by Mary Beth Scumaci
Happy New Year! If you haven’t done so already, why not add a resolution that promises to increase your use of technology skills in the classroom? The New York Science Teacher website is a great example of teachers helping teachers with technologies, online resources, and content area curriculum ideas that enhance teaching and student learning in the classroom. This fantastic website is compiled by Webmaster and Earth Science Teacher, Mr. Christopher Sheehan. The goal for the website is simple, a place for science teachers to share information and resources. This website is an excellent example of how professional educators can integrate curriculum materials to enhance the common core standards and encourage inexpensive professional development.

The New York State Teacher website has a well organized home page linking you to core curricula, reference tables, regents prep work, bilingual glossaries, teacher websites, and much more. The “Teacher Web Pages” link takes you to a well organized page that breaks the science curriculum down into manageable topic areas and encourages sharing from teachers around the globe. Click on a link and you travel to websites created by teachers who wish to share their knowledge and resources with educators who seek to creatively engage students. You will find links to resources ranging from the elementary grades through higher education, showcasing educational websites, content area resources, games, parent and teacher resources, curriculum units, lesson plans, and more.

An example of one of the many teacher webpage links within the website is the blog “Earth Science Resource of the Week” by Earth Science Guy, Mr. Rod Benson. His blog is loaded with weekly posts of exciting resources and activities for teachers to incorporate into their teaching repertoire.
A big thank you and congratulations are extended to Mr. Sheehan and all of the teachers who share their time, talent, and dedication to the field of education by making contributions to the New York Science Teacher website.
Mary Beth Scumaci is a Clinical Assistant Professor with the School of Education at Medaille College in Buffalo, New York.
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