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Elections Usher in New ILA Vice President and Board Members

by Morgan Ratner
 | May 11, 2015

The International Literacy Association has officially elected a new vice president and three Board of Director positions for the upcoming 2015-2018 term.

william tealeBeginning his term as vice president is William H. Teale, professor, University of Illinois at Chicago. Teale has served on the Board of Directors since 2011. In addition, he has worked with ILA in a number of ways focused on early literacy, as well as working on the Common Core State Standards Committee and as a co-department editor for The Reading Teacher. He’s a contributor to both RT and JAAL.

“Today’s literacy educators are adjusting to increasing globalization, digital changes to the nature of literacy and what needs to be taught in the classroom, and shifting community and governmental influences,” Teale said in his philosophy statement before this year’s election. “In realizing ILA’s strategic plan, my goal is to have ILA established as the world’s go-to thought leader on literacy—for teachers, for researchers, and for the public.”

Teale will assume the presidency of ILA’s Board of Directors in July 2016.

In addition to the new vice president, the board will also gain three officers. Their term runs from 2015–2018.

Gwynne Ash (@GwynneAsh)has previously been involved with ILA as a department editor for the Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy and has worked on several committees, including the Children’s and Young Adult Book Award committee. A professor at Texas State University, Ash has been published in journals including Reading and Writing Quarterly and The Handbook of Reading Research. She believes that “effective professional development regards teachers as knowledgeable professionals,” and advocates for meaningful literacy policy. Ash is also a Jeopardy! champion.

As a reading specialist for Chesapeake Public Schools in Chesapeake, Virginia, Catherine Collier (@Wiseowlcathy) believes in “taking a stand for literacy throughout the world by providing teacher training, education and support to the highest degree.” Her blog, The W.I.S.E. Owl, is dedicated to literacy and emergent students. Collier has served as president of the Chesapeake Reading Council, as well as president of the Virginia State Reading Association. She is a regular contributor to Literacy Daily.

Rachel Karchmer-Klein (@RKarchmerklein) is an associate professor at the University of Delaware. As a former elementary school teacher and reading specialist, her research interests lie in practical applications of technology into the classroom. She’s published several articles on technology use in education and has previously been a member of the advisory board for and the editorial review board for The Reading Teacher. She believes in fostering collaborative relationships between stakeholders to ensure that educational policies can reflect the realities of the classroom.

The ILA extends its best wishes to the newly elected officers.

Morgan Ratner is ILA’s communication assistant.

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