The International Literacy Association Guide to Style and Usage grew out of the Association's desire to make all of its communications as clear, consistent, and error free as possible. It is meant to answer questions that are asked most frequently about spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and other matters of style that arise in our written communications with our members, customers, public, and staff.
Using the Online Style Guide
The Style Guide is designed to be easy to use. If you have a question about a specific word, punctuation mark, term, and so on, try using the alphabetical index at the left of the screen. For anything requiring more detail, click on the special topic pages that are identified among the alphabetical pages.
This online version of the Style Guide has the advantage of being easy to update. New items are added regularly, almost always as a result of staff questions and suggestions. We hope you'll find the guide informative and easy to use, and that you'll use it often. If you have questions about ILA style or suggestions for ways to improve the Style Guide, please contact the Style Guide Committee.
For any ILA Chapters and Affiliates questions, please consult the ILA Chapters and Affiliates Style Sheet.