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    Featured Council: Louisiana Reading Association

     | May 08, 2012
    We celebrate Louisiana as this month's featured state council! 

    1.  Are you especially proud of any of your council's projects?

    Our 2011-2012 year has been one of reflection, refocusing, and reprioritizing. We have rewritten our mission statement to expand our focus to all areas of literacy, not exclusively reading. We have narrowed our council's goals from eleven to four to ensure that our goals are pertinent and do-able. Since fiscal responsibility is paramount, we've reduced or eliminated some of the costly face-to-face meetings, and we're relying more on technological resources to get our council business done. We are proud that we have made these changes while keeping our focus on serving the teachers and students of Louisiana.

    In addition, we are working to develop partnerships with other professional organizations within the state. Along with the Louisiana Council of Teachers of English, we sponsored a booth at the Louisiana Book Festival. Local councils partnered with their area math councils to provide cross-curricular PD to their members. Representatives from the Louisiana Department of Education have attended and presented at all of our 2011-2012 Board of Directors meetings. We also provide service to our state's students and teachers by sponsoring projects such as Educators as Authors, the Great Louisiana Read-In, Literacy Week, Newsapers in Education, Children's Choice, and a Young Authors contest.

    2.  What are the benefits of joining your council?

    The biggest benefit of LRA membership is in the professional development we provide. Members have access to outstanding professional development (PD) through our quarterly newsletter, our annual journal, local council meetings and mini-conferences, and our excellent state conference. Additionally, our Board of Directors meetings are approximately 75% PD.

    3.  Are there any future projects in store for your council?

    At this time, our future projects relate to building upon the work we've done in 2011-2012.  We will continue to sponsor service projects, provide outstanding professional development, and focus on fiscal responsibility. We will look for new ways to support our members, through avenues such as podcasts and webinars. We will continue to strengthen the partnerships we have developed this year.

    4.  How does one join your council?

    To join, a prospective member can download a membership form from LRA's website or contact a local or state Board member. Dues are $20 each school year, which provides membership in both the member's local council and the Louisiana Reading Association. 

    5.  Is there a website, newsletter, or another way to find out more information about your council? Is there a person that prospective members can contact?

    More information about LRA can be obtained at or by contacting President Debbie Rickards (, State Coordinator Frances Troxler (, or Membership Director Lisa Savage (

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    IRA-ChildFund Collaboration Helps Zambian Teachers Drive Greater Student Achievement

     | May 07, 2012

    by Priscilla Chama and Janet Condy

    In an exhilarating graduation ceremony, the Government of the Republic of Zambia paid tribute to ChildFund and the International Reading Association for equipping teachers with the latest child-centered teaching methodologies. Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education Mrs. Mirriam Chonya explained that the Active Teaching and Learning Approaches (ATLAS) program that the two organizations have been implementing since 2008 is key to the improvement of the country’s education sector.

    Mrs. Chonya’s speech was read for her by the Chief Education Officer at the graduation ceremony of 35 teachers who participated in the third phase of the ATLAS training program. “We are aware that with the implementation of the free and compulsory education policy that government has embarked on, the need for qualified teachers and the availability of learning materials in all schools cannot be over-emphasized,” she explained. “The ATLAS program thus fits in very well with our policy of not just increasing access but also improving the quality of education for the learners.”

    Mrs. Chonya also noted that it was only through quality education that poor children and their families could come out of poverty and be assured of a better future. ChildFund National Director, Ely Keita, re-affirmed the agency’s commitment to the issue of ensuring that teachers are equipped with the necessary skills to enable them to meet the changing needs in the education sector. 

    “ChildFund recognises the importance of skills development for teachers if the quality of education is to be improved. We also realize that teacher professional development programs play a vital role in increased student achievement.” He further told the gathering that ATLAS has had a huge impact on the participating schools in Mumbwa district and that ChildFund has started the process of replicating the program in Luangwa district.

    At the same occasion Professor Janet Condy, the trainer from the International Reading Association, urged the graduating teachers to use the skills they acquired from the training to make learning more creative, participatory and fun. Graduating teachers (Ntiya Michelo, Isaac Kamanga, and Edinah Kaale) gave glowing testimonies of how the ATLAS program had made teaching easier and enjoyable for them and their learners. They all explained that the performance of the pupils had improved greatly now that they were no longer passive listeners during the learning process but actively participate in the lessons.

    Patricia Chisenga, one of the Master Trainers, explained that the new skills will help the teachers improve the pass rates for learners. “We are very confident that the skills from ATLAS will enable us to teach effectively, and it is for this reason that I wish to appeal to ChildFund and the International Reading Association to ensure that the program is rolled out in all the schools around the country,”

    After the graduation ceremony, participating schools received a large box full of different types of local readers. These readers were donated by the International Reading Association as well as Macmillan and Longman in Zambia. The project team is starting the third Phase in Luwangua district.


    Graduating teachers


    Pictured from left to right: Victor Longwani (Education Standards Officer), Zikani Kaira (District Education Standards Offi cer), Theresa Sitali (District Education Board Secretary), Martin Simatende (Provincial Education Standards Officer), Ely Keita ChildFund National Director, Dr. Vincent Chiyonga (Chief Education Officer), Janet Condy (IRA), and Doras Chirwa (ChildFund Programs Director)


    Colliam Chitaya (Lead Teacher) shows his certifi cate with Doras Chirwa (ChildFund Programs Director)


    Ely Keita (ChildFund National Director) hands over books to a head teacher from one of the participating schools


    Priscilla Chama is the Communications Manager at ChildFund Zambia, Janet Condy is an International Literacy Volunteer with the International Reading Association, 

    This article is reprinted from the April/May 2012 issue of Reading Today, the International Reading Association's bimonthly member magazine. Members: click here to read the issue. Nonmembers: join now!


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    Annual Convention Wednesday Afternoon Highlights

     | May 02, 2012

    This final list of highlights feature Wednesday afternoon events gathered from the online program grid, Guide to the Stars, and more! Visit the online program grid's event search or the interactive digital version of the program for a full list of sessions and more details. 

    12:00 p.m.

    The final hours of the International Reading Association 57th Annual Convention begin with the Book and Author Luncheon with Christopher Paul Curtis at noon in room W375A. 

    Also at noon, authors Jay Asher (Booth #1726) and Heather Brewer (Booth #1726) sign books. 

    12:30 p.m. 

    Authors Debbie Shoulders (Booth #2411), Michael Shoulders (Booth #2411), Marc Tyler Nobleman (Booth #1314), and Colleen AF Venable (Booth #1035) have book signings. Visit the Guide to the Stars for more information on book signings.

    1:00 p.m.

    Many sessions begin at 1:00 p.m., including invited speaker Janet Allen in room 190AB and "The 2 Sisters" Gail Boushey and Joan Moser's Teaching Edge session in room 375B. 

    The following authors offer book signings at 1:00 p.m.: Geoffrey Hayes (Booth #1255), Don Tate (Booth #1544), Laurie L. Knowlton (Booth #1630), and Jerry Pallotta (Booth #1524). 

    1:30 p.m. 

    Stop by the IRA Membership Booth (Hall F2, across from the Registration area) for a coffee break, sponsored by Thinkfinity | VerizonFoundation. 

    Book signings by authors Brad Herzog (Booth #2411) and Siobhan Vivian (Booth #1255) are scheduled for 1:30 p.m. 

    2:30 p.m. 

    The closing general session begins at 2:30 p.m. with an author panel that includes Esmé Raji Codell, Laura Numeroff, Linda Sue Park, and Rita Williams-Garcia in room 375DE. Logical Choice will broadcast this event via live internet feed by from 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Immediately following the closing general session Esmé Raji Codell will sign books in room 375DE. 

    2:45 p.m. 

    At 2:45 p.m., Gail Boushey and Joan Moser (Booth #1640) have a book signing. The Exhibit Hall closes at 3:30 p.m. 


    Event times and locations are subject to change. Remember to "like" the 57th Annual Convention, Chicago 2012 on Facebook and "follow" ReadingToday and the #IRA2012 hashtag on Twitter to see posts and updates throughout the day! 

    We hope you enjoyed these event overviews and will visit Reading Today Online again soon! 


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    Annual Convention Wednesday Morning Highlights

     | May 01, 2012

    This highlight list for the morning of Wednesday, May 2, features events gathered from the online program grid, Guide to the Stars, and more! Visit the online program grid's event search or the interactive digital version of the program for a full list of sessions and more details. 

    9:00 a.m. 

    At 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, May 2, the IRA Annual Convention features invited speaker Debbie Diller in room 190AB, Teaching Edge with Ernest Morrell in room W375B, as well as many other sessions, workshops, and symposia.

    The Exhibit Hall opens at 9:00 a.m. Brod Bagert (Booth #2139) and Annie Crawley (Booth #1548) are signing books all day. The following authors have book signings at 9:00 a.m.: Michael Shoulders (Booth #2117), Christopher Paul Curtis (Booth #1314), Patricia McCormick (Booth #1255), Jim Murphy (Booth #1314), Erin E. Stead (Booth #1255), Philip Christian Stead (Booth #1255), Jacqueline Woodson (Booth #1255), Cathy Kaemmerlen (Booth #1630), and Jerry Pallotta (Booth #1524). Visit the Guide to the Stars for more information on book signings.

    The IRA Membership Booth (Hall F2, across from the Registration area) offers a Membership Benefits Introduction presentation at 9:00 a.m. 

    9:30 a.m. 

    These book signings begin at 9:30 a.m.: Valerie Ellery (IRA Bookstore Booth #2247), Michael Shoulders (Booth #2117), David Geister (Booth #2411), Laura Numeroff (Booth #2240), and George O’Connor (Booth #2440). Visit the Guide to the Stars for more information on book signings.

    There is also an IRA Journals Overview + Online Navigation presentation at the IRA Membership Booth (Hall F2, across from the Registration area) at 9:30 a.m. 

    10:00 a.m. 

    Visit the IRA Membership Booth (Hall F2, across from the Registration area) for a coffee break, sponsored by Thinkfinity | VerizonFoundation, starting at 10:00 a.m. These authors will be signing books at this time: Marilyn Pryle (Booth #1314), Jennifer Wells (Booth #2148), Nancy Boyles (Booth #929), Christopher Paul Curtis (Booth #1142), Candace Fleming (Booth #1255), Steven L. Layne (Booth #1640), Jane Yolen (Booth #1726), J. Patrick Lewis (Booth #1542). Visit the Guide to the Stars for more information on book signings.

    10:30 a.m. 

    A Membership Benefits Introduction is presented at the IRA Membership Booth (Hall F2, across from the Registration area) at 10:30 a.m, and these authors have book signings: Karen Romano Young (Booth #2440), Dorothy Barnhouse (Booth #2725), Stuart J. Murphy (Booth #1544), Greg Neri (Booth #1255), Vicki Vinton (Booth #2725), and Sally M. Walker (Booth #1255). At 10:45 a.m. Kwame Alexander signs books at Booth #2411. Visit the Guide to the Stars for more information on book signings.

    11:00 a.m. 

    The Teaching Edge series features Lori Oczkus presents at 11:00 a.m. in room W375B, and the Graphic Novel Author Panel includes Colleen AF Veneble, George O'Connor, and Geoffrey Hayes in room 183A. Many more sessions begin at 11:00 a.m. as well. 

    At 11:00 a.m. come to the IRA Membership Booth (Hall F2, across from the Registration area) for an IRA Journals Overview + Online Navigation presentation. Also, Kelly Bergman (Booth #1314), Jody Feldman (Booth #2240), Jane Yolen (Booth #2611), and Steven L. Layne (Booth #1630) will be signing their books. Visit the Guide to the Stars for more information on book signings.

    11:30 a.m. 

    Stop by the IRA Membership Booth (Hall F2, across from the Registration area) at 11:30 a.m. for free popcorn! Then get books signed by Harvey (Smokey) Daniels (Booth #2725) and Steven Zemelman (Booth #2725). Visit the Guide to the Stars for more information on book signings. 


    Event times and locations are subject to change. Remember to "like" the 57th Annual Convention, Chicago 2012 on Facebook and "follow" ReadingToday and the #IRA2012 hashtag on Twitter to see posts and updates throughout the day! 

    Check Reading Today Online after 7:00 a.m. tomorrow for the Wednesday afternoon overview. 


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    IRA Teacher Advisory Panel Gives Feedback to US Department of Education

     | May 01, 2012

    It’s been a busy couple of days for members of the International Reading Association’s Teacher Advisory Panel. After spending all of Saturday engaged upon strategic planning during the pre-convention day of Institutes, the panel met yesterday, during the opening day of the Chicago Convention, with Robert Baroz, a Classroom Teaching Ambassador Fellow from the Office of Communications and Outreach at the US Department of Education. 


    Robert Baroz, US Ed Department Teaching Ambassador Fellow, sitting at the head of the table, participating in a focus group exchange with IRA’s Teacher Advisory Panel.


    This meeting was arranged to provide the TAP members with an important opportunity to participate in the Department’s current outreach effort entitled The RESPECT Project, Envisioning a Teaching Profession for the 21st Century. The Department is conducting similar sessions with teachers from around the country.

    According to Baroz, the goal is to have substantive discussions with about 5,000 teachers by the fall. To date, the Department’s Ambassador Fellows have met with about 1,500 classroom educators. “We want to get to the point where teachers are shaping policy,” he explained, “rather than policy shaping teachers.”

    Baroz himself is no stranger to the issues facing teachers. A teacher in the Boston public schools, he recently found himself in the news when President Obama, who claimed to have met him personally, cited Baroz’s experience in being pink slipped due to budget cuts as a good example of the negative impact of declining funding for education. In fact, Baroz did secure alternative employment.

    The RESPECT Discussion Draft

    Baroz’s give and take with the members of the IRA panel was centered in a 17 page discussion draft which the panelists were asked to review. The draft explains that RESPECT is an acronym for Recognizing Educational Success, Professional Excellence, and Collaborative Teaching. Something more than a wish list but less than a blueprint, the discussion document envisions new ways of doing things which are expressed in a series of accumulating subjunctives.

    The most accomplished teachers might be asked to serve a larger number of students per class, the document posits. High quality data measuring student learning would be made available and accessible to students on an ongoing basis, and teachers would work professional weeks and days that extend beyond the traditional school day to include the extra hours to get the job done. Students would no longer be held in lock step, age based cohorts (grades), but would instead progress through the system based on what they know and can do.

    Of course, an attempt to implement these desiderata is likely to entail a host of serious collateral issues. It is to this end that the Department is seeking to engage a broad range of stakeholders in a national discussion. Nevertheless, the short term push is on, and given the current political context, it is not clear just how compressed the period of stakeholder engagement and deliberation is likely to be.

    As explained in a letter from Secretary Arne Duncan which was also given to the panel members: “In his fiscal year 2013 budge, President Obama is seeking $5 billion to support the transformation of the teaching profession. None of us underestimates the challenges ahead, but we also understand the implications of doing nothing. Our students need us now more than ever, and the opportunity for real and meaningful progress has never been greater.”

    The Panel’s Input

    Baroz sought frank comment from the TAP members, and that is exactly what he got. Some of the panelists felt that the $5 billion plan was just “pie in the sky.” Others questioned the authorship of the initiative, suspecting that political concerns and business interests may have trumped an informed educational perspective.

    The plan’s linkage of teacher pay to experience and performance was thought to be a “two edged sword.” Some of the panelists expressed disappointment that issues such as the power of publishers are not even addressed. Others thought that teacher education needs to be designed more like the national board certification projects.

    Interestingly enough, the panelists candidly acknowledged that they were themselves split on many questions. In particular, some felt that teachers need to make business interests react to education, while others saw business as the prime consumer of the education system’s “product.” One item in the RESPECT document that did get general support was the notion that teachers shouldn’t have to leave the classroom and move into administrative roles to get higher compensation.

    With respect to standards and mandates, one of the panelists made the room erupt in laughter by explaining that “fidelity” was her new “f-word.” All in all, the input was robust, and the IRA Teacher Advisory Panel gave Boraz many ideas and suggestions to communicate back to the powers that be in the federal education establishment.


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