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IRA Membership Booth and Bookstore Events at the Annual Convention

 | Apr 26, 2012

The IRA Membership Booth is your one-stop, can’t miss destination for joining IRA, renewing, or finding out more about IRA membership and journals. Take advantage of special discount membership offers and bonus gifts. Plus, enjoy presentations on what’s new in IRA’s journals and getting the most out of your member benefits. Visit the Membership Booth in McCormick Place—West Building, Hall F2, across from the Registration area. 

Special Membership Discount for Joining or Renewing at Convention

Member Booth

IRA membership provides more than $600 of resources for an extremely affordable rate. If you join or renew at the Membership Booth, you can get either a Basic Membership or Online Membership for only $29! That’s only 8 ¢ a day! And it means that for $29 you can choose to receive the six issues of Reading Today in the mail as well as have access to them online. Members also have unlimited access to exclusive online content in IRA’s Members-Only Resource Area, receive a significant discount on books and convention registration, and much more. 

Exciting Rewards and Gifts for Adding Journal Subscriptions

You’ll also want to take advantage of special rewards for adding one or more of IRA’s three practical, peer-reviewed journals to your membership. The Reading Teacher, Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, and Reading Research Quarterly are chock-full of the latest evidence-based teaching techniques.

Add on one or more journal subscriptions to your membership at the booth and receive $5 in “IRA Bookstore Bucks” for each journal. Redeem your “bucks” towards a purchase of books or merchandise in the IRA Bookstore at Booth #2247 in the Exhibit Hall. You can pick up free sample journals at the Membership Booth while supplies last. 

Information-packed Presentations on Membership and Journals

Join one of the free presentations in the Membership Booth for a unique opportunity to find out about the insightful content and new, user-friendly features in IRA’s journals—and about all the ways that membership can keep you inspired and your students energized.

The Membership Booth is located directly across from the Registration area and has the same hours as Registration. Be sure to put a visit to the IRA Membership Booth at the top of your agenda!Presentations and question and answer sessions are scheduled for every half hour from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Monday and Tuesday and 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Wednesday. The membership booth staff is here to help you learn more about IRA and answer any questions about your current membership or journal subscriptions.




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