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    It's All About the Story

    by Joan Bauer
     | Apr 04, 2013

    squashed2It's a great thing to live in a storyteller's mindset and terribly useful since I write novels for a living: Hope Was Here, Rules Of The Road, Close To Famous, Almost Home, Peeled, Stand Tall, and Squashed, to name a few. It springs from my grandmother's DNA—she was a teller, a pro, quite famous in her day, even offered her own radio show (my grandfather said, “No wife of mine!”). 

    My grandmother told stories to explain the world, all of the world. As a kid I struggled with the term fiction being defined as "untrue"—not my grandmother's stories! They were wondrously, gloriously true. They were in many ways the truest part of my life. 

    When stories are your roadmap, the trip is a circuitous path; getting lost and found and flummoxed is part of the journey. When a writer creates a world, it's a crazy ecosystem where characters rise and fall and sometimes tell us what to do—the nerve! All day we're dealing with characters who need to mature, words that need umpteen adjustments, locations that don't always work. It can be plain annoying to try to arm wrestle a strong-willed bad guy, or to lie on a couch curled up in a blanket, pondering your subplot, and then have to convince your husband that yes, I am curled up in this blanket, but I am actually working. 

    My first YA novel, Squashed, came out 20 years ago. In the two decades I've been in this business, so much has changed, including me.

    But what hasn't changed is the point of writing, the focus and the fuel of it. At the end of the day, here's what it's about: Did you leave your heart on the page? Did you find something new to say? Did you squeeze your theme until all the possibilities oozed out? Did you argue with your main character, and if so, who won? 

    Writing novels is about asking a zillion questions. How many times can you remember being scared, and how has that changed you and challenged you and deepened you? Where do you discover humor, and how do you let yourself laugh in the dark times? What's in your heart and what's in the hearts of your readers that will connect like super glue? Why are you doing this? Why are they reading you? Where is the you in your work and how does it change and shake and alter the landscape? How are you going to delve into that real scary truth you know needs to go in this story? Is it too much? Not enough? How could your editor not get that joke? How could she possibly suggest that chapter 12, all of chapter 12, be deleted? 

    This is why being wrapped in a blanket is so useful at times. 

    I try to write about issues that kids need to think about: homelessness, domestic violence, alcoholism, obsessive love, yellow journalism, fear, divorce, war, bullying, dishonor in politics. I try to show what happens when a kid finds his or her voice and begins using it in this complicated world. I try to laugh along the way, and for that reason, I don't like the box "humorous novel," because in the course of most weeks, we laugh, we cry, we shout, we're in despair, we mess up, we rise triumphant from the madness, we break open the emergency chocolate, and we get on with it. 

    No adult novelist will ever hear these words blaring across a school loudspeaker: "The assembly will begin at 9:35, and I remind every student to listen and be respectful to our speaker. Let none of us forget what happened with last month's speaker." And you realize that you are the speaker, possibly in peril. You are no longer just a writer; you now wear the mantel of an entire assembly. No one ever thinks of being an assembly in career planning, but here you are. 

    I'm the YA luncheon speaker at IRA this year. I will not eat much at that lunch, but I will try to provide some food for thought, some good bites of humor and truth, and I plan to be particularly insightful about my novels. Again and again I will come back to story, that glorious, frustrating, living, breathing structure that is a mirror to our lives, a friend when we are lonely, a kick in the butt when we need to pay attention. 

    Decisions and choices—that's what makes a story great and what keeps it alive. And when it's alive, well, we're in for it. The moving van pulls up, out comes the furniture and the clothes, the knick knacks, out jumps the pet and that story moves inside our hearts with everything it's got, and refuses to leave. 

    joan bauerJoan Bauer wrote her first YA novel, Squashed, during a long recovery from a major car accident. "The laughter," she writes on her website, "helped me heal." Ten books and 20 years later, Joan continues to craft books that make readers smile. Her critically acclaimed body of work includes Hope Was Here, a Newbery Honor Medal winner, and Rules of the Road, winner of the Los Angeles Times Book Prize. Her latest novel, Almost Home, was released in September 2012.

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  • A few weeks ago, I was watching GREY’S ANATOMY. (Of course, I was watching it while feeling guilty because it was only 9:00 on a Thursday night and I probably/should have /could have been doing something teacher-y like grading papers, planning a lesson, or selecting books for an upcoming unit. Isn’t it crazy that we feel guilty about not working at so many times outside of the school day?)
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    Time After Time: Making It Count with Each Student

    by Mrs. Mimi
     | Apr 03, 2013
    Being a teacher means embracing constant change. Yet all too often, teachers are told when, how and why to change. In this monthly column, Mrs. Mimi takes on creating change for herself by rethinking old practices and redefining teaching on her own terms.

    p: woodleywonderworks via photopin cc
    A few weeks ago, I was watching GREY’S ANATOMY. (Of course, I was watching it while feeling guilty because it was only 9:00 on a Thursday night and I probably/should have /could have been doing something teacher-y like grading papers, planning a lesson, or selecting books for an upcoming unit. Isn’t it crazy that we feel guilty about not working at so many times outside of the school day?)

    Anyhow, on this particular episode of GREY’S ANATOMY, our beloved doctor friends were (spoiler alert!) getting a taste of what their work lives would be like under a regime of new leadership at the hospital. The new focus was on efficiency, getting to as many patients as possible with little concern to the quality of doctor-patient interaction and standardizing medical procedures to be efficient rather than (always) effective.

    I suddenly sat up like a shot and declared, “This is one big metaphor for the current state of the classroom!” To which Mr. Mimi replied, “Not everything is about teaching.” To which I replied with a giant eye roll. Because it is. Everything is about or can be related to teaching.

    Let’s take conferring with readers. I have never met a teacher who isn’t worried about the schedule for conferring with readers. When teachers take a look at how many minutes they actually have to confer with students and then consider how long it can take to have a strong conference with a child, they realize that they can only get to two or three students a day. This means there is essentially no way they can work with every single student in their class over the course of a week. Cue the panic and a bit of guilt mixed in with some anxiety about what the administration will think.

    But how can we teach anything well with the nagging feeling that we should really be moving on, checking off more boxes, and “getting to” more children? What does it even mean to just “get to” someone? Is that all we can expect to give to our students now? Is that what they deserve? Is it what we deserve?

    In my experience, when I am conflicted about my practice, I am not at my best. I am distracted and unfocused and when I think about it, even the 4.5 minutes I spent with a particular student were a waste of time.

    The truth is, working with students in small settings (such as the one-on-one conference or a small group) is what makes the biggest difference in a child’s learning. It is how we tailor our instruction to meet the individual needs of the wide range in our classrooms. Not only is this point based in research, which tends to make more people sit up and listen, but it is plain common sense.

    Classrooms are busy and getting busier. They are big and getting bigger. But those factors are out of our control, so why do we have to alter what we know is best for children in the name of being more efficient? We know bigger classes are not necessarily better classes, so let’s not compound the issue by rushing through our time to develop our relationship with and address the needs of our students, no matter how many we have.

    Teachers have a lot to do, a lot to cover, and even more to test. Therefore, I think it is more important than ever that we slow down and embrace the conference as a time to savor the moment and be present with just one little friend at a time. It is what they deserve. It is what we deserve, too.

    Mrs. Mimi is a pseudonymous teacher who taught both first and second grades at a public elementary school in New York City. She's the author of IT'S NOT ALL FLOWERS AND SAUSAGES: MY ADVENTURES IN SECOND GRADE, which sprung from her popular blog of the same name. Mimi also has her doctorate in education from Teachers College, Columbia University.

    © 2013 Mrs. Mimi. Please do not reproduce in any form, electronic or otherwise.
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  • animalsThe Children's Literature and Reading SIG reviews books that deal with animals in the wild from animal habitats to wildlife protection and conservation.
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    Animals in the Wild Book Reviews

     | Apr 03, 2013

    animalsPeople have been fascinated with animals from time immemorial. From household pets to the extinct dinosaurs to unique and/or strange animals in the wild from other continents, each creature has its own special stage that invites study and inquiry from children to adults. Over the next two weeks, this book review column from The Children’s Literature and Reading SIG will be devoted to animals. Starting this week the books will deal with animals in the wild from animal habitats to wildlife protection and conservation. Next week will offer pets and other animals found in homes, farms, classrooms, or other habitats shared with humans.

    ReadWriteThink offers a number of lesson ideas that deal with animals, for example “Investigating Animals: Using Nonfiction for Inquiry-Based Research” or “Webcams in the Classroom: Animal Inquiry and Observation” and many, many more!

    For more award-winning animal books, check out the Animal Behavior Society Book Children’s Book Award.


    GRADES K-2

    Bingham, Kelly. (2012). Z is for moose. Illus. by Paul O. Zelinksky. New York: HarperCollins/Greenwillow Books.

    z is for mooseAll the animals are set to take their places in Zebra’s ABC book. Eager to show off their best sides, the animals are carefully following Zebra's directions—well, everyone, that is, except the over-eager Moose. Prematurely bursting on the scene during the letter d, he causes all sorts of mayhem as he accidentally jabs Elephant in the side. After lurking around the other letters as he impatiently waits for his turn to come, Moose’s anticipation builds as time for the letter M draws near. But to his dismay and disappointment, there is no M is for moose in the line-up; instead, Zebra has decided to use another animal to represent the letter, making it M is for mouse and not moose. Moose understandably throws a fit and squashes the pie represented by P all over the next few letters. Eventually, Zebra relents and finds him a place in the alphabet line-up. Young readers will enjoy this cleverly written and illustrated title, and older readers certainly won’t mind reading it repeatedly while smiling at the colorful mixed media illustrations.

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman


    Cohn, Scotti. (2013). On the move: mass migrations. Mount Pleasant, DC: Sylvan Dell Publishers.

    on the moveThe concept of animal groups that include hundreds and/or thousands of a species that move together seasonally is explained in the opening pages as migration. With the recurring phrase of “on the move” the author describes the gathering of various species and continues the explanation with how they are moving and why. Often the reason is the mating season or getting ready for colder or warmer weather. Written in a narrative style this book is appropriate to introduce the concept of migration for early learners. Additional details and fact boxes are included at the end of the book. Educators will find a detailed and helpful resource and lesson guide at the publisher’s website.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    Curtis, Jennifer Keats. (2013). Animal helpers: Sanctuaries. Mount Pleasant, SC: Sylvan Dell.

    animal helpersMany animals were never meant to be domesticated, but once they have been, they often cannot be released into the wild to fend for themselves. Six animal sanctuaries in the United States provide the material for this book’s stories about exotic animals that need a place to live out the rest of their lives after they have grown up. Often, their owners can no longer take care of them properly because of their size. Adorable baby animals often grow up to be more than a handful. The photographs and text offer ready testimony to the good work of these sanctuaries that provide a safe place for the animals left behind or surrendered to authorities for the animals’ own well-being. Readers will encounter brief stories about a Canadian lynx, bobcats, tigers, a bear, and a jaguar, among others. Additionally, the book shows the hard work that is required of the animals' caretakers try to keep them occupied and healthy. Truly, this must be a labor of love. Also see "5 Questions With... Wendy Henrichs (When Anju Loved Being an Elephant)" on the Engage blog.

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman


    Formento, Alison. (2012). These bees count. Illus. by Sarah Snow. Park Ridge, IL: Albert Whitman & Company.

    these bees countWhen Mr. Tate’s class visits a farm on a school field trip, the students learn all about busy bee work that goes into creating honey. The children even have the chance to don the gear beekeepers use, complete with nets to cover their faces. The farmer, a woman named Ellen, shows them the beehives, explains how bees collect pollen from flowers, and demonstrates how she uses smoke to send them out of the hive. Although the book title is a play on words since the bees count when it comes to making honey, it also allows readers to count the number of elements on the pages; for instance, there are five poppies reaching for the sun on one page and nine peapods whose vines cling to stakes. Back matter includes information on bees and even a brief discussion about colony collapse disorder. The vivid illustrations and honeycombed endpapers add immensely to the pleasures of reading this short text. Without bees, life would lose much of its sweetness.

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman


    Holland, Mary. (2013). Ferdinand Fox’s first summer.  Mount Pleasant, SC: Sylvan Dell Publishers.

    ferdinand foxNature photographer Mary Holland has captured the first few months in the life of a young fox through her camera. Mary named him Ferdinand, and young readers will follow this young kit and his four brothers and sisters from the underground den where they were born to the world of the forest and their lessons in how to survive. Double page photographs on every page give a close-up feel as readers observe how these young kits use their senses to learn about their environment. The kits’ playful antics are also captured in these beautiful nature photographs. Not a detailed introduction but one for early learners, the information about Ferdinand Fox is told as a nonfiction narrative easily understood by primary age students. Teachers will find a detailed lesson guide at the publisher’s website. Learn more about the author, her photography and the background for this book at her blog and website.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    Kaner, Etta. (2013). And the winner is…Amazing animal athletes. Illus. by David Anderson. Tonawanda, NY: Kids Can Press.

    and the winner isWith illustrations and information about various types of habitats, this text features an imaginary World Animal Games in which animals compete against each other to prove their prowess in various events. Walrus and Cockatoo banter while introducing the competition. The events include the high jump, sprinting, weight lifting, swimming, the long jump, aerobatics, and the marathon. Several competitors are described, and then guesses are made about who might win. Each time the winner of the event is revealed, and then his/her time is compared to the most accomplished human athlete’s. Some of the winners are surprising while others are predictable. While the other animals watch the competitors, their observations about what they are seeing add to the fun. Thumbnail sketches provide additional information such as food and habitat about the animals in the completion. Human athletes simply can’t compare to these athletic animals. Readers will love the cartoonlike illustrations and shake their heads at these amazing feats by animals.

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman


    Loxton, Daniel. (2013). Tales of prehistoric life: Pterosaur trouble. Illus. by Daniel Loxton with Jim W. W. Smith. Tonawanda, NY: Kids Can Press.

    pterosaurThis book filled with luminous illustrations of Earth’s prehistoric period will captivate young readers fascinated by the age of the dinosaurs. Inspired by the discovery of a fossil of a large flying reptile with bite marks from a smaller creature, the author imagines the outcome of a battle between two fierce competitors. Unconcerned with the dinosaurs below him, Quetzalcoatlus, a pterosaur, flies through the air and surveys his domain before landing to hunt for food. As he fishes and considers whether a diminutive feathered dinosaur could be his next meal, he suddenly finds that the predator has become the prey of several of those Saurornitholestes who have surrounded him. The fact that the battle is hard fought and its result is not certain will keep readers turning the pages. This is an excellent way to engage readers while giving them a glimpse into a world that no longer exists. The back matter provides information about the pterosaur, a huge flying reptile. The blend of speculative fiction and nonfiction is quite appealing.

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman


    Lynette, Rachel. (2013). Pink River Dolphins. New York: Bearport Press.

    pink river dolphinsThe unusual pink river dolphins have only been “found in the lakes and rivers of South America’s rain forests.(p.8) With a photograph on one page and a map inset on the other, primary age readers will begin their journey to discover information about these unique dolphins. Using a small format for little hands but larger font size, this early reader science book introduces the life of the pink river dolphin. Boldface words indicate vocabulary emphasis to describe various aspects of the life and environment of these mammals and a glossary with photographs further explain the words at the back of the book. Topics include special skills like echolocation, giving birth, time to eat, playtime, and growing up. Use this short video from National Geographic to give students a real live look at these unusual creatures.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    Markle, Sandra. (2013). What if you had animal teeth!? Illus. by Howard McWilliam. New York: Scholastic.

    what ifIn this funny book sure to be a hit with young readers, the author imagines that the book’s reader has lost his/her front teeth. Instead of the permanent teeth that will replace those choppers, she wonders what might happen if various animals’ teeth grew in the mouth instead. The lively text, photographs, and quirky illustrations charmingly tell a great tooth story. By turns, the children in the illustrations have mouths filled with the teeth of a beaver, a great white shark, a narwhal, an elephant, a rattlesnake, a naked mole rat, a vampire bat, a hippopotamus, a Bengal tiger, a crocodile, and a camel. After taking readers on this informative flight of fancy, the author explains the origin of teeth and discusses proper tooth care. This short title is guaranteed to prompt readers to flash their pearly whites in delight.

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman


    Sebe, Masayuki. (2013). 100 animals on parade! Tonawanda, NY: Kids Can Press.

    100 animalsWhile this counting book features almost more animals than a reader can bear to count, it’s also an activity book and inquiry text designed to sharpen readers’ visual literacy skills as well as their critical thinking skills. For instance, there are clever quips and questions above some of the animals and readers are asked to find certain bears such as the last one or the one whose strength allows him to hoist a piano. The book begins with 100 musically inclined bears at the front of a parade. They are followed by 11 pig chefs hauling scrumptious foods, 100 carpenter beetles carrying heavy objects, 100 circus rabbits doing tricks, and 100 flower birds zipping through the sky. The final double-page spread shows where all those animals are heading, revealing a crowded, animal-filled place. Readers are encouraged to return to the earlier pages to find three animals that appear in every scene as well as to locate 22 additional items in the final scene.

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman


    Shields, Amy. (2013). National Geographic Kids: Saving animal babies. Washington, DC: National Geographic.

    saving animal babiesIn simple but engaging text this book provides glimpses into how humans are working hard to take care of baby animals. From feeding milk shakes concocted from meat to tiger cubs whose mothers are unable to care properly for their first litter to rewiring a starving seal lion’s broken jaw before releasing him back to his ocean home, this book is filled with heart-warming stories and photographs showing men and women making a difference in the lives of wild animals. A section in the back of the book offers a list of simple do’s and don’ts that readers can follow to help save animal babies in their own way.

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University


    Stockdale, Susan. (2013). Stripes of all types. Atlanta: Peachtree Publications.

    stripes“Stripes found in water/ sliding through weeds/Drinking from rivers/ and darting through reeds.” (p.1-4) Rhyming narrative coupled with colorful illustrations, often as double-page spreads, introduce the concept of nature’s camouflage in animals around the world. This science concept book is appropriate for early readers not only to look at the stripes themselves but how patterns work in nature as well. Placed in their natural habitats, Stockdale has created captivating illustrations. Read more about how she created these beautiful illustrations at the publisher’s website/blog. The end of the book includes thumbnail illustrations with further background information and the final pages have a matching game for young readers, or teachers with an electronic whiteboard. Enjoy the other books by award-winning author, Susan Stockdale, through this Voice of America video.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    Thomas, Isabel. (2013). Brilliant Birds. Mankato, MN: Raintree Publishers.

    brilliant birdsFrom the Extreme Animals series, this bright pink cover advertises the contents of this book about the colorful birds from around the world that are described on the inside pages. Colorful photography, “Did you know” fact boxes, new vocabulary in bold print, miscellaneous factoid boxes in addition to opening paragraphs describe each of the birds and species. Regal Eagles, Helicopter Hummingbirds, Outsized Ostriches, Tough Penguins, Fearless Flamingo, Soaring Albatrosses, Clever Crows, Tongue-Twisting Woodpeckers, Noisy Kakapos and Revolting Vultures are a few of the chapter headings about specific bird types.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    Townsend, John. (2013). Amazing Animal Helpers. Mankato, MN: Raintree.

    amazingFrom the Animal Superpowers series, extraordinary capabilities of a wide variety of animals fill the pages of this book. Photographs of these animals in their habitats explain what their special talents are. Pigeons that were used to carry messages during World War II or Mila, the Beluga whale that saved a diver from drowning in Chine, or the gorilla living in a zoo near Chicago that saved a three-year-old boy when he fell into her pen and rushed to save him are just a few of the feats these animals accomplished. From tiny insect “mini superheroes” (p.12) to tsunami-warning elephants in Thailand, amazing facts and accomplishments of wonderful animal acts of kindness, compassion, strength, or friendship are described about these animal helpers. For more, read about Dorothy Hinshaw Patent (author of Dogs on Duty) on the Engage blog.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    GRADES 3-5


    Alderfer, Jonathan. (2013). National Geographic Kids Bird Guide of North America. Washington, DC: National Geographic.

    bird guideDivided into eleven sections based on geographic parts of the United States such as “Eastern Backyard Birds” and specific types of habitat such as “City Streets and Parks,” “Farms and Fields,” “Beach and Bay,” “River and Marsh,” and “Deserts,” among others, this is the definitive field guide for young birders. Its slim size makes it easy to tote, and its color-coded sections allow birders to quickly refer to a section and identify a bird. Each section features a double-page photo spread showing a bird in its typical habitat. The rest of the section provides vital statistics such as voice, food, habitat and range, about the birds commonly found in that area as well a closer look at the bird’s physical features. Readers are sure to enjoy the section entitled “Rock Star Birds” featuring birds that are considered rather flashy. Among them can be found the Whooping Crane, the Roseate Spoonbill, the California Condor, the Snowy Owl, the Trumpeter Swan, and the Atlantic Puffin, gorgeous winged wonders that every birder longs to spot.

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman


    Allen, Kathy. (2013). Polar Bears. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.

    polar bearsFrom the Endangered and Threatened Animals series, this introduction to the polar bear is well developed. Beginning with a description of the species and its habitat, complete with an aerial view of the Arctic Circle, the life of the polar bear is discussed including how they hunt to acquire food and how their bodies and fur are designed to maximize hunting techniques as well as surviving arctic temperatures. Vocabulary used to describe  aspects of the life of the polar bear appear in bold face print in addition to vocabulary boxes placed throughout the books. Captioned color photographs add to the background information about this endangered species. The final chapter discusses the reasons the polar bear is being threatened and how people, including kids, can help in the efforts to preserve this beautiful white bear. Catch “The Animal Planet” TV show that features the endangered polar bear now.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    Arlon, Penelope and Tory Gordon-Harris. (2013). Scholastic Discover More: Rainforest. New York: Scholastic.

    rainforestAs the earth’s lungs, the rainforest takes care of all lives on the planet. The rainforest is a most incredible habitat in which more than half of the Earth’s species dwell. The hot-sun-and-heavy-rain weather cycle of the rainforest breeds giant plants that almost seem cunning as well as colorful animals capable of camouflaging themselves in their surroundings. The rainforest is also the place from which many of our favorite foods and products come. Enjoy a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows at a cold winter night? Can’t wait to put on a pair of colorful and stylish rain boots in a drizzling day? Prefer a banana as a snack during the afternoon break? Without the rainforest, there would be no chocolate, no rain boots, and no bananas. Deforestation and global warming have raised our concern about the conservation of the rainforest. This introductory text explains what the rainforest is and why it matters, heightening the awareness of young readers about their environment. While reading this book, readers will relish many fun and amazing facts about the rainforest.

    - Ying-Hsuan Lee, Washington State University Pullman


    Berger, Melvin & Gilda. (2013). 101 animal records. New York: Scholastic.

    101 animalNature lovers will certainly enjoy this fascinating look at animals. Starting with the number 1 and moving all the way to 101, the title provides interesting facts and records held by animals. For instance, one represents Lonesome George, the Abington tortoise who was the last of his kind. After his death in 2012, there were no others of his species left on the Earth. Number ten represents the basilisk lizard, whose webbed hind feet make it able almost to skim across the water. With more time spent asleep than awake, the koala holds down the sixtieth spot as the sleepiest mammal, slumbering away 18 hours of each day. The book concludes with the wolverine at the 101st spot, earning it because of its strength for its size. The enticing text and photographs guarantee that readers will be reluctant to look up from this book’s pages.

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University


    Burnie, David. (2013). Scholastic Discover More: Sharks. New York: Scholastic.

    sharksNot only do sharks have sharp teeth, streamlined bodies, but they are one of the most powerful predators swimming in the ocean. Swimming with stealth and speed when they attack, they swim even when they sleep. Humans both loathe and love them. They are feared for the well-publicized attacks on surfers when surfers paddle like turtles. But some humans love them for their fins, used in soups. Sharks are old, having been around more than 420 million years. They are good swimmers who travel from ocean to ocean. The photos in this engaging book are clear enough that readers may feel excited or scared as the pages are turned and sharks in all their glory are revealed. Readers will find descriptions and explanations of characteristics of sharks that are informative and easy to digest. The inclusion of myths and legends surrounding sharks adds to the reading pleasure. This is a good book for youngsters to read before visiting an aquarium or simply to know more about the importance of sharks. There’s much more to the story of sharks than what is shown in movies.

    - Ying-Hsuan Lee, Washington State University Pullman


    Cerullo, Mary M. with Clyde F. E. Roper.(2012). Giant squid: searching for a sea monster. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.

    giant squidThe scientific work of Dr. Clyde Roper is featured in this fascinating look at the mysterious deep-sea creature, the giant squid. Found to be 50 feet long with eyes the size of a man’s head, these cephalopods have eluded man for years and also have a strange trail of lore and mystery in sea stories and novels. Dr. Roper’s study of the giant squid reveals much about them and author Mary Cerullo has narrated his work for young readers. Illustrated with a mix of actual photographs, charts, diagrams and illustrations this narrative provides an enormous amount of factual information about this little-known subject in addition to pieces of some of the sea lore that surrounds them. Sightings of these rare animals are few partly because they live in the freezing depths of the ocean usually from 1,600 to 3,300 feet below sea level. How scientists have used photography to search and study these elusive creatures combined with the fact that a giant squid has never been captured or observed within their own environment makes fascinating account. This text was selected as an Outstanding Science Trade Book for 2013. Watch this short and rare video on the giant squid from The Discovery Channel as a companion for the book.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    Guillain, Charlotte. (2013). Jobs if you like … animals. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann Library/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

    jobsStarting with the chapter heading “Why Do Animals Matter” and on to “Do you love animals?” (p.4) the scene is set for readers to learn about jobs relating to many aspects of animals. Typically, the first thought is becoming a vet and the first chapter deals with just that and discusses how vets care for sick or injured animals. Next, readers are introduced to the work that farmers do with animals, even the less familiar farm animals like ostriches or llamas. Other introductory information about careers such as entomologist, zookeeper, police dog handler, wildlife biologist, animal welfare inspector, animal care assistant, riding instructor, and dog trainer are included. An Animal Job Chart is available at the end of the book to give young readers some things to think about as they consider jobs working with animals. Meant to be an introduction to jobs, this book does not go in depth for the careers mentioned.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    Laidlaw, Rob. (2013). Saving lives & changing hearts: animal sanctuaries and rescue centres. Markham, Ontario, CA: Fitzhenry & Whiteside.

    saving lives“An animal sanctuary is a place of refuge for unwanted, neglected, abused, injured or abandoned animals.” (p.6) This opening statement defines and answers the chapter title: “What is an animal sanctuary?” The author continues to explain about farmed animal sanctuaries for domestic farm animals, equine sanctuaries for horses, donkeys, and mules and wild animal sanctuaries for a wide range of wild animals. Differences between sanctuaries and rescue centers are explained. The author continues with chapters on specific centers around the world including the Donkey Sanctuary of Canada, Cedar Row Farm Sanctuary in Ontario, Canada, the Performing Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) in California, the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in Kenya, Animals Asia Foundation in China, Tam Dao Sanctuary in Viet Nam, Bear with Us in Canada, Black Bear Education Center (WBBEC) in Wisconsin, the Born Free Foundation (BFF) in the United Kingdom, the Ethiopian Wildlife Rescue, Conservation and Education Centre, Jane Goodall’s Tchimpounga Sanctuary in Africa, and many, many more. The design format of the book is impressive in addition to the tremendous amount of information about each sanctuary and rescue center and the work done there. Notebook pages, snapshots, color photographs, and explanatory captions provide well-done text features. The book concludes with detailed information on how to get involved with rescue organizations in addition to a lengthy list of actual organizations and website or contact information. Read more from the Born Free website and blog. See this interview with Jill Robinson, co-author of the Jasper's Story book about mistreated moon bears, on the Engage blog.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    Mason, Adrienne. (2013). Planet Ark: Preserving Earth’s biodiversity. Illus. by Margot Thompson. Tonawanda, NY: Kids Can Press.

    planet arkAnother winning title from the CitizenKid collection of books published to foster global awareness, this book describes Earth’s biodiversity while explaining the effects of the loss of one species on other living things. Reminding readers that only a small portion of Earth’s species have been identified by scientists, the title celebrates the planet’s bounties while also sounding cautionary notes about the effects of alien species on native species, overexploitation of natural resources, global warming against a backdrop of acrylic illustrations depicting beautiful scenes from the planet. Young readers can also learn about modern-day Noahs intent on preserving Earth’s diversity as well as ways that they can become activists, taking actions to change the world and make sure to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle as well as Rethink, Refuse, and Rejoice. The book makes it clear that attitude adjustments can go a long way toward changing the world for the better.

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman.


    McCurry, Kristen. (2013). How to draw amazing animals. Illus. by Leonardo Meschini. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.

    how to drawGiving fairly simple step-by-step instructions, readers can use these directions to recreate the drawings of exotic animals from around the globe. Arranged in alphabetical order by animal, each double page spread offers 4 steps to accomplish the basic drawing ending with a colorized picture with a slight background ecosystem included for the backdrop setting of the animal. This will be a fun addition to other drawing books usually enjoyed by students, especially those who need help getting started in their artistic endeavors. Enjoy this video on drawing animals that might prove interesting for students.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    Montgomery, Heather L. (2013). Wild discoveries: Wacky new animals. New York: Scholastic.

    wild discoveriesScientists conjecture that despite the diversity of Earth’s living things, six million different animals may still be undiscovered and unknown to humans. Organized according to locations [rain forests, oceans, islands, mountains, and wacky places] and then concluding with a chapter dedicated to how young scientists are adding to what is known about the Earth’s inhabitants, this book introduces readers to some of the most recently identified animals found between 2007 and 2012. Readers will be intrigued by the photographs and descriptions of the gray-faced sengi, found only in the Udzungwa Mountains, the psychedelic frogfish whose swirls of colors are meant as camouflage, and the wattled smoky honeyeater that blushes when it becomes excited or angry. In addition to nifty animals such as the snot flower that resembles exactly that, the book discusses a handful of discoveries that aren’t animals at all. Perfect for browsing and sharing with others, this title provides proof that there are still scientific mysteries to unravel.

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman


    Spilsbury, Louise. (2013). A mob of meerkats and other mammal groups. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann Library/ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

    a mobScattered throughout the south of Africa are communities of meerkats. Author Louise Spilsbury has written a thorough description of life among a colony of meerkats. Each page has a photograph and fact box. Included within the double page spreads is a fact box labeled, “Did You Know?” Other labeled facts boxes that appear regularly throughout the book are “Human Interaction” and “Habitat in Danger.” The final chapters of the book discuss other African mammal communities as a means to compare with the meerkats. Lions, elephants and naked mole rats are the other groups mentioned. Introduce meerkats with this short video from National Geographic.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant

    These reviews are submitted by members of the International Reading Association's Children's Literature and Reading Special Interest Group (CL/R SIG) and are published weekly on Reading Today Online. The International Reading Association partners with the National Council of Teachers of English and Verizon Thinkfinity to produce, a website devoted to providing literacy instruction and interactive resources for grades K–12.

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  • How can we motivate our students to reach the CCSS goal of having students “set goals to read their level of books as well as increasingly more difficult fiction and informational texts” (Oczkus, 2012)? If you think about it, setting such goals for one’s reading is what sets apart a “real reader” from someone who only reads what is required in school.
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    Best Ever Literacy Survival Tips: 5 Super Practical Ideas for Motivating Kids to Read More Challenging Texts in the Age of CCSS!

    by Lori Oczkus
     | Apr 02, 2013
    How can we motivate our students to reach the CCSS goal of having students “set goals to read their level of books as well as increasingly more difficult fiction and informational texts” (Oczkus, 2012)?

    If you think about it, setting such goals for one’s reading is what sets apart a “real reader” from someone who only reads what is required in school. A real reader is someone who approaches reading with heated passion, who talks with others about books, seeks out books, compares and devours books for enjoyment and for information, and passes judgment on issues in books (Oczkus, 2012).

    Often our schools teach reading but don’t necessarily take the time to formally teach students about the “will” to read or how to become avid lifelong readers (Layne, 2009). I work in classrooms every week where we experience the following problems with motivation and reading:


    • get stuck on one kind of book, such as the Junie B. Jones series or mysteries.
    • experience difficulty selecting just-right books, and select books that are too difficult or too easy.
    • are not motivated to read at all.
    If our goal is to expand the reading repertoires of our students to include increasingly more difficult fiction and informational texts, then we desperately need some powerful strategies to engage and motivate our students to read more.

    Barnes and Monroe (2011) developed some simple guiding principles for struggling readers that apply to any classroom to motivate kids to read. They suggest that we give students choice, share books daily in teacher book talks, encourage students to share books with each other, allow students to sit on Pilates balls and the floor while reading, and offer reading on laptops. The researchers also suggest that we make the time to confer individually with students about their reading.

    When I enter a classroom to teach or coach for the first time, I always begin my lesson by asking the students to take out their independent reading books. I quickly circulate around the room, making note of what students are reading and chatting informally about the reasons for their choices. The mix is very telling; for example, books in a fifth grade classroom range from picture books and informational texts to young adult chapter books and magazines. From this quick “survey” about reading, I can easily see evidence of the reading levels and the motivation of the students I am about to teach.

    My question to the students is always, “What are you reading next, and why?” Hopefully, the students are challenging themselves to move into a wide variety of texts at a mix of reading levels for different purposes. If you simply have your students keep a list of books they’ve read that includes dates and maybe a quick, one-sentence summary, a 1-5 score, and reason for the score, this log can be a place to record their reading goals as well. Be sure to be a Super Model (Oczkus, 2012) and share YOUR reading log as well. (Just keep the 50 Shades series off your list!)

    Here are some practical and effective student-centered ideas that will help move students into the CCSS goal-setting mode—and ensure that they move forward in their reading levels and book choices,

    Life Books (Oczkus, 2012)

    Students select one or two favorite books of their lives to share with the class. These can be picture books from childhood or chapter books. They must give reasons for their choice and explain the significance of the book. I like videotaping students using an inexpensive camera and then posting the quick segments on the class or school website or blog. Ivan, a sixth grader, shared his love of CHARLOTTE’S WEB by E B. White because Charlotte was a hero and it was the first book his dad read to him. Be sure to share your favorite books from your life or childhood and reasons why you love them as well.

    Students may stand in a stroll line—two lines facing partners to discuss books and upon cueing students rotate to the next partner. You can also go to Scholastic’s Read Every Day Campaign to see famous movie stars, television stars, authors, and musicians’ lists of favorite books too. Or you could follow what one elementary school did; they posted teachers’ childhood favorite book covers in the hallway next to photos of the teachers.

    Key to Challenging Texts: Students see what books others cherish and hear the reasons for reading those books. Share your books too and why some of them include challenging titles. How did those books stretch you?

    Book Idol (Oczkus, 2012)

    This is a mock television show complete with three judges each with distinct “personalities” created by the students. For example, one judge might be a skateboarder, one a professor, and another a fancy gentleman or lady with an accent.

    The judges sit at a table facing the “audience” and use slates to write scores for the book the class is judging. One student role-plays as an interviewer and each of the judges shares his or her score for the book and distinct reasons for their thinking. The master of ceremonies might also invite the students in the audience to hold up their scores and tell partners reasons and evidence for their thinking. Students may give scores for the overall book, the author’s craft, or the character’s actions. Nonfiction books may be rated on their text features and treatment of the subject.

    After the Book Idol show, encourage students to write a paragraph with evidence as they discuss their views of the book. Videotaping makes this a fun activity to share. The class may partner with a buddy class in another town or state and videoconference to share their show live.

    Key to Challenging Texts: As students discuss a book they’ve all read, using the Book Idol show format, they reflect more deeply on the content of the book and the accessibility. Use the judges concept to give reasons for selecting new books to read as well. Make challenging texts part of the line up of choices and allow students to select titles to read either as a class or in small groups.

    Observation Rubric of Reading Motivation (Oczkus, 2012)

    Here is a rubric from BEST EVER LITERACY SURVIVAL TIPS: 72 LESSONS YOU CAN’T TEACH WITHOUT (Oczkus, 2012) that you can use to help you confer with students over their reading habits (adapted from the work of Edmunds & KLBauserman, 2006).

    The rubric will help you score student behavior in reading on a scale of 1-4 (4 = exceeds expectations; 3 = meets expectations; 2 = needs assistance; and 1 = struggles). Score your students as you confer with them on the way they select books, how their interests influence their choices, and how characteristics of books guide book selection (genres, size of book, etc.). You may also want to chart how students respond to book referrals.

    Key to Challenging Texts: Use this rubric to observe your students and to motivate them to set goals for reading and accessing more challenging texts.

    The 7 Times a Day Read Aloud Challenge (Oczkus, 2012)

    Keep a stack of reading material in a bin on your desk or somewhere you can easily access throughout the day. Assign a monitor to check off each time you read aloud to the class for a total of 7 hits! One of the read aloud sessions should last 15-20 min long. The other six are 1-2 minute “quickies” that might include a poem while students are lining up, an interesting newspaper article as students put their lunches away, or a menu or joke book during a transition time. Discuss purposes for reading each of these.

    This is a great way to expose students to tons of reading materials at a variety of levels and to discuss different reasons people read. One teacher even went home and started doing the 7 times a day read aloud with her own children after school until bedtime. The kids keep track and each of the read alouds only takes a minute of plopping on the couch, floor, or even in the driveway in the car. They love it!

    Key to Challenging Texts: You have many opportunities to share interesting challenging texts on a wide range of subjects when you make the 7 Times a Day Reading Challenge part of your schedule.

    Summer Book Bags (Allington & McGill-Franzen, 2003, 2013; Oczkus, 2012) The summer slump rears its ugly head every year when our students from low socioeconomic backgrounds skip out classroom doors only to skip reading all summer long. The result is a loss of as much as three months of reading achievement. Contrast this to the higher socioeconomic neighborhoods where students make three month gains with trips to the library and bookstore ( Allington &McGill-Franzen, 2003).

    p: NatalieSap via photopin cc
    The difference between the two groups is access to books. The solution is simple: provide 10 to 12 books for students to choose to take home and read over the summer. Note that the key is the students choose their titles to take home. A volunteer or teacher contacts the students who struggle the most by telephone or other method to check on the reading. Researchers found that this $50.00 per student summer program motivates students to read more and significant impact is made on reading achievement.

    In one of my project schools we targeted 37 of our intervention students in grades 3-5 by providing them with an array of choices of books to read. It was such a highlight of the year to see them enter the library where we displayed hundreds of books for them to choose from as they filled their summer book bags. The students plopped on the floor of the library to get final teacher approval for their choices and touchingly held onto the collections like they were precious treasures. For some of them, these were the first books they’d ever owned. We collected the books from used book stores, our local library book store, garage sales, and donations.

    Key to Challenging Texts: Allowing students to take books home takes some coordination. If you can’t provide Summer Book Bags for all of your students, try to at least target your struggling readers, those who have the most to lose and gain. Make sure you are providing a wide range of books for those choices.

    Also, give book talks about the various books and stand by as students select titles. Inspect their final choices to see that they’ve indeed filled their bags with a mix of on level and more challenging books that they really want to read. Discuss strategies for accessing the more challenging texts that include involving an adult to help read it, to partner read with a sibling, or to use a book on tape or other audio source.

    What are you doing to motivate students to read more in your school and classroom? Please share!

    Come see featured IRA author Lori D. Oczkus at IRA 2013! Lori’s session, “Best Ever Literacy Survival Tips: 72 Lessons You Can't Teach Without,” takes place on Sunday, April 21, from 1 PM to 2 PM. Lori will also be signing at the IRA Bookstore on Sunday, 4/21 at 2:30PM.


    Allington, R. L., & McGill-Franzen, A. (2003). The impact of summer setback on the reading achievement gap. PhiDelta Kappan, 85(1), 68-75.

    Allington, R. L. & McGill-Franzen, A. M. (2013). Summer reading: Closing the rich/poor reading achievement gap. New York: Teachers College Press.

    Barnes C. & Monroe, R. (2011). Reading motivation strategies to motivate struggling readers K-8. Retrieved January 20, 2012 from

    Edmunds, K. M., & Bauserman, K. L. (2006). What teachers can learn about reading motivation through conversations with children. The Reading Teacher, 59(5), 414-424. Koi:10.1598/RT.59.5.1

    Layne, S. L. (2009). Igniting a passion for reading: Successful strategies for building lifetime readers. Portland, ME: Stenhouse.

    Oczkus, L. (2012). Best Ever Literacy Survival Tips: 72 Lessons You Can’t Teach Without. Newark, DE: International Reading Association.

    Lori D. Oczkus is a literacy coach, author, and popular speaker across the United States. Tens of thousands of teachers have attended her motivating, fast-paced workshops and read her practical, research-based professional books. Lori has extensive experience as a bilingual elementary teacher, intervention specialist working with struggling readers, and staff developer and literacy coach. Her most recent book with IRA is BEST EVER LITERACY SURVIVAL TIPS: 72 LESSONS YOU CAN’T TEACH WITHOUT.

    © 2013 Lori Oczkus. Please do not reproduce in any form, electronic or otherwise.

    One Equally Effective but Lower-Cost Option to Summer School

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  • Kimberly ReznicekThis Texas reading specialist talks about struggling readers, professional development, must-see San Antonio attractions, volunteerism, and kickball.
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    April Member of the Month: Kimberly Reznicek

     | Apr 01, 2013

    Kimberly ReznicekApril Member of the Month Kimberly Reznicek is a board member of the Texas Association for Literacy Educators (TALE), an International Reading Association (IRA) state council, and an elementary reading specialist in San Antonio, the location of the IRA 58th Annual Convention. She is also an adjunct professor in the Teacher Education department at St. Mary’s University. As a part of the Reading Cadre for Staff Development, she collaboratively provides literacy related professional development to teachers within her district. Kimberly earned an Ed., MA from the Harvard Graduate School of Education in the Language and Literacy Program and a BA in Interdisciplinary Reading from St. Mary’s University. She has written items and research materials for ETS, CompassLearning, and the Center for Applied Linguistics. Her professional interests include adult dyslexia, vocabulary intervention programs, and Response to Intervention (RTI). In this interview, Reznicek shares more about her various roles, must-see San Antonio attractions, and kickball.

    When did you know you wanted to become a teacher?

    When I was a junior in high school I participated in a volunteer program that allowed us to read with students in elementary schools. I worked in a second grade classroom at Brackenridge Elementary, a Title I school, with two students who struggled with reading. After working with them and seeing the light in their eyes when suddenly they understood a concept or read a word correctly, I knew that this was the career for me. School was always a positive experience for me, and now I want my students to have the same positive experiences.

    As a literacy educator how do you motivate students, especially students who are struggling, to want to read?

    Reading specialists have different roles and thus different relationships with students than do classroom teachers. Classroom teachers have much more time with their students to get to know them and form relationships. When I first became a specialist I missed those relationships. As a specialist I have 30- to 45-minute sessions with each small group, and then I move on to the next group. However, I discovered that my different role can be positive in the way of student-teacher interaction. Sometimes as a classroom teacher you feel like a parent to your students, including times when you have to discipline students and require them to do things they may not want to do. As a specialist I feel like the “fun aunt” that gets to spend time with my students letting them “play” and take a break from their routine. While my students are really learning, they feel like they are playing because I believe novelty keeps the experience interesting. I always have new and different “toys” for them to use to extend their reading learning. My students think it is a real treat when they get to write on the table with dry erase markers or use magna doodle boards, magnetic letters, pipe cleaner, and various other materials that keep students engaged.

    Using engaging texts or setting the stage to make texts seem engaging is another way I try to keep students interested. I start every year by reading Stephen Parlato’s The World That Loved Books. Its beautiful collages illustrate how reading envelopes you into other worlds. The students love the illustrations and see from the start that reading can take you places. I treat each book we read in our group with this attitude and hope that my students develop a similar appreciation for the joy and practicality that reading can bring.

    Kimberly ReznicekBeyond the materials I use, I feel that having quality relationships with students is important. When students enter my classroom they can have a new identity apart from that of in their classroom or at home. They are encouraged to share their stories to make connections to the texts. They are encouraged to help each other by teaching other the reading skills and strategies they know. They are recognized for their accomplishments by earning the status of Reader of the Week. If they are chosen as Reader of the Week they get to sit in our special Reader’s Chair, wear their safari hat, and help with various tasks I might request. My students strive for this honor and focus their efforts toward being the Reader of the Week. Since beginning this process, my students are noticeably working together to use their strategies. They ask their reading partners “Does that make sense?” or “What sound does that letter make?” It has been a great way of encouraging the use of effective reading strategies as well as positive behaviors in my room.

    Beyond recognition I also want my room to be a safe place for students. If they are having a bad day, are nervous about a test, or want to share details of their lives, my students come to me and talk freely. I think they know that they can trust me and the students in our group because we have formed a different bond that may not have been able to be formed in a larger group setting.

    Using engaging texts and materials, recognizing students’ efforts, and maintaining positive relationships with and among students helps struggling readers to improve their skills and to be motivated to read within our groups.

    You tutored with Each One Teach One (EOTO), a non-profit organization serving low-level adult learners seeking basic literacy or GED certification. How has your volunteer work affected your career?

    I tutored with Each One Teach One for a year and continue to maintain a relationship with the organization. Working with these adult students helped me to focus my work at the elementary level. Many of the adults I worked with shared their stories of not learning how to read in elementary school or moving around frequently as a child creating educational gaps. Some even suspect they have unidentified learning disabilities. While each adult student I have worked with is incredibly driven to succeed in life and gain the skills necessary, they have explained the struggles they have faced along the way. One student described the shame he felt in being unable to help his own children with their homework. One student took time off from work and a significant pay cut to be able to focus on his work with EOTO. One woman explained her struggles with substance abuse as an escape because she felt she had no other options. While each student is now furthering their education, I know there are plenty of other adults with similar situations who may not have the means or knowledge of the resources available to obtain the help they need.

    Kimberly ReznicekAs an elementary educator, these stories are a reminder to me how important it is to prevent our young students from ending up in situations like those of the adults. If we, as educators, can set our children up for academic success at an early age, by teaching them to read, think, and problem-solve, then those children will not face as many difficulties later in life. If we can identify any potential struggles they might have like learning disabilities, then we can provide early intervention enabling students to cope with and adjust to their different ways of learning. Working with Each One Teach One was an invaluable experience to me as an educator. I would encourage anyone, educator or otherwise, to consider working with the organization. It helps you to focus on the purpose of the work you do and to understand others in their specific life situations. It promotes compassion and empathy for the people with which you work. You understand the similarities that we all have in life regardless of our situational differences.

    You're part of the Reading Cadre for Staff Development. How is that group structured, and what kinds of projects do you do?

    The NISD Elementary Reading Cadre is a group of elementary reading specialists that creates and presents staff development and trainings on reading topics. Trainings are presented in multiple formats including campus staff development sessions, district-wide invitations like Elementary Institute and Fall into Literacy, as well as webinars presented online throughout the district. We are led by Susan Smeby, the Reading Instructional Support Teacher, and overseen by Carolyn Denny, the Elementary Reading Instructional Specialist. The cadre meets once a month to continue our current book study of Lucy Calkins’ The Art of Teaching Reading as well as our breakout groups working on various staff development topics. I recently completed working on a webinar focusing on summarization strategies. While the district benefits from the work we do, I feel that I receive a lot of the benefits, too. Every month I look forward to the discussions we have about literacy and the camaraderie among the specialists. I feel that every district should have some sort of structure working toward similar purposes.

    How has professional development changed in recent years, and where do you see it going in the future?

    In NISD the biggest change I have seen is the use of technology. Webinars are used much more frequently and make staff development more accessible to larger groups of people. In the future I think online training will be much more frequent, but improved technology will allow for even more interaction and higher quality training.

    What’s the most valuable advice you can give to someone entering the literacy education field?

    The best advice I can give to anyone entering the education field in general is to remember why you entered into it. There can be a lot of distractions from all sides that might cause frustration or even displacement of one’s goals. However if you remember the reason you are there, the distractions will not deter you from your purpose.

    What do you consider to be your proudest career moment?

    I was recently named a finalist for the HEB Excellence in Education Rising Star Award. I do not typically look to awards to feel fulfilled as an educator but it was nice to be recognized for the work I have done and the work we all do with our students. It was really a recognition of my students’ accomplishments and the accomplishments of the people I have the privilege of working with and for on a daily basis. My students work so hard at becoming great readers. My colleagues and bosses are such fantastic educators and together we all work to ensure that our students are succeeding in school and in life. It was a nice celebration of what we all strive to do in schools.

    What do you like to do when you’re not wearing your educator hat?

    I like to spend time with my large extended family. I paint when I can find the time. I also play kickball in a social sports league with some of my friends who are also teachers. We don’t play enough kickball at recess.

    Kimberly also shared her favorite San Antonio restaurants, shopping spots, and Fiesta events with Reading Today Online. 




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