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2013 IRA Research Award and Grant Recipients

 | Jul 11, 2013

The following talented researchers, some quite accomplished and some at the beginnings of their careers, were recognized at a ceremony in San Antonio on Saturday, April 20, 2013, at the International Reading Association's 58th Annual Convention.


2013 IRA Esther Zolt Academic Research Grants

Josephine Marsh, Lettice Pelotte, and David Krauter, Arizona State University, Phoenix, Arizona
“Inter-grad Digital Discussions: An E-Pal Project Using In2Books”

Elizabeth M. Hughes, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
“Motivating Students to Achieve: The Impact of a Pen Pal Program on Students’ Achievement and Motivation” 

This award is sponsored by Nina Zolt and Miles Gilburne to honor the memory of Esther Zolt.


2013 IRA Dina Feitelson Research Award

Michael J. Kieffer, New York University, New York, New York
“Converging Trajectories: Reading Growth in Language Minority Learners and Their Classmates, Kindergarten to Grade 8,” published in American Educational Research Journal, 48(5), 1187–1225, October 2011
This award is sponsored by Jehuda Feitelson to honor the memory of Dina Feitelson.


2013 IRA Jeanne S. Chall Research Fellowship

Susan Gray, The City University of New York, New York, New York
“Adult Literacy and Citizenship: Empowering Struggling Readers with Morphological Instruction and Civics”


2013 IRA Steven A. Stahl Research Grant

Angela Williams, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia
“Using Students’ Perceptions and the MUSIC Model of Academic Motivation to Improve Reading Motivation and Achievement in an Elementary Classroom”
This grant is sponsored by Katherine A. Stahl to honor the memory and work of Steven A. Stahl.


2013 IRA Elva Knight Research Grants

Tanya Christ, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan
X. Christine Wang, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, Buffalo, New York
“How Emergent Readers Explore and Develop Skills and Strategies for Reading Digital Texts”

Amy Stornaiuolo, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
“Exploring Social Reading: Adolescents’ Literacy Practices in an Interactive Reading Community”


2013 IRA Helen M. Robinson Research Grant 

Eric Claravall, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California
“Examining the Potential of the Teacher as Researcher Model in Developing Morphological Awareness Among Struggling Readers”

2013 IRA Teacher as Researcher Grants

Rachael Cooper, Thurgood Marshall Academy Lower School, New York, New York

Jodene Morrell, Columbia University, New York, New York
“Using Multicultural Literature to Increase and Improve Diverse Urban Third Graders’ Socioemotional Wellness, Cultural Awareness, and Writing”

Peta Gresham, The King’s School, North Parramatta, Australia
“Pedagogy, Technology, and Creativity: Fostering Student Achievement in Senior English”

Michelle Gunderson, Nettelhorst Elementary School, Chicago, Illinois
“Teachers’ Approaches to Intervention Planning for Struggling Readers Using an RtI Framework”

Rawia Hayik, Eilaboun Elementary School, Eilaboun, Israel
“Through Their Eyes: Israeli-Arab Students Speak Up Through Participatory Documentary Photography Projects”

Danielle Kachorsky, Precision Academy, Phoenix, Arizona
“Young Adult Literature as a Bridge to the Canon”


2013 IRA Albert J. Harris Award

Lynn M. Gelzheiser, University of Albany, Albany, New York
Donna Scanlon, University of Albany, Albany, New York
Frank Vellutino, University of Albany, Albany, New York
Laura Hallgren-Flynn, University of Albany, Albany, New York
Christopher Schatschneider, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida
“Effects of the Interactive Strategies Approach— Extended: A Response and Comprehensive Intervention for Intermediate-Grade Struggling Readers,” published in The Elementary School Journal, 112(2), 280–306, December 2011


2013 IRA Outstanding Dissertation of the Year

Byeong-Young Cho, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa; dissertation from the University of Maryland; chaired by Peter P. Afflerbach; dissertation title:
“Adolescents’ Constructively Responsive Reading Use in a Critical Internet Reading Task”
The IRA Outstanding Dissertation Award is sponsored by SchoolRise, LLC.


2013 IRA Outstanding Dissertation of the Year Finalists

Vicki S. Collet, dissertation from the University at Buffalo, State University of New York; chaired by Mary McVee; dissertation title:
“The Gradual Increase of Responsibility: Scaffolds for Change”

Rebecca S. Donaldson, dissertation from the Utah State University; chaired by D. Ray Reutzel; dissertation title:
“What Classroom Observations Reveal About Primary Grade Reading Comprehension Instruction Within High Poverty Schools Participating in the Federal Reading First Initiative”

Darcy Anne Fiano, dissertation from the University of Connecticut; chaired by Mary Anne Doyle; dissertation title:
“Primary Discourse and Expressive Oral Language in a Kindergarten Student”

Lindsay P. Grow, dissertation from the University of Kentucky; chaired by Janice F. Almasi; dissertation title:
“The Identity Development of Preservice Teachers of Literacy in Field Experiences Considering Their Prior Knowledge”

Andrew P. Huddleston, dissertation from the University of Georgia; chaired by Donna Alvermann; dissertation title:
“Making the Difficult Choice: Understanding Georgia’s Test- Based Grade Retention Policy in Reading”

Charlene Sue Huntley-Martin, dissertation from the University of Oklahoma; chaired by Priscilla Griffith; dissertation title:
“A Study of Factors that Contribute to Pre-Service Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy for Literacy Instruction”

Elizabeth L. Jaeger, dissertation from University of California, Berkeley; chaired by P. David Pearson; dissertation title:
“Understanding and Supporting Vulnerable Readers: An Ecological Systems Perspective”

Michael L. Manderin, dissertation from the University of Illinois at Chicago; chaired by Cynthia Shanahan; dissertation title:
“Reading Across Multiple Multimodal Texts in History”

Darcie D. Smith, dissertation from the University of Nevada, Reno; chaired by Shane Templeton; dissertation title:
“How Do 4th, 5th, and 6th Grade Students’ Categories of Cognitive Reflections in Interviews on Derivational Morphology Compare to Their Upper Level Spelling Inventory Orthographic Knowledge?”


Learn more about these awards and grants at /awards.


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