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  • The noted author and educator addressed an audience of teachers and administrators on the topic of changing school culture by improving the conditions of their school environment.
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    IRA and American Reading Company Present Common Core Seminar with Stephen G. Peters

     | Jun 25, 2013

    The International Reading Association recently teamed with the American Reading Company to host noted author and educator Stephen G. Peters in a seminar for school administrators in Newark, Delaware.

    American Reading Company (ARC) Senior Policy Advisor Quality Quinn welcomed the group of teachers, principals, and superintendents from regional school districts to the University of Delaware John M. Clayton Conference Center, noting that she was “thrilled to bring IRA, ARC, and Stephen Peters from The Peters Group together for this professional development event.” She also introduced Jesse Hileman, who is the ARC contact for the Philadelphia/Delaware region.

    IRA Executive Director Marcie Craig Post followed by praising the notable education researchers selected for ARC’s academic advisory board, including Stephen Peters, Richard Allington, Pedro Noguera, Alma Flor Ada, and Isabelle Campoy. She continued to explain the importance of practical, researched-based professional development for school administrators and teachers.

    IRA Executive Director Marcie Craig Post

    Stephen G. Peters

    Over his 32 years in education, Stephen G. Peters has been a classroom teacher, assistant principal, principal and director of secondary education. Most of his experiences have been in schools that made significant growth in short periods of time thus, resulting in both National and State Blue-Ribbon distinction. Stephen is founder of the nationally recognized Gentlemen’s & Ladies Club programs, which provide options for thousands of at-risk and honor students throughout the United States. He has appeared on Oprah, has presented at dozens of conferences, and has met with countless school districts. Stephen and The Peters Group have recently partnered with American Reading Company (ARC) to reach as many educators as possible.

    “Stephen Peters’ unrelenting determination to transform school cultures is inspiring. We are grateful for the opportunity to work collaboratively with Stephen and our district partners to establish the necessary conditions for transformational programs that achieve measured results,” ARC Founder and CEO Jane Hileman said in a statement announcing the partnership.

    A charismatic speaker with a wealth of practical advice learned in the field, Peters is the author of Do You Know Enough About Me To Teach Me? (The Peters Group, 2006). The book focuses on the differences between children’s lives today and when their teachers were in school and what schools can do to help them learn. His mottos “Do Something” and “No Child Left Out” are calls to change school culture so that all students rise to higher expectations.

    “We are no longer raising children; we are raising young adults. And our children are confused,” he pointed out. His data showed that main influences on children changed from parents and school in the 1950s to peers and TV/media in the 2000s.

    Stephen Peters

    What Schools Can Do

    Peters attributes much of his success, along with the 172 college offers he received due to his basketball prowess and his high GPA, to the support he received from his teachers, school leadership, and family as a young person.

    “My teacher thought I was smarter than I was, so I was,” he noted. “No one rises to low expectations.”

    His goal is to help school administrators change school culture by improving the conditions of their school environment. He helps them create “Challenge to Achieve” plans that are three goals on two pages—much shorter than many current plans schools have developed. His plans are based on three steps: 1. Capture (find out who the children are), 2. Inspire (dress for success, obtain community support, build relationships, model good behavior), and 3. Teach.

    Andrea Givens

    Dr. Andrea Givens supported Peters’ points with recent research in the field of literacy education and an overview of American Reading Company’s services for educators.

    “Common Core isn’t going anywhere,” she said, indicating that the Standards are here to stay amidst some states’ recent resistance to adopting them. She explained that the CCSS identifies three shifts in literacy education: 1. Nonfiction texts, 2. Evidence from texts (both literacy and informational texts), and 3. Complex texts with academic language.

    She quoted David Coleman, who said that a student needs to learn to “read like a detective [and] write like an investigative reporter.”

    Givens discussed Response Through Intervention (RTI) in depth, explaining that research shows that if teachers and administrators work to strengthen instruction for Tier 1, then Tiers 2 and 3 succeed more. Givens is one of the experts who supports American Reading Association teaching tools by visiting schools across the country to conduct professional development for staff and hands-on training in classrooms. She has been across the country showing instructors how to use ARC’s many products, including the Independent Reading Level Assessment Framework (IRLA) reading system, which corresponds to the Standards.

    Overall, her main point was that “teachers need to model, model, model so [their students] can follow, follow, follow.”

    Andrea Givens

    Partnering for Literacy

    Peters stated that he was proud to “partner with ARC and lend his voice to IRA.”

    “All highly successful people are avid readers,” he said. “Reading is a life-changer, a game-changer.”


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  • IRA Annual ConferenceIRA is accepting proposals for the 59th Annual Conference, running from May 9-12, 2014 at the Ernest N. Morial Center in New Orleans, Louisiana.
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    IRA Now Accepting Proposals for 59th Annual Conference

     | Jun 17, 2013

    by Mary Lynam

    Annual ConferenceThe International Reading Association is now accepting proposals for its 59th Annual Conference, running from May 9-12, 2014 at the Ernest N. Morial Center in New Orleans, Louisiana. As in past years, the IRA will proudly provide an invaluable opportunity for thousands of teachers, administrators, and researchers to share knowledge in promotion of the best literacy instruction practices. Attendees can expect enlightening presentations on a variety of topics supporting the 2014 Conference’s theme, “Reading…The Teachable Moment.”

    To submit a proposal, you must login to your profile or create a new profile at Then, enter the text of your proposal into the provided web forms. You may return to add new information or modify your entry before the submission deadline. Finalized proposals are due by 3:00 p.m. EST on July 11, 2013.

    Session Types

    Reviewed session types for the 2014 conference are listed as follows:

    • Institutes
    • Symposia
    • Workshops
    • Research Poster Sessions
    • Sessions/Spanish Sessions

    Please refer to submission guidelines for detailed information regarding purpose, duration, presenters, meeting sites, and audio-visual equipment, as specifics are unique to each type of session.

    Presentation Categories

    You must choose one of the following presentation categories for your proposal (NOTE: All categories include reading, writing, speaking, listening, and motivation):

    • Adolescent learners (ages 12 to 17)
    • Assessment
    • Beginning learners (ages 0 to 7)
    • Children’s literature
    • Common Core/State Standards
    • Elementary learners (ages 8 to 11)
    • English language learners
    • Literacy leadership
    • Literacy policy and advocacy
    • Research
    • Students with disabilities
    • Struggling learners
    • Teacher preparation/Career readiness
    • Technology
    • Title I

    Writing Proposals That Appeal to Attendees

    The titles, brief descriptions, and chosen categories of accepted proposals will appear unchanged in the Convention’s printed and online programs. Therefore, consider writing these aspects of your proposal with attendees in mind. Consider the following tips to make the most of your submission:

    • Aim for a shorter title. It’s true what they say; “sometimes less is more.” Although titles may have up to 200 characters, wordy titles can intimidate attendees. Using a condensed, descriptive title that packs a punch is more likely to catch the eyes of prospective audience members.
    • Include relevant buzzwords in your title and brief description. Since many attendees will have an idea of what they wish to learn before reaching the conference, try using jargon that aligns your presentation material with their interests. This will guide them to your presentation.
    • Strategically select your category.As attendees will be choosing sessions based on category, you should selectone that is appropriate for the scope of your presentation. By picking the category that most aptly represents your session, your audience is more likely to be satisfied with their experience.
    • Avoid using the first person in your brief description. Try writing in terms of what your intended audience wants to know. When writing your brief description, communicate clearly what your session can offer attendees. For example, instead of simply mentioning that your session will be “interactive,” try specifying how. You have up to 700 characters to convey your information.
    • As always, proofread your submission. Double checking the spellings of presenters and affiliated schools will go a long way to prevent confusion.  If you are unsure about formatting, please refer to the IRA official style guide at /StyleGuide.

    Criteria for Proposal Review and Acceptance

    Institutes, Sessions, Symposia, Workshops

    Reviewers will evaluate submissions of these session types on a scale of 1-6 based on applicability, effectiveness, differentiation, and ongoing learning. Those categories are outlined as follows:

    • Applicability: The extent to which the proposal demonstrates evidence that case studies or real-life examples will be used to illustrate lessons learned
    • Effectiveness: The extent to which the proposal demonstrates the content, strategy, or intervention (as described) has proven to raise achievement and/or improves teaching
    • Differentiated: The extent to which the proposal demonstrates how this session will help teachers meet the needs of students who learn in different ways and who come from different socioeconomic environments
    • Ongoing Learning: The extent to which the proposal demonstrates that audience members will be able to connect learning from this session with local work assignments

    Research Posters

    Evaluation criteria for research poster proposal review and acceptance are graded on a scale of 1-4. Please see the official proposal guidelines at [link] for more detailed explanations of each category listed below.

    • Significance of the topic to the literacy/research evaluation
    • Evidence base acknowledges relevant learning theories
    • Legitimacy of evidence base for proposal, whether it is recognized as high-quality by the profession
    • Quality of scholarship as judged within the research tradition
    • Quality of theoretical and conceptual rationale
    • Evidence base
    • Clarity and coherence
    • Overall quality

    Acceptance Notification

    Applicants will receive an email regarding the status of their proposals in October or November of 2013.

    Registration Fees

    Conference presenters must cover the cost of registration and all presentation expenses. However, in the case of institutes, up to 15 institute presenters get comp registration for the day of the institute and institute organizers can receive up to $350 for the costs of photocopying, mailing, and shipping materials to the location of the institute. (The deadline to request reimbursement is June 30, 2014.)

    Audio-Visual Provisions

    Please note prior to submission that the IRA will provide accepted presenters with a wired lavaliere, microphone, LCD projector, and screen. Presenters are responsible for all other equipment that they may need, e.g. computer adapter cables. Please note that you may need an adapter (or “dongle”) to convert from Mac computers to PC equipment. You also have the option of purchasing internet access and additional audio-visual equipment for their session. To learn more about available equipment, contact conventionproposals@/.


    Please contact the following email addresses with queries concerning their respective subjects:

    Mary Lynam is the strategic communications intern at the International Reading Association.


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  • Learn how to print a certificate of attendance in English or Spanish and to create a transcript of sessions and clock hours.
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    How to Obtain Conference Clock Hours or a Certificate of Attendance

     | May 01, 2013

    As you revel in the afterglow of inspiration and camaraderie from the International Reading Association (IRA) 58th Annual Convention in San Antonio, don’t forget to add one more “to-do” to your list: print your clock hours!

    Many districts require proof of conference attendance for professional development credit. To research your state’s clock hour policies, visit IRA’s clock hours information page.

    IRA offers an online clock hour interface that allows you to print a certificate of attendance in English or Spanish and/or print an official transcript of sessions you attended. Simply follow the steps below to obtain the paperwork necessary for your supervisors and administrators.

    How to Print a Certificate of Attendance

    1. Visit the IRA Annual Conference website at Click on the blue “log on and create a transcript” link next to the orange clock on the right side of the screen.


    2. On the webpage that opens, enter your badge number, first name, and last name in the fields indicated. Then click the “Next” button.


    3. On the next webpage, determine whether you’d like to print a certificate of attendance or an official transcript of your sessions for professional development. Certificates are available in English or Spanish. Click the appropriate gray button for the item you desire. For now, we will show you how to print a certificate, so we’ll click on the “Claim Certificate of Attendance (English)” button.  


    4. On the next webpage there is a brief, one-question survey about your experience in San Antonio. Please respond to this question and then click the “Next” button.


    5. The next webpage will show buttons for the three options again: “Claim Certificate of Attendance (English),” “Claim Certificate of Attendance (Spanish),” and “Claim Official Transcript for Professional Development.” It will also show a list of sessions that you already added to your transcript, if you added sessions using the clock hours interface on-site at the Convention Center or from your personal computer.

    (Since we are just printing a certificate in this example, we do not need to add sessions to our transcript at this point. We will show you how to do that in the next section of this guide.) For now, we’re just clicking the “Claim Certificate of Attendance (English)” button. 


    6. This is how the certificate will look. You can print this certificate.

    If you chose a certificate in Spanish, this is how it will look:


    How to Print a Clock Hours Transcript

    1. If you’d like to print a transcript, follow steps 1. and 2. above. At step 3., click on the “Claim Official Transcript for Professional Development” button.


    2. A webpage with a list of sessions will show. Click on the yellow tabs on the top of the list to switch days, and click on the checkboxes next to the sessions you attended each day.

    When you click a checkbox for a certian time-slot, the checkboxes next to other sessions during that time slot will “fade” so you cannot select them.

    When finished selecting sessions for all days you attended, click on the gray “Next” button at the top of the page.


    3. The next webpage shows a list of the sessions you selected and the total number of clock hours you acquired. Click on the “Claim Official Transcript for Professional Development” button to view your transcript.


    4. Your transcript will look like this. Print it for your records and/or to submit it to your supervisor.


    It’s as simple as that! If you require assistance, please contact our customer service department at CustomerService@/, 800-336-7323 (U.S. and Canada), or 302-731-1600 (International and Local).




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  • ira annual convention logoThis list of useful website links gives you quick access to key tools for your trip to the annual convention on your computer, tablet, or phone!
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    Annual Convention Quick Links

     | Apr 17, 2013

    As the International Reading Association 58th Annual Convention rapidly approaches, we thought we’d develop a list of useful links that will help you access key tools for your trip. Bookmark this page for easy access on your computer, tablet, or phone!


    Find Your Way!

    Plan Your Day!

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    Join the Conversation!

    The IRA Annual Convention will be held on April 19-22, 2013, in San Antonio, Texas. Visit the official website at for more information.



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  • IRA notebook, water bottle, change walletThe IRA Bookstore offers hot new books, bestsellers, and trusted favorites as well as new IRA-themed merchandise, including the official convention t-shirt.
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    New Merchandise and More at the IRA Bookstore

     | Apr 15, 2013

    No IRA annual convention is complete without at least one stop at the IRA Bookstore. The store offers hot new books, bestsellers, and trusted favorites as well as new IRA-themed merchandise, including the official convention t-shirt.

    Extended Hours

    The IRA Bookstore, located in the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center’s Bridge Hall (across from the Membership Booth), will be open starting Friday, April 19. The 2013 hours are:

    • Friday, April 19 – 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
    • Saturday, April 20 – 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
    • Sunday, April 21 – 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
    • Monday, April 22 – 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.


    Discounts and Free Gifts

    Get there early: Friday is the only day that the IRA Bookstore will offer discounts on a limited quantity of specially selected books.

    Throughout the rest of the convention, all regularly priced books will be sold at member price—a 20% discount—and attendees will get a free gift with every purchase (while supplies last).

    T-Shirts, Water Bottles, Notebooks, and More

    IRA notebook, water bottle, change wallet

    IRA post-its, pens, mug

    The official 2013 convention t-shirt will be revealed when the IRA Bookstore opens on Friday, April 19. This will be the first chance to purchase the t-shirt as well as other IRA merchandise, including:
    • Pens
    • Notebooks
    • Mugs
    • Change purses
    • Water bottles
    • Sticky note sets

    Bookstore Bucks

    Don’t forget to redeem Bookstore Bucks, offered for joining, renewing, or upgrading your IRA membership and journal subscription at the Membership Booth and found in the IRA Coupon Booklet in your registration bag. The IRA Coupon Booklet includes $5 in Bookstore Bucks—that’s an automatic $5 off a purchase of $15 or more.

    Shorter Lines

    This year the IRA Bookstore will offer Express Checkout for customers with three items or less who are paying with credit cards.

    Ship It Through Order Express

    Buying too much to carry home? Place your IRA book order through Order Express to enjoy free shipping and avoid sales tax.

    New Books

    New books at this year’s IRA Bookstore include:
    • Theoretical Models and Processes of Reading, Sixth Edition
      Donna E. Alvermann, Norman J. Unrau, Robert B. Ruddell, Editors
    • The Common Core: Teaching K–5 Students to Meet the Reading Standards
      Maureen McLaughlin, Brenda J.Overturf
    • The Common Core: Teaching Students in Grades 6–12 to Meet the Reading Standards
      Maureen McLaughlin,Brenda J. Overturf
    • Quality Reading Instruction in the Age of Common Core Standards
      Susan B. Neuman, Linda B. Gambrell, Editors
    • Comprehension Instruction Through Text-Based Discussion
      Linda Kucan, Annemarie Sullivan Palincsar
    • The Comprehension Instruction Through Text-Based Discussion
      Linda Kucan, Annemarie Sullivan Palincsar
    • The Literacy Jigsaw Puzzle: Assembling the Critical Pieces of Literacy Instruction
      Beverly Tyner
    • Common Core English Language Arts in a PLC at Work™ Series
      Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey (Copublished with Solution Tree Press)
    • Teaching Vocabulary to English Language Learners
      Michael F. Graves, Diane August, Jeannette Mancilla-Martinez (Copublished with Teachers College Press, Center for Applied Linguistics, and TESOL)

    Author Signings

    Meet your favorite IRA authors at these book signings located in the IRA Bookstore: 

    • Saturday, April 20 at 10:30 a.m. – Douglas Buehl
    • Saturday, April 20 at 11:30 a.m. – Valerie Ellery
    • Saturday, April 20 at 12:30 p.m. – Regie Routman
    • Saturday, April 20 at 2:30 p.m. – Susan Neuman and Linda Gambrell
    • Saturday, April 20 at 3:30 p.m. – Linda Kucan and Annemarie Palincsar
    • Sunday, April 21 at 10:00 a.m. – Beverly Tyner
    • Sunday, April 21 at 11:00 a.m. – Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and Diane Lapp
    • Sunday, April 21 at 12:00 p.m. – Maureen McLaughlin and Brenda Overturf
    • Sunday, April 21 at 2:30 p.m. – Lori Oczkus

    The IRA 58th Annual Convention runs from April 19 to 22, 2013, in San Antonio, Texas. Visit the iPlanner Program Grid and Event Search for session dates, times, and details. Visit the official convention website at for information about additional offerings and events or to register.



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