JAAL = the Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy
JAAL online
jargon (APA 6th, 3.09)
- Jargon is the technical language of a specialized field of activity that may be awkward or inappropriate—or may obscure meaning—when used outside that field. Phrases such as collateral damage and friendly fire have precise meanings in the military, but when used in another field (business, for example) their meaning would be metaphorical, less precise, and sometimes euphemistic.
- The term jargon may also be applied to the use of inflated, technical-sounding language in place of a simpler, more precise term. Examples: utilize, instead of use; on a daily basis, instead of daily.
- Products of the trendy "noun-as-verb" phenomenon often can be classed as jargon in the second sense. Try to avoid the pretentiousness of the following examples: to conference, to dialogue, to interface, to privilege, to transition.
job titles (see professional titles)
joint family
the Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy = JAAL
the Journal of Reading = JR
journal titles
journals, issue numbers in reference lists
Effective immediately, ILA publications will include issue numbers in reference list entries for all journal articles, regardless of sequential pagination practice of the journals in question. This is contrary to APA style, but the change is being made to provide additional information to scholars using our reference lists and to match the practices of databases and software tools.
JR = the Journal of Reading
Jr., Sr., and numerical suffixes
Apparent inconsistencies in the punctuation of Jr., Sr., and numerical suffixes have led the ILA style committee to establish the following rules:
- In text matter, do not place a comma between a person's surname and a generational suffix (Jr., Sr., III, IV, etc.). Thus,
Charles J. Smith Jr. quoted an essay by James B. Jones III to prove his point. - In reference lists, place a comma between a person's surname and a generational suffix (Jr., Sr., III, IV, etc.). Thus,
Jones, J.S., III. (2007). Esoteric punctuation in children's literature. The Reading Teacher, 60(7), 649–655.
Smith, C.J., Jr. (2007). Do you really need to use that comma? Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 51(4), 348–352.
judgment (no "e" after the "g")
"just right" text