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Call for Manuscripts for Reading in the Middle Journal

 | Feb 27, 2012

The International Reading Association’s Middle School Reading Special Interest Group seeks manuscripts for Reading in the Middle, an independent peer-reviewed publication. The journal publishes two issues a year sharing original contributions on all facets of language arts learning, teaching, and research focusing on young adolescents. Reading in the Middle offers middle level educators a practical guide to best practices in middle schools. 

Reading in the Middle disseminates pertinent information and research on middle school reading, serves as a forum for expressing varying viewpoints on middle school reading, and promotes an interest in further research in the field of middle level reading. Manuscripts focus on quality programs, promising classroom practice, middle level author viewpoints, book lists for the middle level student, and teaching resources. 

Presenters at the annual conference as well as other recent professional development events are invited to submit articles based on their work. 

The deadline for articles is July 15, with fall publication scheduled for October/November. 

See the submission guidelines and more information on the Middle School Reading Special Interest Group website. For more information, read their newsletter


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