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  • We’re hosting an #IRAchat focused on helping you gear up for #IRA14. Join us on Thursday, May 8 at 8:00 p.m. ET, 7:00 p.m. CT.
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    #IRAchat: Gearing Up for #IRA14

    by Chelsea Simens
     | May 01, 2014

    It’s almost here! Are you getting excited for the International Reading Association 59th Annual Conference in New Orleans? Do you still have questions about which sessions to attend or how to make the most of your conference experience? Well, you’re in luck! We’re hosting an #IRAchat focused on helping you gear up for #IRA14. Join us on Thursday, May 8 at 8:00 p.m. ET, 7:00 p.m. CST.

     5-8 IRAchatOur host for the evening will be international speaker and education consultant @iChrisLehman. He’ll be guiding the discussion and seeking your input on what you’re looking forward to and what you hope to get out of your time in New Orleans.

     Even if you’re unable to join us physically in New Orleans, this chat will be the perfect opportunity to make connections with your peers who are making the trip. All are welcome to chat and we know there will be plenty of resource sharing and excitement to go around.

    To get a better idea what you can expect, check out the highlights of some of our previous #IRAchats and get ready to dive right in!

    Stopping the Summer Slide

    Motivation & Engagement with Book Clubs

    Project Based Learning

    How to Chat

    To join the conversation, you can simply search for the #IRAchat hashtag in Twitter. If you’re unfamiliar with Twitter, you can learn how to get started and make the most of your experience by reading “Harnessing the Educational Power of Twitter.”

    We look forward to chatting with you on Thursday and please feel free to tweet us with any questions you may have. Just use the #IRAchat hashtag in your tweet and we will do our best to help you with any advice or Twitter troubleshooting.

    Chelsea Simens is a strategic communications intern at the International Reading Association. 

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  • Join us on Thursday, April 10 at 8pm EST to #IRAchat about Stopping the Summer Slide. We’ll discuss tips for summer preparation, motivation methods, and other practical ways to keep kids reading until next school year.
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    #IRAchat: Stopping the Summer Slide

    by Chelsea Simens
     | Apr 03, 2014

    While in many parts of North America the mercury may not seem to agree, summer is just around the corner. For teachers, that means it's time to start thinking about the challenge of the summer slide.

    IRAchat: Stopping the Summer SlideTo get started, join us on Thursday, April 10 at 8pm EST to #IRAchat about Stopping the Summer Slide. We’ll discuss tips for summer preparation, motivation methods, and other practical ways to keep kids reading until next school year.

    Our guest expert for the evening will be Dr. Kimberly Tyson. She’ll be on hand to answer questions and provide insights throughout the chat. She brings over 25 years of teaching experience and currently works as an educational consultant and content specialist to improve instructional effectiveness and student learning. 

    To learn more about Dr. Kimberly and her literacy work, check out her blog here. You can also get a look at some of her suggestions for stemming the summer slide in this blog post. If summer reading slide is on your mind, then you won’t want to miss this #IRAchat. 

    For a look at how this all works, check out the Storify recap of our last chat on Motivation and Engagement with Book Clubs.

    How to chat

    To join the conversation, you can simply search for the #IRAchat hashtag in Twitter. If you’re unfamiliar with Twitter, you can learn how to get started and make the most of your experience by reading “Harnessing the Educational Power of Twitter.”

    We look forward to chatting with you on Thursday and please feel free to tweet us with any questions you may have. Just use the #IRAchat hashtag in your tweet and we will do our best to help you with any advice or Twitter troubleshooting.

    Chelsea Simens is the strategic communications intern at the International Reading Association.
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  • IRA is partnering with myON, a business unit of Capstone, the leading developer of personalized literacy solutions for Pre-K–12th grade.
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    myON Legends in Literacy Award to Be Presented at IRA 2014 Conference

    by IRA Strategic Communications
     | Mar 10, 2014

    myON Legends in Literacy LogoThe International Reading Association (IRA) is now partnering with myON, a business unit of Capstone, the leading developer of personalized literacy solutions for Pre-K to the 12th grade, to recognize individual and/or team achievements in the advancement of literacy initiatives in schools, districts, and communities. The Legends in Literacy awards will be presented at IRA’s upcoming conference in New Orleans.

    The individual and/or teams selected for this honor will be recognized for their work and commitment to literacy by demonstrating leadership in reading improvement, providing ideas for implementations and best practices, involving the community and encouraging widespread reading within the school and community.

    Nominations must be submitted online at The nomination must include the following information:

    • Submitting party’s name, address, e-mail and phone number
    • Name, address, e-mail, and phone number for individual or team nominated
    • 500-word description of the contribution and the reason for the nomination
    • 250-word description of the results and/or contribution of the individual/team and the benefit to students, schools, districts, and the community

    Nominations must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. CST on March 14, 2014. They will be vetted by a panel of judges, one of whom will be provided by IRA. On April 1, 2014 the top three finalists will be announced. The awards will be given during the Council Awards Ceremony at the IRA 59th Annual Conference, Friday May 9, 2014 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

    About myON

    myON Website ImagemyON (, a business unit of Capstone—the leading provider of school and library texts for more than 20 years—develops personalized learning environments for students. myON provides access to a library of more than 5,000 enhanced digital books with multimedia scaffolds to support student reading at all levels. In turn, myON empowers teachers with real-time, actionable data—number and type of books opened and read, time spent reading, results of regular benchmark assessments, and more—based on embedded Lexile assessments that measure student reading growth. With myON, every student can have unlimited access to more than 5,000 diverse titles, which allows students to take ownership of their reading and literacy growth. The myON collection of resources is robust, and includes titles from award-winning publishers including Capstone Press, Compass Point Books, Heinemann-Raintree, Picture Window Books, Stone Arch Books, Sylvan Dell, Saddleback, Orca, Bellwether, Little Brown, DK, and others.

    Partnership with IRA

    This past February, myON and IRA executed a partnership that will drive mutual benefits. myON is supporting IRA’s recruitment outreach by offering a free trial of IRA’s online membership on the myON professional services portal which is accessible by all customers. myON and IRA will also collaborate on creating a digital classroom for literacy education, offering sessions on the exhibit floor at the annual IRA conference. 

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  • Diane Barone will be the Vice President from 2014-2015, and Donald Bear, Lori DiGisi, and Julie Coiro will serve on the board from 2014-2017.
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    2014 Election Results: Barone New Vice President; Bear, DiGisi, and Coiro New Board Members

    by IRA Strategic Communications
     | Mar 04, 2014

    The voting period for the 2014 International Reading Association (IRA) Board election closed on February 10, 2014. The ballots have been tabulated, and the results have been confirmed. 

    Diane Barone, Donald Bear, Lori DiGisi, Julie CoiroDiane Barone, Professor, University of Nevada, Reno has been elected as IRA’s Vice President for 2014-2015.

    Three new board members were also elected:

    Donald Bear, Co-Director of the Duffelmeyer Reading Clinic and Professor, School of Education, Iowa State University

    Lori DiGisi, Literacy Consultant, former Director of Curriculum and Professional Development for the Farmingdale Public Schools, Farmingdale, MA

    Julie Coiro, Assistant Professor, School of Education, University of Rhode Island

    Their terms will run from 2014-2017.

    The entire IRA community extends its best wishes to the newly elected vice president and board members. 

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  • IRA Bridges are instructional units with CCSS connections reviewed by the IRA Literacy Research Panel.
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    New for Members—IRA Bridges: Instructional Units for the Engaging Classroom

    by Lara Deloza
     | Feb 19, 2014

    IRA Bridges logoIn the fall of 2012, the International Reading Association’s Literacy Research Panel (LRP) issued a call for a new kind of interdisciplinary unit, one that would “promote highly engaging research-based classroom practices and rich student learning.” Each was to be written by a team that included at least one classroom teacher and one researcher. In addition, the units were to be crafted specifically to support Common Core implementation.

    It was a tall order, yet within days of issuing the call, submissions started to roll in. The high quality of the proposed units impressed the LRP, who put each of them through a rigorous peer-review process.

    After all was said and done, 11 units were accepted for publication, and seven author teams were invited to present their work at IRA’s 2013 Annual Conference. An additional handful of teams will be presenting at this year’s conference in New Orleans, as part of a poster session titled “Evidence-based Practices for Education” (two of which will deliver data on enactments of units over the past year).

    The project resulted in a new line of resources—IRA Bridges: Instructional Units for the Engaging Classroom.

    These easy-to-implement units include assessments for each week’s teaching and learning activities, as well as an idea for a culminating project. Connections to the CCSS are provided as well, including web links to each individual standard the lesson addresses.

    Basically, if you’re a classroom teacher who wants to know what the CCSS should look like in your classroom, then these are the curricular units for you.

    Every quarter, IRA will aim to publish at least one unit in each of the following grade spans: K–2, 3–5, 6–8, and 9–12. Submissions for new units are accepted quarterly as well; the deadline for the next round is March 15. (For more information, see the official call for submissions.)

    Here’s an overview of the first four IRA Bridges units:

    IRA Bridges K-2 logoTITLE: Exploring Frogs and Toads: Integrating Math, Science, and Language for K–2
    AUTHORS: Kathleen Burrell, Traci Wagner, and Lisa Moriarty
    ONE-SENTENCE SUMMARY: Science unit that applies language and math skills to the high-interest subject of amphibians.

    IRA Bridges Grades 3-5 logoTITLE: Money Makes the World Go Around: Interdisciplinary Unit for Grades 3–5
    AUTHORS: Kim Beal, Diane Bottomley, and Peggy Rice
    ONE-SENTENCE SUMMARY: Economics unit for developing a deep understanding of content knowledge through close reading of fiction, informational text, and poetry.

    IRA Bridges Grades 6-8 logoTITLE: Courage: Facing Adversity—An Interdisciplinary Unit for Grades 6–8
    AUTHORS: Sharryn Larsen Walker, Lacey Goble, Kyle Hutchinson, Katie Wilson, and Naomi Zornes
    ONE-SENTENCE SUMMARY: Medieval times, technology, bullying, and bravery are explored through Rodman Philbrick’s novel FREAK THE MIGHTY and digital media projects.

    IRA Bridges Grades 9-12 logoTITLE: Understanding Power and Fear: School Integration in the South (1954–1964) [for Grades 9–12]
    AUTHORS: Cristina Nagel and Mary Hoch
    ONE-SENTENCE SUMMARY: Thought-provoking unit connecting literature and history through high-quality expository texts.

    IRA Members may access these units through the Members-Only section of Not a member? If you want IRA Bridges, you’ll have to join; unlike E-ssentials, IRA’s line of e-publications that delivers practical ideas for teaching literacy in today’s classroom, the IRA Bridges instructional units are an exclusive member benefit not available for purchase.

    Lara Deloza is the content strategist and senior writer at the International Reading Association. 

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