator and His Uncle Tooth -- A Novel of the Sea. I love the way this one turned out. I was able to hit on the perfect voice. It contains some of my best writing and has a good mixture of adventure, whimsy and emotion. It inspired my Otto and Uncle Tooth series of Beginning Readers. Although it's been out of print for a number of years, I am currently adapting it as a Graphic Novel. 

    RT: What can attendees at IRA Chicago expect to hear from you?

    GH: As I kid I loved comic books and read them along with more traditional fiction. While my brother and I were both good readers, I believe reading comics assisted us in honing our skills. I enjoy speaking about how Comics/Graphic Novels can facilitate both verbal and visual literacy in children. I discuss elements unique to this medium that support this and explain why I find creating these kinds of books to be so rewarding.

    Read about the author and see Benny and Penny series sample pages and an online reader on the Toon Books website. For more information about the 2012 IRA Annual Convention in Chicago from April 29 to May 2, visit


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    New Members of Teacher Advisory Panel Begin Terms at IRA Chicago

     | Apr 24, 2012

    At its February board meeting the Board of Directors of the International Reading Association approved the recommendation of the Teacher Advisory Panel (TAP) Board Committee to appoint five new members to the Teacher Advisory Panel for a term to begin at convention 2012 and end at convention 2015:

    • representing the Great Lakes Region, Thomas Leis, Wisconsin
    • representing the Plains Region, Mary Lou Benesch, Nebraska
    • representing the Southeast Region, Michelle Cardaronella, Louisiana
    • representing an additional U.S. region (Great Lakes), Michael Henry, Illinois
    • representing International, Maura Rose McMahon, Ireland

    In addition, the Board appointed an additional international member to the panel, namely Margaret Muthiga of Kenya, to finish out the term of a current TAP member who is not able to continue. 

    The Teacher Advisory Panel is an advisory body to the Association. It has the opportunity to present issues of concern to the Board and to respond to issues brought forth by the Board. The Panel meets electronically through conference calls and corresponds by e-mail.

    As part of the appointment process, the Board considers the overall composition of the Panel in terms of representative diversity. A concerted effort is made to include teachers at various stages of the career cycle and to appoint at least one teacher who has less than five years of teaching experience. 

    Moreover, the Board has made a strong commitment to the IRA Teacher Advisory Panel by approving up to US$1,000 for each TAP member’s travel expenses to attend an annual information/training session at IRA’s Annual Convention. 

    For additional information about the panel visit the TAP page on the IRA website.   

    Brief introductions of the new panel members are set out below.

    Thomas LeisThomas Leis

    Great Lakes Region

    Thomas Leis teaches at Sparta Meadowview Middle School (grades 6-8), Sparta, WI. As a Library Teacher he works with students in whole class, small group and individual settings.  He also works with staff as a Differentiation Coach.

    Thomas has been teaching for 24 years. His first five years as were spent in a self-contained grade 5 setting, then 17 years in the middle school setting teaching primarily Reading and Language Arts. The past seven years he has been in the library classroom working with students and staff as a library media specialist. He spends his summers teaching Driver Education, Secondary Social Studies, and keeping the middle school open a few afternoons each week so students and parents do not run out of reading material!

    A lifelong learner, Thomas holds the following degrees and certifications: Secondary Broadfield Social Science (grades 7-12); Secondary History (grades 7-12); Driver Education; Reading Teacher (K-12); Elementary (grades 1-8); Education and Professional Development Masters; Library Media Masters; and Online Educator certification.

    When his service is concluded Thomas hopes to be remembered as a dynamic, passionate, and fun member of the Teacher Advisory Panel, who shared his love of adolescent literature with anyone who would listen.  He will work to diligently to stress the importance of developing vocabulary instruction and content reading instruction at the middle and secondary levels.  He would like his tenure in this position to exemplify the need for representation of classroom teachers at all levels of the International Reading Association.


    Mary Lou BeneschMary Lou Benesch

    Plains Region

    Mary Lou Benesch is currently teaching at Dodge Elementary School in Dodge, Nebraska, but that will change next year when Dodge merges with a neighboring school.  The new school will be called Howells-Dodge Consolidated Schools.  Plans are for the high school to be in Howells, as well as K-2. Grades 1-8 will be taught in Dodge.

    Mary Lou currently teaches Title 1, grade and grade 4 reading, and grade 5-6 social studies.  She has taught in this very small district for 16 years, first as a media specialist and then as a Title 1 teacher. Prior to that, Mary Lou taught in small Catholic schools for 4 years. She also taught for three years right out of college, before she was a stay-at-home mom to her three daughters. 

    Mary Lou holds a bachelor’s degree in elementary education from Wayne State College, a media specialist endorsement from the University of Nebraska at Kearney, and a Masters in Educational Reading Specialist from Concordia University. 

    Mary Lou hopes to do her best with the opportunities that service on the IRA Teacher Advisory Panel opens to her.


    Michelle Cardaronella

    Southeast Region

    Michelle Cardaronella currently teaches first grade at Hammond Eastside Elementary Magnet school, located in Hammond, Louisiana. It is a "School of Interest" in becoming an International Baccalaureate World School. Michelle has been a teacher of primary-age students for twenty-three years now. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education and a Master's Degree in Curriculum and Instruction, both from the University of New Orleans. She also holds an Early Childhood Generalist certificate from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.

    When Michelle looks back on her service to IRA as a member of the Teacher Advisory Panel, she hopes that she will have represented teachers across her region well. She hopes to provide the Board of Directors with insight from the classroom and her experience as a consumer of quality professional development. She also wants to inspire other talented and passionate teachers to remain in the classroom.


    Michael HenryMichael P. Henry

    U.S. At Large Member

    Michael P. Henry is a high school reading teacher and literacy coach at Reavis High School in Burbank, IL, where he has been teaching for the past seven of his eight teaching years. Michael holds a Bachelor’s Degree in English Education from the University of Illinois at Chicago, a Master’s Degree in Reading Education from St. Xavier University, and is currently enrolled as a doctoral student of Literacy Education at Northern Illinois University.

    Through his various roles, Michael feels uniquely situated to consider voices from a variety of stakeholders at a variety of levels. As a high school reading teacher, he is allowed access to the thoughts and feelings of struggling adolescent readers.  As a high school literacy coach, his collaborative work with teachers informs his thinking a great deal about how different disciplines engage in literacy practices and how experts read and write in their field. As an adjunct professor of education, he hears the reading and writing goals and expectations of future teachers and can relate them to those of the practicing teachers with whom he works. And as a doctoral student of literacy education, he understands the critical importance and difficulty of transferring literacy theory to pedagogy and practice.

    Through these various roles, Michael has been afforded the opportunity to see how what is postulated on college campuses becomes practice in high school classrooms and how that practice is received by students. Because of this, he believes that it is his responsibility as a Teacher Advisory Panel member to ensure that all voices from all levels in the field are collectively heard, as IRA’s mission is best served collectively in the field. When he looks back on his legacy as an IRA TAP member, he hopes to be remembered as the member who always kept voices from the field at the forefront of the conversation. 


    Maura Rose McMahonMaura Rose McMahon


    Maura Rose McMahon teaches reading in five primary schools in Dublin.  She has been teaching since 1994. She holds a Master's Degree in Curriculum, Teaching and Learning, a specialist in Special Education, and has completed her coursework and comprehensive exams towards a Ph.D. in Education. 

    Maura’s experience working in areas of educational disadvantage has highlighted the greater need for stakeholder cooperation and participation in teaching and learning in schools. She is now working on creating a structured mentoring system in reading which uses trained volunteers to help to offset the continued budget and staffing cutbacks in education.

    As a member of the Teacher Advisory Panel, Maura aspires to create a wider discussion about using volunteers in schools to help to foster a love of reading with all children, and facilitate authentic reading opportunities in the wider school community.


    Margaret MuthigaMargaret Muthiga


    Margaret Muthiga has served as an educator for the last 29 years, and has experience as a classroom teacher of children aged between six and fourteen years. Currently she is a senior teacher at Kilimo Primary School in Nakuru County, Kenya, serving also as the teacher in charge of the school library which she founded a couple of years ago. Margaret teaches language and social subjects. Muthiga is a college graduate, senior approved teacher grade M.

    Margaret joined the IRA local council in 2002, and became an international member of IRA in 2005. She attended IRA training workshops which have enabled her to better her teaching through the diagnostic teaching approach techniques and also to stimulate and promote development of remedial reading and to assist development of improved teacher programs. Her dream is to turn students and teachers' lives around by inspiring them to read, to learn, write with passion, and live with the purpose to shape their own quest for a meaningful life and that they in turn will go further to enlighten and empower others across the globe.

    As a TAP member, Margaret hopes to serve IRA diligently giving it her all through the experience she has gathered all these years in her capacity as a classroom teacher.


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