Applications and nominations for the majority of International Reading Association awards and grants are due in the fall. This schedule allows the committees to review materials and notify recipients in time for them to attend award ceremonies at the IRA 58th Annual Convention in San Antonio from April 19 to 22, 2013.
Due September 1, 2012 - IRA Albert J. Harris Award nominations for an exemplary work published in the past academic year concerned with prevention, correction, or assessment of reading difficulties
- IRA Dina Feitelson Research Award nominations for an outstanding empirical study published in English in a refereed journal in 2011
For both awards, nominations may be submitted by the author or others.
Due October 1, 2012
Due November 1, 2012
Many IRA awards and grants require applicants to be IRA members. Please read the application carefully before submitting your materials. Visit the new IRA awards and grants webpage for more information. The three-column table on the webpage can be sorted by grant name, candidate category, or deadline date. Click on the name links for guidelines and past recipients.