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    TILE-SIG Feature: Using Google Lit Trips in the Classroom

     | Jun 01, 2012

    by Marjie Podzielinski 

    Google Lit Trips are free downloadable files that mark the journeys of characters from famous literature on the surface of Google Earth. At each location along the journey there are place marks with pop-up windows that contain a variety of resources including relevant media, thought provoking discussion starter, and links to supplementary information about “real world” references made in that story. Google Lit Trips have been developed by teachers and students. They allow the reader to utilize the technology of Google Earth and put them in the exact location and travel of the characters in historical fiction.

    First, start by downloading Google Earth to your computer. Then log in to Google Lit Trips. With my fifth graders we looked at the extensive resources provided on the Orphan Train with A Family Apart by Joan Lowery Nixon. My students read the novel and then were amazed to follow the path of the Orphan Train from New York to stops in the Midwest where children were chosen to live with families. Quotations from the story and historical photographs bring this novel to life. Students can actually see the trains and the orphanage, and have a much clearer look at what life was like at the turn of the century. 

    My sixth graders utilized the Google Lit Trip for Laurie Halse Anderson’s Fever 1793. This Lit trip details the marketplace, the coffeehouses, and farm life during the Yellow Fever epidemic in Philadelphia. Students can see the obstacles facing these characters by incorporating Google Lit Trips with their studies. 

    The site now also offers walking tours for Cannery Row

    Jerome Burg is the founder of Google Lit Trips. This resource is expanding all the time. Templates are available for download. Students and teachers from all over the world can create their own Google Lit trips. This challenges the student to use higher level thinking skills and evaluate what is truly important in the story. Google Lit Trips range from K-5 and go all the way through college. This resource is an exciting way to connect kids and reading. 

    Marjie Podzielinski is the librarian at Coulson Tough School in The Woodlands, Texas.

    This article is part of a series from the Technology in Literacy Education Special Interest Group (TILE-SIG).

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    A Winning Combination

    by Jacqueline Davies
     | May 31, 2012
    Some things just go together. Peanut butter and chocolate. Summer and reading. Johnny Depp and eyeliner.

    And of course, when you encounter one of these pairings, you think, Well, duh! That’s a no-brainer. It seems so obvious that Fred Astaire should be matched with Ginger Rogers, that Katherine Hepburn belongs with Spencer Tracy, that Oreos were made for vanilla ice cream.

    But somebody had to come up with that first brave combination before it solidified into something so obvious and right.

    And while I wish I could lay claim to the brilliant idea to pair my book THE LEMONADE WAR with the mission of Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation—nope, I can’t. I wasn’t the smart one who made that connection. It was Tracy Weniger, the School Programs Manager at ALSF, who contacted me and suggested a partnership.

    Well, at least I was smart enough to say, “Absolutely! Let’s do it.”

    A little background. THE LEMONADE WAR tells the story of a brother and sister who make a bet about who can sell the most lemonade in the five days before summer vacation ends. In the end, the sister donates her money to a charity. So it’s a book with strong elements of competition and charitable giving.

    The book was published in 2007, and pretty soon after that I began hearing about Alex’s Lemonade Stand—a non-profit organization dedicated to ending childhood cancer. Kids would write to me and say, “I read your book, and it inspired me to have my own lemonade stand. I donated the profits to Alex’s Lemonade Stand.” Cool, I thought.

    What I didn’t know is that Alex’s Lemonade Stand has been raising money for over ten years. The founder and creator of the organization was Alex Scott, who was diagnosed with cancer just before her first birthday. When she was four, she decided to hold a lemonade stand to raise money to help find a cure for all children with cancer. Her first lemonade stand raised over $2,000 in just one day.

    The idea grew, and soon children all over the world were holding lemonade stands to raise money for childhood cancer research.

    When Alex passed away at the age of eight, she had helped to raise more than $1 million toward finding a cure for cancer. Alex’s parents, Liz and Jay Scott, continue her inspirational work through the Foundation. Since Alex’s first lemonade stand in 2000, the Foundation has raised over $50 million. Double cool.

    When Tracy emailed me in the spring and suggested we start an initiative to promote reading and charitable giving among kids, I was pretty excited. The idea they presented mirrored the plot of THE LEMONADE WAR: Schools all over the country would participate in a contest to see who could raise the most money. Then the money would be donated to Alex’s Lemonade Stand. Every school that signed up would receive a free copy of THE LEMONADE WAR, along with lesson plans and a study guide; a program guide and lemonade stand materials to get started selling lemonade; a personal fundraising webpage; and a certificate of appreciation from the Foundation.

    The idea was to link reading and charitable giving—two important lessons, both with lifelong benefits. Everyone in the school would read THE LEMONADE WAR to get revved up, and then the school would have one month to raise money. The grand prize? A visit from me and Alex’s dad, Jay Scott, to the winning school, along with a hundred autographed copies of each of the next two books in The Lemonade War series: THE LEMONADE CRIME and THE BELL BANDIT.

    I love it when whole schools come together to read a single book. It creates an energy and excitement around reading that can’t be matched. And I really wanted this initiative to be a success. What else could we offer? “How about I do Skype visits with the three runner-up schools?” I suggested. “And let’s give audio books of THE LEMONADE WAR and THE LEMONADE CRIME to three honorable mention schools, as well.”

    And so The Great Lemonade War was launched.

    You don’t need me to tell you how amazing kids are. Or what they can accomplish when they put their minds to a task.

    In just one month, kids across the country raised over $40,000. The winning school—Poinciana Elementary School in Naples, Florida—raised more than $10,000 on its own. The kids at Poinciana—a public school with 60% of its student population receiving reduced-fee lunches—set up lemonade stands at a local supermarket; they brought in their birthday money and tooth fairy money; they asked friends and relatives to make on-line donations through the specially dedicated web page.

    Alison Bringardner and Leslie Marshall, the two teachers who spearheaded the effort, were flat-out floored by the effort and determination of the kids. Their school had been raising money for Alex’s Lemonade Stand for the past five years, but they’d never seen an all-out, take-no-prisoners fundraising drive like this. “It just sort of snowballed. All the kids were trying to outdo each other,” said Alison. Leslie added, “One girl insisted on bringing in all her birthday money and giving it to kids with cancer.”

    It just goes to show what a little healthy competition can do.

    Can I tell you how much fun my visit to Poinciana was? There was homemade lemonade, yellow t-shirts, a garden dedication that included the planting of a lemon tree, a chorus of first-graders singing “Born to Be Somebody” (complete with choreographed moves!), inspirational quotes read by the kids as they released yellow balloons into the blue sky, a carnival and book fair, local news crews covering the event, and two raucous assemblies in which the kids and I celebrated their contribution to making the world a healthier place.

    Does it get any better than that?

    Congratulations to Poinciana and to the three runner-up schools: Earl Slaughter Elementary School in McKinney, Texas; Fox Elementary in Kersey, Pennsylvania; and Plymouth Elementary in Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania. Congratulations also to the three honorable mention schools: St. Michael the Archangel in Overland Park, Kansas; Harmony School in Middletown, New Jersey; and Westminster Christian School in Miami, Florida.

    And if you’re thinking that you’d like to engage the kids at your school in a win-win-win school-wide effort that promotes reading, builds community, and joins in the effort to wipe out cancer in kids, then it’s not too early to sign up to receive information about next year’s contest. I’d love to come to your school and applaud your students as they discover what it means to be a good citizen of the world.

    After all, some things just go together. Like learning and giving. Like open hearts and open minds. Like lemonade and curing childhood cancer.

    Yep. That’s a no-brainer.

    Jacqueline Davies is the talented author of both novels and picture books. She lives in Needham, Massachusetts, with her three children. THE BELL BANDIT was released by Houghton Mifflin earlier this month.

    © 2012 Jacqueline Davies. Please do not reproduce in any form, electronic or otherwise.

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    The Blogosphere of Children’s & Young Adult Literature

    by the CL/R SIG
     | May 30, 2012

    Teachers, librarians, readers, educators, parents, authors and illustrators, and book lovers in general not only like to read books but they like to talk about books and share opinions and reactions. The world of blogging has allowed these like-minded lovers of books to do that and in an immediate fashion. As blogging has become more and more popular and accepted as a method for sharing book and publishing information, educators are now following recommended or favorite blogs. Each day seems to bring an awareness of another new blog. The KidLitosphere ( website offers a gateway website where the community of children’s/YA bloggers can come together and share the excitement of wonderful books—sometimes new books, some gathered thematically, some for special needs or areas. Bloggers have even created and organized their own awards for books, the Cybils ( for one and also The Independent Book Blogger Award (

    This week the International Reading Association's Children’s Literature and Reading Special Interest Group presents just a few of the many wonderful blogs available to readers today.



    Jen Robinson’s Book Page

    Jen Robinson's Book PageThis popular blog is for librarians, teachers, and parents. Jen promotes a love of reading and literacy by posting every couple of days a lengthy book review and literacy news. She shares programs and studies in the field of literacy, children’s literature, and young adult literature. In the sidebars she includes the book title she is currently reading and the audio book she is listening to. In addition, old posts are available such as raising a reader, getting kids to read, and family reading partnerships. All of her book reviews are archived and available from 2006 to present. Furthermore, Jen sends out a weekly newsletter via e-mail. This blog is a must read for everyone. 

    ~ Deanna Day, Washington State University Vancouver


    The Picture Book Junkies 

    by Deb Melmon, Roz Fulcher, Gina Perry Kathy Weller, and Alicia Padron

    Picture Book JunkiesA group of five professional illustrators, all addicted to picture books, write this PBJ blog. They share picture books they are reading for inspiration, interviews with other illustrators, and just released book titles and reviews. In addition, they share photographs of their studios, open up their portfolios, and share some of the illustrations they are creating and the different tools they are using such as Adobe Illustrator. Each blog post is brief and to the point. Each Friday is illustration Friday where one completed picture is revealed and explained. In one post, Alicia Padron discussed two new releases—Teatime Baby and Bathtime Baby—and what she learned as she was working on the illustrations.

    ~Deanna Day, Washington State University Vancouver


    A Year of Reading

    by Mary Lee Hahn and Franki Sibberson

    A Year of ReadingThese two teachers review children’s books, share stories from their teaching, and review professional books. Every Friday they participate in Poetry Friday and share a poem. One recent story by Franki titled “Teachers as readers (and runners)” compares learning to read to learning to run. She emphasizes that she had many friends who were cheerleaders, encouraging her to keep running, yet hiring a coach, a teacher, was critical. She reminds us that children deserve a teacher who is a reader just like she needed a coach who was a runner. She noted that many friends gave her tips on running. This is the same with children who learn so much from other readers about reading. Ultimately students need teachers who they can trust to teach them about reading because they are readers. 

    ~ Deanna Day, Washington State University Vancouver



    Blue Rose Girls; Children’s Book Professionals Talk about Books (and Other Things)

    by Anna Alter, Libby Koponen, Grace Lin, Alvina Ling, Elaine Magliaro, Meghan McCarthy, and Linda S. Wingerter

    Blue Rose GirlsOne of the unique elements of this children’s literature blog is the fact that it is written by several individuals. The blog describes the contributors as authors, illustrators, an editor, and a former librarian. A photograph at the top of the blog shows the writers, and the blog itself is enhanced because it derives from so many different perspectives which give it richness. The blogs written by these women typically have little to do with previous blog entries, but instead represent the writers’ ruminations about children’s books or whatever crosses their minds. Thus, for instance, Anna may share sketches for a new book on which she is working, Elaine may share original poems, Libby may ponder the promises and perils of writers’ conferences, Alvina may describe some of her book-related travels, and Grace may describe some of her school visits. As might be expected, the writing is lively and conversational, and readers of the blog often come away feeling as though they’ve eavesdropped on an interesting private conversation. There are always interesting clips to view or pictures from school visits to view. The blog was established in 2006 with 208 entries, 289 in 2011, and 75 so far this year. Information about the Red Rose Girls, three groundbreaking women’s illustrators whose paths inspired the bloggers and gave rise to the blog’s name, is provided on the blog. 

    ~ Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman


    educating alice

    by Monica Edinger

    educating aliceSince September 2006, Dalton School teacher Monica Edinger has maintained a lively blog whose name was inspired by the fourth grade teacher’s love for Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. In her blog, she includes YouTube clips, interviews with authors and illustrators, children’s and young adult book reviews, ideas for incorporating children’s literature in the classroom, information on award-winning children’s books, and ruminations on happenings in the New York City scene. Her blog is easy to read with snappy language and a distinct voice. For teachers looking for books to share with their students but especially ways to use those books in creative ways, this is a great blog to read. 

    ~ Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman


    100 Scope Notes: Children’s Literature News and Reviews

    by Travis Jonker

    100 Scope NotesAs the title indicates, this blog by Michigan elementary school librarian Travis Jonker, includes reviews as well as up to date information in the field of children’s literature. Divided into Best New Books; Articles; Covers; News; and Reviews, this blog covers a great deal of information. A favorite spot is the Poem Spine Gallery of photographs of book spines that build to create a poem. Author interviews, videos, news articles, cover talk and of course, new book reviews are available on this informational blog. 

    ~ Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast (nick-named 7-Imp)

    by Julie “Jules” Danielson

    Seven Impossible Things Before BreakfastFounded in 2006, one of the early blogs on the scene, blogger Julie “Jules” Danielson of Smyrna, Tennesee, first wrote about children’s books of all sorts with her friend Eisha. Now blogging solo, her emphasis has shifted somewhat to focus on illustration including picture books and illustrated novels. Julie is a sign language interpreter, a children’s librarian, a columnist for Kirkus Reviews, and a mom. The title of the blog comes from Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass. Julie especially likes to do author and illustrator interviews and this is strength of this blog. Archived blogs are easily accessed back to August 2006. Lists of other good blogs and children’s book websites are included in sidebars.

    ~ Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant




    Cynsations; a source for conversations, publishing information, writer resources & inspiration, bookseller-librarian-teacher appreciation, children’s-YA book news & author outreach

    by Cynthia Leitech Smith

    CynsationsThe subtitle of this blog says it all! Cynthia Leitech Smith of Austin, Texas, created this blog in 2004 and it has become one of the most visited blogs on the internet for children’s and YA literature. Cynthia, an author in her own right, offers a wide variety of information including book giveaways, articles, quick tidbits and “shorts,” book trailers, new releases, reviews, publishing industry news, conference announcements and notes, author events and up-to-the minute book happenings across the country. Cynthia says of Cynsations: “The blog has on ongoing commitment to new voices, books/creators from underrepresented cultures, creative risk takes, quality mid-listers, rising and well-established stars.” Viewers are invited to comment about posts.

    ~ Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    The Goddess of YA Literature: Pearls from the Goddess

    by Teri Lesesne

    Goddess of YA LiteratureOne blog that I never miss reading is this one by bibliophile Teri Lesesne who is a professor of children’s and young adult literature at Sam Houston State University. In addition to book covers accompanying brief reviews of current children’s literature, including picture books, and YA titles, Teri comments on controversial issues such as censorship, testing, and the common core standards. She often shares pictures of her cat, Scout, and ruminations on whatever strikes her fancy, provided that it relates to books in some way. She also posts hilarious YouTube clips that express the love of reading while generously sharing her presentations—the complete book lists and the entire presentations—with blog readers. Anyone who plans to teach reading in elementary, middle, or high school needs to check out her blog as a starting place for making a list of essential books to read. The blog itself is well organized with alphabetical tags along the right hand side of the page that allow readers to click on a tag or topic and identify all the books Lesesne has read that fit the topic. Including the tags below a handy calendar makes navigating this blog quite smooth. Lesesne was one of the early bloggers, beginning this one in October 2004 with six entries for that month. Over the next few years, she has blogged just about every day, an impressive feat given the number of conferences she attends, presentations she makes, and books she reads. This one is not to be missed.

    ~ Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman




    American Indians in Children’s Literature

    by Debbie Reese

    American Indians in Children's LiteratureTeachers and critical readers of literature for children and teens have come to rely on this blog written by Debbie Reese, a Nambe Pueblo Indian woman, since 2006. The blog’s purpose is to provide a place where children’s and young adult literature featuring indigenous peoples may be examined critically. The blog also explores issues concerning school curriculum, popular culture, and society. Thus, Reese and the contributors to her blog have taken careful looks at many books often used in today’s classrooms, such as Arrow to the Sun, the Little House on the Prairie series, Touching Spirit Bear, and the Twilight saga, among others. By examining these materials through indigenous eyes, readers often come to regard them differently or at least have their own perspectives on the books expanded. In addition, the blog explores relevant issues such as the removal of Mexican-American Studies classes in the Tucson Unified School District in Arizona or the inclusion of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House in the Big Woods as an exemplary read aloud according to the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts. The blog site is easy to navigate and even includes links to relevant full text articles as well as archived discussions. Reese posts frequently, writing 111 entries during the blog’s first year in 2006, and posting 77 times so far this year. Although Reese does not pretend to be the voice for all First Nation peoples, this is clearly the go-to blog for anyone interested in starting to explore literature that depicts indigenous peoples. The writing is thoughtful and engaging and always adds to my own knowledge of literature. 

    ~ Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman


    Book Dragon; Produced by the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Program

    by Terry Hong

    Book DragonThe blogger is Terry Hong, the former Media Arts Consultant for the APAP and project director for the Smithsonian Korean American Centennial Commemoration. Though the emphasis is on books by and about Asian and Asian Pacific Americans, books from every ethnicity and culture are included. The blog started in 2009, but many posts were loaded from previous articles. An extensive list of categories is found on the right sidebar to search and explore this blog. Links to international and multicultural activities and organizations are also found in sidebar information. Reviews give a well developed sense of the book and offer links to authors and other topics.

    ~ Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant

    Children Kissed by the Sun; a blog dedicated to African American Children’s Literature

    by Candid Taylor-Brandon

    Children Kissed by the SunThis is a relatively new blog on the scene begun in 2011 by Candid Taylor-Brandon from Flint, Michigan. With a deep interest in her own African American culture she has brought author interviews, book reviews and multicultural articles to readers. Blog archive information is found at the bottom of each blog page rather than in sidebars on the right. Lengthy booklists and suggestions for companion books are given with each new book reviewed.

    -  Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    Mitali’s Fire Escape; a safe place between cultures to chat about books

    by Mitali Perkins

    Mitali's Fire EscapeAuthor Mitali Perkins has created a multicultural blog to have a place where teachers, parents and young readers can find new books especially as they pertain to intercultural understanding. Mitali offers a writing contest each year that she sponsors personally. Tips for writing, numerous book award announcements, links to other blogs and bloggers, and an easily searched archive are part of Mitali’s Fire Escape. 

    ~ Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    Paper Tigers: Speaking of multicultural books for young readers, world literacy, and more...

    Paper TigersThe Paper Tigers blog is the companion to the Paper Tigers website. The blog features “news and views about multicultural children’s and YA books, and literacy issues from around the world. Regular features include book reviews, including Books at Bedtime, participation in the Kidlitosphere’s Poetry Friday, and our monthly Eventful World calendar of children’s literature events around the world.” Archives date back to May of 2007. Nine eclectic international women are the bloggers responsible for this blog. For another multicultural blog and companion website, check out WOW and WOW Currents at

    ~ Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant




    Poetry for Children

    by Sylvia Vardell

    Poetry for ChildrenSylvia Vardell, a professor at Texas Woman’s College and former chair of the NCTE Excellence in Poetry for Children Award Committee, maintains a blog that is sure to dispel many of the fears beginning teachers have about using poetry in the classroom. Vardell, who has written this blog since 2006 when she posted 42 entries, includes coming attractions in children’s poetry and lists of recently published poetry books as well as short videos of the poets reading their own poetry at various conferences. She also includes snippets from her travels to international conferences, interviews with poets, and book trailers created by her students. In addition to archives of previous blog entries, readers will be able to click on her list of poet links, ranging from Arnold Adoff to Tracie Vaughn Zimmer (91 in total), given them even more poetic resources by allowing them to follow the link to each poet’s website. Her passion for poetry knows no bounds, and is clear to anyone who spends more than five minutes on this blog that this woman eats, drinks, and sleeps poetry. So far in 2012 she’s blogged 50 different times.

    ~ Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman



    I.N.K.; Interesting nonfiction for kids

    I.N.K.This nonfiction group blog is a little different. The blogger group represents a host of nonfiction authors for children. The companion website is Ink Think Tank ( With the emphasis on nonfiction in the Common Core State Standards we wanted to conclude with information to access current nonfiction. The archives go back to the first blog post of January 2008 and literally hundreds of pages and posts bring this blog through to today. An extensive index of topics can be found on the right sidebar in addition to numerous monthly articles where the authors talk about their writing craft, storytelling and narrative, research techniques, finding ideas and some unusual “tidbits” that the authors share. They also discuss how illustrations are part of the “artist’s vision of the world” and how these pictures integrate into the text. RSS feeds are available as well as daily email posts sent directly to viewers. 

    Other nonfiction blogs readers will find interesting: 

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant

    This piece is part of weekly children's and young adult literature reviews from the International Reading Association's Children's Literature and Reading Special Interest Group (CL/R SIG).

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    TILE-SIG Feature: Create a Multimedia Poster Using Glogster

     | May 25, 2012

    by Kimberly Kimbell-Lopez

    In this era of cloud-based applications, Glogster ( is one must-have resource for classroom teachers to use with students. Students can create a Glog, short for graphical blog, which can be a poster or web page. The drag and drop interface makes it easy for students to add multimedia features to the “poster”, including text, links, photos, graphics, audio, video, data attachments, and drawings.

    The Glogster web site describes this online interface as “the leading global education platform for the creative expression of knowledge and skills in the classroom and beyond.” Without a doubt, Glogster makes it easy for teachers to invite students to share what they have learned in one content or across multiple content areas (i.e., English/Language Arts, social studies, science, math, music, etc.). Most importantly, the Glog can be used by students across all grade levels—PK-12 up through postsecondary.

    In the example shown in Figure One, Rhea-Claire Richard created a Glog that documents multimedia elements she developed as part of a graduate course. Multimedia components she included in her Glog were an All About Me movie, an author vodcast , a storybook vodcast created by her students, a podcast, a vodcast, and links to other projects she created as part of her weekly assignments. As is evident in Rhea-Claire’s Glog, the user can select background features and other graphical elements that make it easy to carry through a theme for the Glog. 

    Figure One: Example of Glog found via  

    Glogster example

    Creating your Own Glog

    To create your own Glog, go to Teachers can actually register for a free individual account to create private Glogs only, but these free accounts do not offer any student management features. If you would like more options in terms of student accounts, then more information can be found at

    After you have created your account, then you are ready to create a Glog. One of the first steps is to change the background color. Click on “Wall” to display the numerous options that are available (refer to Figure Two). You can scroll through pages of options that can then be selected to serve as the background for the Glog. The same is true for graphics. 

    Figure Two.  Example of Background Options.


    The next screenshot (Figure Three) illustrates the number of options that are available for graphical elements that can be added to the Glog. The options that are shown are the graphics listed for EduRandom, and there are seven pages of graphics that can are listed as options. 

    Figure Three.  Example of Graphic Options.


    The tool bar that is displayed also illustrates how easy it is add different multimedia component to the Glog. If you want to add a movie or vodcast, then select “video”. If you want to add a podcast, then click on “sound.” Once you have created a Glog, then it is easy to share with others. You can send the Glog link by email, the Glog can be embedded externally in Wikis or Blogs, or the Glog can be shared through social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter. 

    Don’t waste another minute—get started on your own Glog today!  

    Kimberly Kimbell-Lopez, Ed.D., is the Hubberd H. & Velma Horton Boucher Endowed Professor in the department of curriculum, instruction, and leadership at Louisiana Tech University. 

    This article is part of a series from the Technology in Literacy Education Special Interest Group (TILE-SIG).

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    Civil Rights Books

     | May 23, 2012

    Civil rights leader Mahatma Gandhi has been credited with reminding us that “You must be the change you wish to see in the world,” and there are those who might argue that part of the purpose of education is helping to change the world into a better, fairer place. Even earlier than the nonviolent civil disobedience espoused by Gandhi, Irish philosopher Edmund Burke’s sentiments about the need for fairness and social justice can be summed up in this way: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Members of the International Reading Association's Children’s Literature and Reading Special Interest Group explore recent publications that explore the nature of civil rights and social justice in different ways. 

    GRADES K-3

    Crowe, Chris. (2012). Just as good: How Larry Doby changed America’s game. Illus. by Mike Benny. Somerville, MA: Candlewick. 

    Just as GoodThis picture book adds another chapter to the complexity of this nation’s civil rights story by focusing on the importance of Larry Doby’s role in breaking baseball’s color barrier. Homer and his father are delighted when a black man joins the Cleveland Indians, and when Doby’s team makes it to the 1948 World Series, they are unable to tear themselves from the radio as they listen to game four. When Doby eventually hits a home run that allows the Indians to triumph over the Boston Red Sox, Homer’s family celebrates the change that is on its way. Newspaper coverage the next day features pitcher Steve Gromek and Doby, "a white face next to a black one" (unpaginated), and it's clear that change has already come. No longer will Homer be prohibited from Little League baseball because of his skin color. Back matter includes a bibliography and quotes from Doby and the president of the Brooklyn Dodgers about baseball’s role in integration. The acrylic illustrations allow the emotions to play across the characters' faces, whether those characters are actual players on the field or fans listening to the game at home. For the United States during that time, baseball became so much more than a game. 

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman

    Evans, Shane E. (2012). We march. New York: Roaring Brook Press.

    We MarchWe March follows the release of Evan’s 2011 companion publication Underground. The setting is now August 28, 1963 in Washington, D.C. at the National Mall where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is speaking. A young family has risen at dawn to travel by bus and join the march for freedom and racial equality that ends with Dr. King’s I Have a Dream speech at the base of the Lincoln Memorial. Using spare text with just one line per page and bold illustrations that include people from all races, religions and walks of life, Evans provides young readers a glimpse of this day in history that ends with MLK’s famous quote, “Free at last!” 

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant

    Michelson, Richard. (2012). Twice as good. Illus. by Eric Velasquez. Ann Arbor, MI: Sleeping Bear Press. 

    Twice as GoodThis powerful biography is about William Powell who wanted to learn how to play golf but was told that he was not welcome at golf courses. This didn’t stop Willie. He returned and learned how to be a caddy. His school principal told him that if he was going to get ahead in this world he needed to be twice as good as the white children. Willie took this advice and caddied during the summer and studied how the best players hit the ball. Willie practiced every chance he got and dreamed of becoming a professional golfer. After serving overseas Willie returned home and was told that he wasn’t allowed to play because he wasn’t a member. This didn’t stop Willie. He built his own golf course and welcomed people of all color to play golf. Finally, in 1998 he was awarded a retroactive lifetime PGA membership. For more information about William Powell and the golf course he designed, built and operated—Clearview Golf Club—visit

    - Deanna Day, Washington State University Vancouver

    Mitchell, Margaree. (2012). When Grandmama Sings. Illus. by James E. Ransome. New York: Amistad.

    When Grandmama SingsThis Coretta Scott King Honor award winning team of Mitchell and Ransome have returned with another look at the Jim Crow South of the early 1900’s. Grandmama is known all round the countryside in Pecan Flats, Miss., for her beautiful singing voice. When a music promoter approaches her to join a jazz band and go on the road with their music, Grandmama’s young granddaughter, Belle, wants to accompany her. Though her parents are reluctant, Grandmama thinks it would be an experience to be remembered and so, Belle is allowed to go. As the band journeys from town to town Belle gets a real feel for the “whites only” world the band must contend with; from hotels and restaurants that won’t serve them, to a club owner who refuses to pay them, to sitting in the upper balcony while white people enjoy prime seats below. Ransome’s beautiful watercolor paintings bring out the emotional level of this book as facial expressions reveal anger, joy, frustration, despair and in one heartfelt portrait of Grandmama singing her heart out, true passion. Readers can get a feel for these pictures at the illustrator’s website book trailer at

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant

    GRADES 3-5

    Cline-Ransome, Lesa. (2012). Words set me free: The story of young Frederick Douglass. Illus. by James E. Ransome. New York: Simon and Schuster.

    Words Set Me FreeFrom husband and wife illustrator/author team comes this beautiful  autobiographically based book on the life of Frederick Douglass and its critically important emphasis on literacy. Told in first person, Douglass’ life unfolds from his early years as a slave when he is sold away from his mother and sent to Baltimore. His new master’s wife taught him to read from the Bible until the plantation owner discovered this and forbade the reading lessons to continue. Years later, Douglass used his knowledge of reading and writing to forge a document freeing him from his bondage. Though his first attempt at escaping to find freedom ends in failure, in 1838 he successfully escapes to New York and begins his life as a spokesperson for freedom and the abolition movement. The bold oils and acrylics of James Ransome provide the background for this heroic story. 

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant

    Curtis, Christopher. (2010). The Mighty Miss Malone. New York: Random House/Wendy Lamb Books. 

    The Mighty Miss MaloneResponding to readers’ pleas for a book about a girl, author Christopher Paul Curtis brings back the character of Deza Malone from 1930’s setting, Bud Not Buddy. Twelve-year-old Deza Malone and her family live in Gary, Indiana, and when the Great Depression strikes deep and her father loses his job, he makes the decision to go back to his home town of Flint, Michigan, and look for work. When Deza’s mother loses her job as a domestic worker and they are put out on the streets, they decide to journey to Flint in search of their father. In addition to their economic woes, Deza’s teeth are rotting and are painful as well as terribly smelly. Her older brother, Jimmie, though extremely musically talented has not grown in three years. When they arrive in Flint, the ramshackle Hooverville appears to be the only place they can find to live. Jimmie takes advantage of an offer to sing and leaves the little family to pursue a possible career in Detroit and the music world. As is typical of Curtis’s other characters, Deza is a strong and hopeful young girl with determination and optimism, though is so hurt when her beloved father comments that he can hardly stand to be around Deza because of the stench of her breath and teeth. In spite of the economic Depression ever present, Deza and her family survive. Listen to author Christopher Paul Curtis talk about his career and this new book, The Mighty Miss Malone at There is an educator guide at

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant

    Hunter-Gault, Charlayne. (2012). To the mountaintop: My journey through the civil rights movement. New York: Roaring Brook Press.

    To The MountaintopJournalist, NPR foreign correspondent, Emmy and Peabody award winner, and author Charlayne Hunter-Gault writes about her life and journey within the civil rights movement. In 1961, Hunter-Gault was one of two students to forcefully integrate the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia. The book opens with the inauguration of President Barack Obama and then begins the chronicle of Hunter-Gault’s life and experiences beginning with her 1959 senior year in high school. Published in association with The New York Times, each chapter opens with headlines from The Times representing the political atmosphere at the time starting with the 1954 “separate but equal” response to overturning Brown vs. Board of Education. Freedom riders, lunch counters, sit-ins, violence, peaceful resistance, the author has chronologically placed herself along the path to freedom and her part in the movement. Timelines, photographs, and extensive bibliographic references are found at the end. For further background information, watch the Vimeo video conversation that has extensive back matter with Charlayne Hunter-Gault at

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant

    GRADES 6-8

    Bausum, Ann. (2012). Marching to the mountaintop: How poverty, labor rights, and civil rights set the stage for Martin Luther King, Jr.’s final hours. Washington: National Geographic

    Marching to the MountaintopIn the late 1960’s, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a leader in the civil rights movement championing nonviolent resistance as a means of protest. He was in the midst of organizing the Poor People’s Campaign when he was called to Memphis, Tennessee, because two sanitation workers had been killed, crushed to death by a garbage truck that was not working properly. As a result, African American workers went on strike for improved safety practices in addition to fair pay and opportunities for advancement. Picket lines sprouted, silent protests were formed and the garbage in Memphis started to pile high as the strike continued. City government would not budge to work with the strikers and an impasse prevailed as the garbage continued to pile higher. Over 70 archival photographs illustrate this book along with Bausum’s exhaustive research of the period that includes letters, pamphlets, newspapers and actual first person accounts through oral histories. The book design itself is bold with orange, blue and green tints to photographs and quotes and epigrams throughout. Sadly, on April 4, 1968, King is assassinated at the Lorraine Motel. Extensive bibliographic materials lists are included at the end of the book. Watch actual footage of the civil rights movement that concludes with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s speech at The author website is

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant

    Fitzmaurice, Kathryn. (2012). A diamond in the desert. New York: Viking. 

    A Diamond in the DesertShortly after the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941, thirteen-year-old Californian Tetsu Kishi and his family are forced to leave behind almost all their possessions, including their dog Lefty, and move to the harsh Gila River Relocation Center in the scorching Arizona desert. Despite the dust devils, fierce heat and lack of privacy, they manage to endure the captivity. An avid baseball player, Tetsu is at first delighted when Coach Tanaka fashions a baseball field at the camp. But he refuses to play when his preoccupation with the game causes him to lose patience with his younger sister, and she wanders away from camp. Only his father's reassurance upon his return from being grilled by the FBI as a possible Japanese spy frees Tetsu from his guilt and allows him to play baseball again. Tetsu's quiet anger and resiliency fill the book’s pages, showing that Tetsu, while imperfect, clearly is a survivor. Baseball fans will relish the passages in which the Gila River team goes up against other baseball teams while canine lovers will be touched by the passages concerning Lefty which offer hope for the future. The author’s use of short chapters and passages is particularly effective in describing this important period in American history quietly, effectively, and inexorably. Sympathetic readers who want to learn more may want to visit the Japanese American Baseball History Project Website at

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman

    Freedman, Russell. (2012). Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass: The story behind an American friendship. Boston: Clarion Books.

    Abraham Lincoln & Frederick DouglassThis biography profiles two fascinating men who lived more than 150 years ago and whose lives intersected briefly but at significant turning points in the nation’s history. Although they met only three times, abolitionist and former slave Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln, the author of the Emancipation Proclamation and president during the Civil War, bonded over shared interests and concerns. Prior to their initial meeting, Douglass had been sharply critical of the president for not eradicating slavery. Lincoln, on the other hand, seemed primarily concerned with preserving the union. After their first meeting, they gain respect for one another and the other’s perspective. Freedman acknowledges these philosophical differences between the two men, but does so in a respectful, thoughtful way. This biography’s chief appeal lies in how the author teases out the similarities of the two men, both of whom read some of the same books during their formative years. One of those titles, The Columbian Orator, helped both men polish their speaking and debating skills. As is always the case with works by Freedman, the book has been thoroughly researched, is filled with period photographs, and is likely to captivate young readers as well as their parents and teachers. 

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman

    Levine, Kristin. (2012). The lions of Little Rock. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons. 

    The Lions of Little RockIntegration of the public schools of Little Rock, Arkansas was a laborious process. Set during 1958 and 1959, the school year after the Little Rock Nine integrated the schools, this book covers the period during which the city’s school board chose to close its high schools rather than conform to policies set forth by Brown v. Board of Education. The community was deeply divided on the issue as evidences by the formation (by women) of organizations such as Stop This Outrageous Purge (STOP) and the Committee to Retain Our Segregated Schools (CROSS). Set against this historical backdrop, this story focuses on Marlee, a twelve-year-old who rarely uses her voice in public. Her reluctance to speak symbolizes the inability of many of the city’s citizens to express their own feelings about their leaders’ actions and their desire for the schools to reopen so their children wouldn’t lose a year of education or have to move to other schools in other places. A math whiz, Marlee ends up doing his homework for JT Dalton whose thuggish brother hates blacks, while being drawn to Liz, an outspoken new girl who leaves school unexpectedly once her racial identity is revealed. The book explores a little-explored period when standing up for what was right could be more costly than remaining silent. City officials even tried to fire teachers who were suspected to have integrationist sympathies, and Marlee’s mother must find her own courage to do the right thing. The way Marlee regards people as being “like things you drink” (p. 5) is especially poignant as is the bond she and Liz form despite the danger their friendship causes to themselves and those around them. 

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman

    Levinson, Cynthia. (2012). We’ve got a job: The 1963 Birmingham children’s march. Atlanta, GA: Peachtree. 

    We've Got a JobWithout the bravery of Birmingham youngsters in 1963, the civil rights movement might have ended with a whimper. When adults were reluctant to be arrested, the city’s children and teens were brave enough to volunteer to march through Birmingham’s streets and face arrest. Through the voices of four young protesters, ranging in age from 9 to 16, the author describes the events that led to the children taking to the streets as part of the 1963 protest. As an almost endless supply of young protesters filled the city's jails during the Children’s March, the city's law enforcement officials were unable to handle the masses of young people who kept marching through the street. Almost fifty years later, the voices of the participants are filled with hope and determination, a vivid reminder of the difference each of us may make in our world. The author conducted extensive research and interviewed many of the participants for her inspiring story. Readers will marvel at the large photographs and informative sidebars that fill this book's pages. Teachers may request a free copy of a related film and teaching kit Mighty Times: The Children’s March from Teaching Tolerance at

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman 

    Scattergood, Augusta. (2012). Glory be. New York: Scholastic. 

    Glory BeSummers in Hanging Moss, Mississippi, are hot, and the summer of 1964 is no exception. Like most youngsters, Glory Hemphill plans to have her twelfth birthday party at the pool. Once it’s closed, Glory is determined to get it opened again. When she realizes that the closure is an attempt to keep the pool from being integrated, she fires off a letter to the editor of the local newspaper, becoming embroiled in the civil rights movement without really understanding the consequences of her actions. Although her instincts are right, they are motivated by her own wish for a place to escape the summer heat and humidity of Mississippi as well as a place for her party. There are other concerns in Glory’s life: the growing distance between Glory and her older sister, Jesslyn, who takes risks with a newcomer with a secret past; her disappointment in her best friend Frankie who seems unable to stand up to his father and older brother, both bullies and racists; and her budding friendship with the daughter of one of the Northern outsiders in town for the summer. The family maid, Emma, provides stability for Glory and her sister while their minister father goes about his own work. While the ease with which Glory and her librarian friend, Miss Bloom, challenge the status quo is somewhat unbelievable, given the narrow-mindedness of those times, the author deserves kudos for providing a narrative that reminds readers the damaging effects of prejudice and how far-reaching even the smallest actions can be. 

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman

    Wright, Barbara. (2012). Crow. New York: Random House.

    CrowBased on the actual events of the 1898 Wilmington, NC, race riots, author Barbara Wright makes her debut into the children’s book arena. Eleven-year-old Moses Thomas is the grandson of a former slave, his Boo Nanny. His mother works for a rich white family but his Howard University-educated father is an alderman and also a reporter and business manager for The Daily Record, “the only Negro daily newspaper in the South.” Boo Nanny feels Moses needs to learn about life by living it while his father is arguing that education is the way to succeed in life. After a racially charged incident in town, Moses’ father responds and reacts through his journalism, while white supremacists are spurred into action that results in burning the newspaper office. The historical details provide the background for this story but the emotional and moral reactions to the events are what make this an unforgettable story. Teachers can use these historical photographs as slides with classes to show what the actual race riots looked like Extensive resources and lesson plan ideas are available on the author’s website at

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant

    GRADES 9-12

    Purcell, Kim. (2012). Trafficked. New York: Viking. 

    TraffickedAfter the violent death of her parents in Moldova, seventeen-year-old Hannah and her grandmother can barely make ends meet. When she unexpectedly receives an offer to work as a nanny in Los Angeles, she leaps at the chance to leave the country, planning to go to school and send back money to her grandmother. Before she knows it, she is trapped without proper papers, no money, and with limited skills or language. None of the promises that were made to her are coming true, and she is kept locked in the garage when she isn’t working. The only bright spot in her bleak existence comes when she catches a glimpse of the family next door as she takes out the trash late at night. The book reveals exactly how vulnerable individuals such as Hannah are, lured by false promises, and how easily their rights can be taken by those who bring them into the country illegally. Imprisoned by words and fear, they often have nowhere to turn and no way to escape what becomes slavery. Hannah’s story is told with empathy as her situation worsens with every page. 

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman

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