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    Digital Literacies in the New Finnish National Core Curriculum

    By Carita Kiili and Sirpa Eskelä-Haapanen
     | Aug 28, 2015

    shutterstock_120251737_x300The new Finnish national core curriculum (from pre-education to the ninth grade) will be used nationwide, beginning in the school year 2016–2017. The core curriculum work, involving the expertise of educational professionals, teachers, and different societal organizations, was completed in the end 2014. At the moment, local curriculum work (based on national core curriculum) has already launched in municipalities and in schools.

    Along the way, the process has drawn international attention (see articles in The Washington Post and International Education News). From our perspectives as a researcher and a senior lecturer from the University of Jyväskylä, we have our own interpretations of how the forthcoming curriculum will provide opportunities to enhance students’ digital literacies.

    The most essential aspect in the curriculum reform is the shift from focusing on learning objectives related to single subjects to an emphasis on broader competencies crossing all learning in schools. The seven competence areas are as follows:

    1. Thinking and learning to learn
    2. Cultural competence, interaction, and self-expression
    3. Taking care of oneself and others; managing daily life
    4. Multiliteracies
    5. Working life competence and entrepreneurship
    6. Competence in information and communication technology (ICT)
    7. Participation, involvement, and building a sustainable future

    In one way or another, digital literacies are embedded into all competence areas, but most explicitly into the areas of multiliteracies and ICT.

    In the curriculum, multiliteracies refer to “interpretation, composing, and evaluation of written, spoken, and multimodal texts within a rich textual environment.” Multiliteracies help students to interpret the surrounding world and to understand its cultural diversity. By producing different kinds of printed and digital texts, learners are able to express themselves by using their strengths. Teachers are expected to use meaningful and authentic texts so that students learn not only literacy skills but also the enjoyment of reading and writing. 

    All classroom and subject teachers are responsible for developing students’ multiliteracies, including both everyday language and disciplinary language. Further, ICT skills are an essential part of multiliteracies and other wide-ranging competencies. ICT should be embedded into all teaching so that students learn to use digital technologies to cocreate and share new knowledge as well as to interact within and across communities. 

    The new core curriculum offers great possibilities to develop and support students’ digital literacies and digital citizenship. Of course, the extent to which Finnish schools will be able to realize this potential is dependent upon local curriculum work, the culture of each school, and engagement of individual teachers.

    The local curriculum created by teachers and other educational professionals will play a key role in specifying and localizing the broader aims of national curriculum. In this curriculum process, the aims are also transformed into concrete teaching and learning practices. The strength of the Finnish curriculum process is that it enables teachers’ engagement in the curriculum development. However, one concern is that digital literacies may receive too little attention in this transformation.

    School culture greatly affects the level of innovation with which digital technologies are used in schools. That means that it’s not only the level of equipment but also the level of commitment that educators have toward developing pedagogically meaningful ways to integrate technology into teaching and learning. At its best, the school culture encourages teacher collaboration and collaborative teaching. This collaboration is essential to integrate ideas and practices across different disciplines within and across schools.

    In Finland, teachers have a lot of autonomy to realize the aims of the curriculum, which introduces possibilities as well as responsibilities. Teachers can actualize the curriculum according to their own pedagogical views and their strengths as teachers. Thus, this might result in varying levels of attention to digital literacies.  

    In spite of some critical viewpoints, we, like most Finnish people, believe that in the long run, our teachers and schools will do well.

    You can learn more about the Curriculum Reform 2016 in the March 2015 blog post by Irmeli Halinen, the head of Curriculum Development for the Finnish National Board of Education. You might also enjoy this slideshow presentation about the reform, prepared by Jorma Kauppinen, the director of the Finnish National Board of Education.

    Carita_kiilliSirpa_koivu_1Carita Kiili, PhD, is a researcher and Sirpa Eskelä-Haapanen, PhD, is a senior lecturer of Early Years Education. They are both at University of Jyväskylä in Finland.

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    Offsetting the Fear of Digital Applications in the Classroom

    by Carolyn Fortuna
     | Aug 21, 2015

    shutterstock_104842412_x300While attending a recent summer workshop, I was surprised to become immersed in debate about the validity of digitally based classrooms. Isn’t that a topic for last century? Hasn’t President Obama been pushing an agenda so that all schools are connected?

    Yet a vocal opposition of teachers around me insisted that the digital world is only a passing trend, that it’s only young teachers who are equipped to incorporate digital tools and applications into literacy instruction.

    I became a bit conscious of my gray roots and wrinkles as I responded. To me, digital literacy and learning should merge in every classroom, everyday, as authentic representations of the ways that today’s adolescents read their worlds. Digital tools offer advantages, what Danah Boyd called “affordances,” through access to multiple modalities and participatory culture.

    But I also understand how individuals who haven’t had a lot of exposure to technology in their personal lives or professional development might be hesitant, even afraid. A teacher who stands before a class of skeptical students is vulnerable. We’re expected to know everything: Common Core content, multiple intelligences, classroom management strategies, formative assessment—whew! Who has time for digital applications, anyway?

    Actually, digital intersections can ease the complex demands of our teaching profession. Technology in the classroom can provide students with individualization, inquiry, and engagement that complement traditional—and proven—methods of literacy learning. It does require taking academic risks, but the rewards can be invigorating.

    Here are three steps you can take to gain digital proficiency:

    1. Find a trusted colleague. Learning how to navigate Web applications is different from book learning. Until you’ve been shown the series of steps to, say, set up a blog or transfer a link to a teacher website, the digital world seems daunting. If you have a colleague with whom you can trust the raw truth that you really don’t know Instagram (or Moodle, Google Classroom, the difference among Internet Explorer/Firefox/Chrome—the list can be long), you can start on the path to digital proficiency. Set up mutually convenient times to meet and exchange ideas. Who knows? Your colleague likely will inhale your content area expertise in a mutuality of collaboration.
    2. Pilot your new digital lesson when the stakes are low. Once you’ve found your digital inroad, it’s time to go live. Figure out where you can embed it into a unit underway cleanly and with supporting activities. Do you have a class of tech-savvy, invested learners? They’d likely help out if something goes awry.
    3. Breathe deeply, reflect, and rededicate. You’ve done it! Your digitally infused lesson was a roaring success, simply an adequate learning event, or mediocre at best. Whichever the case, it’s time to feel proud of what you attempted and accomplished. But don’t stop there.

    Be curious about new digital resources, approaches to 21st Century pedagogies, and opportunities for continual PD. After all, your digital excursions can open up many new and exhilarating possibilities. 

    carolyn fortunaCarolyn Fortuna, PhD, is the recipient of the International Literacy Association’s 2015 Award for Technology and Reading. She teaches high school English in Franklin, MA, and is an adjunct faculty member at Rhode Island College.

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    Scaffolding Persuasive Essay Writing With Drafting Board

    BY Eric C. MacDonald
     | Aug 14, 2015

    Drafting BoardSupporting students in their development as writers of persuasive essays can be a difficult task. There are many aspects to writing a good essay. Students need to learn how to develop a good argument, find information to support their ideas, think about alternative points of view, and do all this in a clear and structured essay.

    iCivics is a worthwhile collection of online games, lesson plans, and other resources for teaching civics to middle school students. One of their resources, Drafting Board, scaffolds students’ learning to write well-constructed and well-supported essays by pulling together information from a variety of sources. There are seven civics-related topics from which to choose. The website makes it clear that this is a teacher-guided activity that works best when the teacher is available to answer questions and provide other assistance as needed.

    The basic framework of each Drafting Board topic includes:

    • Background—Helps students to develop background knowledge on the subject and begin to form an opinion. Students are provided various sources to read and from which to pull information to complete a fill-in-the-blank narrative.
    • Claim Creator—This step in the process leads students to develop their point of view on the subject and to create the thesis for their argument.
    • Paragraph Constructor—Using the resources introduced in the building background module, students are led to develop three body paragraphs supporting their point of view.
    • Critic Crusher—This section gets students to consider alternative points of view and how to rebut them for an effective argument.
    • Introduction & Conclusion Builder—Helps students learn to build effective introductions and conclusions. This is best done after writing the body paragraphs.

    A number of supports are provided throughout these steps. For students who may struggle with decoding/fluency, there is an option to have most text read aloud. Each section begins with an explanation of that aspect of an essay and a list of the steps the student will encounter. In addition, students are shown how to use transition words effectively. Finally, at the conclusion of writing each paragraph, students are given a checklist to analyze their writing. These latter three supports, as well as the overall process, provide rich “scripts” that can help students when they are more independently writing.

    As literacy educators, we are well acquainted with the gradual release of responsibility model for teaching students new skills and strategies. Drafting Board is a great example of the use of this model, with the default mode being an example of gradual release of responsibility in miniature. For the first body paragraph, students are led through the process with simple fill-in-the-blank steps called “auto-complete.” Students click on appropriate support in one of the resource texts, and it fills in the sentence in the paragraph. In the second body paragraph, students are asked to write their own text to complete sentences. In the third body paragraph, students are helped to write the introductory sentence, but then guided to write the rest of the paragraph on their own. There are five additional challenge levels that each provide a different approach to scaffolding students’ writing, from providing a lot of support to providing just a little.

    My seventh-grade students worked through three of the different Drafting Boards. Then we researched the case of Korematsu v. the United States and the United States’ internment of Japanese Americans during World War II. Students then wrote a persuasive essay about the Supreme Court’s decision in that case following the format they learned through Drafting Board. The following year, I noticed that some of these students carried over what they learned about the structure of an essay, the construction of introduction and conclusion paragraphs, as well as the use of transition words in the writing they did that year. The scaffolding of Drafting Board was a valuable means to help these students learn how to write an effective persuasive essay and learn a little civics, too.

    Eric MacDonald headshotEric MacDonald teaches in the middle school at Benchmark School in Media, PA.

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    Predictive Search as Writing Inspiration

    By Thomas DeVere Wolsey
     | Aug 07, 2015

    ThinkstockPhotos-79082922_x600Your essay, blog post, or article is due. Now you just need a topic—but what? Everyone has heard “write what you know.” But every writer knows it is not that simple.

    Believe it or not, there’s a powerful idea generator out there. And it’s free. And you likely have seen it every day of your online life for more than a decade.

    Predictive search, that constantly changing set of possible search queries you see in search engines, is often ignored and sometimes annoying. You know those suggested results drop down from the search bar. But sometimes it provides just the word or phrase you need when you don’t know what you’re searching for, including writing inspiration. The suggestions are based on trending or popular searches.

    You already know what predictive search is even if you’ve never heard the term before. For exactly this reason, predictive search technology is also a powerful idea generator. I suggest using a natural language query. Natural language queries are put to the search engine in the way you might ask a friend. As you type, the search engine tries to guess what you might want to know. Most people read far faster than they can type, so seeing a possible result may help with the search you actually want and suggest ideas that might not have occurred to you before.

    Consider the search possibilities for writing for social studies with this stem in “When the Supreme Court…”

    Predictive Search 1

    Let’s say I (or my students) need to write an article, essay, or script for a YouTube video, but I’ve encountered a bit of writer’s block. I can either wait for inspiration, or I can let technology help me to find my own inspiration. Predictive search guesses what interests me as I type my query. The results might help me zero in on a topic or suggest something I hadn’t thought of yet. Because humans use questions, natural search and predictive search are a good combination to help me develop a writing topic. Start with a query stem:

    What is the
    What is the best/worst
    Who are the most
    If [insert topic] changes/continues/stops, then

    If you need a bit more refinement for your topic, just hit the search icon. Of course, be sure your writing is your own and attribute any sources you use.

    Effective writers will adapt the topic to the audience and purpose for writing. Because predictive search results are derived, in part, from popular or trending searches, they will need to be adapted much of the time. But when you need inspiration, you might want to start with the tool that is right in front of you—the predictive search field in most of your favorite search engines.

    If you are interested in a more whimsical view of predictive search, be sure to check out the found or accidental poems at Co.Create (warning: one of the poems at the time I wrote this post may make use of a term you may not want on your work or school computer).

    Thomas DeVere Wolsey, EdD, is the CEO of the Institute to Advance International Education. Contact him at This article is part of a series from ILA’s Technology in Literacy Education Special Interest Group (TILE-SIG).

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    Using Mobile Devices and Apps to Create and Manage Classroom Libraries

    by Tammy Ryan
     | Jul 31, 2015

    Online Library 080115In this day and age, the fact that many children have limited or no access to books and do not know the pleasures of listening to books read aloud is hard to believe. Research suggests that access to books in the United States often varies on the basis of income levels and reading practices established in home cultures. Outside the United States, countries like Guatemala and Costa Rica have rural areas that have no access to books. Additional research demonstrates that the frequency of reading to children, regardless of income, affects brain processing and reading development.

    Classroom teachers understand the importance of establishing a classroom library. As a teacher, I spent summer months collecting books, labeling them, and creating new categories to add books to my library. At that time, however, I didn’t have access to apps or to a mobile device to make the process more time efficient and productive. Today, classroom teachers, after-school programs, and anyone with a collection of books can easily use a cell phone or tablet, laptop or computer, and apps to make a book inventory, create a library, and establish a checkout system for parents and children. In this blog, I describe how I used a cell phone and laptop to create a library for children living and learning without books. I also offer Internet sites to extend access to books beyond a classroom library.

    Using apps and mobile devices

    Recently, I helped establish the first library in Uvita, Costa Rica, four hours south of San José on the Pacific Coast in a primary rainforest. Children’s books were not available in the community, and libraries were not in the schools. Through donations of Spanish and English children’s books brought to Uvita from the United States by volunteers, we established a library in Forjando Alas Kids’ Club, an after-school center for K–5 grade children. Within one afternoon, we easily made an inventory of 490 children’s books using a free app downloaded from Booksource Classroom Organizer to a smartphone. To do so, we held the phone over the book’s ISBN before touching the “Scan” button, which brings up book information on the phone. Next, we tapped “Add to Library” and the information entered onto the app’s spreadsheet.

    We then opened Booksource on the laptop, entered the Teacher Page, and used the “My Library” option to edit and personalize the spreadsheet columns. Last, we used the “Student” option to add names of children at the center who would check out the books from the library. In addition, we provided each child with his or her own special library card and created ways to motivate the children to read books through book talks and reading incentive charts. We also modeled how to care for the books before assigning children to librarian roles. Further, we offered workshops with teachers and parents on important ways to read books with children.

    The checkout process was even easier. Again using the Booksource app on the smartphone, we tapped on the “Check Out” button, scrolled to the child’s name, and touched the scan button again to enter the child’s selected book’s ISBN, which displayed on the spreadsheet. After a few quick taps on the app, children were taking books home to share with family and friends. A similar process was followed to check books back into the library. When parents downloaded the app to their cell phones, the checkout system become even simpler, freeing teachers from checking out books. The teachers needed only to open Booksource on their laptop to monitor the checkout status of books found on the “My Library” option. Any educator can follow these easy steps to make an inventory of their classroom libraries and to create an efficient checkout system for parents and students.

    Extending the library with online books and resources

    We also extended access to children’s books beyond the Forjando Alas library by offering online sites that opened on tablets and cell phones. Any educator working with children, especially with Spanish-speaking children and English learners, will find these sites useful to extend access to books beyond the classroom or after-school learning environment.

    • We Give Books offers books and filters to select titles by age range, genre, author, and so forth. Most books are available in English with a limited amount available in Spanish.
    • Bookbox includes YouTube animated books written in a variety of languages. Text highlights when read.
    • StoryPlace offers animated preschool stories arranged by theme in English and Spanish. Site includes activities, videos, and reading lists that accompany each book. Adobe Flash Player is required.
    • Unite for Literacy offers beginning reader fiction and nonfiction books with narration in English and other languages.
    • Starfall includes beginning stories and activities. Children click on an icon that highlights narrated text. Great selections that reinforce sight word recognition and fluency. 
    • 123TeachMe offers games, phonics and vocabulary activities, and music and short story videos in several languages.
    • Curious George is a PBS Kids site that offers games, video clips, and activities in Spanish. Adobe Flash Player is required.
    • Pumarosa offers audio translations for English and Spanish terms, common phrases, and various vocabulary words.
    • Dual Immersion Spanish Resources offers a wealth of resources to print, apps, e-books, and more.

    To support Forjando Alas contact KidsUniting.

    Tammy Ryan headshotTammy Ryan is happy to help others establish libraries as well. She is an associate professor of reading education at Jacksonville University, Jacksonville, FL. This article is part of a series from the Technology in Literacy Education Special Interest Group (TILE-SIG).

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