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Featured Council: Louisiana Reading Association

 | May 08, 2012
We celebrate Louisiana as this month's featured state council! 

1.  Are you especially proud of any of your council's projects?

Our 2011-2012 year has been one of reflection, refocusing, and reprioritizing. We have rewritten our mission statement to expand our focus to all areas of literacy, not exclusively reading. We have narrowed our council's goals from eleven to four to ensure that our goals are pertinent and do-able. Since fiscal responsibility is paramount, we've reduced or eliminated some of the costly face-to-face meetings, and we're relying more on technological resources to get our council business done. We are proud that we have made these changes while keeping our focus on serving the teachers and students of Louisiana.

In addition, we are working to develop partnerships with other professional organizations within the state. Along with the Louisiana Council of Teachers of English, we sponsored a booth at the Louisiana Book Festival. Local councils partnered with their area math councils to provide cross-curricular PD to their members. Representatives from the Louisiana Department of Education have attended and presented at all of our 2011-2012 Board of Directors meetings. We also provide service to our state's students and teachers by sponsoring projects such as Educators as Authors, the Great Louisiana Read-In, Literacy Week, Newsapers in Education, Children's Choice, and a Young Authors contest.

2.  What are the benefits of joining your council?

The biggest benefit of LRA membership is in the professional development we provide. Members have access to outstanding professional development (PD) through our quarterly newsletter, our annual journal, local council meetings and mini-conferences, and our excellent state conference. Additionally, our Board of Directors meetings are approximately 75% PD.

3.  Are there any future projects in store for your council?

At this time, our future projects relate to building upon the work we've done in 2011-2012.  We will continue to sponsor service projects, provide outstanding professional development, and focus on fiscal responsibility. We will look for new ways to support our members, through avenues such as podcasts and webinars. We will continue to strengthen the partnerships we have developed this year.

4.  How does one join your council?

To join, a prospective member can download a membership form from LRA's website or contact a local or state Board member. Dues are $20 each school year, which provides membership in both the member's local council and the Louisiana Reading Association. 

5.  Is there a website, newsletter, or another way to find out more information about your council? Is there a person that prospective members can contact?

More information about LRA can be obtained at or by contacting President Debbie Rickards (, State Coordinator Frances Troxler (, or Membership Director Lisa Savage (

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