Hague, The (capitalize the)
hand out (v.)
handout (n.)
hard copy
hardcover (not hardback)
Always lowercase. (Note this change from earlier editions of the Style Guide.)
Head Start
high-risk (hyphenate as adjective preceding its noun, as in "high-risk behavior")
high road transfer (no hyphen)
high school (not hyphenated, even as adjective; thus, high school teacher)
high-stakes (adj.)
According to APA 6th, 3.14, "Depending on where a person is from, individuals may prefer to be called Hispanic, Latino, Chicano, or some other designation. Hispanic is not necessarily an all-encompassing term, and authors should consult with their participants. Naming a nation or region of origin is generally helpful (e.g., Cuban, Salvadoran, or Guatemalan is more specific than Central American or Hispanic)."
historic / historical
- Historical is the more general adjective, meaning "about history" or "of history"; thus, a historical account, a historical survey, a historical novel. Historic refers to something that is, or is likely to be, recorded in history; thus, a historic occasion, a historic battle, a historic place.
- Use the article a—not an—with the words historic and historical. (See a/an)
hobbit (lowercase according to M-W; the race of short peoples from J.R.R. Tolkien's books)
holistic / wholistic
WNWD lists holistic as an adjective, referring to a system or process as an integrated whole, rather than as separate parts. Thus, "a holistic approach to" medicine, teaching, and so on. Wholistic is listed as a variant in WNWD.
The Style Guide subcommittee has chosen the closed form, homepage, as the ILA standard spelling.
homeschool (v.; one word according to M-W)
Don't begin a phrase, clause, or sentence with this word. Don't use hopefully to mean "I hope," "one hopes," or "it is to be hoped." Use hopefully only in its literal sense, to mean "in a hopeful manner": The children entered the classroom hopefully, but they were soon disappointed.
the House of Representatives, members of the House
how to
- The phrase how to is usually followed by a verb ("how to do," "how to be," "how to make," "how to become," etc.). In such cases it is not hyphenated.
- In a less common, colloquial usage, the phrase how-to (alone) can be used as a noun ("She knows the whys, wherefores, and how-tos of the entire project."). In such colloquial usages it is hyphenated.
H.R. 1234 = House Resolution 1234 (a bill in the House of Representatives)
H. Rept. 1234 = House Report 1234
HTML = Hypertext Markup Language
HTTP = Hypertext Transfer Protocol (see also URL)
Hypertext Markup Language = HTML
Hypertext Transfer Protocol = HTTP