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Five Questions With… Violetta Lamb (Plants and Animals)

By April Hall
 | Jan 19, 2016

It’s not often that a third-grade student becomes a published author, but you can find Violetta Lamb’s book, Plants and Animals (StarWalk Kids Media) on Amazon. The publisher worked with the superintendent of Lamb’s Blue Springs, MO, school district to pair the author with an illustrator, Susan L. Roth, to work together on the final product. Lamb said she was excited about the book and learned a lot from the experience.

How long have you been writing?

Since I was in kindergarten, but I hadn’t written an actual story until second grade.

What was it like working with Susan L. Roth?

It was fun learning how to work with the art materials that Susan L. Roth provided. She is amazing, and I am so glad to have met her!

What was the inspiration for the story?

At my old school, my teacher Mrs. Hilbert had talked about author and illustrators. She talked about Susan L. Roth and Seymour Simon, and I love their work. That’s where I got the idea and had hoped it would be like that: informative, but fun!

Do you plan to write more books in the future and make it your career?

I am still really young and don’t know what I will be when I grow up. But yes, I have continued writing!

Most of our readers are teachers who work with young people. What is the one piece of advice you would give students about writing and publishing?

Never give up—ever. If it is your dream, do it.

April Hall is editor of Literacy Daily. A journalist for 20 years, she has specialized in education, writing and editing for newspapers, websites, and magazines.

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