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A Tribute to Dr. Margaret (Nea) Stewart-Dore

 | Jul 02, 2014

IRA Takes Positions on High-Stakes Assessments, Leisure ReadingIt is with great sadness that the International Reading Association wishes to announce the sudden passing of Dr. Margaret (Nea) Stewart-Dore of Emu Park, Queensland, Australia Saturday, June 28. A celebration of her life was held in the East Chapel of the Rockhampton Crematorium on July 3.

Beloved wife of Colin and sister of John, sister-in-law of Rosalie, aunty to Craig, Ross, Jennifer and their families, Nea leaves behind numerous friends and colleagues in the International Reading Association and Rotary International communities.

Members of the LEADER-SIG and IRARI Partnership SIG are aware of Nea’s long-time service as Founding Chair 2007–2011 and returning Chair in 2014 of the IRARI Partnership SIG. She also worked on numerous committees of the International Reading Association both internationally and in her home country, Australia.

Nea was recognized as a recipient of Rotary International’s Paul Harris Fellow for Service to Rotary and volunteered as editor of Rotary International’s Literacy Rotarian Action Group (LitRAG) publications. In 2009, Nea received the IRA Maryann Manning Outstanding Volunteer Service Award for her long-time volunteer activities. Nea was the 2013 recipient of the LEADER-SIG Distinguished Service Award in further recognition of her many volunteer contributions.
Nea’s long-term work in both the International Reading Association and Rotary International will be her lasting legacy.

Remembrances from some of Nea’s colleagues:

“I had some sad news ... the sudden passing of Nea Stewart-Dore. Many of us in the IRA community will miss her spunk and her significant volunteer contributions. She did so much to support IRA's partnership with Rotary. Nea was a personal friend; it was always great to chat with her at LEADER events. She wrote an important chapter on adolescent literacy instruction in Australia for one of my books. She was a valued member of the Australia Literacy Education Association. RIP, Nea.”
- Jill Lewis-Spector, President, International Reading Association
“Our Nea with such a wonderful spirit of love and care for Rotary and for literacy! What an honor for both of us to have received Maryann Manning award together in 2009. It was a proud moment and an honor to be on stage together. She was a wonderful friend...”

- Judith Casey, Colorado Springs, Col.

“Nea had been a driving force within the early days of IDOC and IRARI. She had attended almost every IRA Convention. Nea did so much In Australia in many areas of literacy education, particularly with a focus on the middle years. Her work in ALEA and IDOC has made both organizations what they are today.  Nea’s lasting legacy will always be with us and future educators.”

- Jan Turbill, Australia

“Nea was a great IRA member and promoter of literacy in Australia. She was very active in IRA, IRARI SIG, and LEADER SIG. Knowing she was a previous recipient of the Maryann Manning Outstanding Volunteer Award made the award extra special for me in 2013 in San Antonio. Her passing was very much a surprise.”

- Paul Haupt El Paso, Texas

“Although I only knew Nea for about five years, I always looked to her as the “go-to” person for IRARI.  Being one of the primary founders of this SIG she knew it from the inside out and did whatever she could to both support and promote it worldwide.  Nea continually exemplified the true spirit of volunteerism, always going the extra mile especially where literacy and Rotary were concerned.  When there were questions about IRARI, Nea could answer them.  When there was a task to be taken on at the administrative level, Nea would step forward to do it.  When there was a need for a creative approach to promoting IRARI, Nea could be counted on to lead the charge.  When a document related to the SIG needed wordsmithing, Nea used her way with words and editing skills to make it sound just right.  Finally, when IRARI needed a strong supporter, Nea was our lead cheerleader.  Nea will truly be missed, most certainly by close friends and family, but by all who knew her as an amazing lady who most certainly did transform lives, worldwide, in the name of literacy.  Like a good book, through her works and spirit, she will keep on giving.  Thanks, Nea.”

- Judy Backlund, IRARI, Past Chair, Ellensburg, Wash.

“Nea was a devoted supporter of literacy through her work with both the International Reading Association and Rotary International at all levels. She will be remembered for her spirit of volunteerism, her wise leadership, and her cheerful determination.”

- C. Garth Brooks, Ottawa, ON, Canada

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