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    Teaching Edge: Popular Speaker Series Returns to Annual Convention

     | Apr 05, 2012

    People still haven’t stopped talking about last year’s Teaching Edge Speaker series debut. Literacy superstars return to the IRA Annual Convention this year to create the Teaching Edge magic all over again. Some faces are new, others familiar, but all promise to dazzle attendees at the world’s premier literacy event.

    Teaching EdgeIn case you haven’t heard, IRA’s Teaching Edge speaker series provides annual convention attendees an intense, practical, and energizing experience, putting them face-to-face with the innovators, the movers and shakers, the most in-demand voices in the literacy field. Teaching Edge speakers are working at the forefront of their craft and excited to share their knowledge and experience. After a Teaching Edge session, attendees leave with the kind of powerful, immediately usable knowledge they can take directly back to their classrooms.

    Who are these exciting literacy professionals? Returning to Teaching Edge for the 2012 IRA Annual Convention in Chicago are names you've no doubt heard before. Regie Routman discusses purposeful teaching strategies to reduce the number of struggling students and connects her work to current research, the Common Core State Standards, and RTI. The lively Lori Oczkus returns with her amazing stories from the field and a rich array of research based, yet fun and motivating, ideas. Appearing again are Gail Boushey and Joan Moser, known the world over as The 2 Sisters, who have created not one, but two classroom revolutions with The Daily Five and the CAFE systems. And this year we welcome Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell, publishers of numerous programs and books on everything from phonics to guided reading as well as the innovative Leveled Books List.

    We’ve added some new names to the 2012 Teaching Edge Speaker series, too. You don’t want to miss Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey, the innovative, multi award-winning educator-authors of books on literacy education; author and high school teacher Kelly Gallagher, who travels widely speaking and teaching workshops; author-educator Alfred Tatum, who has broken barriers with his publications on teaching literacy to African American adolescents; and author-educator Ernest Morrell, who works with urban teens using popular culture to enhance literacy education. It’s quite a line-up!

    Attending the Teaching Edge Speaker Series is more than professional development; it’s a chance to take yourself to the cutting edge of contemporary theory and practice of literacy education and share, up close, the knowledge this group of vibrant professionals has amassed. Ready to give your knowledge a boost? Ready to bring something new into your classroom — and watch your students blossom? Then you’re ready for the Teaching Edge.

    Teaching Edge Schedule

    Monday, April 30
    10:30 a.m. Regie Routman
    2:00 p.m. Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell

    Tuesday, May 1
    10:30 a.m. Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey
    1:00 p.m. Kelly Gallagher

    2:30 p.m. Alfred Tatum

    Wednesday, May 2
    9:00 a.m. Ernest Morrell
    11:00 a.m. Lori Oczkus

    1:00 p.m. The 2 Sisters (Gail Boushey and Joan Moser)

    The IRA 57th Annual Convention will be held in Chicago from April 29 to May 2, 2012. Visit for more information.


    This article is reprinted from the April/May 2012 issue of Reading Today, the International Reading Association's bimonthly member magazine. Members: click here to read the issue. Nonmembers: join now!


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    Steven Layne Speaks at Annual Convention

     | Apr 04, 2012

    Much of our thinking about literacy and effective instruction keys on the abstract analysis of research data and on the experiential insights derived from classroom practicum. The importance of these approaches cannot be denied, but they hardly exhaust the relevant perspectives. Literacy is also, at root, something deeply felt, something that informs, sustains, and, indeed, transforms identity and personality.

    Steven LayneIn this vein, attendees at IRA’s upcoming Chicago Convention (April 29 to May 2) will get to hear a very special keynote address that opens the Second General Session. Dr. Steven Layne, children’s book author and literacy professor at Judson University in Elgin, Illinois, will deliver an inspirational cri de coeur that derives in large part from a harrowing personal odyssey. Entitled Balcony People: Teachers Make the Difference, Layne’s address will challenge his audience to take stock of what teachers have given them, and to pay forward an important debt of gratitude.

    Stricken Down, Put on Life Support 

    Guillain-Barre syndrome is a serious autoimmune disorder in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks part of the nervous system. Guillain-Barre causes muscle weakness that can manifest itself in an ascending level of paralysis. For most people, the syndrome is something remote, a medical fact many are not at all familiar with. But not Steve Layne.

    Sometime in late 2004 Steve contracted Guillain-Barre. At the time, he was the president of the Illinois Reading Council, an IRA affiliate. The disease struck with a vengeance. Steve was suddenly paralyzed from the neck down. He lost the ability to move, to eat, to speak. He was placed in intensive care and on life support for over two months.

    Steve remembers lying there, being conscious of people and equipment moving about him, but otherwise unable to communicate. Yet, while he grappled with the pangs of his predicament something extraordinary began to happen in the world around him.

    A Little Dunkirk

    Steven and DebbieStudents of history will forever recall Churchill’s “finest hour” speech. It seems that the Illinois Reading Council and the IRA community at large felt a similar call to arms, in this case rallying to help their ailing colleague and his family. Steve’s voice softens with emotion as he recounts this little Dunkirk.

    “All of a sudden people started stopping by the house to drop off food and money. Folks I knew from work came by to babysit so that my wife Debbie could come to the hospital and visit me. Small fundraisers were held to help my family defray expenses. There was always a person at the side of my bed, even throughout the night, so that if I woke up I wouldn't be alone. So many people were offering to help that Debbie set up a blog to keep everyone coordinated.”

    It took two and a half more months in a rehabilitation hospital before Steve was able to reacquire the ability to speak and walk. During his long road back, he had ample time for reflection, and was overwhelmed by the generosity his illness had occasioned. “Extreme frailty reminds us that we are not alone,” he says, looking back. “Nobody loves like teachers.” Steve thought long and hard about the many ways teachers and teaching colleagues had helped him from as far back as when he was a child.

    He also recalled an inspirational book he had once read called Balcony People. Written by Joyce Landorf Heatherly, this classic calls individuals to remember those people in the “balconies” of their lives who were always there to encourage, nurture, and cheer on. With that thought in mind, all of the creative elements in Steve’s spirit began to stir, and a powerful message took form.

    From San Antonio to Toronto 

    Steve made it to the 2005 IRA Convention in San Antonio, albeit in a wheelchair. He made good on his conference commitments and enjoyed catching up with friends and well-wishers. Moreover, a number of IRA connections, including former executive director Alan Farstrup, encouraged Steve to attend IRA’s International Leadership Conference later that summer.

    Preparing for this event, Steve put his heart and soul into composing what is now referred to as his “balcony speech.” In this address, he speaks directly to the qualities of “balcony people,” and why teachers fit the category so naturally. Those who were in attendance in Toronto, and saw Steve helped up the steps to the podium, and heard him speak, have never forgotten the moment for something enduring and indelible was imparted.

    Steven LayneArlene Pennie, Executive Director of the Illinois Reading Council, remembers the impact Steve’s presentation made. “This energizing speech motivated me to reflect on all of the people, including teachers, who have influenced so many of my life decisions.” Brenda Overturf, a current member of the IRA Board, was also in the audience. “Steve’s message about the power of teaching in his own life so inspired me that I literally could not stop thinking about it. I heard ‘Balcony People’ again after I invited Steve to present it at the Kentucky Reading Association conference, and again, it made me laugh, cry, and think about amazing ways that teachers change lives.”

    Paying It Forward

    A major theme for Steve is the notion of “paying it forward,” the idea that insight, learning, and loving care ripple into expanding rings that affect more people than any of us can realize. In his case, the impulse was awakened by his illness and the trials of his recovery. “I want to give others the things that fed me,” he says, and his mission of promoting lifelong literacy is one of the ways he does that. 

    Other opportunities to pay forward have been more dramatic. Once a teacher contacted Steve to explain that her ninth grade basketball star had succumbed to Guillain-Barre. She also said that she needed Steve to come to the hospital to visit. “When,” Steve asked? “Tonight,” she replied. Steve was off in a flash. The student was wheeled in to see him, and they passed the time sharing stories. As Steve observes, “when you meet someone who has lived through the same thing, it’s easier to find confidence. It’s what you can share that makes hope burn inside.”

    Lifelong Reading

    Igniting a Passion for Reading by Steven LayneOf course, reading itself is an experience that sustains, and Steve now puts all of his professional drive into coaching teachers on how to impart a lifelong reading habit. It may be that in times of stress and trial, something uplifting that has been absorbed through reading will turn out to be a source of strength. As for the necessary pedagogy, this goal lays heavy stress on stimulating students’ motivation.

    Among other strategies Steve recommends in his best-selling book Igniting a Passion for Reading is the administration of an “interest inventory” to really discern students’ personal interests. This is the knowledge that teachers need to select truly engaging titles and text options for individual pupils. Steve will refer to this book during his keynote.

    When asked if the general lack of a “lifelong” perspective in literacy instruction reflects a surprising myopia on the part of teachers, Steve will emphatically disagree. “It’s not the teachers who are short sighted; it’s the education system, which never places sufficient emphasis on affective values such as engagement, attitude, motivation, and interest.” Without this emphasis, Steve explains, methods courses in teacher prep programs teach the skill but not the will. While he acknowledges that the Common Core State Standards contain a lot of good things, Steve points out that they do not address the affective elements of reading at all.

    The Third Hardy Boy

    Do affective elements really matter? They certainly did to Steve, who can relate his reading experience from the earliest years of school. Miss Hickory, the 1947 Newbery Award winner by Carolyn Sherwin Bailey, is the first book he remembers. “I couldn’t breathe while listening to this story, which my teacher read aloud. I immediately fell in love with the book and with my teacher.”

    Steve also spent a lot of time reading about the adventures of Henry Huggins, who, along with Beezus and Ramona, was a memorable creation of Beverly Cleary. From there it was on to Homer Price by Robert McCloskey, and the amazing encounter with Homer’s infamous donut machine.

    As Steve got older, mysteries absorbed him. He read so many Hardy Boys stories that he used to describe himself as Frank and Joe’s long lost brother. Later on he would become passionate about Agatha Christie and also delve into science fiction. All of this reading helped form Steve’s personality and spur his deepest creative impulses.

    He loved writing as a child, and took a greater interest in it after a teacher entered a piece of his writing in a competition. Steve ended up winning county and state awards. His doctoral dissertation won research awards, but the professional work of a full-time literacy researcher is admittedly not his passion.

    Writing for Young Readers

    Steven Layne and Ard Hoyt“I wanted to do something different,” Steve says looking back. “I have always been fascinated by people who get overlooked. I taught class in various grade levels and even directed a high school choir. I was always trying to see how far left and right I could go.”

    He found his release in authorship. He started with picture books, including Love the Baby, Share with Brother, and his newest book, Stay with Sister, all of which he teamed on with illustrator Ard Hoyt.

    Ard is one of Steve’s “balcony people.” Ard had other projects underway when Steve came up with the idea for Love the Baby. So he asked Steve to hold on the project until he could join it, and Steve told him “I’m waiting for you.” Three days later Guillain-Barre struck and Steve was on life support. A month after that, a handmade card came to the hospital from Ard. It simply read, “Let me quote a hero of mine. I don’t care how long it takes; I’m waiting for you.” This personal commitment from a friend was a powerful motivation for Steve to recover, coming at a time when his spirit and mood were especially low. 

    Steve has also authored three mystery thrillers for teens and young adults, This Side of Paradise, Paradise Lost, and Mergers. Steve will touch on some of his books during his Chicago keynote. This is an opportunity that Layne fans won’t want to miss!

    The IRA 57th Annual Convention will be held in Chicago from April 29 to May 2, 2012. Visit for more information. 

    Love the Baby Stay with Sister This Side of Paradise Paradise Lost

    This article is reprinted from the April/May 2012 issue of Reading Today, the International Reading Association's bimonthly member magazine. Members: click here to read the issue. Nonmembers: join now! 

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    Dr. Steve Perry at Annual Convention

     | Apr 03, 2012

    Attendees of IRA’s Chicago convention will have the opportunity of listening to one of the nation’s most outspoken advocates for educational change state his case. Dr. Steve Perry, founder and principal of the highly successful Capital Prep Magnet School in Hartford, Connecticut will be the featured speaker for the opening general session on Monday, April 30, 2012.

    Dr. Steve PerryA self-described controversialist on education issues, Perry is a passionate about the teaching profession. He is also ferociously impatient with the governing orthodoxies that have brought down the quality of American education and failed so many young people.

    In addition to his academic role, Perry is the chief CNN contributor on education topics, and can be seen regularly on Anderson Cooper 360. His best-selling book, Push Has Come to Shove: Getting Our Kids the Education They Deserve, is a blistering philippic against longstanding educational nostrums and practices that have led in all too many instances to schools, principals, teachers, parents, and students settling for less than the best.

    Reading Today recently interviewed Dr. Perry to give IRA members a sense of the clarion call that will resound throughout the convention hall during his upcoming address. The discussion centered on certain passages in Push Has Come to Shove.


    Reading Today: You write that “schools are failing because of the people who work in them,” and that “good teachers are born, not made.” Is this an indictment of today’s teachers and of university schools of education?

    Dr. Steve Perry: No, not an indictment, but a statement concerning the art of teaching. The current process of preparing teachers happens at the public’s expense. 

    People with real teaching ability should be able to enter the profession at multiple points of life, not just at 19 when they’re off to college. We are limiting the teacher talent pool the way we do things now. People who have substantive knowledge and effective presentation skills that were developed in their professional careers can’t become teachers. They are taken in, if at all, at the bottom of the pay scale and make what a 21-year-old makes, despite the fact that they may be 10 years into a career and have that level of talent. 

    Likewise, no amount of pedagogical training will compensate for the lack of innate teaching ability. It’s like watching free throw shooters. You can tell the player with talent even before the coaching starts. True professionals are the best of the best. They are called, and they are capable. That is not what we now have in our schools.

    RT: You say that “everybody knows who the good teachers are,” and that “conversely there’s no special training needed to identify a bad teacher.” If the qualities of good teachers are indeed self-evident, why don’t our schools have more of them?

    SP: Because not enough of the adults who work in schools are committed to the children who attend them. Teaching is a matter of the highest public trust, but our current teacher certification process is a product that’s not worth paying for. Many teachers won’t trust the education of their own children to public schools because of the low quality of the teaching they have encountered on the job. 

    It is said that schools are entrusted by the public to set our future on the right path. I agree with this proposition, and I have taken a personal oath not to ever set foot in a classroom if I knew that I wasn't good enough to do the job well. The reason why our schools don’t have enough good teachers is that principals are not being held accountable for enforcing this very standard.

    Dr. Steve PerryRT: Concerning new teachers at your school, you write that “we don’t particularly care if they’re great teachers yet, because if they work hard, we’ll support them.” What does that development consist of?

    SP: Think of what you see when you witness the effort of a superior artist, musician, or athlete. In such cases, the extraordinary ability that wows you was evident when the person was six years old. The point is that talent is self-evident. So what we do is to create a system of support around the raw talent of the teachers we put on our faculty. The support experience can be quite different for each one of them. We focus on class management and lesson planning, and we are careful not to set expectations too high or too low. 

    In all instances, we are trying to calibrate performance up to the higher levels necessary to maximize student success. We give our teachers specific strategies, and we put them in other teachers’ classes to observe and learn, including classes taught by teachers in other schools. We do this because we don’t view our school as the be all and end all, but simply as one good school among many. What we don’t do is send our teachers to conferences where there is no takeaway.

    Finally, we strongly encourage leadership among our teachers. We want all of them to be starters, not bench players. For us, rookie status doesn't count. We want our teachers to deliver important results right now.

    RT: What can all of the teachers in the general session audience at IRA Chicago expect to hear from you? Will you harangue them, challenge them, inspire them—just what?

    SP: I believe that every true professional wants to be challenged. Think back to when you played sports. Which coach helped you the most: the one who only told you what you did well, the one who only told you what you did wrong, or the one who told you both and set a goal for you to achieve?

    I expect that teachers who have heard of me will know I’m a fire-starter. And my assumption is that the teachers who attend IRA are not there for excuses. My message is that it’s not acceptable to simply be “good enough” in your role. If that’s what you settle for, there’s nothing I can do for you. 

    You see, I am so pro-teacher, I see it as just about the highest calling, and for that reason I’d like to rid our ranks of all the bums who can’t teach. 

    Teacher Unions

    RT: You write that the leaders of teachers’ unions “have ruined public schools,” and that no other group of workers or professionals “stays employed with failure rates as high as America’s educators.” What has the unions’ response to your book been?

    I recently met Randi Weingarten, head of the AFT, in a green room at CNN as part of a broadcast on education topics. She told me that she thought we could really work together. I had to tell her that I disagreed. We’re actually on opposite sides. I’m pro-child and she’s pro-adult. 

    The unions defend the lowest performing faculty members in our schools. By definition, they do whatever they can to support failures. They extend the process for terminating poor teachers beyond reason, making principals cross all the “T’s” and dot all the “I’s.” All this does is to enhance exponentially the dismal fallout that one human being can cause in the lives of hundreds of students.

    I call the unions’ bluff at every opportunity. I say let’s split every school district into two parts, union and nonunion. You pick the students and I’ll pick the teachers. We’ll see who delivers the better result.


    RT: You state quite emphatically that “schools are not failing because of parents,” a point on which some teachers will be apt to disagree. Don’t all parents have serious responsibilities concerning the education of their children?

    SP: We are professional educators, yet even we are limited in specifi c content knowledge. This is why I just think it’s too easy to malign parents for their children’s low performance in school. I can’t teach my own kids calculus. Neither can most parents. They would say to the teachers “that’s what we’re paying you for.”

    In the end, whatever the home situation is with the parents, it just doesn't matter. I still get the kids in class. They come as they are, and my focus has to be not on how they got here, but on what I have to do to get them where they need to go. If we cannot provide access to quality education in this specific context, then we are failing one of the critical commitments of the American system.

    Think of the lucky kids with the hard working South Korean immigrant parents. Who couldn't work with them to enhance student interest and performance? But do you know what? In the magnet school where I am principal, those are not the top kids! Many students with highly educated parents are outperformed by kids we’ve even had to buy clothes for.

    Our teachers take on and succeed at the challenge of educating the students who come to their classes, many of whom lack similar home advantages. This is why we have many affluent people sending their kids to our magnet school. They get in through the lottery system.

    Push Has Come to ShoveRemedies

    RT: You encourage suits by parents against school districts and you advocate for vouchers, letting the money follow the student to the best school, including private schools. Are you seeing either approach getting any real traction?

    SP: Well, I’m not sure that law suits are always necessary. My point is that the government doesn’t respond to polite conversation. Often you have to bring the government to its knees to get results.

    As for vouchers, most people just don’t understand them. Many people think that shutting down failing schools hurts children. But that’s a ridiculous idea. It no more hurts a child to be removed from a failing school than from an abusive home.

    Some public school advocates are too caught up in tradition. They can’t see vouchers as anything other than support for religion. And they are stuck on the false proposition that with respect to schools “for profit” means “for bad education.” We need to inject more sophistication into the ongoing conversation about funding education.


    RT: You say about your students that “we want them to know that each new day has presented them with the opportunity to work their asses off.” In your view, what is the responsibility of students for the progress and results of their individual education?

    SP: Simple: I want them to know that it’s all on them. That’s my basic message to every stakeholder group in the education community, and students are not excepted. Students need to take the most they can out of that which they are given in school. For example, we once had a student who was so good at football, he was a definite college scholarship candidate. Given the economic circumstances of his family, his mother really needed him to keep his grades up, as the scholarship was his only viable path to college. But his math grades began to plummet. 

    Now my position was that this wasn’t the teacher’s fault, or the parent’s, or the system’s. This young man needed to get off his lazy ass, study more, seek assistance if he needed it, and make the grade. So I yelled at him first, making sure that he understood what was expected of him. I also pushed the math teacher to intervene, to say to this student “It seems to me that you are falling down here.”


    RT: Your book is silent on the matter of curriculum. This is surprising, given the current emphasis on the Common Core State Standards. What are your thoughts on the role curriculum plays in improving America’s schools?

    SP: There’s nothing impressive or deep about the Common Core State Standards. Curriculum at its best will not only align with, but should exceed the state-mandated syllabus. I really don’t think that curriculum has been the problem, rather it’s been our failure to align curriculum to high expectations for student achievement. As I say in the book, “to be categorized as proficient is to be performing below grade level.”

    Capital Prep

    RT: You are very proud of the results achieved to date at Capital Prep. What is it that makes the school such an exciting place to be?

    SP: We are a family, and we love our kids consistently. This means that we want them to know right from wrong and that we treat them fairly. Our kids know that our teachers go to bat for them every day, even when it seems like they’re working against them. Sometimes embarrassing a student or arguing with a student is simply necessary, and we don’t sugar coat it. Moreover, our school is very traditional. The lines are very clear here. We do not use first names in class. We are the kids’ teachers, not their friends. Maintaining that distinction is very important. 

    This article is reprinted from the April/May 2012 issue of Reading Today, the International Reading Association's bimonthly member magazine. Members: click here to read the issue. Nonmembers: join now! 

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    Victoria Risko Invited to Board of Governors of the Academy of Education Arts and Sciences

     | Apr 03, 2012

    Victoria J. Risko, 2011-2012 IRA President, recently was invited to become a charter member of the Board of Governors of the Academy of Education Arts and Sciences. She joins a panel of educators, including Linda Darling-Hammond, Diane Ravitch, Mark Ginsberg, and many others, who will celebrate teacher excellence with the annual Bammy awards. The Awards aim to foster cross-discipline recognition of excellence in education, encourage collaboration and respect in and across the various domains, elevate education and education successes in the public eye, and raise the profile and voices of the many people who are making a difference. Go to to learn more about these awards and to nominate and vote for educators that a make a difference for students.

    Victoria Risko


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    Marcie Craig Post is New Executive Director

     | Apr 02, 2012

    Marcie Craig Post has been named Executive Director of the International Reading Association, Newark, DE. The appointment, which was made by the IRA Board of Directors, will begin in July 2012. The International Reading Association is a nonprofit, global network of individuals and institutions committed to worldwide literacy. More than 70,000 members strong, the Association supports literacy professionals through a wide range of resources, advocacy efforts, volunteerism, and professional development activities. 

    Marcie Craig PostPost brings more than 20 years of experience in the leadership and management of educational organizations to the International Reading Association. In each of her positions, she has focused on establishing and maintaining sustainable operations by applying strong expertise to long-term, mission-centric strategic planning, data-driven outcomes-based growth and the development of innovative products and services. The focus of Post’s career has been the improvement and enrichment of reading and language development programs for school-age youth and creation of a supportive environment of professional learning to enhance teacher practice. 

    Prior to joining the International Reading Association, Post served as an independent consultant, providing schools and non-profit organizations with design and implementation support for strategic planning, program development and measurement, and board development and education.  She also served as Chief Program and Education Officer for Global Partnership Schools, a newly formed company to develop programs and services for public school turnaround and assisting with project implementation from 2009 to 2011. 

    From 1999 to 2009, Post was the Chief Executive Officer of Education Enterprises of New York, overseeing the operation of five affiliated non-profit organizations, which included a school for students with learning disabilities, a community education center (where she served as founding Executive Director) and a foundation. She managed each of these organizations for growth and sustainability, providing leadership for program development and implementation. She also established systems for program planning and measurement, and processes to ensure quality assurance and cost effectiveness. In addition, Post led an annual fund development effort, generating public interest, stewarding prospective donors, and raising over $1 million a year.

    Post holds a Masters of Education in Higher Education degree and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the University of Pittsburgh. She serves on the board of the New York Association of Independent Schools and chairs visiting committees for accreditation review. In her spare time, Post enjoys reading, hiking, volunteering for thoroughbred adoption centers and spending time with her family. 


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