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  • multiculturalThe CL/R SIG reviewers say, "By identifying commonalities and celebrating differences, these multicultural books foster understanding."
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    Multicultural Books

     | Apr 17, 2013

    multicultural books imageBooks that allow readers to see themselves and the ways they think and live are often popular with young readers since it’s important for them to figure out all the ways that they can be true to themselves. It’s vital that books feature individuals just like them as well as others who are quite different from them. As what they know of the world becomes larger, it’s increasingly important for young readers to read books that highlight the ways in which they are alike and different from individuals from across the globe. The best multicultural books allow readers to stretch the borders of their world, providing passports to fascinating places and ways of living as well as offering insight into how someone right next door or someone thousands of miles away may think and live. By identifying commonalities and celebrating differences, these multicultural books foster understanding. ReadWriteThink offers a wide range of lesson plan ideas and activities dealing with diversity and the use of multicultural books for all grade levels.


    GRADES K-3


    Bates, Katharine Lee. (2013). America, the Beautiful: Together we stand. Orchard Books.

    America the Beautiful coverTen American artists pay tribute to the beloved patriotic song "America the Beautiful" in this lovely picture book. Several distinctive artistic interpretations of the song’s lyrics and their connections to this nation are woven into the title through the illustrations of Bryan Collier, Raul Colon, Diane Goode, Mary Grandpre, John Hendrix, Yuyi Morales, Jon J. Muth, LeUyen Pham, Sonia Lynn Sadler, and Chris Soentpiet. It's interesting to compare and contrast the images as well as the lyrics that accompany them. Additionally, inspiring presidential quotes from Thomas Jefferson, Barack Obama, George Washington, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Theodore Roosevelt, among others, are included. Back matter provides additional information about the national symbols, one of which is included on every double-page spread. Providing a fresh perspective on history, this picture book reminds readers of the bonds that unite the inhabitants of this diverse country. Chris Soentpiet is the speaker at the Book and Author Luncheon at the 2013 IRA Annual Convention in San Antonio. Read more about him on Reading Today Online and the Engage blog.

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman


    The Global Fund for Children. (2013). Global baby girls. Watertown, MA: Charlesbridge.

    globalbabygirlsThe Global Fund for Children has produced several wonderful books for young children including Global Babies in 2006 and American Babies in 2010. This new addition to the series focuses on girls around the world. Full color photographs with baby girls in their native clothing present an emphasis on what girls can do. From countries as diverse as Russia, New Zealand, Liberia, India, Peru, France, China, Guatemala, Canada and the United States, the world of the importance of young girls is visually brought to our youngest readers through this beautifully presented board book. Learn more about The Global Fund for Children and see some of the internal art for this book at their website.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    Jiang, Ji-li. (2013). Red kite, blue kite. Illus. by Greg Ruth. New York: Disney/Hyperion Books.

    From the author of the critically acclaimed, Red Scarf Girl, the memoir of her own experience surviving the Cultural Revolution in China, author Ji-Li Jiang brings a picture-book story of young Tai Shan and his father during this same time period. They have enjoyed flying their kites together at every opportunity until the time when the men in red armbands come and take father away to a labor camp. Tai Shan is sent to live with Granny Wang, but Baba has devised a kite-flying code for Tai Shan so they can send messages through their red and blue kites. Each day Tai Shan waits so see his father’s kite soaring high, letting his son know that he continues to be safe in the labor camp. A scary time comes for Tai when the kite is no longer flying. The watercolor illustrations of Greg Ruth provide a colorful backdrop to this story as the red and blue of the kites represent hope throughout this story. The author has provided historical notes at the end.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    MacLachlan, Patricia. (2013). Nora’s chicks. Illus. by Kathryn Brown. Somerville, MA: Candlewick Press.

    Based on the author’s grandmother’s immigrant experience, award-winning author Patricia MacLachlan writes about the new life for Nora and her family as they arrive from Russia to the American prairie. Nora and her younger brother Milo are having a tough time adjusting to their new life. Papa is busy with the farm and getting their new life and farm settled into American life. The stray dog that wanders into the farm seems to like Milo better than Nora. Papa brings home ten chicks and two geese, thinking more of eggs and a possible dinner or two, and they become Nora’s responsibility. She immediately takes on the care of her new animal friends and they follow her everywhere … even to church. She begs Papa to let her keep them because they are just too beautiful to eat. Through her funny little entourage, Nora gains the friendship of a young neighbor girl, Susannah. Brown’s watercolor illustrations bring out the dusty colors of the prairie but also the beauty of the Russian background of the main characters. Through slight text and enjoyable illustrations young readers will get a sense of early life on the American prairie through the eyes of the immigrant experience. Read an interview with the award-winning author about this book at the blog, Two Writing Teachers.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    Mora, Pat. (2012). The beautiful lady: Our Lady of Guadalupe. Illus. by Steve Johnson and Lou Fancher. New York: Knopf.

    Although this religious story has been told many times, author Pat Mora and illustrators Johnson and Fancher put a beautiful new touch to the age-old story. This fresh approach opens as two little girls are looking at a statue of the Virgin Mary and ask, “Who is that pretty lady?” Grandma Lupita becomes the storyteller to relive the spiritual appearance of Our Lady of Guadalupe who appears to the Mexican villager, Juan Diego, in the year 1531. She asks Juan to speak to the bishop and ask that he build her a church. The bishop is doubtful and asks for proof of the lady’s request. When Juan Diego shows the bishop the roses that are blooming through the snow and the Lady’s image embedded onto his cloak the bishop is convinced. Mora has included a detailed author’s note about this moment in religious history and the influence of the Lady of Guadalupe today. Author Pat Mora’s website, Bookjoy, has numerous activities and background information to use with this book.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    Seto, Loretta. (2013). Mooncakes. Illus. by Renee Benoit. Victoria, BC: Orca Book Publishers.

    A young girl and her family share simple family traditions while celebrating the Chinese Moon Festival. As they enjoy treats typically associated with the special day, including mooncakes and tea poured from an elegant tea spout, life seems to slow down long enough for all three of them to savor these special moments spent together. As often happens during family gathers, her parents tell three different traditional tales about the moon. At the conclusion of each story, the child peers at the moon to see the characters featured, for instance, the jade rabbit. This simple story features evocative language while noting how the family eats the mooncakes that are "round like the moon. They make a circle for me and Mama and Baba" (unpaged) as they peer up into the night sky together. The illustrations are filled with scenes of quiet celebration and soft colors.

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman


    Shewchuk, Pat. (2013). In Lucia’s neighborhood. Illus. by Marek Colek. Toronto, Ontario, CA: Kids Can Press.

    Teachers looking for books that share the neighborhood atmosphere, this book along with the short animated film it is based on (Montrose Avenue, 2006) will find this book helpful. Based on Little Portugal in Toronto, Canada, Lucia’s grandmother tells her about Jane Jacobs, an urban planner and environmental activist whose opening quote sets the tone for the book, “The ballet of the good city sidewalk never repeats itself from place to place, and in any one place is always replete with new improvisations.”  Though teachers will have to prepare to explain and work with this quote it does guide the tour that Lucia takes readers on as she introduces all the aspects of her neighborhood. Digitally rendered illustrations reflect all the activity throughout Lucia’s environs. Teachers will enjoy The Very Hungy Bookworm blog that highlights this book on the Cultural Diversity Saturday feature or learn more about the film Montrose Avenue.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    Snyder, Laurel. (2013). The longest night: A Passover story. Illus. by Catia Chien. New York: Schwartz & Wade.

    Narrated through rhyming text in the voice of a young slave girl child and illustrated with dark acrylic paintings, the story of Passover is told for young readers. In an author’s note, Snyder explains that she always wondered what the children were doing during this time of the Jews enslaved in Egypt 3500 years ago. From that wondering, she wrote her representation of how she thinks their Exodus transpired. The young girl featured in the story begins with the drudgery her life is entrenched with in carrying stone to build other people’s homes. Then the 10 plagues arrive and her life begins to change as the Jews escape the results of plague, frogs, fleas, illness to first-born children, and other disasters that were befalling the non-Jews of Egypt. As she and her mother flee through the sea that has split into two, they are elated to find their freedom. This beautiful picture book presents the Exodus from Egypt that young children can understand. Read an interview with the author about writing this book.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    Stier, Catherine. (2013). Welcome to America, Champ! Illus. by Doris Ettlinger. Ann Arbor, MI: Sleeping Bear Press.

    As WWII ends Thomas, his mother, and his new baby brother leave their home in England to join his new family in the United States. Thomas's stepfather is a soldier, and while Thomas looks forward to his new life in Chicago, he is anxious about what things will be like in his new school and new home. Before leaving his familiar surroundings, he questions his stepfather about what things are like in the United States, and takes notes on scraps of paper to help him navigate a new world. While he draws strength from the notes, he also helps encourage an anxious young fellow passenger with a special gift that has given him encouragement. The softly-colored illustrations and inviting text pay tribute to war brides and their families and the sacrifices they made in coming to America. Young readers will quickly identify with Thomas’s mingled fears and excitement as they realize that moving to a new country offers challenges as well as hope for the future. Although readers may know about the existence of war brides, they are unlikely to realize that there were so many of them and that the movement of these women to their new homes was known as "Operation Diaper Run." Filled with colorful illustrations and text, the book effectively evokes the particular time when citizens across the world celebrated the end of a bloody war. That universal feeling of hope pulses through this title.

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman


    Thong, Roseanne. (2013). Round is a tortilla: A book of shapes. Illus. by John Parra. San Francisco: Chronicle Books.

    Primary teachers that like to use picture books to teach early elements of geometry and want to thread a multicultural element into their math classrooms will appreciate this book. Beginning with “Round are sombreros./ Round is the moon./ Round are the trumpets/ that blare out a tune” (p.1) the rhyming text continues to point out things in a child’s life that take on various shapes. After several pages of one shape, the concluding page asks, “I can name more round things. Can you?” (p.5) The next shape is square, then rectangle, on to triangles, ovals and stars. For each shape, Spanish words are embedded in the narrative and illustrator John Parra’s illustrations offer vibrant pictures of Hispanic culture. Visit the author’s website for other things this multicultural author has written.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    Tonatiuh, Duncan. (2013). Pancho Rabbit and the coyote: A migrant’s tale. New York: Abrams.

    Young Pancho Rabbit cannot wait for his father's return from his work in the fields, and when he doesn't arrive on the expected date, he sets off to find him. He meets a coyote who offers to help him, but he must give the coyote and others along the route everything he has. After crossing the desert, Pancho has nothing else to offer the greedy coyote. Just as the animal advances on Pancho, his Papa arrives. The hand-drawn, digitally collaged illustrations are likely to appeal to the eyes of young readers, who will quickly recognize that the story is an allegory for the frequent traffic across the border between Mexico and the United States as men, women, and children rely on coyotes for aid in their crossing as they seek economic opportunities. The back matter details the numbers of immigrants from the country’s southern border and the difficulties experienced by the families left behind. This picture book is sure to open the eyes of many to their plight and possibly serve as food for discussion.

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman


    Wade, Mary Dodson. (2013). No year of the cat. Illus. by Nicole Wong. Ann Arbor, MI: Sleeping Bear Press.

    The emperor is troubled by the fact that people cannot remember the years, especially the years of great events. He comes up with an idea to have a race. “The first twelve animals to cross the great river will each have a year named for them. With the years so named, we can remember when auspicious events occurred” (p.5). And so the race is on. Knowing that they are smaller and weaker and stand no chance of swimming across the river, Rat and Cat convince Ox to carry them on his back. As the water rushes past, Rat shoves Cat off, and when they reach the far shore, Rat jumps from Ox and is the first to win the race. Ox becomes the next to finish, followed by Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Horse, Monkey, Rooster, Sheep, Dog, and Pig. When Cat comes running up to find where he placed, the Emperor tells him he did not finish in time. From that time on, cats have never trusted rats and take every opportunity to catch them! This is one of many variants of an ancient Chinese tale. Enjoy a detailed teaching guide for this book at the publisher’s website.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    Yamasaki, Katie. (2013). Fish for Jimmy: Inspired by one family’s experience in a Japanese American internment camp. New York: Holiday House.

    Based on this debut author/illustrator’s family experience, this moving picture book relates the story of one family’s internment as Japanese Americans at a camp in Colorado during World War II. After the Japanese attack on the U.S. Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, Taro’s father is taken away for questioning by the FBI. Taro, his mother, and his younger brother Jimmy are sent to the internment camp for imprisonment. Jimmy is despondent and will not eat. Everything is so different in the camp and he misses his father. Taro comes up with a plan to help his brother. Through vivid stylistic acrylic illustrations, young readers will watch Taro sneak his mother’s scissors into a scarf, and stealthily avoid the camp guards and spotlights, to cut a hole in the barbed wire fence and escape. Searching in a dark forest that he does not know, he comes upon a stream and is able to catch some fish. Returning to camp the same way, he gives his mother the fish to cook for Jimmy just the way they had eaten when they were together as a family before the war. An author’s note at the end gives details of her family’s experience at the Granada Relocation Center in Colorado that includes archival photographs of the period. Visit the author’s website to view some of her beautiful murals and other artwork.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    GRADES 4-5


    Farhana, Zia. (2013). The garden of my Imam. Atlanta: Peachtree Publishers.

    Fifth grader Aliyah loves her family and her religion, but she feels too uncomfortable about her own place in the school's pecking order to embrace openly her Muslim faith and cultural identity. In fact, when the school principal suggests that she befriend Marwa, a new girl from Morocco who is also Muslim, she avoids the girl as much as possible. Over time, though, as she works on a project for her religion class and watches how comfortable Marwa is with her own self-identity, Aliyah begins to speak up for herself and her beliefs, taking risks and embracing the possibilities that come her way. She experiences bullying and prejudice in all sorts of forms, from an adult shouting ethnic slurs at her mother for almost causing an accident to classmates who seem only to see the hijab worn by Marwa and not the girl beneath the scarf to those who lump all Muslims together. Certain to prompt healthy discussions about the dilemmas faced by Aliyah and Marwa, this title provides an honest approach to issues that many boys and girls Aliyah's age must face. Despite the serious nature of the issues, the book also contains many humorous passages.

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman


    Moss, Marissa. (2103). Barbed wire baseball. Illus. by Yuko Shimizu. New York: Abrams.

    This inspiring story of bravery and perseverance highlights the determination of one man to find a way to endure his internment in a camp during WWII. As in the case for 100,000 American citizens of Japanese descent, Kenichi (Zeni) Zenimura and his family are imprisoned because the United States government feared that they would spy for Japan. This book describes how the baseball-loving Zeni makes the best of an impossible situation, and painstakingly builds a baseball field inside the internment camp in Gila River, Arizona. His careful attention to detail as he removes rocks from the field, levels the field, and plants seeds to cover the infield are vivid examples of how much Zeni loves the game and its ability to transcend barriers. By the time readers reach the final pages of the book, they will be cheering alongside all the interned citizens inside the camp's barriers. The text will engage readers while the illustrations, created with a Japanese calligraphy brush and ink and then scanned and colored with Adobe Photoshop, highlight the whole community’s involvement in one man's project. Pair this title with Baseball Saved Us (1995, Lee and Low) by Ken Mochizuki and So Far from the Sea (1998, Clarion) by Eve Bunting. Young readers will enjoy seeing three photographs of the diminutive Zeni, one taken next to the massive Babe Ruth, and learning the story behind this story. While small in stature, this man clearly was much larger than life. Read more about author Marissa Moss in "Bringing the 'Story' Back Into 'History'" on the Engage blog.

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman


    Whelan, Gloria. (2013). In Andal's house. Ann Arbor, MI: Sleeping Bear Press.

    The best student in his class in Gujarat, India, Kumar is excited to be invited to watch the fireworks for Dijali at his classmate Andal's house. But once he arrives, his friend’s grandmother refuses to let him stay because his family is considered one of the untouchables. Kumar is understandably disappointed and upset, and his enjoyment of the sights, sounds, and tastes of the festivities is spoiled because of this slight. His grandfather provides a glimpse of hope, though, as he reminds Kumar of the progress that the nation has already made toward equity and his expectations that it will continue to make because of changing attitudes. Back matter includes a glossary of unfamiliar terms. The richly-hued illustrations almost exude the scent and taste of the foods and the sounds of the busy street. Books for children that address economic and social class inequities are rare to find, making this one an excellent addition to the class library. For more about this author, read "5 Questions With...Gloria Whelan" on the Engage blog.

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman


    Wolf, Gita. (2013). The enduring ark. Illus. by Joydeb Chitrakar. Chennai, India: Tara Books.

    Classical tales bring messages of hope to readers. This book presents the biblical tale of the great flood in a unique manner. The illustrations are rendered in the traditional Patua style of scroll painting from Bengal, and the book’s pages are folded in accordion style. As the story unfolds, fold by fold, readers see how the harmony intended by God during creation was changed by human behavior. One night, in a dream, Noah and Na’mah receive directions from God who tells them to first build a big, strong ark that will see them through the flood. They then fill the boat with a male and a female of all sorts of animals that live on land, water, and air. After a harrowing journey, they finally find the new land. Strong, colorful pictures and the unfolding pages provide a unique reading experience for readers. This is a great gift and unique addition to school and personal libraries.

    - Rani Iyer, Washington State University Pullman


    GRADES 6-8


    Barrow, Randi. (2013). Finding Zasha. New York: Scholastic.

    Twelve-year-old Ivan Savicheva and his mother have no choice but to take separate paths from their home in Leningrad in 1941. The Germans' continual bombing and blockade of the city have caused much food deprivation. When his mother is sent to another location to continue her factory work, Ivan cannot go with her and travels to his uncle's farm. Before he can reach the rural area, though, he stays with the family of his former neighbor and becomes involved in the partisan movement to fight against the Nazis. A chance encounter with Axel Recht, a cruel Nazi officer, and his two German shepherd puppies provides Ivan with the opportunity to spy on the Nazis. As he grows more attached to the puppies, Thor and Zasha, he hatches a plan to steal them from Recht. The author does a great job of capturing Ivan's experiences and describing little-known aspects of WWII from the point of view of the Russians. Readers will be able to feel the softness of the puppies’ fur as well as flinch from the sting of Recht's whip, wince at the puppies' initial training experience, savor the fresh vegetables Ivan and his new friends enjoy in the countryside, and dread Recht's promised revenge. Fans of Saving Zascha (Scholastic, 2011) will love this one, its prequel.

    - Barbara A. Ward, Washington State University Pullman


    James, Helen Foster & Virginia Shin-Mui Loh. (2013). Paper Son: Lee’s journey to America. Illus. by Wilson Ong. Ann Arbor, MI: Sleeping Bear Press.

    From the publisher’s Tales of Young Americans series, set in 1926, this is the story of orphaned Wang Lee. The twelve-year-old boy is living with his grandparents in rural China. His parents were killed by bandits just as they were making arrangements for their son to go to America on a “paper son slot” to find a better life. This meant they had purchased immigration papers from people already in America stating that they were related and so his new paper son name became Fu Lee. To get into the new land, the Gum Saan (Gold Mountain), Fu Lee had to be able to pass the entrance requirements at Angel Island, the immigration center in San Francisco for West Coast arrivals in the U.S. Fu Lee was studying his coaching book so that he would be prepared for the difficult examination from the immigration officials. This story is based on actual historical events and the concept of these young Chinese immigrants entering the U.S., spending time on Angel Island and meeting other new immigrants until finding their new life. Wilson Ong’s paintings add a beautiful and authentic background to the story. The author has included historical notes at the end and recommends the Angel Island Immigration Station, now a National Historic Landmark, for further information.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    GRADES 9-12


    Doeden, Matt. (2013). A marked man: The assassination of Malcolm X. Minneapolis:Twenty-first Century Books/ Lerner Publisher.

    The life and death of civil rights leader, Malcolm X, has been shrouded with mixed reactions from groups of many different opinions and outlooks toward the 1960s era of civil rights. The first part of the book provides a biographical look at Malcolm Little and the circumstances of his troubled youth. While in prison, he learned about the Nation of Islam and became a follower. After his release he had changed from his more violent approach to civil rights and thus spoke out against the ways and means of the Nation of Islam. A charismatic speaker, Malcolm had followers listening to his new philosophy with interest, though Malcolm knew this put him in a dangerous position to speak against the NOI. The second part of the book explains what happened after his assassination on February 21, 1965, including the arrests of three men responsible, the court proceedings and consequent prison sentences but also goes on to ask many of the unanswered questions that seemed to surround this murder case. There were and continue to be questions concerning conspiracies and cover-ups from the police, investigators and other organizations to remain unanswered. Pair this book with Walter Dean Myer’s picture book biography, Malcolm X; A Fire Burning Brightly (HarperCollins, 2000) to introduce this civil rights leader.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    Padian, Maria. (2013). Out of nowhere. New York: Knopf.

    out of nowhereBased on a real event, the story opens with Tom Bouchard’s senior year at Maquoit High School in Enniston, Maine. Tom is enjoying his life as captain of the soccer team, having a hot girlfriend and in great standing with grades and opportunities for college. In the meantime, Enniston has become a “secondary migration” location for Somali refugee families. Through a series of events including Tom’s sentenced community service at the local community center he becomes a tutor for some of the new Somali students. He gets to know Saeed and recruits him for the soccer team where he quickly discovers Saeed’s amazing soccer talents. Very soon after the soccer team launches into an outstanding season complete with the fan following and media attention. However, not everyone in the community is pleased to see the Somali players get this praise, and consequently, the racism and prejudices that have been lurking beneath still waters flood into the public arena. Read about the background to this fact-based novel and how the author was inspired to write about this actual incident in Lewiston, Maine.

    - Karen Hildebrand, Ohio Library and Reading Consultant


    These reviews are submitted by members of the International Reading Association's Children's Literature and Reading Special Interest Group (CL/R SIG) and are published weekly on Reading Today Online. The International Reading Association partners with the National Council of Teachers of English and Verizon Thinkfinity to produce, a website devoted to providing literacy instruction and interactive resources for grades K–12.

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  • Later this week, educators from all over the world will flock to the IRA conference in San Antonio to learn and reflect on current teaching practices. Thinking about the knowledgeable audience is a powerful motivator. It helps me to decide what to share and how to present it. The desire to not disappoint them pushes me to shoot for quality. An authentic audience forces me to work harder.
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    The Power of an Authentic Audience

    by Cris Tovani
     | Apr 16, 2013
    Later this week, educators from all over the world will flock to the IRA conference in San Antonio to learn and reflect on current teaching practices. Thinking about the knowledgeable audience is a powerful motivator. It helps me to decide what to share and how to present it. The desire to not disappoint them pushes me to shoot for quality. An authentic audience forces me to work harder.

    Back in my classroom, my students are my audience. The better I get to know them, the better I can meet their needs. Last August, when I kicked off the novel study of THE THINGS THEY CARRIED by Tim O’Brien, I discovered that eight of my 28 eleventh graders already knew what they were doing after graduation. They proudly announced that they had pre-enlisted in the military. As soon as they turned eighteen, all they had to do to make it official was sign on the dotted line.

    When I asked them why they had made this commitment so early, their responses varied. Two students said it was the only way they could afford college. One said it was so he could fly jets. Three kids said they did it so they could learn a trade, and two said it was their only chance to gain citizenship status. When I asked the class what they knew about the US’s involvement in the war in Afghanistan, the room got depressingly quiet.

    This tidbit of new information about my audience changed my focus. Not only did I need to teach these students how to comprehend O’Brien’s complex novel, I also needed to help them understand the consequences of war on a society and its individuals. A Scantron test wasn’t going to motivate them to dig into this difficult concept. They needed a real live audience to work for.

    I needed some experts to help raise both the agency and urgency for my students. I landed on the idea of students participating in “roundtable conversations” with a variety of actual military stakeholders who understood first hand the effects of war. For this performance-based assessment, students would have to keep table conversations going for a full 90 minutes. They would have to be able to discuss the power of story and be well versed on current US conflicts and wars.

    A crucial step in keeping me honest was to actually schedule a date for the roundtable talks. I sent out emails inviting guests with a military connection to join us. Surprisingly, people came out of the woodwork—many of whom needed to have audience to share their stories of war as much as my students needed to share their new learning.

    The event was set for November 7th and thinking about it made my stomach churn. These military roundtable talks held high stakes. I realized students would either shine or flop based on the way I prepared them. If I didn’t adjust my instruction to meet their needs, we would all be embarrassed. Way back in July when Sam Bennett (my instructional coach) and I began brainstorming this unit, I had no idea how this final demonstration of understanding would unify my day-to-day planning. I was even more surprised how it created urgency in students to stick with complex reading and writing.

    As kids reworked their final arguments stating their position on the US’s involvement in Afghanistan, I planned minilessons that would help them support their thinking and write more clearly. Students were highly invested in their learning, knowing that the background knowledge and skills they were building would better prepare them for an audience bigger than a unit test.


    On November 7th, 20 military “experts” came to school with the intent to eat lunch and talk about war. Our guests represented stakeholders ranging from disabled vets to military wives. There were sons of soldiers and active duty colonels. Some of the guests were damaged by war and others were empowered by their military experience. One guest was the father of a young marine who vehemently opposed the US’s involvement in Afghanistan. Another was a father who desperately wanted his daughter to enlist because that’s what his family did.

    p: USF Iraq (Inactive) via photopin cc
    During lunch, students held their own keeping conversations going. Using what they learned about the novel and current US conflicts, students put visitors at ease and the conversations flowed. Kids listened carefully to the guests’ thoughts about war and were not shy about sharing opinions and questions about its effects on society and individuals.

    I was surprised by the power this experience held. I encouraged students to keep an open mind and compare their thinking with that of people who held differing perspectives. The following day, students wrote reflections. Ugo was struck that so many vets said that not only were they affected by war but so were their entire families. After hearing from people who saw combat, Jose didn’t think that his classmates who claimed to be ready to die were really ready to “sacrifice their life.” Fahrraan was concerned about PTSD and wondered how we were going to help the men and women returning home “keep their feelings in check.”

    What Mattered Most

    The military roundtables helped me determine what was important when it came to selecting text, assignments, and minilessons. If what I was planning didn’t prepare kids for November 7th, it came off the table. Both the students and I relied on that final demonstration of understanding to keep us on track. Without that military roundtable serving as students’ final demonstration of understanding, my day-to-day planning would have been disconnected.

    I’m sorry to report that my next two units of study didn’t have the urgency of the first one. Why? I didn’t have a final demonstration of understanding paired with an authentic audience. I didn’t fully appreciate the power of this. My next two units were missing an important piece and since I was the only one giving feedback, students reverted back to playing the “game of school.” They didn’t have the motivation of a real-world audience to work for.

    How Will You Get Smarter for Your Audience?

    As I sit in sessions this year, I will get the chance to explore my own practice. There are specific things I want to get smarter about. For example: What authentic audiences are others using to create urgency in their students? How are teachers giving students opportunities to show growth over time? What final demonstrations of understanding have others tried?

    When the catalogue of “snackable-size” sessions comes in the mail next week, I’ll decide from whom I’ll learn. I’ll relish in the knowledge that presenters have worked hard to prepare for their audiences and because of this, I know that I’ll get a little smarter about this incredibly complex job I do as a teacher.

    When I return home, I will be re-energized and ready to end the year with a bang.

    Come see Cris Tovani at IRA 2013. She will be presenting "Harnessing Literacy Instruction to Meet the Demands of the CCSS" on Saturday, April 20, 2013.

    Cris Tovani has taught Grades 1–12 for the past twenty-nine years. In addition to teaching and being an instructional coach, she is a nationally known consultant focusing on content comprehension and assessment in secondary classrooms. She is the author of the books I READ IT, BUT I DON’T GET IT (2000), DO I REALLY HAVE TO TEACH READING? (2004), and SO, WHAT DO THEY REALLY KNOW? (2011), which investigates how teachers can progress monitor, assess, and grade students’ thinking and performance with fairness and fidelity. Her newest DVD, TALK TO ME (2012), is a collection of reading and writing conferences that demonstrates how secondary teachers can maximize purposeful talk to get the best out of kids.

    © 2013 Cris Tovani. Please do not reproduce in any form, electronic or otherwise.

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  • How is it that I’ve become a digital publisher, after a long and happy career as both a schoolteacher and an author of many books? The simple truth is that I have been always been interested in technology, and particularly attentive to the seismic digital shift that is happening all around us.
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    Blazing a Digital Trail with a Streaming E-book Platform

    by Seymour Simon
     | Apr 15, 2013
    p: Corpus Christi Caller-Times. Photographer: Michael Zamora
    How is it that I’ve become a digital publisher, after a long and happy career as both a schoolteacher and an author of many books?

    The simple truth is that I have been always been interested in technology, and particularly attentive to the seismic digital shift that is happening all around us. Several years ago it became clear to me that as a teacher, a prolific author, and a gadget geek from way back, I wanted to become a participant in planning the way forward into this exciting, new digital age.

    Kids are digital natives, unlike most adults. (We—you and me—are more like digital immigrants.) Kids are intuitive in their approach to technology. They're comfortable with exploring, navigating, and utilizing gadgets virtually without instruction. Kids love technology and depend on their personal technology such as smartphones and tablets for fun, for social interaction, for communication, for exploration, and for learning in virtually every aspect of their lives.

    Except school. Far too often, we've been asking our children, these true digital natives, to unplug when they walk through the front doors of a school building. Why should this be the case? Our schools are supposed to be teaching 21st century literacy skills and preparing our young for the real world and the digital revolution. Although we may not be entirely there yet in terms of acceptance, it should be clear to most educators that reading, writing, learning, and even assessment will all soon be heavily influenced by digital devices and capabilities.

    And so we began, two years ago, to develop a digital publishing platform designed to deliver high-quality, digital trade books—both fiction and nonfiction —into schools and libraries. Working with my wife and former SESAME STREET Creative Director Liz Nealon, we developed a streaming e-book delivery platform called StarWalk Kids Media.

    This platform delivers on all the criteria that teachers and library media specialists told us were critical for them: high-quality e-books that work on whatever kinds of computers or tablets the school might have; that are available to be used by multiple students simultaneously, at school or at home; and (perhaps most importantly) are affordable. I'm a teacher as well as an author. I want my books to be read. And I want them available to every student in every school, not just the elite ones.

    And so we began. At first, we were working exclusively with my back catalog—good books that I know kids and educators love, but that had been allowed to go out of print because of the economics of traditional publishing. I was thrilled to discover that, in the process of converting these books to formats customized for digital devices, we had the opportunity to also update the content. Wow! It was a dream realized. As a science writer, I’ve always had to accept the fact that virtually any book I write starts to be out of date from the moment it is published. My field is one that is ever changing. But in digital publishing, this is not the case. When there are significant changes, a digital book can be updated. So for example, my formerly out-of-print planet books are not only back, they have new illustrations and updated text.

    Gradually, we began to reach out to other high-quality authors who, like me, had great books languishing, out of print, on their shelves. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, these treasures gradually came back to life—updated, digitized, and welcomed by a new generation of kids.

    Today, StarWalk Kids Media publishes eBooks by nearly 50 well-known authors and illustrators, including Laura Vaccaro Seeger, David A. Adler, Johanna Hurwitz, Kathryn Lasky, Doreen Rappaport, Caldecott-winner Emily Arnold McCully, and many more.

    We have also designed our e-books and their supporting materials to support educators in the implementation of the new Common Core State Standards. We worked with my friend, the renowned literacy expert Linda Hoyt, who designed a detailed format called Teaching Links, which we supply with each of our StarWalk Kids e-books. These Teaching Links match each individual text to applicable Common Core standards, and suggest classroom activities that support the CCSS goals.

    And now, just in time for #IRA2013, I am so proud to announce that my new series, EINSTEIN ANDERSON: SCIENCE GEEK, has been completely re-thought, re-written and expanded as a “fiction meets nonfiction” hybrid, illustrated by the wonderful artist Kevin O’Malley (click here to read a sample chapter). The new books each have five fictional stories in which Einstein Anderson and his best friend, Paloma Fuentes, use their science knowledge to unravel all kinds of tricky puzzles and mysteries. At the end of each story the reader has a chance to solve the mystery before Einstein. And then there is a real-life science experiment that kids can do at home, so they can become Science Geeks, too! I’ve also loaded all the experiments as PDFs on my website so that kids and their teachers can download the experiments for free and print out to use at home or in the classroom.

    I previewed this concept for about 1,500 educators at the Illinois Reading Council several weeks ago, and an audible gasp rippled across the room when they heard the "fiction plus nonfiction" structure. This is one of the Common Core standards that educators struggle with, and we are very excited about the prospects for this new series.

    I am still primarily an author, of course. I rely on the professional expertise of my colleagues to run the StarWalk Kids Media publishing company. They are an exceptional team with unparalleled expertise in branding, editorial, design, programming, marketing, and distribution.

    Each educator is finding his or her way into the new digital age. It is going to be a great day. And I am proud to be part of it!

    Come see Seymour Simon at IRA 2013. He will be co-presenting “Focus on Engagement: Celebrating An Active Stance with Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, and Viewing” on Friday, April 19, 2013.

    Seymour Simon, whom the NEW YORK TIMES called "the dean of [children's science] writers," is the author of more than 270 highly acclaimed science books. He has received the American Association for the Advancement of Science/Subaru Lifetime Achievement Award for his lasting contribution to children's science literature, among many other awards. Seymour Simon is also a founding partner in StarWalk Kids Media (, a streaming e-book platform designed to provide high-quality digital literature from top quality authors to schools and libraries. More than 50 of Seymour Simon’s popular books are now available in this digital format. Follow him on Twitter: @seymoursimon.

    © 2013 Seymour Simon. Please do not reproduce in any form, electronic or otherwise.

    Engage - Plugged In

    Rethinking the Old Dog—Can We Learn (and Embrace) New Tricks?
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  • How would you like the chance to receive brand new books from publishing companies, plus get the chance to review those books and share your thoughts as part of an awards program? Members of the IRA Choices committees get to do exactly that. For the past three years, I have been fortunate to be a part of the IRA Teachers’ Choices Committee.
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    Desire to Read? Why You Should Join the Teachers’ Choices Committee

    by April Wulber
     | Apr 11, 2013
    How would you like the chance to receive brand new books from publishing companies, plus get the chance to review those books and share your thoughts as part of an awards program? Members of the IRA Choices committees get to do exactly that.

    For the past three years, I have been fortunate to be a part of the IRA Teachers’ Choices Committee. I stumbled upon the Choices program when I first became a member of IRA several years back. When I changed jobs from classroom teacher to curriculum specialist a few years ago, I applied to be a regional coordinator with the Teachers’ Choices program. I was chosen and I began finding teachers who were interested in reading with me. As an avid reader, I could not dream up a better way to spend my free time. Sounds like a lot of fun, right?

    Being a part of the Choices program is great fun, but it requires some work as well. As a regional coordinator on the committee, it was my job to find teachers who would read and review the books. I found that I needed at least 50 teachers to make the project manageable. After the first year, I had teachers coming out of the woodwork to participate—they were excited to be able to see the new books and share their thoughts on them. I had to deliver books and collect reviews every so often and report those reviews to the committee chairs, but that job was doable because of the benefits of the program.

    Each year, beginning in late June or early July, the shipments begin arriving. It is so much fun to answer the door the first time the UPS man comes bearing boxes of books. By fall, I am on a first-name basis with him!

    The publishers that participate in the program are asked to send about 10% of the total books they publish to be considered for the Teachers’ Choices award. The numbers are slightly different each year, but that works out to be about 400 titles a year. It’s always a thrill to open up the boxes and see what books the publishers have chosen to send. Obviously, no one is a fan of every book they receive, but I have been introduced to so many genres and titles that I never would have picked up on my own.

    You know when you’ve finished reading a great book you just have to talk to someone about it? This project has sparked so many conversations about books among teachers in the various districts that I’ve worked with through the Choices program. Sometimes teachers get very busy and they forget how important it is to stay informed about the new books that students are interested in. This program gives them an excuse—a reason to sit down and read one of the latest books that just very well might be a great book to put to use in their classroom.

    Another benefit that I saw of this program was that teachers were reading books that they might not necessarily pick up on their own, but discover links to topics/content they are studying in their classroom. Some have been able to put the books to use right away.

    I live in a very rural area and many of our schools have high percentages of students with free/reduced lunch and poverty rates. Many teachers spend their own money to provide books and other resources for their classrooms. With the Choices program, once the publishers send the books to you and you have completed the reviews, you get to keep the books. This has been a huge positive factor in many teachers’ classrooms; many new books have gone onto the shelves alongside books from garage sales and older children.

    The annual IRA conference is only eight days away. Each of the choices committees—Children’s, Teachers’, and Young Adults’—will have sessions during the conference to share their winning books. There is also a booth in the Exhibit Hall (#3235) that showcases all the winning books. It’s staffed by committee members that can explain the program and answer questions to anyone who stops by.

    Participating in this program has been so rewarding, and I hope to participate for several more years. Each of the committees has a little bit of a different focus and you can find out more about the committees and see past Choices winners on the IRA website: /resources/Booklists.aspx.

    I encourage you to check out the website and our booth at the conference, and think about applying to be a coordinator for your region!

    Don’t miss the Choices sessions and symposia at IRA 2013:

    Children’s Choices:
    “Children's Choice Award Winners: Informational Books Take Center Stage”

    Young Adult Choices:
    “Read It, Talk About It, Make a Difference with Young Adult Literature”

    Teachers’ Choices:
    “Making a Difference by Enriching the Curriculum with Award-Winning Trade Books for Students in Grades K-8” and “Making a Difference for Readers, Writers, and Artists by Connecting them with Authors and Illustrators who Create Books that Inspire, Motivate, and Delight”

    April Wulber is the ELA Specialist at the Darke County Educational Service Center in Greenville, Ohio. She provides professional development for eight county districts and some surrounding schools in the areas of the Common Core Standards and literacy. She has previously taught eighth grade language arts and first grade. She has been an educator for 10 years. April also enjoys reading and writing with her four-year-old daughter.

    © 2013 April Wulber. Please do not reproduce in any form, electronic or otherwise.

    Children’s Choices Reading List

    2012 Choices Reading Lists

    Member of the Month: April Wulber
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  • The What Works Clearinghouse is a federal initiative founded in 2002 “to be a central and trusted source of scientific evidence for what works in education.” The WWC engages in many activities related to the review and dissemination of literacy research. WWC Practice Guides are developed by panels of researchers and practitioners who, with WWC staff, review research and then offer recommendations in a particular area.

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    Practice Guides Review Research and Offer Recommendations on Topics in Literacy

     | Apr 10, 2013

    Nell Duke
    by Nell Duke
    University of Michigan
    April 15, 2013


    The What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) has released five Practice Guides on topics in literacy:

    1. Teaching Elementary School Students to Be Effective Writers Practice Guide | June 2012

    1. Provide daily time for student to write
    2. Teach students to use the writing process for a variety of purposes
    3. Teach students to become fluent with handwriting, spelling, sentence construction, typing, and word processing.
    4. Create and engaged community of writers.

    2. Improving Reading Comprehension in Kindergarten Through 3rd Grade Practice Guide | September 2010

    1. Teach students how to use reading comprehension strategies.
    2. Teach students to identify and use the text’s organizational structure to comprehend, learn, and remember content.
    3. Guide students through focused high quality discussion on the meaning of text.
    4. Select texts purposely to support comprehension development.
    5. Establish an engaging and motivating context in which to teach reading comprehension.

    3. Assisting Students Struggling with Reading Practice Guide | February 2009

    1. Screen all students for potential reading problems at the beginning of the year and again in the middle of the year. Regularly monitor the progress of students at risk for developing reading disabilities.

      For Tier 1:
    2. Provide time for differentiated reading instruction for all students based on assessments of student’s current reading level.

      For Tier 2:
    3. Provide intensive, systematic instruction on up to three foundational reading skills in small groups to students who score below the benchmark score on universal screening. Typically these groups meet between three and five times a week, for 20 to 40 minutes.
    4. Monitor the progress of Tier 2 students at least once a month. Use these data to determine whether students still require intervention. For those students still making insufficient progress, schoolwide teams should design a Tier 3 intervention plan.
    5. Provide intensive instruction on a daily basis that promotes the development of the various components of reading proficiency to students who show minimal progress after reasonable time in Tier 2 small group instruction.

    4. Improving Adolescent Literacy: Effective Classroom and Intervention Practices Practice Guide | August 2008

    1. Provide explicit vocabulary instruction.
    2. Provide direct and explicit comprehension strategy instruction.
    3. Provide opportunities for extended discussion of text meaning and interpretation.
    4. Increase student motivation and engagement in literacy learning.
    5. Make available intensive and individualized interventions for struggling readers that can be provided by trained specialists.

    5. Effective Literacy and English Language Instruction for English Learners in the Elementary Grades
        Practice Guide | December 2007

    1. Conduct formative assessments with English learners using English language measures of phonological processing, letter knowledge, and word and text reading. Use these data to identify English learners who require additional instructional support and to monitor their reading progress over time.
    2. Provide focused, intensive small-group interventions for English learners determined to be at risk for reading problems. Although the amount of time in small-group instruction and the intensity of this instruction should reflect the degree of risk, determined by reading assessment data and other indicators, the interventions should include the five core reading elements (phonological awareness, phonics, reading fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension). Explicit, direct instruction should be the primary means of instructional delivery.
    3. Provide high-quality vocabulary instruction throughout the day. Teach essential content words in depth. In addition, use instructional time to address the meanings of common words, phrases, and expressions not yet learned. 
    4. Ensure that the development of formal or academic English is a key instructional goal for English learners, beginning in the primary grades. Provide curricula and supplemental curricula to accompany core reading and mathematics series to support this goal. Accompany with relevant training and professional development. 
    5. Ensure that the development of formal or academic English is a key instructional goal for English learners, beginning in the primary grades. Provide curricula and supplemental curricula to accompany core reading and mathematics series to support this goal. Accompany with relevant training and professional development. 
    The What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) is a federal initiative founded in 2002 “to be a central and trusted source of scientific evidence for what works in education.” The WWC engages in many activities related to the review and dissemination of literacy research. WWC Practice Guides are developed by panels of researchers and practitioners who, with WWC staff, review research and then offer recommendations in a particular area. For each recommendation, they offer a rating of the strength of the research supporting that recommendation. They explain the recommendation with concrete examples to help educators enact the recommendations. (A companion site, called Doing What Works, provides further information about putting the recommendations into practice, including video clips of classroom practice, interviews with researchers and practitioners, and tools for literacy coaches and principals, but it is currently down. We will let you know when it is back up.) Some of us have found the WWC Practice Guides to be useful, and hope you will too.

    Reader response is welcomed. Email your comments to LRP@/

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