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ILA Partners With Smartbrief to Launch Weekly Newsletter

 | Sep 11, 2024

The International Literacy Association (ILA) announced today a new weekly newsletter in partnership with SmartBrief: ILA Literacy Teaching & Learning SmartBrief. Debuting today, the newsletter aims to be a vital resource for literacy professionals worldwide, providing curated content on the latest developments in literacy education and research.

The mission of ILA—a professional membership organization for literacy educators, researchers and advocates across 128 countries—is to connect research and practice to improve the quality of literacy learning across the globe. Among the top priorities of the organization’s strategic plan is to provide more low-cost and free resources to educators around the world.

This partnership with SmartBrief represents a significant step in fulfilling both that promise and the ILA mission.

ILA Literacy Teaching & Learning is a free resource designed to keep literacy educators, researchers, and advocates informed about the most critical news and trends in literacy education. The newsletter will feature expertly curated content from a variety of news sources on global literacy news, advocacy efforts, research-based instruction, inclusive teaching and learning, and literacy leadership news, in addition to the latest updates from ILA.

“We are so pleased to be partnering with SmartBrief on our Literacy Teaching & Learning newsletter,” said ILA Executive Director Nicola Wedderburn. “Our team has long been a fan of the SmartBrief format, and we’re excited to offer this new, convenient way to help our audience stay informed on what’s happening in the field.”

SmartBrief is the leading digital media publisher of targeted business news and insights by industry. They leverage technology and editorial expertise to curate and deliver the most relevant industry news in partnership with leading trade associations, professional societies, nonprofits, and corporations.

Anyone interested in subscribing to stay up to date on the latest in research and practice can sign up for free at: ILA Literacy Teaching & Learning SmartBrief

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