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Choices Reading Lists in Russia, Part Two

 | Aug 06, 2012

RussiaThe Russian students who created the first Choices reading lists program in Russia were so excited to hear that their story appeared on Reading Today Online that their teacher Elena Grashchenkova sent us an update and more photos. She includes news that they are expanding the program to twelve other Russian schools. The letter and classroom images are below.

The children who took part in this project were glad to hear that their activities had become known in the USA and other countries.

School "Сareer" is a school which that brings joy to children. They like to read and to do projects together.

It’s important that the children created criteria for books themselves, e.g.:

  • how exciting the book is,
  • if there are any dialogues in the book,
  • if the language’s beautiful,
  • if the print is convenient,
  • and many others, connected with context and book cover.

Moreover, the children suggested making a presentation about the books they liked best of all.

The information was filled with photos of the children with their teachers, also the photo of school newspaper about the American Project, and some photos of children’s activities.

The Project is expanding throughout Russia. In autumn 2012 we expect twelve schools from different parts of the country to join our project.


Elena Grashchenkova


Children interview the Director Karina Chernjakova


Teacher Elena Grashchenkova with students


Teachers Elena Grashchenkova and Svetlana Zajtseva

Teacher Oksana Hlopkova


A student tells the class about the good book


Students vote for books


Votes for the winning books


The poster about the Children’s Choices Reading List 2012


Presentation of the project at school

Read the “Children's Choices Project in Russia for the First Time” article on Reading Today Online for more information about how Russian teachers and students created a classroom project based on the International Reading Association’s Choices reading lists.
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