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Annual Convention Monday Afternoon Highlights

 | Apr 30, 2012

These Monday afternoon highlights feature events gathered from the online program grid, Guide to the Stars, and more! Visit the online program grid's event search or the interactive digital version of the program for a full list of sessions and more details. 

12:00 p.m. 

On Monday at noon at the International Reading Association (IRA) Annual Convention, the Primary Literature Luncheon features The Dot author Peter H. Reynolds. Also at noon are some informative research sessions, research poster sessions, and research into practice sessions as well as book signings by Nancy Jennison (Booth# 1314), Janet Allen (Booth# 1640), and Peter Johnston (Booth #1640).

12:15 p.m. 

At 12:15 p.m. Thomas Gunning begins signing books (Booth #2451), and at 12:30 p.m. Karen Bromley signs (Booth #1314), and at 12:45 p.m. Jerry Pallotta signs (Booth #2411). Visit the IRA Annual Convention Guide to the Stars for more information about book signings.

1:00 p.m.

Many sessions, including "Talk About Understanding: Enhancing Students’ Understanding through Discourse" with invited speaker Ellin Keene, begin at 1:00 p.m. The following book signings start at 1:00 p.m.: Diane Lapp (IRA Bookstore Booth #2247), Michael Buckley (Booth #1255), Henry Cole (Booth #2240), Floyd Cooper (Booth #1436), Adam Gidwitz (Booth #1726), Deirdre Godin (Booth #929), Linda Hoyt (Booth #2725), J. Patrick Lewis (Booth #1544), Trudy Ludwig (Booth #1420), Ed Masessa (Booth #1314), Tony Stead (Booth #2725), Lauren Tarshis (Booth #1314), and Jane Yolen (Booth #1544). Visit the Guide to the Stars for more information about book signings.

1:30 p.m.

At 1:30 p.m. Laura Robb (Booth #1314) and Nick Bruel (Booth #2440) sign books, and the IRA Membership Booth (Hall F2, across from the Registration area) offers a coffee break sponsored by Thinkfinity | VerizonFoundation. 

2:00 p.m. 

The Early Literature Author Panel features Annie Barrows and Shannon Hale at 2:00 p.m. Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell present their Teaching Edge session at that time as well, and there are several research sessions scheduled. 

Many book signings begin at 2:00 p.m., including Jim Aylesworth (Booth #1940), Doug Buehl (IRA Bookstore Booth #2247), Robert Burleigh (Booth #2438), Cynthia Lassonde (Booth #2451), Janet Richards (Booth #2451), Michael Shoulders (Booth #2117), Kendare Blake (Booth #2340), Henry Cole (Booth #1314), Carolee Dean (Booth #2611), Simone Elkeles (Booth #2342), David L. Harrison (Booth #1542), Esther Hershenhorn (Booth #2411), Uma Krishnaswami (Booth #2611), Jarrett J. Krosoczka (Booth #1420), Deborah Dover Layne (Booth #2411), Steven L. Layne (Booth #2411), J. Patrick Lewis (Booth #1026), Tom Lichtenheld (Booth #1255), Kate Messner (Booth #1740), Stuart J. Murphy (Booth #1255), Peter H. Reynolds (Booth #1255), Sherri Duskey Rinker (Booth #1255), Ruta Sepetys (Booth #1726), Jane Yolen (Booth #1026), and Jerry Pallotta (Booth #1524). Visit the Guide to the Stars for more information about book signings.

2:30 p.m.

At 2:30 p.m. these authors are signing booksDouglas Fisher (IRA Bookstore Booth #2247), Linda Hoyt (Booth #1314), Susan Goldman Rubin (Booth #2438), Samantha Caughlan (Booth #2725), Nell Duke (Booth #2725), Anne Goudvis (Booth #2725), Stephanie Harvey (Booth #2725), Ben Hatke (Booth #2440), Mary Juzwik (Booth #2725), Cynthia Levinson (Booth #836), Nicole Martin (Booth #2725), Anne Sibley O’Brien (Booth #1544), Dave Roman (Booth #2440), and Sara Varon (Booth #2440). Visit the Guide to the Stars for more information about book signings.

3:00 p.m. 

3:00 p.m. is the start time for many workshops, symposiums, and Special Interest Group (SIG) sessions. Visit the program grid for details about events during that time. The Reluctant Readers Author Panel with Melissa Kantor, Brent Crawford, and Leslie Margolis is scheduled at that time, as well as these book signingsRobert Burleigh (Booth #2440), David L. Harrison (Booth #1314), Mary Hynes-Berry (Booth #2148), Timothy Rasinski (Booth #1314), M. Molly Backes (Booth #1026), Rebecca Barnhouse (Booth #1420), Tonya Bolden (Booth #2438), Shannon Hale (Booth #2342), Ellin Keene (Booth #2725), Kimberley Griffiths Little (Booth #1314), David Lubar (Booth #2340), Kate Messner (Booth #1314), Carolyn Meyer (Booth #2611), Susan Goldman Rubin (Booth #1940), Lisa Schroeder (Booth #2611), Jane Yolen (Booth #1542), J. Patrick Lewis (Booth #1540), and Eric Ode (Booth #1630). Visit the Guide to the Stars for more information about book signings.

3:30 p.m. 

You'll probably need a break by now, so stop by the IRA Membership Booth (Hall F2, across from the Registration area) for Happy Hour! From 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., relax with friendsnew and old—purchase wine or beer, and browse free copies of the IRA journals and Reading Today

Authors Tracy Barrett (Booth #2440), Simone Elkeles (Booth #1255), Tom Lichtenheld (Booth #2440), Ruta Sepetys (Booth #1255), and Annie Barrows (Booth #1740) sign books at 3:30 p.m. Visit the Guide to the Stars for more information about book signings.

4:00 p.m. 

The Research Address and Awards begin at 4:00 p.m., and this year Elizabeth Moje presents "The Role of Disciplinary Literacy Instruction: Delivering and Expanding on the Common Core State Standards." 

4:00 p.m. is also when these authors start signing booksAmanda Freyman (Booth #2438), Joan Sommers (Booth #2438), Tonya Bolden (Booth #1420), Robert Burleigh (Booth #2611), James Dashner (Booth #1314), Irene Fountas (Booth #2725), Gay Su Pinnell (Booth #2725), Ben Hatke (Booth #835), Trinka Hakes Noble (Booth #2411), Eric Velasquez (Booth #2342), and Janet Wong (Booth #1544). 

At 4:15 p.m., Brent Crawford (Booth #1255), Jane Feber (Booth #929), Melissa Kantor (Booth #1255), and Trudy Ludwig (Booth #1255) sign books. Visit the Guide to the Stars for more information about book signings.

4:45 p.m. 

Many sessions occur simultaneously at 4:45 p.m., including invited speaker Mary Bigler's "Teaching Reading with Pizzazz!" The Exhibit Hall closes at 5:00 p.m.

7:30 p.m. 

The popular Poetry Olio is at 7:30 p.m. at the Chicago Hilton & Towers. 


Event times and locations are subject to change. Remember to "like" the 57th Annual Convention, Chicago 2012 on Facebook and "follow" ReadingToday and the #IRA2012 hashtag on Twitter to see posts and updates throughout the day! 

Check Reading Today Online after 11:00 a.m. today for the Tuesday morning overview! 


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