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    Enhancing Literacy Instruction Through Infographics

    By Mark J. Davis
     | Dec 11, 2015

    ThinkstockPhotos-537956721_x300Two years ago, my colleague and I wrote a Reading Today article about the emergence of infographics for literacy instruction. The feedback has continued to demonstrate the passion educators and students have for visualization in the literacy process. In Stephen Apkon’s book, The Age of the Image: Redefining Literacy in a World of Screens, he laments that we spend more time teaching letters and words than imagery. With infographics, I hope that literacy educators can envision a synergy of both tasks.

    An infographic is an illustration that uses words and pictures with visualizations that may include graphs, charts, and tables. Infographics are used predominantly as a text feature in journalism and textbooks. In the past decade, they have been used frequently to analyze and display information on news broadcasts, social media, and advertising. Readers of infographics must be able to decode the symbols and comprehend the language of imagery. As contemporary learners continue to connect to iconography and visual data in our daily lives, making sense of and creating infographics will become an essential skill.

    Why it matters

    Most educators think of literacy skills in traditional syntactic fashion, meaning that students need support in letter–sound relationships, vocabulary, and decoding. Each skill is critical for literacy proficiency, yet we consider visual symbols to be text features. I believe we are on the brink of accepting information and data visualization, illustrated in infographics, as an essential language of proficient readers and writers.

    Through my presentations and writings, I am encouraging educators to explore infographic design beyond traditional graphic organizers and text feature study. Students creating written products of their learning have a powerful medium in infographics. The author’s purpose, genre of writing, and grammar are displayed abundantly in both the written text and the illustrated text. By uncovering the parallels for students, we open opportunities to examine close reading of visual images as part of text. Multiple perspectives are encouraged, hyperlinks and dynamic controls allow interaction, and multimedia is integrated to activate other senses. Through social media, infographics can be shared across cultural lines to spark global feedback.

    I often see lessons designed around the close reading strategies recommended in the Common Core State Standards. Close reading relies on the three key shifts of the Common Core: text complexity, evidence-based responses, and content-rich nonfiction readings. Infographics offer complexity through multiple images, words, and graphs while conveying a message. Students use infographics to collect or parse evidence while reading text. Most infographics follow informational or argumentative genres of writing using the language of content area subjects. The design features of infographics are listed as critical tools for supporting specific ELA/Literacy standards at all levels (CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI-7, CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.WHST-8.2.A).

    Getting started

    The best way to understand visual literacy with infographics is to examine and create your own. Spend time examining infographic elements with your students using samples from Daily Infographic. You can easily sort by subject and see different styles and levels of complexity. Ask your students to identify the following:

    • What is the specific topic of the infographic?
    • What is the author’s purpose?
    • How does the author demonstrate authority or knowledge of the subject?
    • How do specific visual elements support understanding or analysis?
    • If you could improve this infographic, what might you illustrate differently?

    As students begin to recognize common similarities of infographics, chart their findings in visible space (on the board or a web document). Ask your students to sketch ideas for a topic that you are exploring as a class. By working on a single topic, perhaps in dyads or triads, the students can bring unique perspectives and ways for delivering a message about the topic. Students can then conduct a search for infographics that align closely with your topic. You might suggest that your students write a short response to the inquiry questions mentioned above and share in a public document. You can expect a rich discussion to follow your review of their findings.

    For more advanced practice, have your students sign up for a free account on or PiktoChart. Using their video tutorials, students can learn the basics of the intuitive interface and see models of completed projects. You could ask your students to use one of these tools to translate some of their sketches generated around your class topic into an infographic. Remind students that like good writing and presentations, it is not about bulky text and flashy looks, but a concise and engaging message. If they want to enhance their project, they should consider using dynamic features such as data filtering or multimedia integration.

    Literacy educators have a critical role to play in the instruction of infographics. Graphic designers and artists have a vast knowledge of illustration, but literacy instruction can complement their meaning. Today’s reader is exposed to new literacies through hyperlinking and multimedia. Infographics enhance our understanding of complex data and illustrates narratives in a dynamic fashion. We may not all be great artists, but we can be exceptional readers.

    Mark Davis headshotMark J. Davis is a third-year doctoral candidate in the University of Rhode Island and Rhode Island College doctoral program in education. He is a full-time reading specialist at Barrington High School in Rhode Island and active collaborator in educational media design. Additional resources are available on his website and on Twitter.

    This article is part of a series from the International Reading Association’s Technology in Literacy Education Special Interest Group (TILE-SIG).

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    This Is the Droid You’re Looking For

    by Tina Hurlburt
     | Dec 04, 2015

    BB 8 300pI grew up in the '80s. The [original] Star Wars movies were staples of my brothers’ and my childhoods. The news that Disney and LucasFilm would be releasing a new episode in December of this year has us rewatching all of the movies in marathon fashion, arguing about the best order in which to watch them (Big Bang Theory calls it the Machete Order), bemoaning the change in the re-released Return of The Jedi, and debating whether or not Jar Jar Binks was an asset or liability to Episode I.

    Ever so slowly, word has trickled out about the new installment via leaked photos of the first table read, actor interviews, and finally, the official trailer, in which we catch an ever-so-fleeting glimpse at the newest droid to join the Star Wars family, the BB-8.

    In the classroom

    The BB-8 available for sale is an app-enabled droid, powered by Sphero and designed by the creature shop and puppeteer team on the set of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. I purchased one for my students—a new one starts around $150 online—to see what its capabilities were as far as robotics and programming integration. We have not been disappointed.

    Until now, much of our coding in class has taken the form of drag-and-drop blocks of code in Scratch to create projects or games, and some of the more advanced students have worked independently in Khan Academy, learning how to use HTML for web design and JavaScript for animation. The droid can be controlled using the Sphero BB-8 app, which allows users to drive, patrol, and message using any app-enabled device. Taking it one step further is the Tickle app, which expands the users’ powers to create programs that will run at the touch of a button. Students find it very similar to Scratch in the user interface, where coding takes the form of dragging and dropping blocks of JavaScript code.

    Curriculum alignment

    The one droid and device serve my technology classes, which can have up to 25 students in them. Small-group work and time management are critical. Multi-day experiments foster creative problem-solving and collaboration, communication and critical-thinking skills, tenets of 21st century learning. The BB-8 is age versatile and can be integrated into just about any subject or curriculum: robotics, Next Generation Science Standards, and STEM skills are the most obvious.

    In education, motivation and ”the hook” to engage students come in varying formats, shapes, and sizes. In my class these days, it’s in the form of an adorable round app-powered droid.

    Tina Hurlburt is a grade 5 and 6 technology teacher in Regional School District 13 in Connecticut. Her work includes teaching students the digital and media literacy skills they need to navigate the ever-changing technologies they are faced with every day, providing them with opportunities to try a variety of technologies and software.

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    Assessing Students’ Digital Multimodal Compositions

    By Sohee Park
     | Nov 27, 2015

    assessment graphic 11-27-15As digital technologies become more available in classrooms, digital multimodal composition has become a common classroom practice. Digital multimodal composition refers to creating digital texts using various modes such as written language, images, video, voice, audio, and so forth. Digital storytelling, digital book reviews, and digital poems are examples of digital multimodal composition.

    As a researcher and an instructor of a course on digital multimodal composition, I am asked frequently how to evaluate students’ digital multimodal compositions. For example, a fourth-grade elementary school English language arts teacher in my class recently shared that her students enjoyed creating digital book reviews using iPads and seemed very motivated to read the book more carefully. However, she explained her hesitancy to use these practices more frequently because she is less confident in how to assess digital multimodal composition.

    In this post, I introduce five research-based domains to consider when evaluating students’ digital multimodal composition. Then, I share several sources of rubrics that can be modified easily to meet your needs.

    Domains to consider while assessing students’ digital multimodal compositions

    In 2013, 10 teachers and literacy researchers in the Multimodal Assessment Project (MAP) group wrote a book chapter on domains for multimodal writing assessment. As a result of this 18-month collaboration, the MAP group identified five domains that are essential when assessing digital multimodal composition as a performance:

    • Artifact is the finished product of digital multimodal composition. A well-created product conveys a coherent message to audiences by using appropriate structure, medium, mode, and technique.
    • Context involves the rhetorical and physical surroundings of the artifact. Purposes, audiences, composing environment, and modes are elements to consider around context.
    • Substance refers to the quality and significance of content and ideas presented in the digital multimodal composition. The credibility and accuracy of information presented are also important criteria to evaluate the substance of an artifact.
    • Process management and technique are related closely to composing skills and processes. To compose a digital multimodal text, students should be able to use not only digital devices such as laptops or tablet PCs but also Web 2.0 tools such as iMovie or MovieMaker. Students also need to manage the entire composing process from planning to publishing.
    • Habits of mind refer to students’ behaviors or attitudes that develop over time while they compose digital multimodal texts. Creativity, persistence, risk taking, mindfulness, and engagement are examples of important habits of mind.

    To understand fully students’ digital multimodal composition as performance, teachers should assess all five of these domains. However, domains such as context, process management and technique, and habits of mind cannot be assessed through the evaluation of final products. Specifically, context and process management and technique can be assessed through a teacher’s observation of overall composing processes. Changes in students’ habits of mind can be measured by collecting students’ written reflections, conducting a short interview, or asking students to complete a survey that captures affective dimensions of their learning.

    Useful rubrics for the evaluation of digital multimodal composition

    Rubrics are a common form of performance assessment that can help teachers evaluate and score students’ final products. I share a research-based and modifiable rubric and a comprehensive website you can use to locate easily several other types of rubrics for assessing a variety of digital multimodal texts.

    Rebecca Burnett and her colleagues conducted a research study on using a common rubric to evaluate multimodal processes and artifacts. As part of the project, they created a so-called “programmatic rubric” and verified its appropriateness through a case study. The rubric included five categories—rhetorical awareness, stance and support, organization, convention, and design for medium—and defined six different levels of performance. The five categories in the rubric cover artifact, context, and substance domains of a digital multimodal composition so that these categories can be assessed through brief observation of composing processes and careful examination of finished products. There are two major benefits of this rubric. First, definitions of each category and level can be applied to different types of digital multimodal composition. Second, teachers can choose several levels to customize the rubric.

    The “Assessment and Rubrics” portion of Kathy Schrock’s Guide to Everything website also provides links to various assessment tools and rubrics.  The section on “Multimedia and Apps Rubrics” includes links to rubrics for different genres of digital multimodal composition such as a book trailer, digital story, PechaKucha, podcast, and stop motion. The section on “Web 2.0 Rubrics” presents rubrics related to specific Web 2.0 tools such asAnimoto, Glogster, Twitter, and Wikispaces. You can print out these rubrics to evaluate students’ digital multimodal composition or can create your own electronic version of the rubric using one of the programs listed in the “Rubric Builders and Generators” section. For example, Quick Rubric is a website that lets teachers create and save their own rubric. Overall, the rubrics and assessment tools in this post offer a range of practical solutions to help use more digital multimodal compositions as in-class learning practices.

    Sohee Park is currently a doctoral student at the University of Delaware.

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    Is Leading Our Profession Without Leaving the Classroom Possible?

    By Julie D. Ramsay
     | Nov 25, 2015

    ThinkstockPhotos-536093103_x300When I entered the teaching profession, the prevalent mentality was that there were two basic roles an educator fulfilled: one was in the classroom with students, the other was leading the school as a principal. Often when a teacher reached a level of success with students, he or she was strongly encouraged to “move up” to the role of principal.

    I became an educator to work directly with students. I love my time with them every day; helping each student find his or her voice and grow, not just academically, but as an individual. I couldn’t fathom getting up every morning and not having that direct contact. I know many teachers feel this way.

    We have worked diligently to sharpen our practice. We have fellow teachers who have reached out to us and given us the benefit of their experience. All of us are the educators we are today because of others sharing with us, graciously providing encouragement and pushing us to grow—all for the betterment of the learning opportunities we can provide our students.

    So the question begs to be asked: How can we lead, pay forward our expertise, and make a difference while remaining in the classroom?

    As teachers, our plates are overflowing with responsibilities. Thinking about adding one more thing can be daunting. However, we know that as teachers, not only preparing our students for the future, but also paving the way for the future of the profession is important.

    Here are a few ways I have found to fulfill those needs:

    • Share your voice. In today’s digital world, there are more avenues for sharing your practice than ever before. This is an opportunity to reach a larger audience and pay it forward to those beyond your school. You have the ability to lead others by creating your own blog and posting regularly or offering to write a post for one of many educational organizations with print and digital publications. You can build credibility by sharing your successes and failures with students (and how those failures became great opportunities to grow as an educator).

      Another powerful medium is Twitter. Regardless of your content area, grade level, or location, you have the opportunity to build relationships and share ideas with fellow teachers. Sharing your voice pushes you to become reflective and evaluate your own practice, making you a more relevant and effective educator.
    • Host others. Telling your students’ stories is one thing; having people experiencing it firsthand is a totally different thing. Offer to host preservice teachers in your classroom, mentor a new teacher, lead a book study, or coach a teacher who is struggling. Open your classroom doors. So many of us are visual learners. With Skype and Google Hangouts, those unable to visit can still see (and hear) what learning looks like for our students.

      One year, I had several teachers who wanted to grow in their knowledge of using technology tools to support authentic learning. We decided to meet each Tuesday after school for a 30-minute session. Each person brought either something he or she used with students, a question on how to meet a certain need, or an obstacle he or she faced. The session was a quick sharing of ideas. As the host, I became the facilitator—able to share, learn, and foster leadership in other teachers.
    • Continue to learn. If we want to remain relevant and impactful in our instruction, we must continue to grow—whether it’s through a professional development event or learning from the comfort of home. What worked 5 or 10 years ago may not be the most effective way to reach students today. As a leader, our responsibility is to know not just what works with students, but why.

      One of the most powerful ways I grew as an educator was by pursuing National Board Certification. I grew to understand deeply the why behind the choices I made, and I became a reflective practitioner. If we want our students to become lifelong learners, we need to model those same practices.

    As a leader, you aren’t saying you know everything; you are saying you are on a continual journey in search of the best way to meet the needs of your diverse learners. You are willing to be transparent, pass along your experience, and search for the best way to guide your students—and your colleagues—toward success.

    What will you do to lead others without leaving the classroom?

    Julie D. Ramsay is a National Board Certified Teacher and the author of“Can We Skip Lunch and Keep Writing?” Collaborating in Class and Online, Grades 3–8. She teaches ELA to sixth graders at Rock Quarry Middle School in Tuscaloosa, AL. She also travels the United States to speak, present, and facilitate workshops in applying technology to support authentic learning. Read her blog, eduflections.

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    Assessing the 21st-Century Learner

    By Kristin Webber
     | Nov 20, 2015

    ThinkstockPhotos-537956721_x300Meaningful technology integration has become a major component in the courses I teach at my university. I want my teacher candidates to be comfortable with and knowledgeable about integrating technology in their instruction during field and student teaching experiences and eventually into their future classrooms. Because of this, I am always excited when students report back on what they are doing with technology in their placements.

    Recently, my student Meg asked what I thought about her giving students a math quiz on telling time using the game-creation tool Kahoot! I immediately told her that I thought it was a great idea and to go ahead with her plan. Her school site had recently received iPads, and she was going to be the first to use them. A couple of weeks later, Meg burst into my office, telling me how successful her Kahoot! activity was. Her students loved the game format and demonstrated that they understood the content well. Then Meg shared some real interesting information regarding assessment in her class.

    She stated that the students were very successful with the Kahoot! quiz for review and she expected them to perform satisfactorily on the pencil-and-paper test that followed. However, that was not the case. Despite demonstrating understanding of the math content in a digital format, students performed poorly when given a traditional test assessment. This is evidence that 21st-century learners desire their in-school literacies to match their out-of-school digital lives and that it is time to rethink how we assess students.

    After this exchange with Meg, I was reminded of my own experience with digital assessment. When I was teaching a mixed-age middle school class, I found that traditional literature circles were not working with my students. They did not read consistently and were disengaged during face-to-face discussions. Their responses to my discussion prompts were superficial and lacked any evidence of deep thinking.

    When I moved the literature circle to an electronic format, I saw an increase in engagement and higher level thinking regarding the text immediately. A group of five students who read Tuck Everlasting used the annotation and notes features in the iBooks app to record their thinking. Collectively, the group recorded 211 annotations and 80 notes. They also posted 91 substantial comments to the digital discussion board for the book. These digital tools provided excellent formative assessment data and allowed me to see my students’ thinking about the text we were reading. That my students were more comfortable with the electronic format and were willing to engage with text at a deeper level than they were with traditional literature circles was evident.

    Whether the goal is formative or summative assessment, there are many digital tools available to assist teachers in gathering information on the performance of their students:

    Kahoot! is a free, interactive, “game-based” tool that allows users to engage with content in quiz, survey, or discussion formats. Kahoot! is multiplatform, and teachers can use this tool for preassessment and postassessment, as well as connecting with other Kahoot! classrooms globally. As a challenge, students can create their own Kahoot! quizzes.

    Nearpod is a multiplatform presentation tool that allows teachers to embed real-time assessments into their instruction. Assessment tools include quiz, poll, drawing, and open-ended responses. The basic version is free. For a small yearly fee, teachers can upgrade to the gold version, which includes options to print individual and class assessment reports.

    Socrative is a free tool designed specifically for assessment. Teachers can create multiple choice, true/false, and short answer questions. There is an option for individuals or teams to play a customizable quizzing game called Space Race. Students can submit exit tickets for formative assessment through Socrative. Socrative also provides an assessment reporting system for teachers.

    Other digital assessment options include drawing apps and having students record their thinking through video and audio. The possibilities for integrating digital assessment are limitless, especially when teachers embrace assessment methods that go beyond the traditional pencil-and-paper test.

    Kristin Webber is a veteran teacher with over 22 years of teaching experience. Currently, she is an assistant professor in the Department of Early Childhood and Reading at Edinboro University, where she teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses in literacy. She also serves as the program head for the Graduate Reading Program. While in the classroom, Kristin has taught at every level from preschool to high school. Her research interests include the new literacies, instructional technology, adolescent literacy, and reluctant readers.

    This article is part of a series from the International Reading Association’s Technology in Literacy Education Special Interest Group (TILE-SIG).

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