The author of Carter Finally Gets It and Carter's Big Break as well an actor who's appeared on Sex and the City and more, Brent Crawford is part of the Reluctant Readers Panel at the IRA Annual Convention on Monday, April 30. Admittedly a reluctant reader himself, Crawford shares with Reading Today the sister's push that got him into writing.
Reading Today: What got you interested in writing books for young adults?
Brent Crawford: My sister is a reading specialist in Kansas City. She pointed out how few books are written for boys and added that, "You and your dumb-ass friends from high school were some of the most entertaining humans I've ever been around!" So she suggested that I try to flesh out a novel. If you know my sister, you know that "suggestions" are "orders" and you'd better friggin' DO IT!!!
RT: What do consider your best book to date and why?
BC: Carter Finally Gets It is my first novel and it was kind of written just for fun... I understand how to write a little bit better now, but who cares? I want to get back to the fun!
RT: What can attendees at IRA Chicago expect to hear from you?
BC: I'm on the Reluctant Reader Panel... not because I'm an author, but because I am an actual "reluctant reader!" I honestly didn't start reading until after college... WHAT?! I always try to share how much reading has enriched my life and strategies that have helped me prioritize reading into my daily life. I also hope to talk about my next book and how I'm trying to merge the traditional narrative with the smallest amount of graphic novel ju-ju, so I can hook boys with visuals that keep them in engaged in the story, without "telling" their minds exactly what to see. I hope someone in the audience says, "That is stupid, and this is why!"
Visit Crawford's website at to learn more about his books, his acting career, battling ADD with a healthy lifestyle, his favorite jeans, and banana-seat bicylcing. Also see
Engage for his In Other Words post entitled "Controversy vs. Cool in Teen Literature." For more information about the 2012 IRA Annual Convention in Chicago from April 29 to May 2, visit

Brent Crawford Will Be There…Will You?