OCLC = Online Computer Library Center (information/cataloging system)
occur, occurred, occurring, occurrence
ODBC = Open Database Connectivity (A standard method of sharing data between databases and other programs.)
OERI = Office of Educational Research and Improvement (of U.S. Dept. of Education)
Office of Educational Research and Improvement = OERI
OISE = Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
OK (preferred over okay in WNWD)
Oklahoma Reading Association = ORA
one-on-one (hyphenate as adjective preceding its noun; otherwise open)
one-to-one (hyphenate as adjective preceding its noun; spell out on first use, use 1:1 in subsequent uses)
online bookstore
Note this change in ILA style: "online bookstore" will no longer routinely be capitalized.
Online Computer Library Center = OCLC
online directory
Online Marketplace
- The term Online Marketplace constitutes the name of ILA's e-commerce site and should therefore be capitalized in most applications. The phrase is lowercased only when used explicitly as a generic term: ILA's Online Marketplace, like any other online marketplace, invites users to choose among a wide variety of products.
- The term Marketplace, when used as a shortened form of Online Marketplace, should also be capitalized.
on-screen (adjective preceding noun)
This term is hyphenated as both an adjective and an adverb.
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education = OISE
open-access (adj.)
Open Database Connectivity = ODBC
Open Society Institute = OSI
ORA = Oklahoma Reading Association or Oregon Reading Association
Ordinary least squares
Oregon Reading Association = ORA
OSI = Open Society Institute (Soros)
out-of-school (adj.)