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IRA Special Service Award Deadline is November 15

 | Oct 29, 2012

by Elizabeth Bleacher

The IRA Special Service Award is given for exceptional and distinguished service to the International Reading Association. Recipients go above and beyond to ensure that the IRA continues to successful. The deadline for submission is November 15.

To be eligible for the award, nominees must have shown admirable service to the IRA in a specific capacity that requires special skills, knowledge, and creative effort. The results of these services should have results that support the IRA in some discernible way. Finally, recipients have typically shown a generous and tireless contribution of their time and talent as committee members at various levels.

Nominators are asked to provide their rationale behind the nomination, the educational background of the nominee, and at least three letters of recommendation that cite the nominee’s generous contributions to the IRA.

Rita M. BeanRita M. Bean, emeritus professor of education at the University of Pittsburgh, was the last recipient of the Special Service Award. Bean has been a member of the IRA for more than 40 years and was a member of the board of directors from 2002-2006. She was inducted into the Reading Hall of Fame in 2009 and is well known for her numerous publications on teaching literacy.

More information about the application process can be found at the International Reading Association’s website.

Elizabeth Bleacher is the strategic communications intern at the International Reading Association.



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