The average U.S. educator
spends $600 decorating his or her own classroom each year.
For teachers in schools affected by recent natural disasters that number is likely to be much, much higher. In the two months that have passed since Hurricane Harvey, affected school districts have reported millions of dollars in damage.
ILA council the Texas Association for Literacy Education (TALE) has adopted the following four schools—all of which have suffered extensive or major damage—to support their post-Harvey recovery efforts with a donation toward literacy resources. Read on to find out how you can join TALE in helping these schools to rebuild their classrooms and libraries.
Hilliard Elementary School
Principal: Edrick Moultry
Board coordinator: Malene Golding
Address: 8115 East Houston, Houston, Texas 77028
Phone: 713.635.3085
Email: emoultry@houstonisd.org
Donate supplies: Needs include spiral composition books (wide rule), pens (black, blue, red), scissors, pocket folders, notebook paper (wide rule), and more—full list available here
Donate money: Mail check to the address above, to the attention of Bathsheba Nash
Thompson Intermediate School
Principal: Dr. Melissa Allen
Board coordinator: Kamshia Childs
Address: 11309 Sagedown Ln., Houston, Texas 77089
Phone: 713.740.0510
Email: meallen@pasadenaisd.org
Donate supplies: The school has requested instructional supplies (visit this staff-curated Amazon Wish List) and appropriate books for students ages 12–15
Donate money: Donate online here
Rockport-Fulton High School
Principal: Scott Rogers
Board coordinator: Matthew Panozzo and Robin Johnson
Address: 1700 Omohundro, Rockport, Texas 78382
Phone: 361.790.2212
Email: srogers@acisd.org
Donate supplies: No supplies needed at this time
Donate money: Donate through the school’s GoFundMe page, or mail a check to:
Kathy Henderson, ACISD CFO
ACISD Library Recovery
PO Box 907
Rockport, Texas 78381
Lemm Elementary School
Principal: Kathy Brown
Board coordinator: Alida Hudson
Address: 19034 Joanleigh Dr., Klein, TX 77388
Phone: 832.484.6300
Email: kbrown@kleinisd.net
Donate supplies: For each book donated to Lemm Elementary library through this site, Bound to Stay Bound will donate four more
Donate money: Donate online here
Don’t miss our previous posts, “Here’s How You Can Help Libraries and Schools Affected by Hurricane Harvey” and “Back to School After a Natural Disaster: Teaching Hurricane Harvey.”
Alina O’Donnell is the editor of Literacy Daily.