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    Using Google Slides to Make Vocabulary Stick

    By Meg Rishel
     | Mar 31, 2017

    2017-03-31_TT_x300After the 2005 publication of the National Reading Panel report, there has been a sense of urgency to accelerate student acquisition of academic vocabulary to support comprehension. We learned that “teaching words well means giving students multiple opportunities to develop word meanings and learn how words are conceptually related to one another in the texts they are studying” (Vacca & Vacca, 2016). Yet the vocabulary results from the 2009 and 2011 NAEP reading assessments demonstrate that “fourth- and eighth-grade vocabulary scores did not change significantly from 2009 to 2011.” If “vocabulary is the glue that holds stories, ideas and content together...making comprehension accessible for children” (Rupley, Logan & Nichols, 1998/99), then maybe our current strategies alone aren’t making vocabulary stick.

    Technology provides new ways for students to interact with information through multimodal learning opportunities. My colleague Kathy Krepps commented on how her students didn’t know what the dictionary was, and I realized that text is not the first resource our students access to seek information. Our third-, fourth-, and fifth-grade students who have one-to-one Chromebook classrooms naturally say “OK Google” to find information, not to read but to watch and to listen.

    During this school year, Kathy and I have been working with teachers and students to develop our own elementary ELA curriculum. By using Google Slides, third-grade students create digital word collages, and fifth-grade students create a digital vocabulary notebooks as part of our vocabulary instruction. These tasks became easily differentiated for students with autism, who needed more nonverbal representations; for gifted and high-achieving students, who wanted to create new ways to represent meaning of higher academic vocabulary; and for struggling readers, who needed the repetition and guidance. In the following examples, you can see how students make meaningful connections to words through multimedia.

    Digital word collages

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    Third-grade students used a digital word collage to explore ways to connect to unknown words from a text read in a literature circle. One student began adding symbols and songs, and the comment feature allowed me to guide his thinking through questioning.

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    Another student used an image as a background and used the color and the font of the words to help show the word’s meaning. Two videos show multiple meanings of how a word is used in earth science and poetically in a song.

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    Digital literacy notebooks

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    Fifth-grade students created and presented teacher- or self-selected words for a given unit in digital vocabulary notebooks. Then they engaged in academic conversations to discuss why the images, videos, and fonts were chosen and if they agree or disagree with perspectives. Word generation vocabulary units make it easy to incorporate this strategy into current events or to help students make personal connections.

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    Digital word collages and digital vocabulary notebooks are only two examples of how Google Slides can engage students in the instruction of academic vocabulary.

    Other classrooms have been inspired to find additional ways to use Google Slides for vocabulary instruction. Andrew Pry, a fourth-grade teacher, challenges his students to use a “bank” in Google Slides to share “great vocabulary” words they come across inside and outside of class.

    The multiple opportunities that students need to accelerate vocabulary acquisition exists in what they read and write but also in what we listen, speak, and view. Adding strategies like this can be the glue needed to make vocabulary stick.

    Rishel_w80Meg Rishel is an Instructional ELA Coach for Eastern York School District. You can follow her on Twitter.

    This article is part of a series from the International Literacy Association’s 
    Technology in Literacy Education Special Interest Group (TILE-SIG).

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    The Literacy–Movie-Making Connection

    By Chase Young
     | Mar 30, 2017

    2017_03_30-DL-300wI spent most of my preteen years writing, directing, producing, and starring in my own poorly produced horror movies. Working in the movie business was my dream. However, rather than growing up to be a director, I became a teacher—slightly less pay but far more rewarding for me.

    I loved making movies as a child, so I figured my second graders might like it, too. Rather than creating movies from scratch, I thought it would be fun for my students to transform their favorite texts into motion pictures. As I began to plan the project, I had to consider implementation and how my students would benefit academically. Deciding how to proceed in a manner that would ensure the success of my students was difficult. I looked toward the actual Hollywood-style move-making process as a model and restructured it for second graders. I separated the process into eight phases that students would complete to produce their own movies: grouping, developing ideas, generating script treatments, storyboarding, scripting, holding specific preproduction conferences with the teacher, filming, and post production. 

    I also considered how the project would fit into the literacy curriculum; after all, as teachers, we know that time is precious and our instruction needs to be research based, effective, and efficient. Engaging in such a complex, technology-based project would deepen students’ understanding of text and incorporate several literacy skills. I figured that during the project students would consider their own reading preferences, write summaries, visually represent sequences of texts, transform existing texts into scripts that were ideal for movie production, and ultimately edit and produce their own movies.

    Fortunately, I was right: Not only did the kids love making their movies, but also the project provided a creative context for students to use their literacy skills for an authentic purpose. They collaborated, took risks, and creatively constructed their masterpieces. I hope the experience augmented their elementary careers and perhaps motivated some to move to Hollywood and make millions. Of course, I hope they remember me fondly as they decide what to do with their first paycheck.

    ChaseYoung_w80Chase Young is an associate professor at Sam Houston State University and a former elementary school teacher. He is the coauthor with Timothy Rasinski of Tiered Fluency Instruction: Supporting Diverse Learners in Grades 2–5 (Capstone).

    Chase Young will present a session titled “Engaging Students With Student-Produced Movies” at the ILA 2017 Conference & Exhibits, held in Orlando, FL, July 15–17.

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    Use Monthly Quiz Activities to Practice and Evaluate Critical Reading

    By Carita Kiili and Eva Wennås Brante
     | Mar 24, 2017

    Discussions about fake news in a post-truth world and how to react to these challenging trends have become quite prevalent around the world. It is easy to share Professor Donald Leu’ s view that "schools are an important key to solving the challenge of fake news." And it is not only fake news that becomes important to negotiate; all types of online information in today’s world require critical and thoughtful readers. 

    At least two issues have become especially important as we increasingly encounter online texts. First, the earlier that we begin teaching critical evaluation skills, the more prepared our students will be. Second, given the difficulty in transferring learning effects from school tasks to other situations, we believe that students need regular practice to internalize the skills needed to be critical online readers.

    One idea that we believe has promise is designing short monthly quiz activities around critical evaluation skills. This practice can be used quite regularly, even with younger children, if the texts and topics selected are reasonably appropriate for a certain grade level. 

    Tips for creating quizzes and advantages of the practice

    To prepare your quizzes, choose four online texts on the same controversial topic (e.g., health effects from using cell phones) that differ in quality and purpose. Prepare questions for each text that address, for example, the following issues:

    • Authors’ expertise on the topic (e.g., level of education, amount of experience, current position or occupation; see question 1 in the example)
    • Purpose of the text (e.g., to persuade, to inform, to sell something, or to entertain)
    • Quality of evidence (e.g., based on research, the experience of one person, or one’s personal opinion)
    • A main point of the text (e.g., a question to assess important content)

    example-TILE-20170324You might also include questions that address why it is important to pay attention to a particular aspect of online source evaluation (see question 2 in the example). To spark ideas for your quizzes, you might explore some of the examples for teaching critical evaluation provided by the Stanford History Education Group or Teaching Channel.

    Next, it is time to select a tool to create your quizzes. If you are not yet familiar with online quiz tools, you can find multiple websites listing them (e.g.,

    Once you have four quizzes (one about each text), run one quiz in the beginning of each month. Remember, the questions should be used as triggers to further discussion about the topic rather than simply considering each text in isolation. The reflections and additional questions allow teachers to access students’ reasoning and how it may develop over the course of the quizzes.

    At the end of the semester, hold a “final” on critical evaluation. The final gives students an opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of both content and critical evaluation skills learned during the process. At this point, questions should focus attention on comparing and contrasting the texts.  Because students usually get engaged with tasks that include elements of gamification, consider finding a colleague whose class will do the quizzes and compete for the title of Champions of Critical Reading.

    Teaching students to think critically is not easy, nor does it happen quickly, so, in that respect, these quiz activities are certainly not a quick fix. Still, they are one step toward developing critical habits of thinking and reflecting about the quality of online texts. We believe that repetition is essential, and these quiz activities help to regularly take advantage of quick opportunities to discuss the credibility of news or other information.  Happy quizzing, and we hope that your class wins the finals!

    CaritaKiili_w80EvaWennåsBrante_w80Carita Kiili & Eva Wennås Brante are both postdoctoral fellows at the Department of Education, University of Oslo, Norway.

    This article is part of a series from the International Literacy Association’s Technology in Literacy Education 

    Special Interest Group (TILE-SIG).

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    A Quick Guide to Good Digital Hygiene

    By Kip Glazer
     | Mar 22, 2017

    ThinkstockPhotos-87768937_x300Recently, my older son, who is studying Information Technology and Cyber Security in college, reminded me of a term: digital hygiene. He talked about how his professor used the term to describe the importance of using a password manager to keep online passwords safe. I, too, believe improving our digital hygiene is important, and I argue that teachers have a special role to play. I offer suggestions for helping students develop good digital hygiene practices.

    Give explicit instructions on composing a subject line and signature

    I recommended that teachers instruct their students to use a standardized subject line for sending e-mails. I would tell students that I wouldn't read an e-mail unless I know it was from them. By requiring a prearranged format, I could determine whether an e-mail was from one of my students. I typically asked them to add the class period, class title, full name, and purpose of their message in the subject line. For example, "Period 2, Senior English, John Doe: Absence/Missing Work" told me exactly what to expect when I opened the e-mail. This structure also helped students to think about the main point of the message and how to be succinct.

    I also encouraged students to add a signature and a privacy statement. I typically told them to add "This e-mail may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient(s). Any review, use, distribution, or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive the e-mail, document, or information on behalf of the recipient), please contact the sender by reply e-mail and delete all copies of this message." By doing so, students learned that no e-mail communication is private, even with the added privacy statement.

    Provide tools to create strong, secure passwords

    On a high school campus, students sharing devices is common. I instructed students to create strong passwords and to never share them. I taught students to never use their pet's name, birthday, or address as their password. Instead, I recommended services like Secure Password Generator or LastPass to create secure, random passwords.

    Model how to update operating systems, virus protection programs, and browsers

    One of the biggest security issues comes from users not updating their digital systems, especially the browsers. I encouraged teachers to show students how to update browsers across all Internet-enabled devices and how to check whether they have the newest version of the browser. I also recommend a few free virus protection programs such as AVG and Avast.

    Use cloud services to share work rather than USB flash drives

    As a classroom teacher, I often asked my students to create digital presentations. Whether it was a slide presentation or a video, I always required them to share it using cloud services such as Google Drive or Dropbox. I did so to prevent introducing a virus to the school's network.

    Some students used online presentation tools such as Prezi or Google Slides. In such cases, I required students add me as one of their editors, which gave me a lot more options in terms of seeing who contributed and when.

    As we interact with one another more and more online, we need to practice good digital hygiene to keep us healthy and safe. Just as we would want students to wash their hands frequently to keep their bodies physically healthy, we should remind them to practice digital hygiene to protect their digital health.

    Kip Glazer is a native of Seoul, South Korea, and immigrated to the United States in 1993 as a college student. She holds California Single Subject Teaching Credentials in Social Studies, English, Health, Foundational Mathematics, and School Administration. In 2014, she was named the Kern County Teacher of the Year. She earned her doctorate of education in learning technologies at Pepperdine University in October 2015. She has presented and keynoted at many state and national conferences on game-based learning and educational technologies. She has also consulted for Center for Innovative Research in Cyberlearning and the Kennedy Center ArtsEdge Program. Her Purposeful Tech column looks at how classroom teachers can think critically about today's instructional technologies.

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    From Print to Digital: Composing Multimodal Texts Through Transmediation

    By Sohee Park
     | Mar 17, 2017

    Transmediation refers to “student’s translation of content from one sign system into another.” Writing a story based on a photo or creating an iMovie book trailer about a novel are two examples of transmediation. transmediating print-based text into digital multimodal text, by introducing the benefits and some evidence-based transmediating tasks for use in K–12 classrooms.

    Benefits of transmediating a print-based text into a digital multimodal text

    Research studies report at least three positive impacts of transmediating a print-based text into digital multimodal text on students’ learning: deeper understandings of content, creative expressions of ideas, and promoted analytic conversations.

    1. Deeper Understandings of Content. Transmediation develops students’ understandings of specific literary and informational text. In More Than Writing-To-Learn: Using Multimodal Writing Tasks in Science Classrooms, for instance, Mark McDermott reported that students who composed multimodal texts on the scientific
    content that they learned from a textbook understood the content better than before the activity; students who created more integrated multimodal texts showed better understanding of the content than others.

    2. Creative Expressions of Ideas. According to Marjorie Siegel and Jason Ranker, transmediation enables students to be creative through making new connections and meanings between different modes. For example, if a student reads an informational text about volcanoes and wants to compose a video about the stages of eruption using interactive whiteboard apps (e.g., Scoodle Jam or Educreations), the student should go through a series of complex cognitive processes: comprehending written information, creating linguistic mental representations of the comprehended information, transforming the linguistic mental representations to visual and audio mental representations, and applying it on the apps. During these processes, students utilize their creativity and imagination to transform linguistic mental representations into other modal representations.

    3. Promoted Analytic Conversations. Some transmediation tasks accompany analytic conversations between students. In Jennifer McCormick’s study on how transmediation fosters analytical conversations among middle school students, the conversations occurred when a student’s connections between the known and the invented modes were not apparent to other students. In Øystein Gilje’s work, students had analytic conversations while they collaborated for the transmediation of a student’s written synopsis into a film. To further clarify the author’s intention or for collaborative multimodal composition, having analytic conversations during the transmediation activities helped students improve understanding of the task and content as well as oral language skills.

    Evidence-based tasks for transmediation through digital multimodal composition

    There are some evidence-based tasks for transmediation using digital multimodal composition. The table presents exemplary tasks using literary texts at three different levels.


    Elementary School
    (Grades K–5)

    Middle School
    (Grades 6–8)

    High School
    (Grades 9–12)

    Transmediating Tasks Using
    Literary Texts

    • The BFG by Roald Dahl—A micro-documentary including an introduction by a narrator, an observation, re-enactment of events, and an interview of the main characters (Mills, 2011)

    Transmediation can be done with informational texts in a variety of content areas. One thing that should be emphasized in all lessons about transmediation is that metalanguages such as glossaries of filmmaking and technical aspects of digital tools should be taught in advance for the successful implementation of the transmediation activities.

    This article is part of a series from the International Literacy Association’s Technology in Literacy Education Special Interest Group (TILE-SIG).


    Sohee Park is a doctoral candidate specializing in literacy education at the University of Delaware. Her research interest centers on best practices for instruction and assessment of digital multimodal composition.

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