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    PBTM Indonesia Elects New Board Leadership

     | Sep 06, 2011
    Perhimpunan Baca Tulis Masyarakat (PBTM) Indonesia is an affiliate of the International Reading Association (IRA). It currently operates in several different provinces in Indonesia, such as Aceh, Padang, Jakarta, and Surabaya. PBTM Indonesia (or The Indonesian Reading and Writing Association) seeks to reflect the vision and mission of its mother organization.

    PBTM Indonesia has specific goals which are to progress and develop the reading and the writing interests in the communities of Indonesia, to assist and provide bilingualism training (fluency in bilingual reading and writing) in Indonesian and English, and Indonesian and the Community Language (local languages in Indonesia). PBTM Indonesia also maintains a close network among the professional educators and stakeholders that are interested in community-based education. 

    PBTM Indonesia coordinates with chapters in various provinces in Indonesia. Mulyadi is chairman in Aceh, in, Nazara heads the chapter in Padang, Athriyana Pattiwael leads in Surabaya, and Marnix Ruipasa is in charge in Jakarta. The PBTM Indonesia chapter in Ambon just elected Christian Albert Lewier as its head of the chapter. These chapters will coordinate their work, plans, and other activities with PBTM Indonesia. 

    PBTM Indonesia held a board meeting on the second day of the seminar. A new board leadership was inducted, with Richard Manuputty as President, Mulyadi as Vice President, Jenny Lekatompessy as Recording Secretary and Treasurer, and Sophia Bynendik as Membership Secretary. This board will serve the association from 2011 to 2013. 

    In front of the seminar participants, representing the IRA board of directors, Rizalina Labanda witnessed the newly appointed PBTM Indonesia board as they were sworn in to serve the organization. Labanda also gave two sponsored memberships on behalf of Mark Mullen, the Interim Executive Director of IRA. Labanda hopes that these new members will “breed” more members in the future. At this point, PTBM Indonesia is beginning to design its short-term and long-term future plans. PBTM is focusing on welcoming the 2013 Asian Literacy Conference, which also will be held in Indonesia. 

    IRA Members: Click here for more news about PBTM in the digital version of the magazine. 

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    New Reading Today Magazine Launches

     | Sep 06, 2011
    Beginning with the August/September 2011 issue, Reading Today is no longer a newspaper. It is now a magazine with two components: the Reading Today print magazine (with an interactive digital version) and the Reading Today Online website. 

    The print component includes the 48-page, glossy Reading Today magazine which is mailed to members bi-monthly. It follows the same schedule as the newspaper did, with issues in August/September, October/November, December/January, February/March, April/May, and June/July. Online only members can view an interactive digital version of the latest print issue on the web. 

    Reading Today Online is updated daily with articles on the following topics: Articles on Reading Today Online are divided into six topics: Teaching Literacy, Children’s Literature, Councils & SIGs, Research & Grants, Legislation & Policy, and Member News. You can access articles one at a time by clicking on their links, or you can view all of the articles of a certain topic by clicking on that topic name. You can also view all of the articles in a list, shown in reverse-chronological order. If you especially enjoy a certain article, click on the sharing links at the bottom of its webpage. There are links to Facebook, Twitter, and more, as well as a link to share the article URL via email. Some articles even have “discuss on Engage” buttons that allow members to login to chat with other members about topics covered in the articles. 

    Why did we make these changes? First, we changed it to create a better value for IRA members. The dual channel approach lets us to flow more information to you over the course of the year. Second, IRA’s current strategic plan calls for increased internal and external communication. We have spent months connecting with members, councils, Special Interest Groups (SIGs), the board of directors, IRA staff, and more to create an open dialogue among literacy professionals. Finally, we need to realign our communications to account for the impact of new media and digital technologies. 

    “The magazine is designed for longer, deeper reads, while online articles are short and often time-sensitive,” says Director of Strategic Communications Dan Mangan. Online articles also include more references to websites and other online reading resources. Reading Today Online contains some articles from the print magazine, but most of the printed content is for IRA members only.  

    We are always looking for new story ideas. Click here to read the submission guidelines, and contact readingtoday@/ if you have questions. 

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    DCRC Hosts Young Authors' Reception

     | Aug 25, 2011

    More than 120 students, parents, and teachers attended the Young Authors' Reception, sponsored by the DCRC (Dallas County Reading Council). The evening reception was held at the Van Meter Community School Event Center on March 28th  to honor first place winning student authors who entered their original stories and poetry in the annual DCRC creative writing contest.  The DCRC judged more than 100 entries from the county area. After a light meal was served, the highlight of the evening was listening to the young authors read their story or poem.  DCRC would like to express gratitude to local businesses for helping with the meal:  Jordan Creek Hy-Vee – cookies and bottled water, Waukee Fareway – chips, Waukee Subway – six foot sub.

    The 2011 story and poem winners are shown below.  They are identified with the school district they attend. 

    DCRC Poetry Winners- Front left to right: (Co-1st grade winners Addison Thielman-Urbandale and Nora Henderson–Urbandale; 2nd grade, Audrey Messman-Waukee; 3rd grade, Alexis Carfrae–Waukee; 4th grade, Sarah Noga-Waukee.  Back row: 5th grade, Alaina Taylor– ADM; 6th grade, Weston Garrett -Van Meter; 7th grade, Casey Jamison-Van Meter; 8th grade,  Emma Skahill–Van Meter; 9th grade, Morgan Abbas– ADM.

    DCRC Story Winners-Front left to right:  K-Reagan Nicholl-Waukee; (Co-1st grade winners) Kenna Jackson-Dallas Center-Grimes and Sydney Hotchkiss-Urbandale; 2nd grade,  Madison Nicholl-Waukee;  3rd grade, Anna Bauer–Waukee.  Back row: 4th grade, Ben Fahrenkrug-Waukee; 5th grade, Emily Pottebaum– ADM; 6th grade, Sydney Bertman-ADM; 7th grade, Noah Bardwell-Van Meter; 8th grade, Emma Skahill–Van Meter; 9th grade, Madison Bertman– ADM; 11th grade, Lauren Abbas– ADM
    First place winning stories and poems were sent to the Iowa Reading Council to be judged with other stories and poems entered across the state.  The following students placed at state level:
    Poetry:  First Grader, Addison Theilman – first place; Second Grader, Audrey Messman – first place; Fifth Grader, Alaina Taylor - second place; Sixth Grader, Weston Garrett - first place; Eighth Grader, Emma Skahill – second place; Ninth Grader, Morgan Abbas – second place. 
    Story: Kindergartener, Reagan Nicholl – third place; Third Grader, Anna Bauer – third place; Sixth Grader, Sydney Bertman – second place; Eighth Grader, Emma Skahill – third place; Ninth Grader, Madison Bertman – first place. 

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    International Literacy Day on September 8

     | Aug 24, 2011
    The International Reading Association will host a program to celebrate International Literacy Day on Thursday, September 8, 2011. Join us from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon, at 444 N Capitol St NW, Washington, DC (Room 283/285) to discuss the theme “Teachers Matter! Effective Teaching: What does it take?” 

    The day’s events include coffee at 9:30 a.m., followed by an introduction by Vicki Risko, President of the International Reading Association’s Board of Directors. She will speak about the “Elements of a Good Teacher.” Then, Peggy McCardle (NICHD, Branch Chief), Karen Douglas (Institute of Education Sciences, US Dept. of Education), Matthew Tosiello (Agnes Meyer Teacher of the Year), and Carole Lockwood (Lead Teacher for Reading/Language Arts, Randolph Elementary) will present “What It Takes to Make Good Teachers and How Teachers Reach Hard-to-Reach Students.” 

    Lisa Dieker follows with a teaching demonstration with the University of Central Florida (UCF) TeachME Lab Avatar Presentation. This program teaches pre-service teachers how to teach a class of diverse students. (The computer-generated students are acted in real time by a professional actor with education and psychology experience.) This allows pre-service teachers to experiment—and make mistakes—before being responsible for an actual child’s learning. As part of this demo, the audience may teach this real time virtual class. 

    Finally, Richard Long, the International Reading Association’s Director of Goverment Relations, presents “Changing from a Defacto Policy of Blaming the Teacher to a Reality That Works.” 

    RSVP to irawash@/. Click here for more information about International Literacy Day 2011. 
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