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  • Students will have to learn how to collaborate online with depth. William Yang shares three key skills necessary for success.
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    Scaffolding Online Collaboration With the “Three C’s”

    by William Yang
     | Mar 06, 2015

    Technology has a profound impact on the way we collaborate and it will become vital for students to collaborate effectively in online communities of practice. While students may appear adept at navigating digital environments, collaboration is not something they do naturally or with depth. Educators need to provide online experiences to help students develop the unique skills and strategies for collaborating online. Consider scaffolding their experiences by teaching the “three C’s” of online collaboration throughout the year.

    Students need to learn to communicate effectively through online tools. Using video conferencing platforms such as Skype or Google Hangouts, even our youngest students can practice their speech, tell compelling stories, or interview people from around the world through online “face-to-face” interactions.  Besides conferencing, they will also need experience communicating in non-linear and asynchronous text environments such as blogs or social media. Blogging is a wonderful way to begin scaffolding these types of interactions. Students can also use sites like Blogger, or KidBlog to publish entries and receive feedback from peers using a simple post and reply. Social networking sites such as Edmodo allow a network of students to participate in multiple online discussions. Through these online interactions students develop their voice, dialog with peers, and learn to interact using unique modalities.

    Students also need to learn the skills necessary to evaluate, organize, and share content—curate—online. Shared sites such as Google Drive or DropBox help students manage files in a way that is accessible to the collaborative group. In addition to sharing, students need to learn how to organize and evaluate content in order to narrow down valuable information for their collaborative group. Diigo, and other social bookmarking platforms, can help students collect, annotate, and update online content according to their needs. Students can also utilize these spaces to create collaborative study guides or research guides for peers. There are so many opportunities for students to broaden their thinking about new topics through collective content curation.

    One of the most exciting aspects of collaboration is to create online and there are so many tools from which to choose. Some of the best tools allow students to access their workspace simultaneously or at different times. Young students can begin to collaboratively draw using one of the many simple online drawing tools such as Flockdraw, Twiddla, or Cacoo. Google Docs is one of the most popular tools for co-writing texts simultaneously. As students begin to work effectively with illustrations and text, consider challenging them to explore multiple media creations. Digital tools such as Prezi, used to create collaborative slideshows, or Glogster, a site where students can co-create online posters, offer a nice bridge between traditional texts and multimedia environments.

    As you provide collaborative online experiences, ensure each student is able to construct their own thoughts before merging them with others. Be sure to model and allow students to share their strategies and reflect on their learning as they are communicating, curating, and creating online. Once students become adept with the three C’s, consider participating in an online collaborative project to apply these skills. One example is the Global Enterprise Challenge in which students from schools around the world collaborate to design team products. Global teams need to communicate, share, and design to develop a product to present to a panel of judges. There are also a number of online collaborative projects that can be found through iEarn and GlobalSchoolNet.

    By teaching online collaboration, students can develop online literacy skills as well as begin to formulate a personal learning network. If facilitated effectively, we can shift the dynamics from the teacher being the only source of knowledge to students competently using online tools to generate a global community of knowledge builders.

    William Yang is an assistant principal at the Roaring Brook School in Chappaqua, NY. You can follow him on Twitter.
    This article is part of a series from the International Reading Association’s Technology in Literacy Education Special Interest Group (TILE-SIG).


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  • Effective filtering can make online information overload manageable.

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    Surviving the Information Avalanche

    by Joan A. Rhodes
     | Feb 27, 2015
    How often have we heard our colleagues use “information overload” to describe the frustration they feel seeking online learning resources? Alvin Toffler coined the term in his book, Future Shock to describe the challenges associated with the overwhelming amount of information that confronts the public on a daily basis.  The avalanche of information continues to grow with increased use of information technologies and threatens our performance by dulling our cognition and impairing the quality of our decision-making. In Too Much Information: How to Cope with Data Overload, readers are encouraged to use filtering as one method to overcome information overload. Filtering can include the use of technology to narrow down information that arrives in our inbox, but it also requires self-regulation of our own behaviors when it comes to attending to the glut of available information.

    How does filtering really work when seeking information? When preparing a lesson on teaching digital literacy skills for a university reading course, an initial Google search on the terms “teaching digital literacy skills resources” turned out more than 3,300,000 potential resources in 0.22 seconds! Clearly, finding reliable information in this pool would be an insurmountable task. The university library system search was more manageable with the same terms producing 85 results. Further filtering on the library system allowed for both targeting of the type of resource (peer-reviewed journal, book, etc.) and the publication date. Use of the filtering system provided a more appropriate set of resources to review for instructional purposes, a total of 20.

    The university system was particularly helpful for providing a starting point. Through skimming the article abstracts and references, an online government resource was located for teaching digital literacy skills. is a portal where resources for teaching digital literacy skills are openly available to business leaders, educators, librarians and community members.  Educators have a dedicated page which allows readers to further filter resources by topic or the targeted digital literacy skill. Literacy is a listed topic and currently includes 21 resources. Users are able to rate the many lesson plans, activities, videos and curriculum materials available on the site. is a good site for modeling the use of built in filters while providing current information and instructional support related to teaching digital literacy skills.

    The greatest challenge of employing filtering can be self-regulation. There is an inherent temptation in all of the interesting titles, images and videos that appear in search results. Surviving (and teaching) in a world of excessive information requires a thoughtful approach to search procedures, careful analysis of information for credibility and timeliness, and relentless monitoring of our own information seeking behaviors. By utilizing filtering strategies educators can cope with information overload!

    Joan A. Rhodes is an associate professor and co-chair of the Early/Elementary Education program at Virginia Commonwealth University. She can be reached by e-mail.

    This article is part of a series from the International Reading Association’s Technology in Literacy Education Special Interest Group (TILE-SIG).
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  • Equip students with the tools they need for positive collaboration.
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    Collaboration: Setting the Stage for Success

    by Julie D. Ramsay
     | Feb 25, 2015

    In today’s world, the topic of using technology in the classroom can be intimidating. In this monthly column, join one teacher on a quest to discover the best way to meet the needs of her digital-age learners…moving beyond the technology tools to focusing on supporting each student’s learning. 

    Let’s face it, educators are no longer the sole proprietor and expert of the classroom. But the truth is if Google can replace us, we are no longer doing our job. Our role in the classroom is to teach our students how to apply content knowledge to solve problems. We promote skills like critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration. Those are not necessarily skills that come naturally to our students. 

    We live in a time where boundaries of learning are being pushed. With the myriad of digital tools at their fingertips, students have the ability to connect and collaborate with peers both locally and globally. Students have access to experts in any field. Because of the social lives they lead, they crave feedback. Yet, efforts at collaboration often lead anywhere from shutdowns to meltdowns.

    We hear our colleagues extolling the virtues of connecting students for collaborative learning and it may cause us to wonder what is going wrong in our classroom. The truth is that everyone, no matter how well-intentioned, enters with certain expectations and perceptions. Many students expect to walk into a group situation where everyone is working on the same goal doing the exact same thing as their fellow group members. That’s not collaboration, that’s cooperation or compliance.

    True collaboration comes when each member in a collaborative group brings his/her strengths, ideas, experiences, and knowledge to share with the group. Everyone contributes towards the common goal using their unique talents for the good of the entire group.

    As teachers, a great majority of us have experienced the same frustration our students have when trying to collaborate with our colleagues. I thought I would take an opportunity to share with you some of the practices my students have learned through our years collaborating with peers both locally and globally.  By preparing these in advance, their likelihood of success is greatly improved.

    Communicate expectations up front. The first step my students take when forming a new collaboration partnership is to outline a list of the norms and expectations that they have for their upcoming project. They discuss timelines, deadlines, behaviors, work ethic, and accountability to the group. Through these conversations, they have the opportunity to share their goals and their concerns about their impending work together. This dialogue lets every member know before they begin the first step exactly where they are headed. It not only helps them create a relationship with one another where they feel safe to be transparent in their thinking, but also connect with one another as individuals on a deeper level. Although this may seem time consuming in an already jammed packed learning day, the group will make up the time in the long run as their project will not suffer from constant derailing due to miscommunication.

    Remain flexible.  Things happen. People get sick. Schedules get rearranged. Parents set appointments.  We understand this is part of life, but sometimes students get frustrated when a deadline isn’t met by a teammate, one member seems to fail in following through with their part of a project, or they miss an appointment for real time communication. Often when a student comes to me aggravated because something has disrupted their project, we can lean on the strong foundation that they set in the beginning. Once they open that dialogue, the learners discover a solution together that’s often stronger than their initial plan. They learn to listen to one another, have patience, and pull their resources to reach towards their common goal.

    Keep an open mind. We understand not everyone is like us. However, many students, in spite of being globally connected, often live under the false premise that everyone is like them. I’ve discovered over the last several years that this is often the most challenging part of collaboration for students. Students may feel they are the expert, the smartest, the most organized, the most creative, and/or the most talented individual in the group. That’s why I believe collaboration is an integral part of the learning process. Students need to have experience with students who in many ways may not be like them. No single person is who they are with the talents they have without the guidance and input of others. We become the best version of ourselves by working and learning with others.

    By preparing our students in advance for the shifts they will need to make in order to successfully collaborate with the peers, both in the classroom and through digital means, we give them the tools to open a world of learning possibilities. Through collaboration, students find commonalities with a diverse community of learners and apply content knowledge and higher order thinking skills for an authentic audience while becoming the strongest version of themselves. Collaboration, although challenging at times, is well worth the investment for us, our students, and the future.

    Julie D. Ramsay is a Nationally Board Certified educator and the author of Can We Skip Lunch and Keep Writing?: Collaborating in Class & Online, Grades 3-8. She teaches ELA to sixth graders at Rock Quarry Middle School in Tuscaloosa, AL. She also travels the country to speak, present, and facilitate workshops in applying technology to support authentic learning. Read her blog at

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  • Having graphic organizers in the Cloud makes them more accessible and sharable.
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    Taking Organized Thoughts to the Cloud

    by Kimberly Kimbell-Lopez, Carrice Cummins, and Elizabeth Manning
     | Feb 20, 2015

    Graphic organizers, also referred to as semantic maps, webs, thinking maps, structured overviews, etc., are a powerful learning strategy that can be used to:

    • represent students’ background knowledge about a topic,
    • provide a framework for the topic concepts to be learned,
    • deepen analysis of the topic, and/or
    • organize newly acquired information about the topic

    In The Power of Retelling: Developmental Steps for Building Comprehension, Carrice Cummins and Vicki Benson emphasized how students learn to use graphic organizers as a way to prioritize and organize their thinking. This process then facilitates the activation of existing schema and helps students chart new knowledge. As a result, students are engaged in a continuous process of establishing cognitive categories, or schema, as they work with the graphic organizers.

    In this age of accessible digital resources, there are a variety of easy graphic organizer applications to support our students’ thinking.  Students can use these tools to create graphic organizers to facilitate brainstorming ideas, create outlines, illustrate topics or concepts, and plan presentations. Many applications are either cloud-based or available for download to your iPad, iPhone, or Android, making the apps readily accessible to students.

    Inspiration is probably the most widely known program in terms of graphic organizers used in educational settings. Inspiration has also shown that it can grow with the digital age and the basic version can be downloaded as a free application available for the iPad. Features include adaptable templates or templates built from scratch as well as a variety of fonts, colors, styles, shapes, and graphics.  One especially neat feature is that students can add audio to different elements of the graphic organizer they create.  The graphic organizer can be shared through iCloud or emailed. 

    Popplet is a cloud-based application designed to make textual and visual experiences available to users. Students can draw or add pictures to illustrate, and they can include lines to show relationships between each element. Once students are done creating, they can save the Popplet to their account, or they can export as jpeg or PDF. Students can either use Popplet through the cloud or download to their iPhone or iPad. 

    Idea Sketch enables students to create a graphic organizer with the additional capability of switching back and forth from visual view for your more spatial learners to outline view for your more linear learners. Students can insert pictures, change text size, add connecting lines, and use the color feature to show relationships between key thoughts or ideas.

    A fourth tool, iBrainstorm, facilitates students’ ability to capture and share information.  As sticky notes are added, then each note can be dragged to change the hierarchy or order, colors can be assigned to indicate relationships, and the freeform drawing tool can be used to add lines or arrows indicating relationships. This application can also be shared between devices.

    Graphic organizers are a time tested learning strategy that can be used by students to arrange information about a topic, identify patterns and relationships, and apply labels to signal those relationships.  In their book, Cummins and Benson emphasized that the power of the graphic organizer is not as much in the product as in the process of learning to organize information. This type of technology application enhances processes for digital learners as they become more adept in creating new understandings, mapping out their learning, demonstrating their understandings, and developing their cognitive organizing skills.

    Kimberly Kimbell-Lopez is a professor in the Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership in the College of Education at Louisiana Tech University. She has been an educator for over 25 years, and her areas of expertise include literacy and technology. She can be contacted via email


    Carrice Cummins is a professor in the Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership in the College of Education at Louisiana Tech University. She has 40 years’ experience as an educator with primary areas of interest in comprehension, content area literacy, and teacher development and is a past President of the International Literacy Association. She can be contacted via email.


    Elizabeth Manning is an assistant professor in the Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership in the College of Education at Louisiana Tech University. A veteran K-8 teacher of over 25 years, her interests include content area literacy, writing workshops, and curriculum design and development. Manning can be contacted via email.

    This article is part of a series from the International Reading Association’s Technology in Literacy Education Special Interest Group (TILE-SIG).
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  • Augmented reality can take your lessons to a whole new dimension.

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    Learning Spaces in Augmented Reality

    by Mark Davis
     | Feb 13, 2015

    A new frontier in educational technology is captivating teachers and students. Today’s classroom is multidimensional and multimodal. Educators want to capitalize on motivating experiences for learning but have limited time to plan and create the resources. Yet, with the support of students, a constructivist approach to blended learning is becoming a reality.

    Augmented reality is an emerging resource that composites multimedia in front of real-world objects. The result is an outstanding virtual interaction within the user’s current environment. The interaction is controlled by the movement of a handheld device that is equipped with a camera, including most smartphones and tablets. Imagine visiting a museum where the paintings and sculptures come alive in an interactive exhibit for gathering research within your classroom. In the dynamic world of augmented reality, almost everyone can be a participant with only the aid of a personal device.

    Unlike the promises of virtual reality, expensive headsets and controllers are no longer necessary. Using a tablet or smartphone, any space with wireless Internet access can become a virtual environment. In their TED talk, Matt Mills and Tamara Roukaerts demonstrated how augmented reality is neither cost-prohibitive nor time-consuming to produce. Through the benefit of free cross-platform apps including Aurasma and Layar, anyone can create a quick, interactive experience within a few minutes.

    Last year, my co-teacher and I created a virtual town of Hannibal, MO, for our class reading of Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Using a series of designated “markers,” the classroom was transformed into virtual learning stations. One station featured a video of the mechanics of a steamship superimposed over an empty box. Another corner of the room created a virtual window where historians narrated a scene in the typical 19th-century town. A tabletop with a copy of the book became the virtual desk of the author, providing a brief bibliography of his other writings. Best of all, students created posters that summarized segments of the story and created a gallery walk. When viewed through augmented reality, the student appeared in the poster and analyzed the meaning in a brief oral presentation.

    Open house visits from parents can be extra engaging with augmented reality. Navigating the school’s halls can include animated directions similar to GPS navigators. Students, like those at the Shaw Wood Primary School, can produce exhibits easily sharable with parents, both at home and in school. Administrations can share interactive data walls with the community and publicize special events as movie trailers.

    Charles Cooper has demonstrated how augmented reality transformed his classroom. Using the Aurasma app, he created a video on how to solve mathematical problems and connect to formative assessments. Librarians can create simple book trailers to help students select books by interest. Additionally, those students can produce a video book review that can be linked to the book for future readers.

    The most promising aspect of augmented reality is that it does not replace traditional modes of text. Schools that are concerned about the relevance of textbooks and other print material have nothing to fear. Augmented reality has been incorporated in numerous popular publications and provides exciting opportunities for interaction. The content is also not limited to pictures and video, but also three-dimensional models capable of live interaction. Thus, a textbook can receive updated content reflecting current pedagogy or events.

    Furthermore, many augmented reality programs allow for geo-coding, the ability to root the interaction to a specific location. My students find this feature to be highly engaging when creating team scavenger hunts at school. These techniques have also been used in the gaming community as a means of virtual gaming and at home, interactive shopping.

    As educators, we are looking for ways to engage our students and meet our curricular expectations. Augmented reality allows students to practice close reading by embedding supportive text on the page before them. It allows students to be media makers of traditional and digital texts in symbiotic fashion. Most of all, it is accessible to more individuals through the growing smart device market and is more cost effective than full scale one-to-one initiatives. Empowering our students with augmented reality will have a critical impact on the future of literacy and blended learning.

    Mark Davis is a reading specialist at Barrington High School, in Barrington, RI. Mark has presented at national conferences including those sponsored by the ASCD, ILA, Learning Forward, Learning First Alliance, American Reading Forum, and numerous regional workshops. He is currently in his second year in the Feinstein Fellows doctoral program with the University of Rhode Island and Rhode Island College.

    This article is part of a series from the International Reading Association’s Technology in Literacy Education Special Interest Group (TILE-SIG).
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