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  • Awards and GrantsMany IRA award and grant applications and nominations are due in October and November, and recipients are invited to the Annual Conference in May.
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    IRA Award and Grant Deadlines Approach

     | Sep 25, 2013

    by Chelsea Miller

    Awards and GrantsLooking for something to distinguish yourself and give you an excuse for a trip to New Orleans in May? Perhaps applying for an International Reading Association (IRA) award or grant will satisfy. Applicants should send materials by the due date to be reviewed by our committees. Those who are chosen will be recognized at the IRA 59th Annual Conference in New Orleans from May 9-12, 2014. There is a grant or award for almost anyone involved in the field of education; teachers, graduate students, authors… the list goes on and on. So to all of those bold enough to apply we wish you good luck!

    Due October 1, 2013

    Due October 31, 2013

    Due November 1, 2013

    Due November 15, 2013

    Please keep in mind many of the IRA awards and grants require applicants to be IRA members. Remember to read the application requirements carefully before submitting your materials. For a comprehensive list of awards and grants offered (including deadlines, specifications, and past recipients) please consult our awards and grants webpage.

    Chelsea Miller is a strategic communications intern at the International Reading Association.


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  • Maureen McLaughlinMaureen McLaughlin shares supplements to her "President's Message" column about read-alouds, recreational reading, and round robin reading in Reading Today.
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    Reading Resources from IRA President Maureen McLaughlin

     | Sep 24, 2013

    As a supplement to her "President's Message" column about read-alouds, recreational reading, and round robin reading in the August/September issue of Reading Today, IRA President Maureen McLaughlin offers the following resources for literacy educators:

    Bookmark Technique Graphic Organizer (PDF)

    K-W-L-S Graphic Organizer (PDF)

    Examples of Informational Read-Aloud Sources

    Bio.True Story

    Biographies of Women Mathematicians

    The United States Memorial Holocaust Museum

    Scitable (DNA Function and Structure)


    This article is an addendum to an article from the August/September 2013 issue of Reading Today. IRA members can read the interactive digital version of the magazine here. Nonmembers: join today!

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  • close readingCatherine Snow and Catherine O’Connor prepare a policy brief that informs educators, educational leaders, and policy makers about close reading.
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    New LRP Policy Brief Examines Limitations of Close Reading Under CCSS

     | Sep 16, 2013

    September 16, 2013

    by Annemarie Palincsar

    close reading“Close reading” has been hailed a means of teaching students how to comprehend complex text and it has been vilified for ignoring fundamental tenets of how we read and learn from text.  It has been lauded as a means of leveling the playing field for all readers and criticized for the risk of disaffecting students who are already disinclined to choose reading as a means of interacting with the world.

    Prompted by the emphasis that the Common Core State Standards place on close reading, and struck by the debate that swirls around this topic, the IRA Literacy Research Panel approached LRP member Dr. Catherine Snow, Harvard Graduate School of Education, to prepare a policy brief that would inform educators, educational leaders, and policy makers about close reading.

    This brief is now available in free online and PDF versions:

    Close Reading and Far-Reaching Classroom Discussion: Fostering a Vital Connection

    Dr. Snow and her co-author, Dr. Catherine O’Connor, School of Education, Boston University, clarify what close reading entails and compare it with the reading in which students might typically engage.  They address how teaching for close reading differs from more traditional instructional practice specific to comprehension. Perhaps most usefully, they offer four cautions regarding widespread reliance on close reading.   

    Annemarie PalincsarAnnemarie Palincsar, a member of the IRA Literacy Research Panel, is the Jean and Charles Walgreen Jr. Chair of Reading and Literacy and a teacher educator in Educational Studies at the University of Michigan,


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  • Maryann ManningWe remember Maryann Manning, 2015–2016 President of the International Reading Association, who passed away on September 8.
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    In Loving Memory of Maryann Manning

     | Sep 11, 2013

    In this message, IRA President Maureen McLaughlin and IRA Executive Director Marcie Craig Post remember their friend Maryann Manning, 2015 – 2016 President of the International Reading Association:

    Maryann ManningIt is with the deepest sadness that we share with you, members of the International Reading Association community, news of the passing of our friend, fellow Board member, and 2015 – 2016 President of the International Reading Association, Maryann Manning. Maryann died on September 8, 2013 after participating in the Asian Literacy Conference in Bali, Indonesia.

    Maryann loved the International Reading Association (IRA). She was a member of IRA since 1972, a committed teacher and teacher-educator, and a passionate advocate for literacy education and the teaching profession worldwide. Maryann was a soft-spoken person who had a keen wit and a boundless sense of caring.

    Maryann was a member of IRA’s Board of Directors from 2006-2009 and received IRA’s special service award in 2005. A long time international volunteer for IRA, Maryann co-chaired two regional conferences and served on numerous IRA committees. She also served on the NCATE Board of Examiners and was a member of the NCATE Advisory Committee from 1985-1995.

    During her career, Maryann took on many roles. She was a K-12 classroom teacher in Nebraska, an instructor at the University of Nebraska, an adjunct professor at Chugoku College, Japan, and a professor at the University of Alabama, Birmingham, where she organized a series of wonderfully memorable summer conferences.

    Maryann authored and co-authored numerous books and book chapters including: Best Reading Book Ever (Scholastic), Subskills vs. Holistic (Erlbaum), Scientific Reading Assessment (Heinemann), Theme Immersion (Heinemann), Revisiting Silent Reading (IRA) chapter, and Examining DIBELS (Heinemann) chapter. She also wrote selected journal articles for The Reading Teacher, Research in Childhood Education, and Young Children.

    Maryann’s dedication to IRA knew no bounds. As she explained it, “The Association is at the cutting edge in addressing educational issues.” Her interests in coming to board service included growing professional partnerships and extending IRA’s efforts as a global community. Most of all, she treasured the many colleagues and acquaintances who she came to meet through the IRA network. She was always proud to say, “The strength of IRA is its members, and I am a longtime member.”

    Maryann’s personal generosity was notable to all who knew her. She infused her volunteer work with energy, compassion, earnestness, and friendship. She also endowed the IRA Maryann Manning Outstanding Volunteer Service Award, which is given annually to dedicated members who have made a lifelong commitment to a local, state or provincial council within North America or to a local or regional council, or international affiliate outside of North America.

    As we mark her passing, let us remember Maryann’s personal sense of caring, her patient example, her dedication to the cause of literacy, and her beautiful, ever-present smile. 

    Thank you, Maryann, for all of the gifts you gave us. IRA is the better for your having been in our midst. We love you. We will never forget you.


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  • inspireThe new Inspire monthly member e-newsletter features tips from teachers, free journal articles, and more in a streamlined design.
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    Inspire: Revamped!

     | Jul 25, 2013

    by Mary Lynam

    inspireThe International Reading Association has always been committed to offering a quality members’ newsletter with Inspire, so naturally, we are pleased to introduce some changes that further this goal.

    To better achieve Inspire’s purpose of providing classroom tips and ideas, content will now be written by a team of experienced teachers. Their hands-on suggestions and inside perspectives on literacy instruction are sure to inform teachers at all levels of schooling. Meet Inspire’s fresh batch of contributors!

    Kathy Prater is a pre-kindergarten teacher and reading specialist versed in dyslexia. She lives in Starkville, Mississippi and also teaches as an adjunct professor at Mississippi University for Women.

    Justin Stygles is a sixth grade language arts teacher and IRA Advisory Committee of Teachers (ACT) committee member based in Norway, Maine. He also serves as the state’s Maine Reading Association coordinator. Visit his blog at

    Mary Cotillo is an eighth grade English teacher living in Franklin, Massachusetts. She earned her National Board Certification in 2009.

    In addition to content adjustments, Inspire will now put its best foot forward with a snazzier, more streamlined look.

    IRA is also excited to give members more option in how they access Inspire. To remedy the way that e-mail messages are often skipped over, buried, or deleted without intent, members can now view or download the last 12 issues by logging into the members-only section of

    The first Inspire with the new format will hit in-boxes on August 4. IRA is confident that these improvements to the newsletter will satisfy the needs of its readers. Members can gain access to Inspire through the members-only section of If you’d like to become a member, sign up at /join. Other benefits of membership include access to Reading Today magazine, the ability to subscribe to all three IRA journals, and discounted prices on Annual Conference registration and a wealth of professional development materials.

    Mary Lynam is the strategic communications intern at the International Reading Association.


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