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What Do You Want to Know About Mentor Texts?

by Morgan Ratner
 | Sep 29, 2014

Join us Tuesday, Oct. 28 at 8 p.m. ET, for our first-ever Google Hangout “on air,” which will be streamed on International Reading Association’s YouTube channel. Our one-hour panel will include “writing thief” Ruth Culham and acclaimed authors Kate Messner, Lisa Yee, David Harrison, and Varian Johnson. Jayme Gravell, International Reading Association’s social media strategist will moderate the discussion.
Ruth Culham is a recognized expert in the writing assessment field and is known for conducting lively teacher workshops. Her current book, The Writing Thief, gives insight on how to use reading to practice writing skills. Writing “thieves” read extensively and use great texts as models for their own writing. The book uses text citations, narratives, and informational teaching concepts to give advice on making the most out of writing instruction. It also provides updated literacy research and thoughts about Common Core State Standards.
Culham’s work draws from over 90 different books to show how adept readers can acquire proficient writing skills and reach their full potential. It discusses how to find the right mentor texts to share with students and how to incorporate traits of writing, such as organization, voice, and word choice, into various styles.

  • Messner’s book, The Brilliant Fall of Gianna Z. was the winner of the 2010 E.B. White Read Aloud Award for Older Readers.
  • Yee’s novels, including Millicent Min, Girl Genius and Absolutely Maybe, have won several awards.
  • Harrison is a well-known writer in the literacy world as an author of more than 75 books. His literacy program is the award-winning Sky High on Reading. 
  • Johnson is the author of The Great Greene Heist, a Publishers Weekly Best Summer Book of 2014.

Culham will kick off the event with an exercise from The Writing Thief. The panel will go on to discuss the importance of finding great mentor texts and using reading to promote writing abilities. No pre-registration is necessary. Send you greatest challenge in using mentor texts to social@/ by Oct. 10 and your issue might be addressed by our panel. Settle in for the stream and work through Culham’s exercises and get the advice of not just one expert, but five. Watch the Hangout live and find out how you can win a free virtual visit from one of our authors.
The Hangout will be aired on the IRA YouTube page at 8 p.m. Oct. 28, but will be archived to watch any time. The virtual visit contest, however, is only available during the live stream.

Morgan Ratner is a communications intern for the International Reading Association.
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