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IRA Releases Guidance for ELA Common Core State Standards

 | Oct 08, 2012

The International Reading Association (IRA) announces the release of a set of guidelines for the successful implementation of the English Language Arts (ELA) Common Core State Standards (CCSS). This guidelines white paper/statement entitled Literacy Implementation Guidance for the ELA Common Core State Standards can be downloaded for free at /ccssguidelines.

These guidelines address the need for a link between reading instruction and the ELA CCSS. They provide teachers and educational leaders with recommendations on how to integrate many of the central ideas of the standards into effective practice. They represent a consensus of the thinking of literacy leaders in the field who support thoughtful implementation of the standards for student literacy achievement.

Carrice Cummins
Carrice Cummins
“Reading instruction remains at the core of any successful education reform,” IRA president Carrice Cummins explained. “The Standards set a foundation for focusing curriculum and instruction, and IRA’s Reading Guidelines will serve as a lens to link them together and empower teachers to focus on what is needed to make a difference for their students.”

The guidelines capture the most pressing issues in clear language, point out their significance for those responsible for implementation, and then offer clear guidance on accomplishing the task at hand. Seven specific issues are addressed, including: 

  • Challenging texts
  • Foundational skills
  • Comprehension
  • Vocabulary
  • Writing
  • Disciplinary literacy
  • Diverse learners

Brenda Overturf

Timothy Shanahan
The guidelines were drafted by a special IRA CCSS committee that included: Brenda Overturf, Literacy Perspectives, LLC, Co-Chair; Timothy Shanahan, University of Illinois, Chicago, Co-Chair; Les Burns, University of Kentucky; Lori DiGisi, Common Core Literacy Consultant; Elfreida Hiebert, Text Project, Inc.; Sarah Fleming Mahurt, St. Croix; Lesley Morrow, Rutgers University; Dorothy Strickland,  Rutgers University; Maureen McLaughlin, President-Elect of IRA, East Stroudsburg University of PA; William Teale, IRA Board Member Liaison, University of Illinois, Chicago; and Rich Long, IRA Government Relations Director, Ex Officio.

On the CCSS guidelines webpage, there is also an opportunity to join the IRA mailing list and receive notification of CCSS-related publications in the future.

IRA also offers a CCSS question-and-answer webpage as well as resources from IRA journals, IRA books, IRA webinars, Reading Today, Members-Only, and other organization websites on a special section of our website at /elacommoncore.



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