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    Call for Manuscripts for Reading in the Middle Journal

     | Feb 27, 2012

    The International Reading Association’s Middle School Reading Special Interest Group seeks manuscripts for Reading in the Middle, an independent peer-reviewed publication. The journal publishes two issues a year sharing original contributions on all facets of language arts learning, teaching, and research focusing on young adolescents. Reading in the Middle offers middle level educators a practical guide to best practices in middle schools. 

    Reading in the Middle disseminates pertinent information and research on middle school reading, serves as a forum for expressing varying viewpoints on middle school reading, and promotes an interest in further research in the field of middle level reading. Manuscripts focus on quality programs, promising classroom practice, middle level author viewpoints, book lists for the middle level student, and teaching resources. 

    Presenters at the annual conference as well as other recent professional development events are invited to submit articles based on their work. 

    The deadline for articles is July 15, with fall publication scheduled for October/November. 

    See the submission guidelines and more information on the Middle School Reading Special Interest Group website. For more information, read their newsletter


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    Barbados Literacy Conference

     | Feb 22, 2012

    The Barbados Association of Reading (BAR) held their 5th Annual Conference in Christ Church, Barbados on December 2, 2011.

    The conference was held at the Accra Beach Hotel in Christ Church and was declared open on December 1, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. by the Minister of Education of Barbados, Hon. Ronald Jones. The theme of the Conference was Differentiating Literacy and Numeracy Instruction for Diverse Learners, and it was comprised of various sessions including Differentiating Instruction presented by Dr. Sandra Robinson and Early Literacy Development presented by Ms. Darnell Wynn, president of the Bermuda Reading Association. Other topics included Strategies for Overcoming Challenges in Mathematics presented by Mr. Stuart Russell, and Using Graphic Organizers to Support Literacy presented by Dr. Ann Fergusson, the Committee for International Development in the Caribbean (CIDCAR) chair, on behalf of IRA board member Dr. Karen Bromley. There were a total of 153 conference attendees, several sponsors from Barbados, and a few representatives from IRA including Dr. Brenda Overturf, an IRA board member.

    At the CIDCAR business meeting on December 1, members each reported on the various activities carried out by each of their associations over the course of 2011. They also discussed various issues—including membership recruitment, membership retention, and conflict resolution—and shared their goals for 2012.

    CIDCAR was pleased to welcome a new member, Mr. Felix Henderson, a popular DBS radio personality on the Island of Dominica, who in collaboration with the Ministry of Education hosted a successful National Reading Competition to inspire children to “Read Today, For Tomorrow.” CIDCAR hopes to establish a new IRA national affiliate in Dominica this year. 

    On Saturday December 3, the IRA staff, in conjunction with the Chair for CIDCAR, organized a full day lea

    The main focus of the leadership workshop was to facilitate and encourage collaboration between the councils and affiliates in the Caribbean and to encourage the leaders to work on literacy leadership and capacity building activities for their organizations. The leadership workshop also included modules on membership development, a guide to IRA’s online resources and a presentation on Leadership and Succession by Dr. Overturf.dership workshop. In attendance were representatives from Barbados, Bermuda, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, as well as the CIDCAR Chair Dr. Ann Fergusson from Barbados, IRA Board Member Dr. Brenda Overturf, and two IRA Global Operations staff members: Amy Kushner and Elizabeth Ndungu. 

    The workshop featured an interactive session on work plan development goal setting, with a focus on creating strategic goals. Affiliate leaders shared ideas and discussed ways to develop their affiliates and the Caribbean region as a whole. The CIDCAR members were also urged to take advantage of and to publicize the various online tools and resources available to IRA members.


    Photo captions: 

    During the Leadership Workshop, Allison Lewis (representative from Trinidad and Tobago) and Beverly Harris of Jamaica (incoming CIDCAR chair) present their goals.

    Committee for International Development in the Caribbean (CIDCAR) members, IRA board member Dr. Brenda Overturf, and IRA staff Amy Kushner and Elizabeth Ndungu.



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    2012 Election Results: Jill Lewis-Spector New Vice President; Fisher, Flippo, and Peterson New Board Members

     | Feb 14, 2012

    The voting period for the 2012 IRA Board election closed on February 10, the ballots have been tabulated, and the results have been confirmed. 

    Jill Lewis-Spector, (bio) Professor, Literacy Education and Chair, Graduate Program, New Jersey City University, Jersey City, NJ, has been elected as IRA’s new Vice President.  

    Three new board members were also elected: 

    • Douglas Fisher, (bio) Professor of Education, San Diego State University, and Teacher Leader, Health Sciences High, San Diego, CA
    • Rona Flippo, (bio) Professor, University of Massachusetts, Boston, Boston, MA
    • Shelley Stagg Peterson, (bio) Associate Professor, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

    Their terms will run from 2012 to 2015. 

    The entire IRA community extends best wishes to the newly elected vice president and board members.



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    Literacy and Social Responsibility SIG Call for Manuscripts

     | Feb 14, 2012

    The International Reading Association’s Literacy and Social Responsibility Special Interest Group (L-SR SIG) seeks manuscripts for the LSR ejournal by March 15. LSR ejournal is an independent peer-reviewed journal founded by Dr. Rebecca Kaminski, and now edited by Margaret-Mary Sulentic Dowell. Presently this journal is published annually.

    The journal provides an international forum for educators, authors, and researchers at all levels presenting practices promoting literacy development that reflects social responsibility among all learners. Manuscript focus highlights quality programs advocating community engagement, service-learning, informed and participatory citizenship, social responsibility, activism, and stewardship reflecting an appreciation for all forms of diversity. As an electronic journal, interactive submissions with active links are particularly sought. 

    Presenters at the annual conference as well as other recent professional development events are invited to submit an article based on their work. 

    The deadline for articles is March 15 and book reviews May 15, with publication scheduled for August.

    See submission guidelines, a call for manuscripts flier, and more information on the L-SR SIG website.



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    South Carolina State Council Tackles Budget Problems by Listening to Members

     | Feb 10, 2012

    by Katie Branca

    For many state councils, the balance between money and membership is a difficult one to find, especially with the challenges of an economic downturn. But for South Carolina, listening to the needs of the membership has pointed council leadership in the right direction.

    From February 23 through February 25, the South Carolina State Council of the International Reading Association (SCIRA) will be holding its annual conference in Myrtle Beach, where convention-goers will experience a series of changes that have been in the works for the past five years. Many of these changes were made in response to membership requests. Immediate Past President Jean Brewington says they will also help balance the budget.

    Meet Jean Brewington

    Brewington, a member of the executive team that decided on and implemented these changes, has been a member of IRA for over 25 years and a member of SCIRA for over 20. With a master’s degree in Education in Reading from the University of South Carolina, and experience in the elementary classroom as well as in district administration, Brewington views literacy education from a few different perspectives. However, her goals and motivations have always remained the same.

    “Our mission is to promote literacy through the improvement of reading instruction,” she said, adding the importance of fostering reading as a habit so that readers can use it as a lifetime tool for learning.

    But, on a more simple level, Brewington said she has always focused on making people aware of all the opportunities to promote literacy. “Oftentimes educators will ask me to suggest a good book for a child to read or use in a study group,” Brewington explains, recalling how frequently she mentions the Dolly Parton Imagination Library in conversation. In fact, Brewington said she strives to promote literacy in every venue possible, whether it is face to face, in a newsletter, on Facebook or at the council’s annual conference.

    Listening to Membership and Making Changes

    Last year, Brewington and other SCIRA officers noticed that attendance on the Thursday night general session had declined significantly. SCIRA officials began to realize that teachers and school administrators simply could not leave their classrooms before the weekend. “The speaker was phenomenal but we realized we weren’t getting the bang for our buck,” Brewington said. “We knew we needed to make changes.”

    After looking at membership data, brainstorming, and talking with other state leaders and conference planners, SCIRA chose to rework their conference schedule with teachers and school administrators in mind. Now, there are still general speakers on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, but the conference opens with a banquet on Friday night, featuring Jerry Pallota as the guest speaker, and members can choose to purchase tickets for the banquet alone. Saturday only tickets are also available, and the awards ceremony has been moved to Saturday so that all recipients can be present. In addition, SCIRA is offering Child Development Credit to college students studying education in the area.

    “The motivation was to be more receptive to the participants’ needs,” Brewington said. “We knew that we were going to have to give up the Thursday night opening because of attendance and budget, but we knew we could redirect that to Friday night.”

    For those literacy educators who can’t make it to the convention, SCIRA is also offering a one-day fall literacy workshop in Columbia, South Carolina. Members can purchase a ticket for $35 to attend breakout sessions, shop with book vendors, and create valuable local literacy connections. And for $50, nonmembers can attend as well, and $10 of that fee will give them an SCIRA membership.

    “We wanted to offer more choices to better meet the needs of our attendees,” Brewington said. “There will be more options to choose from so that attendees can attend more events, be more involved, and get the resources that help them become literacy leaders.”

    Beyond the Conference

    SCIRA has also begun to make some behind-the-scenes changes that will balance the budget. Rather than holding their board meetings at Embassy Suites, a rental cost of $3,000 plus catering, they have found a local school that will rent space for only $100 and board members have agreed to provide food for the event. 

    Board members, who once had separate rooms for every meeting, will also be rooming together, saving $400 per night, and $1,600 each year. And finally, with the changes in the convention schedule, the executive board will now arrive at convention on Wednesday afternoon instead of Tuesday, saving SCIRA even more on hotel expenses. SCIRA has also moved their newsletter online instead of having it published four times a year, a change that Brewington says has already saved a tremendous amount of money. “We do a journal once a year, too,” Brewington added, “and that’s about $20,000, but we still have people who want to hold something in their hands.”

    Changes to Come

    For the future, SCIRA has a few more changes in the works. To make the conference even more accessible to teachers, SCIRA hopes to coordinate the weekend of the conference with South Carolina’s professional staff development day, which will hopefully increase attendance and state-wide awareness of SCIRA as a resource. The executive board has also considered the possibility of changing the days of the conference altogether, so that the event would fall Friday through Sunday or Saturday through Monday.

    Brewington was careful to emphasize SCIRA’s commitment to listen to the membership and respond to its requests as a first priority. At first, when asked by members what changes she would like to see in the future, she replied, “What changes would you like to see?”

    But, despite SCIRA’s willingness to react to the needs of the membership, there are a few central aspects of convention that Brewington thinks should stay awhile. “We know that teachers want to hear keynote speakers,” she said. “They need to hear the literacy leaders and they need breakout sessions to see what other teachers are doing.” And, perhaps most importantly, Brewington said attendees always need the opportunity to network. “[They like] networking, sharing, hearing ideas and beginning relationships.”

    To register for SCIRA’s conference on February 23 to 25 at the Myrtle Beach Convention Center, visit Or contact your local district coordinator for a paper registration form.

    South Carolina photo

    Photo caption: Jean Brewington; Tommy Preston, former President of the Student Body of the University of South Carolina (USC); Ellen Henricks, Executive Director of the South Carolina Center for Children’s Books and Literacy; and Linda Grant, Chair of the Literacy Award Committee, celebrate a successful statewide literacy initiative featuring USC’s mascot “Cocky”

    This article was printed in the February/March 2012 issue of Reading Today. Click here for more information about viewing the digital versions of Reading Today issues.



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