Calling all artsy educators and researchers—the International Literacy Association (ILA) is looking for a poster design to be featured at ILA 2020 in Columbus, OH. Whether visualized as a meme, word cloud, or a hand-sketched work of art, ILA wants to know: What does literacy mean to you?
Until February 24, submissions will be accepted on a rolling basis. Not only will the winner’s art be featured at ILA 2020, but the winner will also receive free Core
Conference registration.

“Columbus has a vibrant art scene and we thought, ‘What better way to get attendees excited about such a visually inspiring conference destination than to invite them to join in on the creativity and fun?’” Jean Wright, marketing associate at ILA, says. “Our goal with this contest is to get [attendees] to share ways in which they interpret and engage with literacy which, in turn, may spark new inspiration for others.”
Designers are welcome to submit as many designs as they would like, Wright added. However, posters must be original work, with each submission separately uploaded to the contest form. Poster designs must be 11″ × 17″, submitted in .jpg, .png, .pdf, .ai, or .eps format, and be no larger than 10 MB.
To view official rules and to enter, visit