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    Call for Submissions, Teaching Tips for RT, JAAL, and RRQ

     | Nov 16, 2011

    The International Reading Association's prestigious journals have released calls for submissions.

    The Reading Teacher cover imageThe Reading Teacher Call for Teaching Tips

    Share your best practices! The Reading Teacher (RT) editors Diane Barone and Marla Mallette seek Teaching Tips, which are about 2,000 words in length and focus on a single, research-based application for improving literacy. Teaching Tips go through a peer review process. See the RT submission guidelines here!

    Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy Call for Submissions

    Incoming Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy (JAAL) editors Margaret Hagood and Emily Skinner are now accepting submissions of articles for peer review.JAAL cover image Read JAAL's author guidelines here and submit your manuscript today! Submissions are also invited for Literacy Lenses, a new feature that will appear in JAAL beginning in September 2012. The column features essays written by current middle school and high school teachers, media specialists, librarians, literacy coaches, curriculum specialists, administrators, preservice teachers, teacher educators, and adolescent and adult learners. These short, nonacademic pieces (written in first person, without citations or references) will highlight diverse perspectives on teaching and learning with literacies to inspire reader reflection. Literacy Lenses submissions should be approximately 500 words and include a photograph if possible (e.g., high resolution photo of the author or the learning context profiled, with appropriate photo releases). If your essay is selected for publication, you will receive a one-year, online-only subscription to any IRA journal for either yourself or a colleague. E-mail your essay to JAAL@/ with “Literacy Lenses” in the subject line.

    RRQ cover imageReading Research Quarterly Call for Submissions

    Through November 2011, Reading Research Quarterly (RRQ) editors Ian Wilkinson and David Bloome are accepting submissions of articles for peer review. Beginning December 1, 2011, incoming editors Susan Neuman and Linda Gambrell will take over adjudication for RRQ. Read RRQ's author guidelines here and submit your manuscript today!



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    2011 Asian Literacy Conference

     | Nov 15, 2011

    The 2011 Asian Literacy Conference (ALC2011) in conjunction with the 7th LITCON (International Conference on Literacy) and the 4th ILLC (International Language Learning Conference) was held from October 11 to 13 at the Berjaya Georgetown Hotel in Penang, Malaysia.

    Asian ConferenceIt was organized by the School of Languages, Literacies and Translation (Universiti Sains Malaysia), the International Literacy Research Unit (Universiti Sains Malaysia), the National Higher Education Research Institute of Malaysia, the International Reading Association, and the International Development in Asia Committee.

    In today’s highly globalized world, complex issues have emerged in the field of language and literacy development. Over centuries, language and literacy education has provided mankind with the perspectives, approaches and pedagogies which have helped to shape knowledge, policies and worldviews across the globe.

    It is therefore only reasonable to continue to persist in efforts to understand what language and literacy development really is in today’s context. In addition, there is also an urgent need to seek richer, more inclusive, and sustainable views as well as methodologies to sustain new contexts, new peoples, new identities, new cultures and practices, new modes of meaning, and of course, new media.

    Asian ConferenceThe conference, named "Language and Literacy in the Local and Global Contexts: Success Stories and Unfolding Narratives," aimed to provide an arena for interested parties to contribute their success stories and unfold narratives on their experiences in language and literacy education. It also aimed to provide an opportunity for discussion and critique on issues relating to language and literacy development in today’s increasingly borderless world.

    The sub-themes of the conference included:
    o Teachers, learners and literacy practices
    o Language and literacy
    o Sustainable education
    o Sustainable digital literacy
    o Inclusive research methodology
    o Citizenship and values (innovative policies, intercultural communication, etc.)

    The invited speakers and their presentation titles were:
    o Mary Kalantzis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, New learning and new literacies
    o Ng Seok Moi, University of Auckland, New Zealand, Retelling, an unfolding narrative
    o Mohan Chinnappan, University of Wollongong, Australia, Numeracy and the development of a scientifically literate workforce in a borderless world
    o Sakil Malik, International Reading Association, USA, Reading for all by 2020
    o Maryann Manning, University of Alabama at Birmingham & International Reading Association, USA, Changing literacy: Don’t be a tourist
    o Ryuko Kubota, University of British Columbia, Canada, Clinical approaches to language and culture: Teaching Japanese and other languages
    o David Wray, University of Warwick, UK, Learners’ uses of mobile learning devices
    o Bill Cope, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, Web writing: An introduction to the "Scholar" research and development project
    o Jenny Lim, Corporate Social Investments (APAC), NOKIA Corporation, Mobile solutions in education and literacy

    The following four books featuring selected papers from LITCON 2009 were also launched at the conference:
    Forging Unity Amidst Diversity: From the Classroom and Beyond
    Curriculum Development, Materials Design and Methodologies
    Teaching and Learning in Diverse Contexts: Issues and Approaches
    o Teaching and Learning Language: Current Trends and Practices

    *Selected papers in the current conference’s proceedings will be published in 2013

    Approximately 160 papers were presented at the conference over the course of three days. More than 350 individuals, from Malaysia and 22 other countries worldwide, attended the ALC2011.

    The December/January issue of Reading Today, the International Reading Association's member magazine, will contain more information about this exciting conference.

    First Photo: The publication of three books from selected papers on literacy from the previous literacy conference in 2009 given to the Deputy Education Minister by the Deputy vice chancellor USM.

    Second Photo: The signing of MOU by the vice chancellors on literacy and research activities between USM and Azad Research University Iran.


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    2012 Convention Features Teaching Edge Speaker Series

     | Nov 04, 2011
    The Teaching Edge Speaker Series was the "hot ticket" at the 2011 International Reading Association (IRA) Valerie Ellery on Convention InsiderAnnual Convention in Orlando. At the 2012 Convention in Chicago, some new faces appear and some old favorites return in what promises to be our best Teaching Edge series yet. The line-up includes Regie Routman, Kelly Gallagher, Irene Fountas & Gay Su Pinnell, Ernest Morrell, Doug Fisher & Nancy Frey, Lori Oczkus, Alfred Tatum, and The Two Sisters (Gail Boushey and Joan Moser). 

    This month’s Convention Insider episode features an interview with Valerie Ellery as she talks about the gems of wisdom and inspiration attendees will take away from the 2012 Convention. Page Turner Adventures on Convention InsiderThe Insider also catches up with Page Turner Adventures, the Emmy Award-winning production company that puts a unique spin on educational entertainment. The team interviews Amy Spiker who nominated teacher Lori Trevillyan for the IRA Celebrated Teacher of the Year contest. Next month, Convention Insider is on location in Chicago.

    The Itinerary Program Planner for the 2012 Convention goes live this month, and registration for the IRA Annual Convention and housing online reservations go live on December 1, 2011. 

    Interview with Lori TrevillyanFor more information, visit the 2012 IRA Annual Convention website at, and "like" the Facebook page.




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    Featured Council: West Virginia Reading Association

     | Nov 01, 2011

    As part of our series featuring state councils, we spoke with Kim Burris, President of the West Virginia Reading Association (WVRA). Their annual conference is fastly approaching: it will be held in White Sulphur Springs on November 17 and 18. You may have read about West Virginia on Reading Today Online or in the August/September issue of Reading Today. (IRA Members click here to read the interactive digital version of the magazine.) Kim shared her passion for the Association in her answers to the following questions. 

    1. Are you especially proud of any of your council's projects? 

    I'm proud of WVRA for achieving the IRA Five Star Award of Excellence for nine years. We work well with our state department of educaiton and we want to continue the strong ties between our organization and our state department of education. I'm also proud of the following council projects: 

    • Studies and Research Committee (This is a very active committee that picks something current in education, studies it, and disseminates information out to members. The committee chair involves people from all over the state with various backgrounds.  She is my shining start in mentoring and branching out to people.)  
    • Parents and Reading Honor Council (Local councils are awarded this status if they complete projects/activities involving parents with reading.) 
    • WVRA Honor Presidents (This is awarded to local council presidents who have completed several projects promoting their local councils and reading within their county/community.) 
    2. What are the benefits of joining your council? West Virginia Reading Association

    Our association is the largest curriculum based organization in the state. Members receive the "Interchange" (our council's newsletter) four times a year, information from the Studies and Research Committee, and a reduced registration rate to the annual conference. 

    3. Are there any future projects in store for your council?

    We are working hard on expanding our association by "Connecting, Communicating, and Collaborating." We also have started a new membership category this year for students in middle school and high school. We are hoping to build this throughout the state. Our first student council has a goal of becoming an IRA Council!

    4. How does one join your council?

    Membership information is on our website at

    5. Is there a website, newsletter, or another way to find more information about your council? Is there a person that prospective members can contact? 

    Our website is You can find information about our annual conference and most of our projects and awards. There is contact information for all our officers and committee chairs. Our Director of Membership Development is Ering Albaugh and her email is People can also contact me at for information.

     West Virginia Reading AssociationWest Virginia Reading Association





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    Visit by IRA Delegation Brings Israeli Official to Orlando Convention

     | Oct 28, 2011

    by Katie Branca

    In October 2010, sixteen International Reading Association (IRA) members from the United States, Australia, and New Zealand boarded a plane for Israel. The delegation spent nine days overseas, exploring Israeli history and culture, while diving into the details of the country’s literacy education system.

    The unique educational expectations in Israel are what first caught the attention of former board member Taffy Raphael when she was planning the trip. In Israel, every citizen is expected to become literate in Hebrew, Arabic, and English, without exception. “The American microcosm is concentrated in Israel,” Raphael says. “If you think about how the United States has struggled with how to best support students who are learning new languages, that’s a primary issue in Israel.”

    Pamela Mason, who teaches at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, is sure that what she saw in Israel will impact how she prepares her students. “My responsibility is to train these literacy educators not only to teach different types of learners but also in terms of different political expectations.”

    Delegates at the Western Wall (Wailing Wall)Seeing Things First Hand

    The delegates had the opportunity to witness Israel’s education system at work and to discuss best practices among themselves. At the Kibbutz School of Education, teachers introduced the delegation to a successful clinical model where groups of students are brought in periodically so that student teachers can practice a variety of lesson plans and become confi dent in the

    At the Center for Educational Technology in Tel Aviv, directors explained how professional development resources are changing. The largest producer of textbooks and resources in Israel has now turned to digital books and the Internet to improve teacher resources.

    Seeking to understand how Israeli educators teach growing numbers of immigrants, delegates visited the Ulpan Etzion Campus in Jerusalem. The absorption center supports multiple classrooms for language instruction, as well as a Hebrew immersion program where residents can learn the language intensively.

    Delegates were also able to foster more tangible ties between Israel and the United States. While visiting the Alon High School in Ramat Hasharon, Israel, administrators agreed to begin a partnership with RJ Kinsella Magnet School of Performing Arts in Hartford, Connecticut.

    Pamela Totten-Alvarado, a delegate and principal of the Kinsella Magnet School, looks forward to working with the Alon School long-term. “It is collectively our vision that the students from both schools will embrace each other’s passion for the arts through the use of technology,” she says.

    Eula Monroe, Dr. Shlomo Alon, and Angela Fortune at the convention exhibitThe Exhibit in Orlando

    Months after returning home, Angela Fortune, a delegation member, sat on the floor of her living room sorting photographs. Creating an exhibit for the IRA 56th Annual Convention in Orlando was the perfect opportunity to share the experience with others, even if it left her covered in double-stick tape.

    After weeks of taping, gluing, and stapling, the exhibit display was complete and ready for convention. Three-dimensional props, layers of photographs, and heart-felt quotes from delegates jumped from the poster board and welcomed passersby.

    “We had very good traffic flow and a lot of great questions,” Taffy Raphael shares.

    What’s more, Dr. Shlomo Alon from Israel’s Ministry of Education joined the delegation at convention and spent a great deal of time with the exhibit. Delegates had especially enjoyed speaking with him overseas, and Fortune felt it was a highlight of the trip. “It was really exciting to meet with a leader of their educational system,” she says. “So we really highlighted that in the presentation.”

    Beyond Best Practice

    For many delegates, however, meeting with leaders and exploring best practices accounted for only half of their experience. Some, like delegate Kathleen Gill, as classroom teacher from Ohio, found being in the presence of so many passionate educators overwhelming.

    “There are some life experiences that are so transformative that words just seem to fail,” she says. “Having had the chance to take part in this experience and connect with people who all share the same vision was a personal and professional experience of a lifetime.”

    Twyla Miranda, a delegate from Texas Wesleyan University, also felt a sense of unity. “I learned we are similar,” she says. “We want all learners to be thoughtful, lifelong readers.” 


    This article also appeared in the October/November 2011 issue of Reading Today


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