The Board of Directors of the International Reading Association has implemented a date and pattern change for the Association’s 58th Annual Convention next year in San Antonio. This change is being implemented to avoid a conflict with the public school testing regime established by the State of Texas.
This action shifts the usual weekday pattern of the three-day convention to a new Saturday through Monday cycle, with a day of pre-convention Institutes on Friday. The dates for the convention will be April 20-22, 2013, with the Institutes being held on April 19, 2013.
“The IRA Board of Directors voted to change the dates of the convention to ensure that our members, Texas teachers, and literacy professionals worldwide will be able to participate in the extensive professional development opportunities the annual convention offers,” explained IRA President Carrice Cummins.
“Host-state teacher participation is an indispensable element in our conventions,” Cummins noted. “ One of our goals in changing the dates is to assist our Texas teachers in being able to interact in this exciting professional learning opportunity with literacy colleagues and researchers from across the US and from around the world.” This date and pattern change also presents a second advantage. Given the stressed condition of most school budgets, the ability of teachers across the country to attend the convention over a weekend will reduce the need to hire classroom substitutes.
Celebrating Teachers Making a Difference
The theme of the San Antonio convention is Celebrating Teachers Making a Difference. Around 500 different programs covering all aspects of effective, research-based literacy instruction will be offered during the four days of the event. The presentations range from institutes, seminars, and workshops, to research briefings, panel discussions, and other informative sessions. Certain events, hosted by publishers, will feature authors of leading children’s and young adult books.
Attendees will gain new insights and practical guidance on dealing with today’s crucial literacy education topics including such matters as comprehension, common core, critical skill development, assessments, student engagement, digital literacy, second language learning, and much more.
Over 200 vendors will be presenting their wares in the vast exhibit space at the San Antonio Convention Center during the event. Attendees will be able to interact with staffs from publishers, leading book authors, curriculum developers, technology retailers, makers of classroom materials and teaching aids, professional development providers, software developers, and others.
“This is going to be an invaluable opportunity for literacy professionals to learn, share, network, and enjoy an unparalleled level of enrichment,” Cummins emphasizes.
So mark the new dates on your calendar right now: April 20 - 22, 2013 for the convention, and April 19, 2013 for the Institutes. We look forward to seeing you there!