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  • Spring is finally making an appearance, and with it many teachers are enjoying a spring break—or beginning to make plans for summer break. For many of us, time off means an opportunity to invest in professional development.
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    Technology for Travelers: Making the Most of Your Conference Experience

    by Lindsey Fuller
     | May 07, 2014

    Spring is finally making an appearance, and with it many teachers are enjoying a spring break—or beginning to make plans for summer break. For many of us, time off means an opportunity to invest in professional development. The IRA 59th Annual Conference is just around the corner, and many other organizations take advantage of the traditional school schedule to hold conferences during the summer months. 

    Technology has become an ever-present facet of our lives, and few of us are without our means of staying connected regardless of where we are. Phones, tablets, and laptops have allowed us to freely utilize the benefits of technology when we are away from home. When it comes time to attend a conference, these apps and websites have many advantages to offer the tech-savvy traveler.

    Available as both a mobile app and a website, this service not only has the functionality to allow travelers to book flights, hotels, and car rentals, but will also help you manage on a budget. It is an efficient search engine with a reputation for finding the best deals available. Even better, you can set push notifications to let you know if a price drop occurs that might change your plans.


    Similar to KAYAK, TripAdvisor offers the ability to make arrangements for flights and lodgings. Users can also find restaurants and attractions, with the ability to search from the user's current location. The biggest advantage of this service is the user reviews and photos, which are essential for visiting an unfamiliar location. Another great feature is a discussion forum, which allows travelers to interact with other users and glean useful information.


    Conferences offer incredible opportunities to learn, but it is impossible to be everywhere at once.  HootSuite can help by allowing you to monitor all of your social media accounts—as well as specific hashtags, such as #IRA14—all from one app. Attendees want to get the most out of their limited time, and sometimes the choice of which session to attend is excruciating.  Maximize your learning experience by keeping in touch with other attendees through social media—find out the important points from sessions you couldn't attend, learn where the action is if you find yourself in a session that isn't what you hoped, and interact with others to reflect on what you have learned.


    This travel organizer imports reservation information from confirmation emails and sets up an itinerary to keep you organized and running on schedule. You can also add your own events, check weather conditions, see time zone changes, and more. Even better, it integrates with Apple, Outlook, and Google calendars to keep all of your events and notifications in one place.  From travel details to conference session locations to dinner plans, every part of your travel experience can be brought together to maximize your enjoyment of your time away.


    If you are traveling on someone else's dime or are able to deduct your expenses, it is vital to keep excellent records in order to be properly reimbursed. This service allows you to keep track of all of your expenses, photograph receipts so they won't be lost, and itemize costs. The entire process of organizing and submitting travel expenses can be paperless and worry-free. As an added bonus, Concur integrates with TripIt to give travelers an even more streamlined experience.


    When attending conference sessions, taking notes is a must. Simplify things and go the paperless route—no more searching for a pen or losing loose pages. Evernote is one of those apps that does just about everything you could want—import slides and pictures, type notes, make lists, record audio, and more. When you are finished, email the final product to yourself or your colleagues or share via social media. 


    This service offers downloadable travel guides for destinations around the world—including New Orleans, if you are planning on attending IRA 2014. The guides offer general information and photographs for locations. It also suggests points of interest and boasts interactive maps that allow users to zoom in, find a nearby attraction, and tap for details and social media reviews. Users can also find contact information, book tours, and bookmark favorites within searches. If you aren't sure what to do with your downtime, this app has all the information you need!


    IRA 2014 App
    Finally, as a tech savvy conference attendee, you should always check to see if there is an app available for the big event. If you are heading to New Orleans this week for the IRA’s 59th Annual Conference, make sure to download the official app. It allows you to plan your itinerary, search for sessions, learn about upcoming events, speakers, and exhibitors, and get the most up-to-date information. You can even download maps of the event site and find sessions based on your current location!

    These apps and services are only the tip of the iceberg—an enormous variety of similar products are available to meet your needs and suit your tastes. The learning opportunities offered by attending a conference aren't confined to the physical location of the event, so take advantage of the chance to put some technology tools to the test while you travel and reap the benefits!

    Lindsey Fuller is a sixth grade teacher in Decatur, Illinois. Her interests are classroom technology integration, literacy instruction, and Common Core curriculum development and implementation. You can read more from Lindsey on these topics at her blog, Tales of a 6th Grade Classroom.

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  • In this era of new educational standards, there is an increased need for quality OPD that will help meet the curricular, instructional, and professional needs of educators.
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    Shopping for Online Professional Development

    by Vicky Zygouris-Coe
     | May 02, 2014
    Woman on laptop
    photo credit: Adventures with my dogs via photopin cc

    Technology can provide educators with powerful online learning opportunities for personalized, relevant, and just-in-time learning they can access from anywhere, anytime. Many school districts choose and adapt online professional development (OPD) to meet their particular goals, programs, culture, and educator needs.Just like in face-to-face professional development, educators who learn in online learning contexts need opportunities to respond to what they are learning, exchange ideas, reflect on their practice, and receive feedback from qualified peers. Quality OPD should not only provide educators with access to relevant resources; it should also be based on principles of andragogy and online learning, include rich and relevant content, and provide educators with opportunities to transfer learning into K–12 learning environments.

    In this era of new educational standards, there is an increased need for quality OPD that will help meet the curricular, instructional, and professional needs of educators. Publishers, state departments of education, agencies, and other professional development providers at the local, state, and national levels are offering different types of OPD. The following are examples of sample professional and other organizations’ OPD options.

    Whether school districts or educators choose the OPD route for continuing education and/or professional development purposes, it is important to consider the following elements of effective OPD.

    • Effective OPD is high quality, standards- and assessment-aligned, research-based, flexible, relevant to practice, accessible, and is based on a collaborative learning model.
    • Select OPD that runs over a period of weeks to allow time for learning and reflection.
    • Examine the credentials and training of online facilitators.
    • Effective OPD is motivating, and it also includes incentives and credit for completion.

    OPD will continue to be a viable choice for many educators.  Choose to participate in OPD that will support your instructional and professional needs, challenge your knowledge and thinking about your practice, provide you with opportunities to collaborate with other educators, and invite you to reflect on your practice and on student learning.  

    Vicky Zygouris-Coe is a Professor in Reading Education at the University of Central Florida, School of Teaching, Learning, and Leadership,

    This article is part of a series from the International Reading Association Technology in Literacy Education Special Interest Group (TILE-SIG).

    TILE-SIG will host a special session on Sunday, May 11 at 3:00 p.m. at the International Reading Association 59th Annual Conference in New Orleans. The session includes the presentation of the 2014 Technology in Reading Research Award, "Changing the Landscape of Literacy Teacher Education: Innovations with Generative Technology" with keynote Dana Grisham (National University, TILE-SIG 2013 Reading Research Award Winner), and 18 roundtable discussions about research findings and practical classroom ideas. Visit to learn more about IRA 2014 or to register. 

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  • The effects of integrating digital technologies (e.g., computers and iPads) into preschool instruction are not well-researched and some scholars even find the issue controversial...
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    Successful iPad Integration in Preschool Literacy Instruction

    by Sohee Park
     | Apr 25, 2014
    The effects of integrating digital technologies (e.g., computers and iPads) into preschool instruction are not well-researched and some scholars even find the issue controversial (e.g., Lindahl & Folkesson, 2012). While some educators have negative stances toward using technology in preschool classrooms (Cordes & Miller, 2000), others argue that using iPads can be an effective way of teaching literacy to preschool children because iPads foster student engagement and provide more interactive learning environments (Dobler, 2011; Hutchison, Beschomer, & Schmidt-Crawford, 2012; Hutchison & Woodward, 2014; Northrop & Killeen, 2013). 


    In spite of these debates, iPads are being increasingly used in many preschool classrooms in the United States. Furthermore, professional development has been shown to improve the effectiveness of integrating iPads into preschool literacy instruction (Lawless & Pellegrino, 2007). In this blog post, I share one of these positive experiences.

    Context of the Professional Development

    In the spring of 2013, I participated in a semester-long professional development for iPad integration in a preschool located in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States. Teachers in four preschool classrooms participated in this professional development. Some of the teachers had used iPads personally on a daily basis but had little experience using them to teach children. Each classroom was provided with four iPads.

     Before the professional development sessions, teachers searched and downloaded several free apps by themselves. However, they were challenged by the large amount of educational apps and lack of time for investigation. They needed someone who could help them search for good educational apps and teach them how to integrate the apps effectively. A professional development team consisting of a literacy coach and a technical supporter was formed to address the teachers’ concerns.

    Before Integration: Introducing a Set of Apps to Teachers

    For the successful integration of iPads, teachers need to be knowledgeable about possible sets of educational apps and the affordances of each for preschool literacy instruction. To support this learning process, I searched for preschool-literacy iPad apps from Apple’s app store, educational websites, and blogs, and selected several to examine more closely.

    Professional Development for the Successful iPad Integration in Preschool Literacy Instruction

    After exploring and analyzing these selected apps, I created a summary table of the features and functions of each app (figure 1). Then, I selected a list of 32 apps and sorted them into seven categories: alphabet, handwriting, matching phonemes, vocabulary, comprehensive phonics, sentence, and storybook. To share information about these apps, I organized all of this information into a series of PowerPoint slides (see Figure 2 for the slide about vocabulary apps). As I introduced the 32 apps to the teachers, I explained the affordances and characteristics of the apps in each category. As part of this process, teachers found it helpful for me to demonstrate on a projector how to use each app.

    During Integration: Observing Teachers’ Integrations of iPad Apps

    Of course, introducing apps to teachers is not sufficient professional development for effective iPad integration. What is most important is considering how, when, and for whom the apps will be used. Before we were able to discuss how these apps might be integrated into their literacy curriculum, teachers needed time to explore how children at different levels of literacy development used these apps. 

    Professional Development for the Successful iPad Integration in Preschool Literacy InstructionBased on the review of previous studies (e.g., Dobler, 2011; Hutchison, Beschomer, & Schmidt-Crawford, 2012; Hutchison & Woodward, 2014; Northrop & Killeen, 2013), we established three basic principles of the iPad integration for all classrooms. First, we created iPad rules for preschool children and reminded them to follow the rules (Figure 3). Second, teachers used a direct instruction method to teach students how to use each iPad app. Third, a gradual release of responsibility model (Pearson & Gallagher, 1983) was applied to guide classroom practices with the iPad.

     For a month, teachers followed these principles and investigated the best ways that they could improve students’ literacy skills. Some teachers established a technology center in one corner of the classroom and other teachers set a regular time of learning with iPads in small groups.    

    While I observed four classrooms, I also played a role as a technical trouble-shooter. Whenever teachers or students had problems with using apps, I helped them solve the problems. All four classrooms were observed at least once a week and field notes were taken in each classroom.


    After Integration: Discussing Effective Apps and Ways of Integration

    After a month’s integration of iPad apps in each classroom, I met with the teachers and a literacy coach to discuss their successes or challenges using the iPad as part of their literacy instruction. Teachers shared their experience first. For one teacher, the most effective ways of using the iPad was “differentiated integration of apps.” The teacher used three iPads in a small group session. She paired two students who had similar literacy proficiencies. For example, a group of students played Little Writer app to match sound with each alphabet letter and to practice handwriting of upper- and lower-case alphabet letters. Two children in another group played Dora ABC vol.2 Rhyming app to improve their phonemic awareness.

     One thing I noticed was that the teachers did not know how to modify and customize each app for literacy instruction. To solve this problem, I focused on some apps including customization features such as Little Speller and Sentence Maker, which were developed by One advantage of using these apps was that teachers could create more games with the letters, words, and sentences they taught in the class. I demonstrated how to customize each app and teachers also followed each step with their own iPads.


    The Need for On-going Professional Development

    At the focus group interview of these teachers, they reported increased competency on integrating iPad apps for literacy instruction. However, teachers still expressed the need for more professional development for storybook reading and writing instruction with the iPad.

     Teachers and professionals in preschools should collaborate to implement the before, during, and after integration steps of professional development continuously. Throughout on-going professional development sessions, teachers may learn not only how to use provided apps by other experts but also how to identify high-quality information about educational apps for preschool literacy instruction.

    TILE-SIG will host a special session on Sunday, May 11 at 3:00 p.m. at the International Reading Association 59th Annual Conference in New Orleans. The session includes the presentation of the 2014 Technology in Reading Research Award, "Changing the Landscape of Literacy Teacher Education: Innovations with Generative Technology" with keynote Dana Grisham (National University, TILE-SIG 2013 Reading Research Award Winner), and 18 roundtable discussions about research findings and practical classroom ideas. Visit to learn more about IRA 2014 or to register.


    Cordes, C., & Miller, E. (2000). Fool’s gold: A critical look at computers in childhood. College Park, MA: Alliance for Childhood.

    Dobler, E. (2011, December). Using iPads to promote literacy in the primary grades. Reading Today, 29, 18-19.

    Hutchison, A., Beschorner, B., & Schmidt‐Crawford, D. (2012). Exploring the use of the iPad for literacy learning. The Reading Teacher66, 15-23.

    Hutchison, A., & Woodward, L. (2014). A planning cycle for integrating digital technology into literacy instruction. The Reading Teacher, 67, 455-464.;

    Lawless, K. A., & Pellegrino, J. W. (2007). Professional development in integrating technology into teaching and learning: Knowns, unknowns, and ways to pursue better questions and answers. Review of educational research, 77, 575-614.

    Lindahl, M. G., & Folkesson, A. M. (2012). ICT in preschool: friend or foe? The significance of norms in a changing practice. International Journal of Early Years Education20, 422-436.

    Northrop, L., & Killeen, E. (2013). A framework for using iPads to build early literacy skills. The Reading Teacher66, 531-537.

    Pearson, P. D., & Gallagher, M. C. (1983). The instruction of reading comprehension. Contemporary educational psychology8, 317-344.

    Sohee ParkSohee Park is a doctoral student specializing in Literacy Education in the School of Education at the University of Delaware,

    This article is part of a series from the International Reading Association's Technology in Literacy Education Special Interest Group (TILE-SIG).
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  • As one who has the opportunity to participate in multiple conferences a year, I often get asked about how I prepare to get the most out of the short time I have at each one.
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    Confessions of an Avid Conference Participant

    by Julie D. Ramsay
     | Apr 23, 2014

    In today’s world, the topic of using technology in the classroom can be intimidating. In this monthly column, join one teacher on a quest to discover the best way to meet the needs of her digital-age learners…moving beyond the technology tools to focusing on supporting each student’s learning. 

    It’s almost that time again…time to pack our bags and head out to IRA’s Annual Conference. As one who has the opportunity to participate in multiple conferences a year, I often get asked about how I prepare to get the most out of the short time I have at each one. Beyond the “wear comfortable walking shoes” and “drink lots of water” types of practical advice, I thought I’d give you a peek into some of my conference practices to help you get ready for IRA 2014.

    Whispers of an Adventure
    IRA14 AppA conference program, like the one IRA offers, can potentially become overwhelming with all of the opportunities to learn, connect, and grow one’s practice. Since the conference only lasts for a few days, it’s important to plan your schedule to get the most bang for your buck in this jam-packed event.

    Each year, I have one or two large goals for my professional growth. Having that focus helps me peruse a conference program and identify sessions that will help me move towards meeting my goals. I look at sessions by not just well-known, established presenters, but also sessions led by educators who seem to have an area of expertise where I want to sharpen my teaching practice.

    Since most sessions have limited seating, I typically will select multiple sessions scheduled during the time slot. That way, even if I arrive to a session and it is already at capacity, I have a plan for continuing my professional learning without losing too much valuable conference time. This year, I am really excited that my entire schedule of sessions is neatly organized in IRA’s conference app, keeping me organized on the go.

    A non-educator friend once asked me why I loved attending professional learning events so much. I told her that it was more than the learning and networking with my colleagues from around the world; it was a kind of family reunion. Conferences were our time to meet face-to-face and continue our conversations that we have conducted through social media or our classes’ collaboration during the rest of the year.

    In fact, many of the members of my personal learning network (PLN) have become friends because we have dedicated time at a conference to meet and chat for a meal or over coffee. I have discovered that those face-to-face times have deepened our professional relationship and yielded connections and collaborations far beyond what would have been possible simply through social media. Therefore, I typically reach out through social media to discover who else will be attending the conference and begin scheduling time.

    Mid-level Educators Tweetup This year, I am thrilled that IRA has scheduled several tweetups throughout the conference where my PLN, both established and yet-to-be-met, can have dedicated time during the conference to build these important relationships. If you have never attended a tweetup, and even if you are not on Twitter, this is a great opportunity to meet other educators, establish relationships, and tap into the greatest resources of all…one another.

    For many conference participants, attending a conference is a major undertaking involving flights, hotels, conference registration, confirmation numbers, ground transportation, recommended restaurants, and possible sightseeing opportunities. If you are like me, you want to carry as little as possible around an unknown city and convention center. I pull each of the sites up on my smart phone. Then I save it to my home screen. Once I have everything saved, I drag it all into one folder for that trip. That way, I have easy access to all of my information right at my fingertips. (I have also done this using Evernote. However, at one conference, the app was unreachable and I was unable to gain the access that I needed while I was en route.)

    Full Disclosure of Ongoing Learning
    Typically, I arrive the day before a conference officially begins. Often, I check into registration and then walk round the convention center to get the lay of the land. Because that first day is mostly a travel day for me, I usually am unable to attend any pre-conference workshops. However, this year, IRA is also offering Edcamp Literacy the Friday before the conference kicks off. Edcamps are a fantastic opportunity for informal learning. Schedules are typically developed on-site based on what conversations participants want to engage in with others. Because Edcamp Literacy begins midday, it’s a wonderful way to meet others and get a jump on the professional learning.

    Edcamp LiteracyOver the last several years, my note taking practices have changed. I now travel with my iPad to conferences. While I am in a session, I tweet out the resources and important points made by each presenter. For each of us who are fortunate to attend IRA, there are ten or twenty educators who are learning from a distance by following the conference hashtag (#IRA14) on Twitter or Instagram. When someone posts a slide with a really good idea or conducts an activity or demonstration, that’s a perfect opportunity to take photos to post to Instagram. Tweeting and posting photos on Instagram is a perfect opportunity to not only remember what you are learning, but also pass it along to those learning from afar.

    At conferences it is easy to get information overload. I have found that content curation is key to getting the most out of what I am learning. As with Twitter and Instagram, when a presenter shares a great resource, I take the time to pull it up and often pin it to a Pinterest board for my (and others’) future use. This can also be done on Evernote by using the Evernote clipper. In Evernote, notes and notebooks can be shared with others, extending your learning beyond the physical presence in a session.

    I don’t know about you, but often times I’m in a session and I think of another colleague that I know would really benefit from the information being shared by a speaker. By using these tools, you can very easily tag them, or email them access to the information you have curated during a session.

    Much Buzz about Something
    Because conferences are marathons and not sprints, I often come out with a brain bursting full of new connections, ideas, and inspiration. When speaking with others about the conference, sometimes I struggle to have just one takeaway. I’ve found that it takes time for me to process and reflect upon all of this new knowledge.

    One of the ways that I find is best for me to crystallize ideas is to review my notes, tweets, and Instagram posts, and begin to find the ideas that will truly sharpen my practice. For me, the best way for me to clarify how this knowledge will fit into my professional life is to begin writing a series of blog posts. This does two things: First, I reflect and put the pieces together for my own practice. Second, it shares my perspective and learning with others who may or may not have attended the conference.

    Taking the time to formalize your thinking gives you time to truly think about the reality of the place of newfound knowledge into your practice. You are much more likely to successfully integrate this new learning if you have a plan of how it will play out in your classroom. It also opens up further conversations on new topics, which pushes you to deeply contemplate and reflect on the direction this new learning will take you and your students.

    Since meeting friends (old and new) is one of my favorite parts of professional learning events, I always try to follow up with any collaborations that we might have discussed at the conference. Some of the most meaningful and powerful collaborations in which my students have engaged have come from educators that I met at a conference. You never know where one tweet, photo, email, or introduction might lead. And who are the ones who really reap the benefits of all this professional learning? Our students. That makes all of this professional learning even more powerful…because it truly is all about them.

    In addition to the Mid-level Educators Tweetup on Sunday, May 11 at 1 p.m., you can also find Julie in the Digital Classroom on Sunday, May 11, from 11:20 to 11:40, presenting “Twitter-a-ture: Creating content and Connections Using Twitter.” And you don’t want to miss her session, “The Global Read Aloud: One Book to Connect the World.”

    Julie D. Ramsay is a Nationally Board Certified educator and the author of “CAN WE SKIP LUNCH AND KEEP WRITING?”: COLLABORATING IN CLASS & ONLINE, GRADES 3-8 (Stenhouse, 2011). She teaches ELA to sixth graders at Rock Quarry Middle School in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. She also travels the country to speak, present, and facilitate workshops in applying technology to support authentic learning. Read her blog at
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  • In a high tech world with an overwhelming amount of internet resources, it can be easy to forget newly discovered and even old favorite website URLs.
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    Symbaloo…Can it Help You?

    by Mary Beth Scumaci
     | Apr 18, 2014

    In a high tech world with an overwhelming amount of internet resources, it can be easy to forget newly discovered and even old favorite website URLs. If that happens to you or you are looking for a way to help you organize all of those URLs so you have access to them on the go, then Symbaloo might be the tool to fit your needs.

    Symbaloo on Reading Today OnlineSymbaloo is a free webmix organizational tool that uses colored tiles to help you organize your favorite websites all on one page. Simply open a website, copy the URL and paste it into the tile. Once you create your webmix tiles, you can easily move them around by dragging and dropping them into place.

    Design a corner for favorite literacy websites, another for professional development sites, the third for classroom favorites and the fourth for your personal favorites. Or, you can develop multiple webmixes for each subject or topic of interest. Once developed, you have world-wide access from your computer, tablet, or mobile device. All of your information is stored in the cloud and easily shared with friends, colleagues, and/or students with a click of a button.

    Symbaloo on Reading Today OnlineTo get started, simply visit Symbaloo at Take the tour on the homepage to quickly learn how to use this fun tool, and then apply the skills to create your own webmix. Develop custom tiles, use the Google search box, or select favorite websites already embedded into the program to conveniently find the website you are searching for. Drag and drop your tiles to organize them on your webmix home page.

    To edit, a simple click of the mouse allows you to rename tiles, change the wallpaper, or change the webmix icons and size. After creating a tile, a right click will allow you to edit or delete it. Once completed, you can publish and share your webmix with others. You can also search the gallery for public webmixes from around the world. You have the ability to filter your search for new webmixes and to explore an endless number of websites to add to your tech savvy tool box.

    Symbaloo Edu on Reading Today Online

    If after sampling what Symbaloo has to offer, you can check out Symbaloo Edu for a free or premium classroom account. To become Symbaloo certified investigate the Symbaloo Basic, Student or PD certification programs. Give it a shot and I think you’ll find Symbaloo to be a useful too for when you can’t remember that URL.

    TILE-SIG will host a special session on Sunday, May 11 at 3:00 p.m. at the International Reading Association 59th Annual Conference in New Orleans. The session includes the presentation of the 2014 Technology in Reading Research Award, "Changing the Landscape of Literacy Teacher Education: Innovations with Generative Technology" with keynote Dana Grisham (National University, TILE-SIG 2013 Reading Research Award Winner), and 18 roundtable discussions about research findings and practical classroom ideas. Visit to learn more about IRA 2014 or to register.

    Mary Beth Scumaci is a Clinical Assistant Professor with the School of Education at Medaille College in Buffalo, New York.

    This article is part of a series from the International Reading Association's Technology in Literacy Education Special Interest Group (TILE-SIG).

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