Style Guide

Envelopes and mailing labels: standard format

  1. Use all capitals.
  2. Use no punctuation except a hyphen between the 5-digit and + 4 Zip code.
  3. Follow the line arrangement shown in this example:

    STE 412
    5800 BRATTLE ST
    CAMBRIDGE MA 02169-1058
  4. Use standard abbreviations for street address, secondary address, and city/state/zip lines as specified below.
  5. Except for such universal forms as "Co.," and "Inc.," DO NOT abbreviate recipient, company, or institution names unless you must do so to avoid line wrapping. When it is necessary to abbreviate, use the "ad hoc" abbreviations specified below.

Abbreviations, city, state, zip line

Use the following rules consistently for all U.S. and Canadian addresses.

  1. Use standard 2-letter abbreviations for U.S. states and Canadian provinces.
  2. Do not abbreviate any part of the city or town name:
    NORTH AUGUSTA SC (not N Augusta)
    SAINT LOUIS MO (not St Louis)
    FORT MYERS FL (not Ft Myers)
    SOMERS POINT NJ (not Somers Pt)

Abbreviations, street address line

  1. Use the following abbreviations consistently in the street addresses of all envelopes and mailing labels.
  2. Except for the ordinal numbers* (2nd, 4th, etc.), do not abbreviate the formal names of streets:
    123 NORTH ST (not N ST)
    321 HARBOR BLVD (not Hbr Blvd)
    1400 THREE RIVERS DR (NOT 3 Rivers Dr)
    * but: 525 7TH AVE (not Seventh Ave), 12 S 12TH ST (not S Twelfth St)
Apt Apartment
Ave Avenue
Box (becomes PO Box)
Bldg Building
Bur Bureau
Byp Bypass
Cswy Causeway
Cay Cay
Ctr Center
Cir Circle
Ct Court
Cv Cove
Cr Creek
Cres Crescent
Crst Crest
Curv Curve
Dr Drive
8th Eighth
E East, eastern
Est Estate
Ext Extension
Fls Falls
5th Fifth
1st First
4th Fourth
Fwy Freeway
Gdn Garden
Gdns Gardens
Grn Green
Grv Grove
Hbr Harbor
HC Highway Contract Route (Star Route)
Hts Heights
Hwy Highway
Jct Junction
Key Key
Keys Keys
Knl Knoll
Ln Lane
Mnr Manor
Mt Mount
Mtn Mountain
9th Ninth
N North, northern
NE Northeast
No. (omit this word)
NW Northwest
Park Park
Pkwy Parkway
Pass Pass
Path Path
Pike Pike
Pl Place
Plz Plaza
Pt Point
PO Post Office
Rdg Ridge
Rd Road
Expy Expressway
Rdwy Roadway
Rt Route
Row Row
Rue Rue
RFD Rural Free Delivery (becomes RR)
RR Rural Route
S South, southern
2nd Second
6th Sixth
7th Seventh
SE Southeast
SW Southwest
Spur Spur
Sq Square
Sta Station
St Street
Strm Stream
Ste Suite
10th Tenth
Ter Terrace
3rd Third
Trl Trail
Tpke Turnpike
Walk Walk
Way Way
W West, western

Abbreviations, secondary address unit

Apt Apartment
Box Box
Bldg Building
Dept Department
Fl Floor
No. Number (omit this word)
# Number or space (omit this symbol)
Ofc Office
Rm Room
Ste Suite
Unit Unit

Abbreviations, ad hoc

Admin Administration
Apt Apartment
Assoc Associate
Assn Association
Asst Assistant(omit this word)
Attn Attention
Bd of Ed Board of Education
Bl Block
Bldg Building
Bur Bureau
Capt Captain
Ctr Center
Chair Chairman, chairperson
Cir Circle
City City
Colg College
Col Colonel
Cdr Commander
Comm Commission
Cmnty Community
Co Company
Cond Condominium, condition
Conf Conference
Coop Cooperative
Corpl Corporal
Corp Corporation
Cty County
Curr Curriculum
Dept Department
Dev Development
Dist District
Div Division
Dr Doctor
Educ Education
Elem Elementary
Engl English
Ens Ensign
Est Estate
Expy Expressway
Ext Extension
Farm Farm
Fax Fax
Flat Flat
FPO Fleet Post Office
Fwd Forward
Gdn Garden
Gdns Gardens
Gen General
Govt Government
GPO Government Post Office
Hbr Harbor
Hon Honorable
Hqtrs Headquarters
HS High school
Hts Heights
Inc Incorporated
ISD Independent School District
Inst Institute, institution
Instr Instruction, instructor
Jr Junior
K Kindergarten
Lab Laboratory
Lang Language(s)
Ldg Lodge
Libr Library
Lit Literature
Loc Location, local
Ltd Limited
Mnr Manor
Mfg Manufacturing
Mtg Meeting
Metro Metropolitan
Mid Middle
MS Middle School
Mt Mount
Mtn Mountain
Mtwy Motorway
Mus Museum
Natl National
No. Number
Ofc Office
Org Organization
Phil Philosophy
Plz Plaza
Pt Point
Port Port
PO Post Office
Pr Prairie
Pres President
Prof Professor
Psych Psychology
Pvt Private
Pub Public
Qtr Quarter
RR Railroad
Rcvng Receiving
Regl Regional
Rep Representative, republic
Rsrch Research
Ret Retired
St Saint
Sch Bd School Board
Sci Science
Sec Sector, section
Sr Senior, Sister
Sgt Sergeant
Shpg Shipping
Src Source
Sq Square
Sta Station
Strm Stream
Supt Superintendent
Sys System
Tel Telephone
Twp Township
Univ University
US United States (adjective)
USA United States of America (noun)
Vil Villa
Vis Vista
&, #, c/o Eliminate these marks

Addresses: ILA post office boxes

PO BOX 7168
NEWARK DE 19714-7168