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  • I guess there used to be a time when my forefathers would run into problems and actually have to solve issues themselves. Like let’s say my great-great-great-grandfather’s fence became damaged in a cataclysmic storm and now his cows were at risk of being eaten by predatory wolves with an affinity for grass fed organic beef. What would he have done?
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    Can't I Just Outsource It?

    by Alan Sitomer
     | Apr 10, 2013
    I guess there used to be a time when my forefathers would run into problems and actually have to solve issues themselves. Like let’s say my great-great-great-grandfather’s fence became damaged in a cataclysmic storm and now his cows were at risk of being eaten by predatory wolves with an affinity for grass fed organic beef. What would he have done?

    p: Enokson via photopin cc
    Fixed the fence. What would, moi, his great-great-great-grandson do? I’d call a fence fixer—and proudly, too.

    I simply don’t have the time or the wherewithal to actually go fix my own fences. However, what makes this matter worth blogging about is that I personally hold almost no shame about the fact that I wouldn’t hesitate to offload this job to someone else. (Besides, I shop at Whole Foods for grass fed organic beef; even though their prices are a tad high, the quality is consistently top notch.)

    Indeed, my great-great-great-grandfather might be rolling over in his grave at the notion that his kinfolk can’t or won’t grab his own tools and go deal with the problem himself. But me, I don’t see it as a matter worth getting anyone’s dander up about. (Like I do when people end sentences with prepositions, I might add.)

    Big point: I outsource where prior generations didn’t and while it might cause consternation in the hearts of the elders, it doesn’t rankle me one bit. As The Who would say, “I’m talkin’ bout My Generation.”

    Now, fast forward to Google. When I ask youngin’z about dates of historical importance, moments of nation-shaping salience, tremendously significant touch-n-go incidents that underpin the modern foundations of all that we say and do as modern Americans, what’s the response?

    Y U askin me? Jst google it. (They even talk in text these days.)

    Of course, this is where I get self-righteous. Okay, not remembering the exact date of when, say, the The Declaration of Independence was signed (that would be July 4, 1776… It’s, like, why we have the holiday with hot dogs and fireworks, dude) is, I admit, not too big of a deal. But understanding the significance the event had on the way we conduct society today—and how our society will continue to conduct itself in the future—is fairly important.

    Or so I happen to think. But just because I think that way doesn’t mean everyone thinks that way.

    “But, dude, I can Google that, too,” is what I hear in response. And indeed, this is also true. Google provides pages and pages of thoughts, opinions, ideas and so on the subject of interpreting the Declaration of Independence and extensive analysis on what ratifying the Constitution meant—and still means—today. Pages and pages on this subject exist. From the left, from the right, from the center, scores of erudite ideas as authored by scholars, people who are well-versed in the nuances, claims and counter-claims have weighed in on the matter

    “So why do I need to swim in these waters?” asks the modern kid.

    Of course, this is when I go into diatribe mode about not outsourcing to Google when you can and should be able to think for yourself because the importance of being able to fix your own fence instead of merely outsourcing the issue to…

    Whoa. Hold on a minute there. Has what I think just happened really happened? Did I just turn into my great-great-great-grandfather? I’m not even a member of the AARP yet.

    • It doesn’t interest me to fix a fence.
    • It doesn’t interest me to reflect on the impact of the Declaration of Independence.

    • But what happens when you can’t find a fence fixer and you have to do the work for yourself or you’ll lose all your cows?
    • What happens when Google becomes inaccessible and you have to find the answers for yourself or you won’t be able to sustain our democracy?

    • But I am teaching you a skill you need to know.
    • But I am teaching you a skill you need to know.

    • There’s un-quantifiable life value—especially in terms of self-sufficiency—to knowing how to make and fix things with your own two hands without having to turn to someone else to do the hard, heavy work for you.
    • There’s un-quantifiable life value—especially in terms of self-sufficiency—to knowing how to think about things for yourself without having to turn to someone else’s thoughts to do the hard, heavy work for you.
    Then, in a fit of frustration I exclaim, “YOU CAN’T JUST COUNT ON GOOGLE!”

    But yes, we kinda can. If we are asking questions to which we already know the answers, that is. But if we are asking questions to which the answers are not yet in hand (i.e. How do we eradicate cancer? Can we heal the damage to our planet that industrialization has wrought? Can peace on Earth be delivered to all in a manner which all people actually feel peaceful towards one another?), perhaps therein exists our answer.

    The answer is literally in our collective pockets (presuming you own a smart phone). Yet…

    • The cure for the common cold? Can’t just Google it.
    • Smartly assessing teacher performance in the classroom in a manner that demonstrates fairness, efficacy and balance? Can’t just Google it.
    • Forecasting natural disasters in a way that can mean much less loss of life while also saving billions of dollars worth of property? Can’t just Google it.
    But once these riddles are cracked, we will be able to “just Google it.”

    My great-great-great-grandfather might have been right for his time, but my own feeling is that he’s wrong for mine. Question: Is this now true for our generation of educators? Are we dwelling on kids knowing skills that society has already rendered passé? After all, in modern times we plan on Google being here as much as we count on electricity being here, and I don’t hear anyone nagging kids to learn the art of candle making in case the lights go out.

    Hmm, big question troubling me today: Can’t we/should we just outsource it?

    It’s an ever-growing question.

    Alan Sitomer was named California's 2007 Teacher of the Year. In addition to being an inner-city high school English teacher and former professor in the Graduate School of Education at Loyola Marymount University, Alan is a nationally renowned speaker specializing in engaging reluctant readers who received the 2004 award for Classroom Excellence from the Southern California Teachers of English, the 2003 Teacher of the Year honor from California Literacy, the 2007 Educator of the Year award by Loyola Marymount University and the 2008 Innovative Educator of the Year from The Insight Education Group. He’s the author of six young adult novels, three children's picture books, two teacher methodology books, and a classroom curriculum series for secondary English Language Arts instruction called THE ALAN SITOMER BOOK JAM. A Fun Look at Our Serious Work appears quarterly on the Engage blog.

    © 2013 Alan Sitomer. Please do not reproduce in any form, electronic or otherwise.
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  • petsLast week the Children's Literature and Reading SIG presented animals in the wild, so this week’s theme deals with pets and domestic animals.
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    Pets on Parade Book Reviews

     | Apr 10, 2013

    petsThe Children’s Literature and Reading SIG is bringing Part 2 to our animal reviews this week. Last week we presented animals in the wild, so this week’s theme deals with pets and domestic animals. As children learn to take care of a pet or learn to deal with some of the less endearing parts of a pet these books might bring some solutions or helpful ideas. Children will also read about rescue dogs and animal shelters. At the same time, there are so many funny things about pets and appreciating their loyalty that authors have created wonderful stories, both fact and fiction, to bring to young readers.

    Listen to ReadWriteThink’s podcast entitled “Unusual Pets” for other book recommendations on animals or the RWT lesson idea using Comic Creator for lots of animal possibilities or the lesson plan idea for April and Poetry Month that combines poetry and animals at “Help a Child Write a Poem.”

    Plus, the Engage blog has a delightful story called "Bringing Children, Dogs, and Books Together."

    Use some of the videos found at The Animal Planet website for media literacy plans and books for even more animal ideas.


    GRADES K-2


    Arlon, Penelope. (2013). Scholastic Discover More: Puppies and kittens. New York: Scholastic. 

    puppies and kittensUndoubtedly, there's nothing cuter than a puppy or a kitten—unless it's a litter of the adorable creatures. This book contains plentiful colorful photographs of these cuddly baby animals, sometimes alongside their equally appealing mothers. The book’s thirteen chapters provide information about the particular needs of puppies and kittens when they are newborn and then as they grow. Although some of these facts are well-known, not all of them are. For instance, while kittens can purr when they are only two days old, puppies cannot bark until they are two to four weeks old. The book also contains chapters explaining how puppies and kittens need to play and suggesting toys and games to play with them. This engaging text may encourage readers to visit their local animal shelter to offer a forever home to a new furry friend. 

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman


    Breen, Steve. (2013). Pug & Doug. New York: Dial Books for Young Readers.

    pugAuthor/illustrator Steve Breen is a Pulitzer Prize-winning author who has turned his talents to writing a tale of friendship. Pug and Doug are good friends though very different from each other. They share a secret “pawshake” and a love of donuts, but their personalities take different directions. Doug is artistic and creative and Pug is organized and likes things done correctly in order. It appears that Pug is starting to drift away from Doug, and Doug is worried about their friendship. When Pug realizes what has happened and a birthday surprise is in the works, the two friends reunite and find their friendship stronger than ever. Pastel watercolors, colored pencils and mixed media bring a color palette to the story that brings out the differences in color, and people, but represents how they can be blended to make a beautiful picture.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    Crow, Melinda Melton. (2013). Rocky and Daisy at the Park. Illus. by Mike Brownlow. Mankato, MN: Stone Arch Books/Capstone Press.

    rockyFrom the Stone Arch Readers series for emerging readers, Owen is a young boy with two dogs that like to do different things. One is more quiet and playful while the other is rambunctious and ready to run. This presents a problem for Owen when he is trying to take them for a walk or play with them in the yard. When his parents suggest trying the dog park, it brings a whole new experience for everyone that includes a great deal of fun, or not, in the mud. This early reader chapter book provides a story that many young children can identify with concerning their pets.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    Helakoski, Leslie. (2013). Doggone feet! Honesdale, PA: Boyds Mills Press.

    A loyal dog that is quite attached to her human companion describes how her life has changed ever since she went home from a park with the person she knows as Legs. Life is pretty good, but eventually she grudgingly manages to make room for other residents, including one that insists on the dog being shampooed and one that throws meat onto the floor. As time moves on, her small family grows to encompass one, two, three, four, and even more additions. Young readers will enjoy the surprise at the end as well as the endpapers covered with the tracks of various individuals. Because readers don't see the upper half of the humans until near the end of the book, the dog's point of view is enhanced. Having the illustrations and the text originate from a dog's perspective adds to this book’s uniqueness. Learn how the book trailer was made for Doggone Feet or check out the detailed activity guide based on the Common Core State Standards at the author’s website.

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman


    Himmelman, John. (2013). Katie and the puppy next door. New York: Henry Holt/Macmillan.

    Pen and watercolor illustrations bring young readers the story of Katie, the terrier, and her new neighbor, the dachshund, Ruby. Katie’s life has been very good with her owner Sara Ann and the three cats and chew toys enjoyed by all. But when Ruby dashes into their lives and chews Katie’s favorite toys and makes friends with HER cats, Katie is not overjoyed at this neighborliness. However, Sara Ann would very much like for Katie to learn to share. When a tug of war breaks out over toys and cats, Katie learns that this situation can actually be fun. Though the obvious story line is about dogs and cats, the underlying message here very definitely relates to young children and teachers will enjoy this book as a read aloud and discussion starter for young readers.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    Horvath, James. (2013). Dig, dogs, dig: a construction tail. New York: HarperCollins.

    Kids who love trucks and big equipment will enjoy this book. The construction crew consists of a dozen digging dogs and one black cat. They wake up early from their dormitory room and get to work. A busy day waits as they begin the task of building a playground. In rhyming text, the construction equipment and heavy-duty trucks are explained as they begin the excavation until they literally hit a snag. They have hit upon a dinosaur bone! As their work continues they get the playground finished complete with trails and a duck pond and a huge display for the dinosaur bone. The end pages display the crew with their names. Click here for an activity based on this book. Read more about this author and his new book at his website and blog.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    Johnson, J. Angelique. (2012). Getting a pet, step-by-step. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press.

    Meet Maggie and her family as they decide what pet is right for their family. Told through full page photographs and text boxes readers will follow Maggie and her family as they go to the pet store looking at different animals and then looking through books to learn even more about a variety of animal choices and their care. When they decide they would like a dog they look online and the newspaper for possible places to purchase their new pet. They decide to visit an animal shelter and there find a dog named Coco. The caretaker at the shelter gives them information about caring for their new dog. They buy a crate and a leash and chew toys and water bowls and all the supplies they will need and then they are ready to bring Coco to his new home.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    Kulling, Monica. (2013). Mister Dash and the cupcake calamity. Illus. by Esperanca Melo. Toronto, ON: Tundra Books.

    Madame Croissant is well known for her famously delicious cupcakes. Mr. Dash, a dog with a mixed-breed background, is the dependable deliverer of the cupcakes. One day Madame’s niece, Daphne, arrives to “help” make the cupcakes only Daphne’s idea of helping is ready to drive Madame a little crazy in the kitchen. Sprinkled with delightful French phrases and the bright acrylic paintings of Melo, the fun that ensues might be identifiable to young readers who have also tried to “help” in the kitchen. Madame and Mister Dash sigh a breath of relief at the end of the day when they wave goodbye to Daphne.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    Loewen, Nancy. (2012). Good-bye, Jeepers. What to expect when your pet dies. Illus. by Christopher Lyles. Mankato, MN: Picture Window Books/Capstone Press.

    It is never easy to lose a loved one, and often for young children their first experience with death is the loss of their pet. In Good-bye, Jeepers, a young gender-neutral Panda is the main character. (Readers do not know if he is a boy or girl and it doesn’t matter. The book is intended to reach young children regardless if boy or girl.) As the story opens and the young Panda wakes up on a Saturday morning he discovers that his pet guinea pig has died. His parents talk to him about death and grief and say it’s okay to cry. He feels sad but goes to school and begins to think about other things. When he gets home, his family helps him plan a burial and friends and neighbors help young Panda get through this loss. Throughout the book are subtle text boxes that contain helpful tips about dealing with death and loss. This could be that just right book for that tough moment when children in your classes have lost a beloved pet.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    Meisel, Paul. (2013). See me dig. New York: Holiday House.

    This new companion to the author’s 2011 book, See Me Run, is another rollicking romp with this pack of digging canines. Their dig this time uncovers a bear and a pretty scary one at that. They run off to the beach and begin another digging adventure in the sand. This time they uncover a treasure chest and are certain it is full of pirate’s gold. Wrong! It is full of pirate something, but it is the ghosts of pirates that chase dogs. The dogs run off again and find a real excavation site complete with a huge clawed bulldozer. This time however, they learn that their digging sites can be shared. Cartoon-like watercolor, pen-and-ink and pencil drawings combined with very simple sentences and vocabulary make this a delightful reading adventure for primary students.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    Panzieri, Lucia. (2013). The kindhearted crocodile. Illus. by AntonGionata Ferrari. New York: Holiday House.

    Teachers looking for a read aloud for Children’s Book Week, El Dia, or other literacy celebrations, this is the book for you. With a storyteller’s style and often using direct nods to the reader, this is the story of a crocodile that would like to become a family pet. He conjures a plan to slip into the pages of the picture book the children are reading and hide there during the day. Each night he sneaks off the pages and into the reality of the family where he sees a multitude of ways he can be of help. He folds laundry and straightens things up around the cluttered house and before he slips back onto the pages of the book, he has breakfast ready for the family. Puzzled, the family stays up one night and hides until they see the crocodile slither out from the pages of the book and discover his secret. Now what to do? A family argument develops about whether to keep this wild toothy creature in their home. The colorful textured illustrations, especially the facial expressions of the croc, add to the humor and fun of this family story. First published in Italy in 2008.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    Prevost, Jeanne. (2013). It’s raining pups and dogs! (Sit! Stay! Read!) Minneapolis: The Gryphon Press.

    Young Lauren is upset when her father says her female dog will not be allowed to have a litter of pups and in fact, will be spayed. When Scout returns from her surgery, Lauren is mad at her father and sad to think she will never get to raise some puppies. Her father carefully explains to her about the overpopulation of dogs, especially unwanted dogs. To make his point even more real, he takes Lauren to a local animal shelter. The shelter attendant shows Lauren the hundreds of dogs waiting for adoption. The story itself does not go into euthanasia or describing puppy mills, but the author includes these facts at the end of the book.  There are not many books available that deal with this subject so frankly and in terms a child can understand. Learn more about the work of Gryphon Press that “exists to bring children beautifully illustrated books about the human-animal bond, books that foster empathy in children for other living beings.”

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    Rissman, Rebecca. (2013). Should Wendy walk the dog? New York: Raintree.

    Filled with photographs of the children and their pets, this book contains four different scenarios about choices and their consequences. While Wendy and the other children in the scenarios are free to make their own decisions about whether to do the right thing such as walking the dog or cleaning out the hamster cage, the fact that the book shows two different choices and then the results of those choices is liable to encourage youngsters to make better choices. While all of us would rather be lazy at times rather than doing our work, in the end we may be sorry and we may have created more work for ourselves. This book will prompt some good conversations between adults and children.

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman


    Stier, Catherine. (2013). Barnaby the bedbug detective. Illus. by Karen Sapp. New York: Albert Whitman.

    Author Catherine Stier read about rescue shelter dogs that were trained to become super-sniffing, bedbug detecting dogs, and it planted the seed for the story of Barnaby. Barnaby is a shelter dog who dreams of being a hero. However, he is continually overlooked for adoption as the people who come to the shelter choose quieter dogs. Then one day, Martha chooses Barnaby for her new companion and sends him to a school where they train him, and Martha as his handler, to be a bedbug detective dog. Upon graduation, Martha and Barnaby get jobs in a movie theater and hotels and even people’s homes. Narrated by Barnaby, this tale weaves in actual facts about bedbugs and the final pages give more detailed information about infestation and facts about these invasive insects. For extra visual information, show this video from Animal Planet about these trained detective dogs.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    GRADES 3-5


    Funk, Joe. (2013). Mush! Sled dogs of the Iditarod. New York: Scholastic.

    This photograph-filled book focuses on the 2012 Iditarod, the popular dog sled race. The opening ceremony kicked off in Anchorage, Alaska, with perfect weather for racing sleds. With 975 miles ahead, one man, Dallas Seavey, and his huskies headed off on a cold, lonely, and challenging journey to Nome, Alaska. This book starts with the story of the journey of 2012 Iditarod champion, Dallas Seavey, and provides the history of Iditarod trail sled dog race. Along the way, readers will experience vicariously the harshness of the race for both sled dogs and mushers (competitors). Readers are likely to come to admire those brave and intelligent huskies. This book shows readers how humans and dogs work together to overcome tough tasks. Dog-lovers and children will definitely enjoy reading about the bonds that develop between these humans and the dogs as they race for glory. The full-color photos of the sled dogs make the book even more appealing.

    - Ying-Hsuan Lee, Washington State University Pullman


    Goldish, Meish. (2013). Disabled dogs. New York: Bearport Press.

    Starting with the story of Faith, a young puppy born in 2002 with no front legs, and on to stories like Echo, a blind Australian shepherd, and to Angelyne, who is deaf, this book is full of information about how these brave dogs have overcome adversity of many sorts to lead healthy and happy lives. Some have gone on to become therapy dogs that help people. Beautiful but gripping photographs make these disabilities very real for young readers. Fact boxes throughout the text add to the information given for each disability. Vocabulary, glossary, index, additional reading and websites are provided at the end for further study.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    Klimo, Kate. (2013). Buddy. Illus. by Tim Jessell. New York: Random House.

    Based on a true story, Klimo tells the tale through the voice of German Shepherd, Kiss, being trained as a seeing-eye dog. Kiss is the first dog trained at Dorothy Eustis’s Seeing Eye Guide-Dog School for the Blind. Kiss knows she is bound for doing great things. She is being trained to take care of her trainer Jack, and when she is suddenly given away to take care of Morris, she doesn’t quite understand why her life is changing. Morris is so different from Jack, even wanting to change her name to Buddy. The author has included an ending chapter that discusses the care and training of the seeing-eye dog program and its history that also includes information about hosting guide-dog puppies.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    MacLachlan, Patricia. (2013) White fur flying. New York: Margaret K. McElderry Books/Simon and Schuster.

    Zoe Cassidy and her younger sister Alice are part of a loving family who takes care of Great Pyrenees rescue dogs. Zoe’s mother trains them, veterinarian father makes sure they are healthy, and then good homes are found for these white fur flying rescued dogs. This leaves behind the family pet, Kodi, also a Great Pyrenees, who misses his new friends once they are placed in new homes. One day a young boy named Phillip shows up at the home of their neighbors, and Zoe and Alice learn that Phillip has come to stay with his aunt and uncle while his parents work out some difficulties. Phillip won’t speak to anyone but slowly develops a relationship with Kodi, in addition to the other family pet, a brassy parrot named Lena. Phillip runs off one night during a terrible hailstorm chasing one of the new rescue dogs, Jack. The power of pets coupled with the power of the writing of Newbery-award winning author Patricia MacLachlan make this a quiet story of strength and survival.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    GRADES 6-8


    Gallico, Paul. (2013). The abandoned. New York: NYRB Classics.

    First published in 1950 by Knopf and also in the UK under the title of “Jennie,” this classic cat fantasy will still capture the attention of readers today. Eight-year old Peter is lonely. His mother is quite the socialite and is frequently attending society gatherings abandoning Peter to his nanny. Peter would love to have a cat but his nanny absolutely refuses to even consider the idea. When Peter is out for a walk one evening he watches as a truck is barreling down the street right in the path of a young cat. Peter dives in front of the truck to save the cat and the truck strikes him down. When Peter regains consciousness, he immediately realizes he is different. He has paws…and fur…and a tail! He has become a cat. He learns very quickly that life on the street for a cat is not easy. Fortunately, he meets Jennie—a very street savvy feline who teaches him the ways of the world from the cat’s point of view.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    Korman, Gordon. (2013). Hideout. New York: Scholastic.

    As is almost always the case with this author, this fast-paced title is filled with humor and populated with interesting characters. In the fifth installment of his Swindle series, villainous S. Wendell Palomino, former owner of Luthor, a huge Doberman, is determined to get the dog back, use him in a moneymaking scheme, and then get rid of him. He claims that there is no paperwork that he actually gave up the dog to Savannah Drysdale who has adopted Luthor and taught him to embrace his inner gentleness. Savannah is understandably upset since she and Luthor share a special bond even while he still has trouble trusting anyone else. Since Griffin Bing and his five friends, including Savannah, are attending three different summer camps while Luthor is supposed to be returned to Palomino [the students call him Swindle], Griffin hatches a plan to keep the dog hidden and safe from his cruel former owner. Although things don't go according to plan, Griffin and his mates keep coming up with alternatives. Readers will enjoy how each of the youngsters takes a turn at taking the lead in this adventure. Although there are plenty of twists, turns, and coincidences and a villain with apparently no redeeming qualities, the book is filled with humorous moments that will appeal to anyone who roots for the underdog--even when he weighs 150 pounds. This would be a great read aloud.

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman


    Paulsen, Jim and Gary. (2013). Road trip. New York: Wendy Lamb Books.

    Veteran author Gary Paulsen has teamed up with his son, Jim, to write a book about a father and son road trip. Sounds like a writing match made in dog heaven. The story opens with Dad and 14-year-old Ben heading out to an animal shelter to rescue a border collie. Grudgingly, narrator Ben is going along as is the family dog, Atticus, who actually narrates parts of the trip at the end of Ben’s chapters. As the journey moves along and Ben has learned his father quit his job which means he can’t go to summer hockey camp, things seem to go downhill from there. They pick up quite an assortment of additional travelers including a questionable friend of Ben’s, a waitress who is running away from life but would like to become an actress, and Gus, an auto mechanic they pick up along with a school bus. From a race with the cops, a car fire, and a strange criminal chasing them and all the while trying to document it all on Facebook, this adventure has moments of family discord, canine insight and hilarity that middle school readers will enjoy. Teachers will appreciate the backstory in this interview with Gary and Jim Paulsen with Publisher’s Weekly.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    GRADES 9-12


    Northrop, Michael. (2013). Rotten. New York: Scholastic.

    After a summer spent away from home, Jimmer (JD) Dobbs returns to his friends but still holds onto the secret behind his absence even while they seem to know where he's really been. He's desperate to reconnect with his ex-girlfriend, but since he's been incommunicado for the whole summer, that's not going to be easy. Things are a little different at home too. His mother has taken in a rescued Rottweiler who fears men due to his own mistreatment. Surprisingly, JD bonds with the dog, who he renames Johnny Rotten after one of his musical influences. Although JR has a fierce bark and can't stand to be cornered, he slowly learns to trust JD and some of the others in his life. After Mars, one of JD's friends, corners him, the dog bites him. Mars lies about what happened, and his family concocts a plot to sue JD's family and have the dog put down. Readers will worry about JR's fate for much of the book while also enjoying the way he starts to become a very good dog. Throughout the book's pages, readers will reflect on how the cruelty and mistakes of others have made JR fearful and brought him to this particular point as well as how JD’s own mistakes have led to his own particular turning point. The connections between the boy and the dog are described quite well without becoming too maudlin for the tastes of teen readers. Additionally, the author creates complex characters that force readers to reconsider how they regard Mars and Aaron, JD’s classmate who seems to have everything he could ever want, but who turns out to have a dog-related secret in his past.

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman

    These reviews are submitted by members of the International Reading Association's Children's Literature and Reading Special Interest Group (CL/R SIG) and are published weekly on Reading Today Online. The International Reading Association partners with the National Council of Teachers of English and Verizon Thinkfinity to produce, a website devoted to providing literacy instruction and interactive resources for grades K–12.

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  • I am really starting to think the math folks know how to celebrate their content area. Many of us were just recovering from celebrating Pi Day (3/14) when April, Financial Literacy Month, arrived. Of course, as literacy professionals, we don’t have to miss out on any of these celebrations. Financial Literacy Month provides another opportunity for us to focus on making powerful connections with literacy and the content areas.
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    Should I Save or Should I Spend? Getting Elementary Students to Think and Talk About Financial Literacy

    by Jennifer L. Altieri
     | Apr 09, 2013
    p: Tax Credits via photopin cc

    I am really starting to think the math folks know how to celebrate their content area. Many of us were just recovering from celebrating Pi Day (3/14) when April, Financial Literacy Month, arrived. Of course, as literacy professionals, we don’t have to miss out on any of these celebrations. Financial Literacy Month provides another opportunity for us to focus on making powerful connections with literacy and the content areas.

    I probably don’t need to explain why it is important that we start discussing financial literacy with our youngest of students. So many adults are struggling with debt, and it is getting worse. There are so many temptations out there. There are credit card offers, refinancing options. With the click of a computer, anyone can enter a virtual shopping mall and buy almost anything from almost anywhere. Most of the time, we don’t even have to click on a website, because the advertisements target our interests.

    With the technology available, people are going to have to work harder and harder to manage their finances—and it’s never too early to get them thinking about what it means be to be financially literate. Here are some activities that can engage elementary students and introduce the topic.

    Students might begin by talking about the difference between needs and wants. For many children, there is a very fine line between the two. Ask students to divide a sheet of paper in two. On the left side, needs can be listed; wants can go on the right.

    Then students can take their lists and create a word shape at At the website, students can type in their needs and select a shape from numerous ones available for the final word shape. Another option is to have the words put into the shape of the word NEEDS. The same activity can be done for their wants. Students can share their creations in groups and discuss the terms they put in the shapes.

    Next, select a text to read aloud and discuss with students in order to communicate the importance of money and using it wisely. JENNY FOUND A PENNY (Harris, 2008) is a narrative text I have used with children as young as kindergarten age. Throughout the book, Jenny is trying to save money to make a purchase. As the young girl saves money, the reader can see the coins (both the front and the back) and continue to add Jenny’s savings. Students will enjoy the rhythmic writing and the rhyme found on the pages of this text.

    Of course, with the current emphasis on informative text, you may want to read aloud WHAT DO WE BUY? A LOOK AT GOODS AND SERVICES (Nelson, 2010) and WHAT CAN YOU DO WITH MONEY? EARNING, SPENDING, AND SAVING (Larson, 2010). The ELA Common Core State Standards (ELA CCSS) recommend using at least 50% informational texts with children. Introducing these informational texts is a great way to reinforce key linguistic features found in the texts, increase prior knowledge about saving and spending, and build students’ vocabulary of technical terms related to financial literacy. Words such as producer, consumer, income, saving, spending, earning, and donate are all introduced through the pages of the texts.

    We can also take the opportunity to create student interest in figurative language. Beginning in first grade (L.1.5), the ELA CCSS expect children to examine figurative language. The following are just a few phrases which relate to the topic of financial literacy:

    Bet your bottom dollar  In the red  Nest egg 
    Not worth a cent  Pay an arm and a leg  Break even 
    Save for a rainy day  Pinch pennies  Keep your head above water 
    Money burns a hole in your pocket    Money doesn't grow on trees 

    Let small groups of students research the meanings to some of the phrases (or, with younger children, research as a class). Talk about the literal and figurative meaning for each phrase. If something burns a hole in your pocket, what happens? The object falls right through. How does that relate to the figurative meaning of the expression? What would it be like if money grew on trees? (Would there be plenty of money?) Children can also create illustrations which represent the figurative meaning and write the literal definition.

    There are a couple of different ways we might choose to end the month. After the students have learned about financial literacy and saving and spending, they might create a second word shape at to see if their thinking on needs and wants has changed. Hopefully, some of their needs may now be viewed as wants. Another possibility is having students create a class “_____ Is” poem on financial literacy, where each line defines the topic. The poem might look something like this:

    Financial Literacy is…
    knowing when to spend and when to save
    learning that producers sell and consumers buy
    important to paying bills
    being able to have money left for the future
    important to even adults

    The goal of the culminating project is to have children reflect on the topic and what they learned.

    Let’s take advantage of Financial Literacy Month to make important connections. We can create math and literacy connections so that our students are not only strengthening their literacy skills, but also building their content knowledge. These activities also enable us to connect our activities with the ELA Common Core State Standards. Finally, financial literacy month can help children connect what they learn in the classroom with their lives outside of school.

    We can take this opportunity as teachers to seek powerful connections between literacy and the content areas and to create student interest in financial literacy. Students will (hopefully) realize the importance of saving money and that saving money is a lifelong skill.

    Personally, I cannot think of a more valuable skill that they will need for the rest of their lives.

    Jennifer L. Altieri, Ph.D. is the Literacy Division Coordinator in the School of Education at The Citadel in Charleston, SC, and the author of CONTENT COUNTS! DEVELOPING DISCIPLINARY LITERACY SKILLS, K-6. Jennifer will be speaking more about putting the L in stem as part of the Carolina curriculum leadership series at the National Science Teachers Association Conference in April. Her presentations will focus on helping teachers link literacy with science and math. Contact Jennifer at

    © 2013 Jennifer L. Altieri. Please do not reproduce in any form, electronic or otherwise.

    Putting Books to Work: Pretty Penny series by Devon Kinch

    Building Classroom Community, One Township at a Time
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  • surfacingJudith Hayn from SIGNAL calls Surfacing "a terrific choice for teen girl book clubs as Maggie learns just how many forms that guilt and grief can take."
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    Young Adult Book Review: Surfacing

     | Apr 09, 2013

    by Judith Hayn

    Baskin, R. (2013). Surfacing. Somerville, MA: Candlewick Press.

    surfacingMaggie Paris is the focus of this character-driven novel. Her older sister Leah drowned in the family condo pool when she was nine years old, and Maggie only five. A few years later, her parents in a last-ditch attempt to deal with their grief used fertility drugs to add twin boys to the family. The bickering and mistrust at home gives Maggie little solace as she struggles to find her way as a sophomore in high school. She is a talented varsity swimmer, but her athletic gift is belittled in her own mind by her unwanted ability to get others to spill their deepest and darkest secrets to her which causes those who unload on her to distance themselves. Despite this, her best friend Julie sticks with her even when Maggie develops a crush on a loathsome senior wrestler and determines to have sex with him. Her self-destruction is difficult to endure as she makes one poor choice after another; these include luring a gentlemanly classmate in as her boyfriend so she can gain skills to impress her obsession.

    This is a tale of trauma and what it does to one family and one girl’s spirit. Told in flashbacks from the day of the drowning and interspersed with Leah’s commentary, essential truths about relationships and secrets emerge. The book would be a terrific choice for teen girl book clubs as Maggie learns just how many forms that guilt and grief can take.

    Dr. Judith A. Hayn is an associate professor at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock.

    This article is part of a series from the Special Interest Group Network on Adolescent Literature (SIGNAL).

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  • monee perkinsNew York City teacher Monee Perkins shares the results of incorporating Universal Design for Learning (UDL) into her seventh grade English classes.
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    TILE-SIG Feature: Literacy Practices through the UDL Lens, Part 2

     | Apr 05, 2013

    by Monee Perkins and Peggy Coyne

    In the September issue of the Reading Today Online TILE-SIG Feature, Monee Perkins and Peggy Coyne shared their thinking about Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and literacy in a New York City classroom. At that point Monee had just learned about the UDL Guidelines, and she was anticipating applying the principles of UDL to her instructional practices. Here are her reflections on UDL in her classroom.

    monee perkins
    Monee Perkins

    peggy coyne
    Peggy Coyne

    Using the UDL Guidelines as a framework for my instructional practices, I introduced two new tools and one instructional method, which I know have made a difference in my students’ performance. The 88 seventh grade students I teach range from below average to above average, but like many inner city students, they are not engaged with school. My greatest challenge for these students is engagement.

    In the first segment of this article, I mentioned how excited I was to introduce Adobe Reader. I have not been disappointed. Students have used the annotation features to address complex text. For example, I introduced close reading of text with "Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin. I first had the students skim the article for unfamiliar words and using context clues define those words. The students were able to use a synonym for those complex words and include it in the article when they read. In addition, the annotation tool provided students with another representation for text commenting, they found it to be very efficient because they were able to use another way listen to the story.

    Another tool I have successfully introduced is Wall Wisher (which is now called Padlet). My students use this tool when I introduce a theme or writing prompt. Like Achieve 3000, I have encouraged writing with a poll and have allowed students to gather literary and informational resources to further their understanding of a topic. Wall Wisher allows my students an opportunity to practice responding to a prompt and to the opinions of others in a respectable manner.

    Finally, I began using Socratic Seminars as a means to help students interact and engage with the text through questioning. You can read more about these text-based discussions from ReadWriteThink. My students read Chopin’s "The Story of an Hour" twice, once to get the gist and then a second time to develop their own questions. At this point, they have eliminated Level 1 and Level 2 questions and have moved right to developing Level 3 questions.

    My colleagues have also noticed my students’ increased engagement. Recently, I invited the principal and social studies teachers to observe one of the Socratic Circles. I love my principal, but she usually points out how we can improve. The day she observed our seminar she stated, "This is what school is about and should look like!"  She observed students who were 95% engaged in the text and thoughtful discussion. She watched students who were challenged taking charge of their discussion. Needless to say she was pleased.

    When I think about my lessons, I always think about the UDL Guidelines: multiple means of representation, which ensure my students have many ways to access the text; multiple means of action and expression, which allow me to provide students with appropriate levels of challenge to sustain their motivation; and multiple means of engagement, which prompt me to consider how will I make their learning experiences authentic and meaningful. I am just at the beginning of my UDL journey with respect to changing my teaching practices. I look forward to moving ahead and adding new techniques through my newfound knowledge.

    Monee Perkins is a 7th grade ELA teacher in the Bronx, NY.

    Peggy Coyne is a Research Scientist at CAST, Inc.

    This article is part of a series from the International Reading Association Technology in Literacy Education Special Interest Group (TILE-SIG).

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