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  • As a teacher, it is essential to share your reading life with your students. It's important to lead by example, showing students that reading is fun and an important aspect of daily life. It's about creating a reading culture in the classroom that extends beyond the four walls. And, it's crucial that students learn that reading is a social activity too.

    I wish I could eat, breathe, and smell books all day long. I seem to know a few friends who enjoy this lifestyle. But how in the world can a busy mom/teacher keep up with the latest and greatest books? And what about keeping track of all the books I read or the books I can't wait to read?

    Social networking sites are taking over the Internet and I will admit, I spend the majority of my online time checking Twitter, Pinterest, and educator blogs. Several times a day, I also visit Goodreads: the next best thing to chatting with your friends about the latest book that you read and you're dying to share!
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    A Guide to Goodreads

    by Michelle Nero
     | Jun 13, 2012
    To teach a reader means you have to be a reader.

    As a teacher, it is essential to share your reading life with your students. It's important to lead by example, showing students that reading is fun and an important aspect of daily life. It's about creating a reading culture in the classroom that extends beyond the four walls. And, it's crucial that students learn that reading is a social activity too.

    I wish I could eat, breathe, and smell books all day long. I seem to know a few friends who enjoy this lifestyle. But how in the world can a busy mom/teacher keep up with the latest and greatest books? And what about keeping track of all the books I read or the books I can't wait to read?

    Social networking sites are taking over the Internet and I will admit, I spend the majority of my online time checking Twitter, Pinterest, and educator blogs. Several times a day, I also visit Goodreads: the next best thing to chatting with your friends about the latest book that you read and you're dying to share!

    A Reading Community

    Goodreads is a social networking site that allows you, the reader, the opportunity to:
    1. Follow reading friends and see what books they are reading
    2. Keep track of the books you have read by creating virtual bookshelves
    3. Share the books you are currently reading
    4. Keep track of the books in your To-Be-Read (TBR) pile
    5. Set personal reading goals for the year

      Figure 1: Reading Accountability—I need to pick up the reading pace!


    6. Rate a book, write a review, and comment on books

      Figure 2: "Edit My Review"


    7. Look for recommendations based on the books you have read

      Figure 3: Recommendations by Shelf, Genre, and Friends


    8. Compare your reading lists with other readers
    9. Follow authors' reviews and blogs
    10. Enter giveaways
    11. Create book discussion groups
    12. And so much more! (For more information, see "How It Works.")
    Classroom Connections

    I realize that most of us already spend way too much time with our eyes glued to screens. And I'm sure you're wondering, "With so many social media options available, why should I add another site to my rotation?" I get it. (No, really. I completely understand.)

    But, I also understand the power of Goodreads in my classroom. Goodreads is the cornerstone of my reading community. I can easily walk into my local library and select books off a shelf that I think I might enjoy and want to share with students. But there are so many books from which to choose! Now I can find out what other great teachers are reading and sharing in their classrooms just by following the update feed. That way, I learn about books that I may never have picked up—and all because my reading friends are talking about them on Goodreads.

    As a teacher creating a reading community in my classroom, I want to be able to share all kinds of books to meet the needs, interests, and curiosities of my students. And guess what? Once you start talking books, the students start talking books. Now more students are reading more books, new authors, different genres, and series of books. The conversation around books becomes a daily ritual. Talking about books increases the appreciation of books, and students also develop a deeper understanding of what they read.

    So, what are you waiting for?

    Signing Up

    As with any social networking site, you need to sign up. Create a free account with your name, email, and a password.

    Find the search catalog located in the top center of the webpage and start searching for books that you have read, books that you want to read, or books that you are currently reading.

    Organizing Your Books

    A book can be added to your current default bookshelves by hovering over the "add to my books" button. The default bookshelves will pop up: read, currently-reading, and to-read. If you would like to create another bookshelf to tag or label a book to help with the organization of all your books, click on the "add to my books" button and a pop-up window will be displayed. Now you have the opportunity to select an additional bookshelf or add a new bookshelf/tag. This pop up window allows you to rate a book, write a review, and more. (See Figure #2.) Share your title on the Goodreads update feed and on Twitter.

    I love creating bookshelves to organize all the books I read. I have created basic bookshelves, including: picture books, middle grade (MG) books, young adult (YA) books. In addition, I have an abandoned bookshelf with titles I started reading, but did not finish; an audio bookshelf; a mentor text bookshelf; and a professional development bookshelf. You can also shelve (or tag) your books on multiple bookshelves.

    Reading Friends

    Next up, you need to find some reading friends to swap and share and gush over books together. This is the ultimate reason to be a part of the Goodreads reading community.

    There are so many awesome and resourceful teachers, librarians, and authors who are all readers sharing great titles, new books, and classics from picture books to middle grades to young adult and professional reads. (As a reminder, all of the following reading friends are also on Twitter and blog about reading and books.) Goodreads is just another way to grow your professional learning network (PLN) exponentially!

    A few reading friends you may consider following to get you started:
    • Alyson Beecher—A principal, reader and reviewer of children's, middle grade and young adult books at Kid Lit Frenzy. Her passion is encouraging her students to get excited about books and reading.
    • Laura Given—K-8 Library Media Specialist who is an avid reader and leader of the Nerdcott Challenge. Her goal is to read every Caldecott Medal winner and honor book this year.
    • Donalyn Miller—A reader, teacher, and author of THE BOOK WHISPERER: AWAKENING THE INNER READER IN EVERY CHILD. She is a proud member and co-founder of the Nerdy Book Club (not to mention an avid Tweeter!).
    • John Schumacher—Need a book suggestion? Ask Mr. Schu! He uses book trailers to help put the right book in every reader's hand. He's a K-5 teacher-librarian who reads every book in sight. Seriously, he has logged over 6,000 books on Goodreads.
    • Colby Sharp—A fourth grade teacher and fervent reader who is crazy wild about books! (Check out this video for proof!) He's also a co-founder of the Nerdy Book Club blog.
    • Katherine Sokolowski—A fifth grade teacher that is passionate about reading and has been known to provide book suggestions anywhere, even at her local pool that is located in the same town she teaches.
    • Jen Vincent and Kellee Moye—Both are teachers and enthusiastic readers who blog about books to promote literacy @ Teach Mentor Texts.
    What's Next?

    Your next step is to read. Be the reader to inspire your students. Be the reader to share a book with a student because "I thought of you when I read this book." Be the reader who can't wait to read this book aloud to your class. Be the reader who creates a community of readers who talk about books because reading is social.

    Maybe you are participating on Twitter in the summer #bookaday challenge created by Donalyn Miller, or following the notorious #titletalk chats (last Sunday of the month at 8 PM EST) with Donalyn and Colby Sharp. If so, you will want NEED Goodreads to keep track of all the great title recommendations shared!

    Teachers can create a class account on Goodreads to keep a log of the books read together over the course of a year. It's amazing to see your booklists grow, not to mention showing your students the true power of the reading community you created! You can also add a widget to your class blog to share the books you're reading with families and other classrooms.

    Another little secret: I keep two tabs open in my browser, Goodreads and my public library. If a book is recommended via Twitter or Goodreads, I click over to my public library's page and reserve it for pick up immediately. Sometimes the book is too new and not yet published or available at my library, but I still mark it on my Goodreads account "to read." I will continually check back with my library, until finally, the book is "in processing." If I'm lucky enough, I'm usually the first patron to check out newly published books.

    Ahhh…to crack open a new book—the binding still stiff, the pages still crisp, the words waiting to be read. And then shared with others!

    Happy reading this summer! I hope to talk book titles with you on Goodreads!

    Michelle Nero is a reading specialist at a K-5 elementary school in the northwest suburbs of Chicago, Illinois. She has been teaching for 12 years and has been a member of the IRA for just as many. As she continues to engage in learning, she professionally tweets (@litlearningzone) and writes about teaching and practicing her craft on her blog (Literacy Learning Zone). Michelle is reading, writing, and reflecting to be the best she can be in the classroom, all the while balancing life at home with a supportive husband and two year old twin daughters. As she says, "Balancing is oh-so-difficult and oh-so-important!"

    © 2012 Michelle Nero. Please do not reproduce in any form, electronic or otherwise.
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    Laughing Out Loud! Book Reviews

     | Jun 13, 2012

    From a quiet smile to a laugh out loud guffaw, who doesn’t like to laugh? Sometimes laughter means surprise. It is often said  “laughter is the best medicine.” Laughter makes us feel good. Interestingly, from HowStuffWorks 2, “Laughter is actually a complex response that involves many of the same skills used in solving problems.” This month’s column from the International Reading Association's Children’s Literature and Reading Special Interest Group (CL/R SIG) is about humor. Kids love funny books so this list is designed to help teachers find some new laughs for their classrooms. In addition, watch for Last Laughs; animal epitaphs (Charlesbridge 2012) coming in July by Children’s Poet Laureate J. Patrick Lewis and Jane Yolen for more smiles. Teachers may also want to add to their professional collections for background on some of the great children’s humor authors, Funny Business; Conversations with Writers of Comedy (Candlewick, 2009) by Leonard S. Marcus.

    Teachers will enjoy the ReadWriteThink podcast of “Tickle Your Funnybone” or for older students, looking for the humor in newspaper articles through the eyes of Erma Bombeck

    GRADES K-3

    Buzzeo, Toni. (2012) One Cool Friend.  Pictures by David Small. New York: Dial Books for Young Readers. 

    One Cool FriendElliot’s somewhat eccentric, green plaid suit wearing father invites him to Family Fun Day at the aquarium. Prim and proper Elliot is actually not enthusiastic about going but agrees to accompany his father and politely says “thank you for inviting me.”  In trying to escape the crowds, Elliot discovers the penguins and is immediately impressed with their black tuxedo look and their proper postures. Totally taken in by the penguins, Elliot asks his father if he can have one to take home. Oblivious to what Elliot is really asking, father agrees. So hidden away in Elliot’s backpack is the newly acquired penguin he names Magellan. Once they get home, the fun begins as Elliot turns their mansion of a house into a home for a penguin, including lying around on bags of ice, flipping goldfish crackers into his mouth, skating on the ice rink Elliot makes in one of the bedrooms with the air conditioner and a water hose. Follow David Small’s use of white and blue to create an Arctic-like color palette for background. The reader will be glued (“frozen?”) to the illustrations, creative layout and typography as the penguins’ antics unfold living in a real house. For a reader’s theater script and curriculum and activity kit, visit the author’s website: A sly little way to incorporate some library research waits!

    - Karen Hildebrand, Library and Reading Consultant

    Going, K. L. (2012). Dog in charge. Illus. by Dan Santat. New York: Dial. 

    Dog in ChargeAs do most canines, Dog savors his family’s words of praise whenever he does something good. Plus, the dog treats they use as rewards are mighty savory themselves. But everything falls apart when he is left in charge while his human family goes to the store. As he makes plans for the family’s five cats to sit and stay where they are, lined up sedately on the couch until the door closes, he causes havoc, startling the felines and making quite a mess. When he drags out their cat treats as an enticement, he ends up eating them and falls asleep in exhaustion.  His feline friends save the day by cleaning up everything. Pet lovers will adore this story since its creators clearly draw from their own experiences with the mischievous habits of felines and canines, especially when their human companions are away. The cartoon-like illustrations of cats lapping up milk, looking in mirrors, leaping from clothes hampers, knocking over flowerpots, and then curling up next to dog are delightful. Despite his best efforts, it isn’t Dog that is in charge of anything. 

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman

    Jeffers, Oliver. (2012). The Hueys in The New Sweater. New York: Philomel. 

    The Hueys in The New SweaterApparently cast from the same mold, not only do all the Hueys look the same, but they sound and act just alike. When Rubert show a little free thinking by knitting and wearing a bright orange sweater, he stands out from the others. Although most of the other Hueys criticize him for being different, another Huey, Gillespie joins him, starting a trend. All of a sudden, orange sweaters are cool, and Rupert comes up with another idea in order to show his originality. The pencil illustrations bring the book's simple message about daring to be a little bit different home. The text and illustrations contain subtle aspects that show the herd-like thinking of the Hueys; for instance, several scenes show one Huey using a microphone to keep them all in line while praising their sameness. Not only is it healthy to embrace one’s uniqueness, but it can be fun to baffle others about what come next. 

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman

    Mack, Jeff. (2012). Good news bad news. San Francisco: Chronicle Books. 

    Good News Bad NewsBunny and Mouse are two friends with very different perspectives on life, and their attitudes are evident on a picnic they take. Ever the optimist, Bunny tends to see the bright side of life while the pessimistic Mouse sees only the bad in situations. For Bunny, things will keep getting better, and for Mouse, they will only get worse. The author only uses four words ("Good news! Bad news!") in the story, but he uses those four words quite effectively. In the end, Mouse frightens Bunny so badly that the two friends will have to switch roles, and he will have to bring good news to Bunny. The clever use of simple words, the book’s characters, which will remind readers of individuals they know, and the mixed media illustrations all combine for a fun-filled read. 

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman

    Macleod, Mark. (2012). Wrong way. Illus. by Judieth Rossell. Tulsa, OK: Kane Miller. 

    Wrong WayA little duckling, named Wrong Way, likes to do things differently from his mother and siblings. For example, he sometimes forgets to listen or pay attention when his mother is talking. No child would ever do this—right? This is a perfect read aloud for young children because they will smile and giggle as they hear about little ducks antics. Mother duck decides to teach her ducklings how to swim. All of her other children flip-flop along behind her in a nice straight line, but not Wrong Way. He sits down in the middle of the path and says he wants to be carried. Later Wrong Way detours into the bushes for a big juicy snail and then stops to play in a puddle. Finally, at the pond the mother gives a quick swimming lesson and the ducklings paddle away, except for Wrong Way. He quacks, flaps, summersaults and splashes into the water. Some ducklings (and kids) just do things differently! 

    - Deanna Day, Washington State University Vancouver

    Sadler, Marilyn. (2012) Pass it on! Illustrations by Michael Slack. Blue Apple. 

    Pass it OnWhen Cow gets stuck in a fence and calls for help, Bee is quick to help and spreads the word that Cow is in trouble. From Bee to frog to kitten and mouse and more, somehow the message gets mangled and a totally different concept is getting spread around the barnyard. Illustrations and speech bubbles add to the urgency but continue to spread the misinformation. Reading this book aloud is sure to bring laughs and have kids begging to play the “telephone” game. Or teachers can get their electronic white boards ready and use with the interactive The Telephone Game at Reading is Fundamental. In addition, there is an app for that.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Library and Reading Consultant

    Sauer, Tammi. (2012). Bawk and roll. Illus. by Dan Santat. Toronto, Canada. Sterling Publishing.

    Bawk & RollTwo hens, Marge and Lola, are touring with superstar singer Elvis Poultry as dancers. At their first concert when the lights go down and the curtains go up the two hens tremble and wiggle their wattles. They have never seen such a large crowd and they faint from fear. Later Elvis tells them the next gig will be better, “Just chill, chicks.” Marge and Lola decide to picture the crowd in their underwear, but unfortunately the next shows are the same and the chicken dancers chicken out. The hens try different things to calm their jitters from knitting to meditating to painting. Elvis tells them that if they can’t rock, he is going solo. The bewildered chickens aren’t sure what is wrong until some familiar friends attend one of their concerts. Having a fan club in the audience helps them face the barnyard crowd. Children will definitely be able to relate to how these two hens feel. The colorful illustrations and the chicken talk will give everyone something to talk about too.

    - Deanna Day, Washington State University Vancouver

    Stoeke, Janet Morgan. (2012). Pip’s trip. New York: Dial. 

    Pip's TripIn another installment of the Loopy Coop Hens series, the hens, especially Pip, long for adventure and to see what the rest of the world is like. When they notice a red truck in the yard, Pip bravely climbs aboard, but the others make excuses for why they can’t join her.  Pip’s courage deserts her, and despite her yearning for adventure, she, too, grows frightened by the truck's noisy engine, and hides under a blanket in the truck bed until the noise stops. Exhausted from the trip, Pip steps down once the engine is silent and regales the other hens with her experiences. However, although Pip has had an adventure, it's not quite the one she imagined since the truck never went anywhere. The simple text and brightly hued illustrations portray barnyard animal fun along with a hint of wisdom about the adventures that lie in everyone’s backyard. 

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman

    Tricarico, Christine. (2012). Cock-A-doodle dance! Illus. by Rich Deas. New York: Feiwel and Friends/ Macmillan. 

    Cock-a-Doodle Dance!At a gloomy, grouchy farm in Texas the animals work overtime and life has lost its charm. Another words it is “Cock-a-Doodle DULL!” One day the rooster begins to jitterbug, shimmy and scream, “Cock-a-Doodle DANCE!” And that is exactly what the barn animals do. The milking cows, chickens, pigs and goats doodle-dance round the clock. They pivot, pounce and prance, neglecting their farm work. Eventually the animals come to their senses because the chickens’ eggs are scrambled and the cattles’ buttermilk is curdled. The rooster makes the decision that the farm animals must complete their barnyard jobs during the day and wait to doodle-dance at dusk. Throughout the picture book the dance vocabulary words are highlighted in color and bold lettering. The end pages contain the definitions of each dance term from polka to hula. This book will certainly get children jumping the jitterbug or skipping the two-step. 

    - Deanna Day, Washington State University Vancouver

    GRADES 3-6 

    Fleischman, Paul. (2012)  The Dunderheads behind bars.  Illustrated by David Roberts. Candlewick Press.

    The Dunderheads Behind BarsStart your summer with this new Dunderheads (2009) adventure and sequel. School is out and the Dunderheads think they are finished with their evil teacher Miss Breakbone … but not to be! Not only have the kids signed up to be extras on a movie being filmed in their town, but also so has Miss Breakbone. Ugh! Meanwhile, a cat burglar has been breaking into houses in the neighborhood and when a particular necklace turns up missing, Miss Breakbone accuses Spider of the theft because of his amazing climbing skills. Convincing her brother, the police chief no less, that Spider is capable of this crime, he is thrown in jail. Einstein and the kids create a plot to get him out. The narrator of the story, as before, is Einstein. Fleishman has named his characters after their unique skill sets: Clips, Wheels, Spitball, Junkyard, Spider and Einstein. Roberts’s watercolor and pen and ink illustrations add to the humor of these characters. When they try to create a way to get him out that involves all of their special skills, it fails. Plan B, however works and the fun begins anew. Keep up with this Newbery award-winning author at

    - Karen Hildebrand, Library and Reading Consultant

    Foley, Lizzie. (2012)  Remarkable.  New York: Dial Books for Young Readers.

    RemarkableA remarkable new book from debut author Lizzie Foley about ten-year old Jane Doe from the town of Remarkable where everyone is gifted or extraordinary in some way … except Jane. She is the only child in town who does not attend the School for the Remarkably Gifted until the raucous Grimlet twins enroll after being expelled from the Gifted School. Now add in some very interesting characters who have come to town like the pirates Rojo Herring, Jeb, Ebb and Flotsam or other colorful locals like Mrs.Belphonia-Champlain and her dog Asta Magnifica or the psychic pizza maker and the lake monster (cousin to the Loch Ness monster?). The adventure begins when the composer for the bell tower goes missing, in addition to the ropes for the bells. Lots of crazy characters create the laughter in this whimsical town of talents. Only Jane’s grandfather, John Doe, helps her bring it all into focus and reveals a secret that helps Jane feel good about herself and her town. Get to know this new author at her website:

    - Karen Hildebrand, Library and Reading Consultant

    McKay, Hilary. (2012). Caddy’s world. New York: Simon & Schuster/McElderry Books.

    Caddy's WorldIn the sixth title in this series about the Casson family, Caddy and her siblings try their father’s patience while their mother is in the hospital with a new baby born prematurely. She has a penchant for naming her children after colors since she has an artistic eye, but this baby has no name yet since it may not survive. Twelve-year-old Caddy and her younger siblings Saffy and Indigo do their best to keep things running smoothly at home, but things are a mess. Their father is clueless about how to handle them for any extended amount of time, and their decision to bury their stuffed bear in the backyard graveyard results in poor Dad having to search for the animal in the middle of the night when they change their minds. Amid all the family mishaps, Caddy's world is shaken to the core, both because of the baby and because her three best friends are changing. Although there are heartbreaking passages concerning Beth's food restriction and use of the so-called “Norman diet” to stay small enough to ride her pony, there are also amusing ones that describe her gorging on Mars bars, candy that makes her sick. Handsome but careless Dingbat, the class Lothario, provides comic relief as he dates three of the girls at the same time and breaks up with them through a messenger. This book is balm for wounded hearts while providing hilarious examples of the imperfections of other families.

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman

    Reich, Suzanna. (2012). Minette’s feast: The delicious story of Julia Child and her cat. Illus. by Amy Bates. New York: Abrams Books for Young Readers. 

    Minette's FeastThis yummy and hilarious introduction to chef, Julia Child focuses on her cat, Minette. Despite the fact that Minette could smell and taste all the dishes Julia tried out when she lived in France, the feline preferred mice over most of Julia’s early culinary efforts. Minette's antics and personality are amusing, her preference for mice over many of Julia's creations. The author's use of Julia's actual words, including some French, adds to the story's flavor. Minette finally comes to appreciate Julia’s cooking after waiting days for a taste. So much does she relish the treat that she even rolls all over the leftover bone. The pencil and watercolor illustrations are quite appealing as are the savory words the author uses to describe Julia's transition from ordinary cook to an extraordinary one. Readers can learn about the interesting lives of Julia and her husband Paul in the back matter. An Author's Note explains how the author crafted this story of such an unusual woman. Filled with descriptions of Paris and "delicious smells of mayonnaise, hollandaise, cassoulets, cheese souffles, and duck pates wafting from the pots and pans" (unpaged), this is a delectable, amusing, and cleverly written book. 

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman

    Rosenthal, Amy Krouse. (2012). Wumbers. Illus. by Tom Lichtenheld. San Francisco: Chronicle Books. 

    WumbersThis gr8t book is filled with word and number play 4 those who never get tired of the originality and cleverness of its cre8tors. Although there is no real storyline here, the pages are filled with words that rely on letters and numbers to communicate. Readers will shake their heads, laugh and cer10ly try their hands at cre8ing a few of these on their own after reading examples such as these tuba instructions from a teacher to her student to "Tigh10 your mouth...then 4ce out the air" (unpaged). Although some of the letter and number partnerships are harder than others and not as easily noticed; for instance, "I think you'll sur5" (unpaged), they make sense with a little practice. Even the endnotes with philosophical ponderings about “what the path is 2 true enligh10ment” and dedication contain these wumbers, combinations of letters and words for the creative-minded. The ink and PanPastel illustrations are just as delightful as the text. Readers will clamor for more. 

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman

    GRADES 9-12

    Rosoff, Meg. (2012). There is no dog. New York: Putnam Juvenile. 

    There is No DogThis title imagines that God is a teenage boy named Bob, who is hard to like because he is self-absorbed, lazy, and intent on bedding as many females as he possibly can. There are Biblical references about the creation of the heavens and the earth interspersed with the storyline, which involves the indolent Bob who spots the voluptuous but virginal Lucy, who works at the city zoo, and decides he must have her. This bothers his assistant, the long-suffering Mr. B, who does most of Bob’s work. From centuries of experience, he knows that Bob’s love affairs with mortals never end well. Earth suffers each time as natural disasters follow in the wake of his romances. But this time, Bob is sure that Lucy is the one with whom he wants to spend the rest of his life. Or is she? Not only do ponderings about the nature of God elevate this one from most of today’s titles, but readers who can ignore their annoyance at the nature of God as a teenager will chortle at the spot-on depiction of an adolescent who doesn’t remember to pick up after himself being in charge of the world. Patient readers may glean a bit of hope for the future, not to mention laughing at some of the book's characters and the situations in which they find themselves. 

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman

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    Young Adult Book Review: Jake and Lily

     | Jun 12, 2012

    by Judith Hayn

    Spinelli, Jerry.  (2012).  Jake and Lily.  New York, NY: Little, Brown, and Co.  

    Jake and LilyJerry Spinelli, the master of middle school-aged mayhem, returns with plot and characters designed for sheer reading fun. Jake and Lily are fraternal twins who have always been able to read each other’s thoughts and sense when the other needs rescue. The summer before their sixth grade year, this sense, nicknamed “goombla,” by the close siblings seems to disappear. Jake spends his days with a gang of guys called the Death Rays led by budding bully Bumpy; they ride bikes while seeking goobers (misfits) to annoy and ridicule.

    Lily is lost and alone without her best buddy. Fortunately, the twins have patient parents and an understanding grandfather who decides to live near them after traveling the globe for years. Poppy provides the common sense Lily needs as he gently encourages her to forge a life without Jake in it. In the meantime, Jake struggles with his own conscience when terrorizing of a new kid in town turns to vandalism.

    Now that they have struggled through their separate journeys, documented as Poppy suggests in journals, the twins narrate chapters in alternating voices. The reader is thus somewhat assured that the end will be satisfying, but the trip is exciting and suspenseful—another Spinelli hit for all libraries for young adolescents with its themes of family and friendship. 

    Dr. Judith A. Hayn is an Associate Professor at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock.

    This article is part of a series from the International Reading Association's Special Interest Group Network on Adolescent Literature (SIGNAL).

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    TILE-SIG Featured Blog: DMLcentral collaborative blog

     | Jun 08, 2012

    by W. Ian O'Byrne

    As the Internet increasingly becomes the dominant text of our society, we have the ability to take advantage of new opportunities to read and write with a global audience. Through the use of blogs we can read and share multimodal information on a variety or topics, for a variety of purposes. For example, I require my pre-service teachers to maintain a reflective blog in several of our classes, and as a result I try to maintain my own blog. I also daily read several dozen blogs by aggregating them in Google Reader and reading them on my computer, phone, and iPad using a tool like Feedly

    One blog that pops to the top of my Feedly list daily is the collaborative work of the Digital Media and Learning Research Hub. The focus of the work of the research hub is on “analyzing and interpreting the impact of the Internet and digital media on education, civic engagement, and youth.” The work of the research group, and initiatives like the DMLcentral blog are supported by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation’s Digital Media and Learning Initiative

    The DMLcentral collaborative blog features a panel of a fascinating blend of leaders in the fields of literacy, technology, and education. This collaboration results in an eclectic mix of various topics. These include new and digital literacies, open education, critical literacy, social media, etc. DMLcentral has a very healthy subscription of readers, many of which comment regularly. The end result is a community of learners and researchers focusing on the core values of the Digital Media and Learning Research Hub. This blog is resource that I frequently use to inspire my own thinking when considering the authentic and effective use of technology in the classroom. 


    W. Ian O'Byrne is an assistant professor in the Department of Education at the University of New Haven. You can follow him on Twitter (@wiobyrne), at Google+, or contact him at

    This article is part of a series from the Technology in Literacy Education Special Interest Group (TILE-SIG).

    <a href="http://engage./TeachertoTeacher/Directory/CommunityDetails11/CommunityDet ails111/">
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    Summer Reading: Books about Road Trips and Sunny Activities

     | Jun 06, 2012

    With school finishing soon, summer is upon us. The summer months are a wonderful time to rest, relax, and read a fun book. Summer is also a time when families spend time outdoors--traveling to the beach, camping in the woods, visiting relatives or staying at home. This week members the International Reading Association's Children's Literature and Reading Special Interest Group (CL/R SIG) share books that talk about summer activities. These titles could be included in a newsletter home to encourage reading till fall. 

    GRADES K-1

    Fineman, Kelly Ramsdell. (2012). At the boardwalk. Illus. by Monica Armino. Wilton, CT.:Tiger Tales.

    At the BoardwalkEveryone enjoys a day at the beach and the fun of the boardwalk and that is exactly what this picture book debut by Kelly Fineman offers. The book starts with a jog in the morning and jumps right into all the activity that goes with arcade games, cotton candy, people in crowds and the bustle of boardwalk sights. We see all the employees busy at their jobs within the fun day in the sun. The sun-filled illustrations by Monica Armino portray the passage of the day as the sun moves from side to side through the book. Even a quick rainstorm allows for playing in the rain at the boardwalk. The simple language of rhyming verse takes readers through the fun all day. 

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant

    Jenkins, Ward. (2012). New York, Baby! San Francisco: Chronicle Books.

    New York, Baby!Summer is the time for expanding our horizons, and travel is one way to do this. For small children, a trip through a familiar neighborhood or to another, unfamiliar part of the city can be a great vacation. This brief but visually and textually appealing book shows one boy’s perspective on the delights of New York City, arguably the most famous city on this continent. Amid the bustle of the cosmopolitan city, it’s all about the food as he consumes a bagel, a sandwich, and ice cream while his mother strolls him about the city. As do many tourists, the two make stops at the Metropolitan Museum, City Park, Broadway, and the Empire State Building. Clearly, New York City is just fine for this baby. The pencil and digitally painted illustrations show the city at its best. 

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman

    Jenkins, Ward. (2012). San Francisco, Baby! San Francisco: Chronicle Books. 

    San Francisco, Baby!It would be difficult to argue against taking a trip to San Francisco with its well-traveled tourist spots, including Alcatraz, the Golden Gate Bridge, Fisherman's Wharf, the cable cars, Lombard Street, and Chinatown, among others. San Francisco’s cityscape is seen from a child’s point of view as an exuberant little girl wanders the city with her father, sampling the sights, sounds, and flavors of this city by the bay. The simple rhyming text is fun to read aloud, and the illustrations, created with pencil and then digitally painted, feature much food sampling amid the sightseeing. Parents might want to share this with little ones prior to their first trip away from home since it makes traveling and getting to know a new city look like so much fun. 

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman

    Konagaya, Kiyomi. (2012). Beach Feet. Illus. by Masamitsu Saito. Brooklyn, N.Y.:Enchanted Lion Books.

    Beach FeetTranslated from the Japanese, Beach Feet is definitely a tactile experience through words. A young child that the reader does not know if boy or girl, experiences the hot, hot sand which the ocean water cools after plunging into the waves. The hard feel of seashells, the squishy feel of wet sand, the heat of hard sun-baked beach sand, combined with the splash of waves combine to give this book a real sensory experience. Artist Saito’s pastel illustrations enhance the feel of the words to recreate the colors of the beach world. This quiet story evokes the pleasures of being near the ocean in a “wordful” sensory approach. 

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant

    Lee, Anne. (2012). When you are camping. Tulsa, OK: Kane Miller. 

    When You Are CampingHave you ever woken up to rain when you are camping? Well, Hazel and Tilly don’t mind because they put on their raincoats and boots to splash in the puddles, run down the paths in the woods, stomp through the wet grass and lay down in the mud. Eventually the rain stops and the caterpillars, moths and rabbits come out for them to observe and play with. Simple ink drawings and watercolor paintings show how much these two sisters adore being outside. When it is hot they float down a river in tubes and take a bath with the fish. After dinner the family goes for a walk in the woods and watches a deer. Later everyone gathers around the campfire for popcorn and stories. At bedtime the crickets sing Tilly and Hazel to sleep reminding them how much camping is.

    - Deanna Day, Washington State University Vancouver

    Yee, Wong Herbert. (2012). Summer days and nights. New York: Christy Ottaviano Books/Henry Holt.

    Summer Days and NightsThis picture book is small in shape and perfect to hold, cuddle and enjoy on a summer day. The simple verse makes it easy to read, “Summer days, so warm and bright, paint my room in morning light.” A little girl stretches, yawns and wakes up with the sun shining through her open window. Thus begins her adventure filled day where she tip toes through a meadow, tries to catch a butterfly, sits beneath an oak tree, jumps into a pool and observes a bumblebee. Later, her family goes on a picnic to the park where her father gives her a piggy-back ride and they play hide and seek. At bedtime it is too hot to sleep so the father takes the little girl outside to watch a barn owl in a tree, blinking fireflies and the moonlit sky. Finally, the little girl’s eyelids droop and she is ready to dream. This title is part of a series on seasons: Tracks in the snow and Who likes rain? 

    - Deanna Day, Washington State University Vancouver

    GRADES 2-4

    Monroe, Mary Alice. (2007). Turtle summer: A journal for my daughter. Illus. by Barbara J. Bergwerf. Mt. Pleasant, SC: Sylvan Dell Publishing. 

    Turtle SummerThis journal chronicles loggerhead sea turtles over the course of one summer. In May a mother and daughter watch a female loggerhead crawl across the beach, dig a deep hole, and lay her eggs. The mother and daughter then mark the nest with a sign and begin observing and taking care of it all summer. As they wait they ask many questions: What are the turtles doing under the sand? Are they sleeping? Are they dreaming? Color photographs record the events with informative captions. Finally, in August the nest begins to hatch. Slowly the hatchlings rise to the surface like an elevator and scramble to the sea. The baby turtles swim off, disappearing in the waves. The book closes with more material about loggerhead turtles, activity pages and shell identification pages. There is also an invitation to children to create their own nature scrapbooks. 

    - Deanna Day, Washington State University Vancouver

    Owen, Ruth. (2012). How do you know it’s summer? New York: Bearport Publishing. 

    How Do You Know It's Summer?Summer vacation can be the perfect time to spend time outdoors with the family, which can combine a vacation and science lessons. This introductory book on the summer season provides plenty of interesting facts about what happens in the natural world during summer. By characterizing that time of year and describing some of the weather patterns that typically accompany summer, young readers will be able to recognize higher temperatures and thunderstorms as signs of summer. In addition to the simple, informative text and attractive photographs, some of the pages call for deeper thinking about what's being described or expand on what is seen in a photograph, both of which make the reading process more active. Colorful, interesting photographs provide up close perspectives on several common summer occurrences such as storms with lightning crackling across the sky, a family toasting marshmallows over a fire as dusk sets, and a bee searching for a flower’s nectar. As part of the back matter the book contains a short glossary with tiny photographs, an index, and science extension activities for readers. After reading this book, youngsters will know some of the simple science behind what makes it summer. 

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman

    Person, Stephen. (2012). Saving animals from hurricanes. New York: Bearport Publishing. 

    Saving Animals from HurricanesMany visitors to seaside settings are careful to plan their summer vacations around hurricane season, often trying to avoid August, which is typically when the severe storms are most prevalent. This easy-to-read text describes what happens to animals during hurricanes. Hurricane Katrina in 2005 was a turning point for how animals would be treated during catastrophic events, and the concern of individuals across the world for the pets left behind led to federal legislation requiring that animals receive consideration during future disasters. This book tells the rescue stories of some of the animals left behind when their owners had to evacuate, relying in part on stories told earlier in other books for children. The book describes the rescue efforts briefly alongside heart-rending photographs of the trusting eyes of pets and dogs swimming through water or perched on boards or car roofs waiting for someone to save them as well as joyful images of dogs and cats reunited with their human family.  Clearly, the Herculean efforts of the men and women who worked so hard to bring the dogs, cats, and other living things out from the flood waters in New Orleans and along the Gulf Coast can be termed heroic. Even farm animals such as horses and chickens and aquarium residents such as dolphins and alligators needed care during the crisis, and the author provides simple details about all of these animals and their rescue. He even describes the massive animal shelter and rescue operation set up in Gonzales, Louisiana, after Hurricane Katrina, the largest animal shelter and animal rescue operation in U. S. history. Young readers--and their animal-loving parents--will savor this one up--and they should. After all, the animals with which we share our lives are important members of our family. 

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman

    GRADES 5-7

    Ashley-Hollinger, Mika. (2012). Precious Bones. New York: Delacorte.

    Precious BonesThe summer of 1949 brings lots of heartache, adventure, and mystery to ten-year-old Precious Bones, her mother, and part-Miccosukee Indian father Nolay. The trouble begins with a huge storm that fills their home with water (and snakes). Then two murders take place, and Nolay is considered a prime suspect for each of them. Bones learns lessons about miracles, family, friendship, grief, abuse, discrimination, judging others, and kindnesses that help her to develop as a compassionate, well-rounded person. Ashley-Hollinger creates a setting so rich that readers can feel the heat and humidity of the Florida swamp, experience the bites of pesky mosquitoes, and hear the sounds of the birds and animals. Likewise, readers will find many of the book’s well-developed characters occupying places in their hearts. The plot is gripping, engaging, and has enough suspense to make it a book that is hard to put down. 

    - Terrell A. Young, Brigham Young University Provo

    Jinks, Catherine. (2012). The paradise trap. New York: Egmont USA.

    The Paradise TrapMarcus is not at all excited when his mother, Holly Bradshaw, decides to revisit the beach vacations from her childhood and buy a “used” (junky, dilapidated) trailer and return to Diamond Beach. He would rather be playing video games. Holly runs into her old friend Coco and her children, Newt and Edison, and so the kids get together, though somewhat begrudgingly in the beginning. As they begin to explore, they learn that this old trailer has a cellar and as they do down the steps they discover a strange but fantastic amusement park. Marcus figures out that whoever opens the door gets their dream vacation – or so they think until they can’t get out. The dream vacation turns into a “rocking nightmare”. Their adventure begins with touches of Greek mythology, a few historical facts and fast-paced action. This will be a fun summer read that is not your typical beach read!

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant

    Pennypacker, Sara. (2012). Summer of the gypsy moths. New York: Balzer + Bray. 

    Summer of the Gypsy MothsThe cover of Summer of the Gypsy Moths may remind readers of the Clementine series we have become used to seeing from author Sara Pennypacker, but this latest book, set in a summer on Cape Cod, is quite different and puts the book characters into a more sober setting. Told in the voice of abandoned 11-year-old Stella, whose mother’s location and life is nowhere to be found, she has come to live with her great-aunt Louise. Louise has also taken in another foster child, Angel, who is anything but what her name implies. From the onset, the two girls don’t get on well. When Louise very unexpectedly has a heart attack and dies, the girls are distraught not only that they have lost Louise, but their bad experiences with government authorities push them to tell no one and bury Louise in the garden. They convince themselves they can continue to do the housekeeping and odd jobs for the Linger Longer Cottage Colony on Cape Cod that kept great-aunt Louise employed. They especially need to fool George Nickerson, the owner of the cottages for whom Louise had been employed. The girls develop a new lifestyle for themselves so they can continue to live on Cape Cod and also learn the meaning of family, from the traditional families they observe on Cape Cod to the new family arrangement they have carved out for themselves to survive. The difficulties, the hunger, the bills, compound as the summer moves along and readers know that this life cannot continue as is. The caretakers that come into the girls’ lives to conclude the book may surprise some readers. Well developed dialogue brings Stella and Angel to life on many levels and makes the book a special summer read … for all year long. A discussion guide can be found at the publisher’s website.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant

    Turner, Amber McRee. (2012). Sway. New York: Disney/Hyperion Books. 

    SwayCass Nordenhauer adores her mother Toodi, and she looks forward to her return from her heroic work as a disaster relief worker. But Toodi leaves home again within hours of her homecoming, relegating ten-year-old Cass to a boring summer spent with her decidedly unheroic father in Olyn, Alabama. After she hears them fighting, Cass knows something is wrong, but she figures she can persuade her mother to come back. Nevertheless, Mr. Nordenhauer continues with his plans to renovate and stock an old RV for a road trip that just might open Cass’s eyes. Although his daughter reluctantly agrees to go on the planned road trip, her heart isn’t in this vacation. Her father is relentlessly upbeat and has several interesting adventures planned, including fishing for shoes along the highway, and a traveling road show in which he takes on the persona of M. B. McClean, complete with a costume and the use of what he calls Sway, a magical force that brings joy and inspiration to others as they wash their hands with a sliver of soap from his seemingly endless collection. Each soap fragment contains the initials of famous folks, and the strangers the family encounters seem to find the right soap for what they need. Once Cass realizes the truth about both parents, she is sorely in need of a little courage and inspiration herself. The author’s word choices and her unique but often imperfect characters make this an appealing book. Even Cass’s realization that those who rescue others often are in need of rescue themselves is poignant but realistic. Although Cass's disappointment near the end of the book is palpable, she clearly has what she needs to rescue herself. The book’s hopeful, self-empowering message is sorely needed today. 

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman

    GRADES 9-12

    John, Antony. (2012). Thou shalt not road trip. New York: Dial. 

    Thou Shalt Not Road TripTo publicize the book chronicling his spiritual journey written when he was fifteen, sixteen-year-old Luke's publisher sends him on a publicity tour. His older brother, Matt, turns it into something of a vacation/road trip, renting a Hummer and taking the slow route across country along Route 66. The trip is complicated by the fact that Matt’s current girlfriend and Luke’s former crush come along. Luke complains every step of the way as Matt takes detours that lead to beautiful or interesting spots, but once he arrives at each destination, he is glad for the diversions. Realistically portrayed in his growing uncertainty, Luke flounders from one mistake to another, betraying others and disappointing himself as well. Luke is, after all, still looking for something in which to believe, a process typical of adolescents. The media frenzy that ensues once Luke is found to be less that forthright about his book as well as some of the events occurring on the trip threatens to erode all the good that has come from his experiences. A reminder that the journey is just as important as the destination at times, this title is likely to encourage readers to reflect on their own actions and beliefs. While exploring weighty issues, this book is also filled with humor and moments of bonding between siblings and friends. 

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman

    LaCour, Nina. (2012). The Disenchantments. New York: Dutton Juvenile. 

    The DisenchantmentsWhile partly a road trip book, this one is certainly a whole lot more than that. Following high school graduation, four friends embark on a week-long summer musical tour of small towns in the Pacific Northwest before heading in different directions. The three girls comprise an attractive, enthusiastic but not particularly skilled band called The Disenchantments while Colby is their roadie and driver of the VW bus borrowed from his uncle. The plan is to travel up the coast from San Francisco, drop Meg off at her dorm in her new college in Portland, and then Bev and Colby will head off to Europe for a year of travel, something they've planned for years. But Bev’s plans have changed; instead of heading to Europe, she plans to attend college at RISD, something she reveals on the trip. Colby is in love with Bev, and much of the book involves his determination to find out the reasons behind Bev's change of heart. As the band moves from venue to venue, they meet all manner of interesting characters while Colby tries to heal his wounded heart. Fans of this sort of thing will love the musical references to the Chiffons, the Supremes, Heart, and Sleater-Kinney. There are all sorts of other plotlines as well. Colby's mother is in France, learning to speak another language while her husband waits at home. His dad and uncle were in a band of their own years ago, and Colby’s road trip inspires some nostalgia for their own touring days. In a strange twist of fate, the musical travelers happen to meet a tattoo artist desperate to leave his own home and find a copy of a painting by Colby's mother in a tattoo book. In the end, all four gain self-insight and learn much more about each other than they might have had they not ventured up the coast. 

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman

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