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Featured Blog: Sound It Out by Joanne Meier

 | Sep 02, 2011

by Michael Putman 

Sound It Out is a weekly blog written by Joanne Meier for the Reading Rockets website. Written in a very relaxed, conversational tone, the blog provides a mix of practical advice, research-based strategies, and anecdotal stories that literacy professionals as well as parents will find beneficial.

The appeal of the blog for readers lies in the concise summaries of information as well as the resources that Joanne always provides. For example, in her August 2 post on silent reading, Joanne summarizes four important considerations for teachers from a chapter in Revisiting Silent Reading, a recent IRA publication edited by Ray Reutzel and Elfrieda Hiebert. She also provides a direct link to the chapter. Her list of considerations creates the opportunity for reflection, while the link provides an opportunity for readers to further explore information at their own leisure. Each of her posts is written in this style, which makes them ideal for professional development as well as staying current in the field. As each post also includes multiple tags, readers can easily locate additional resources in the blog’s archives.

Sound It Out also provides information and resources related to content areas. In a June 20 post focused on math and technology, Joanne describes how she and her daughter used videos found on Scholastic’s Study Jams website to review for a math test. These additional topics and resources could also be easily adapted to suit purposes specific to literacy and technology integration or could be forwarded to parents for the purposes of helping their children with homework.

In conclusion, this IRA member suggests readers add Sound It Out to their list of blogs. They will find a wealth of practical information as well as a plethora of resources to use directly with their students or within their own professional growth! 

Michael Putman is from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. 

This article is part of a series from the Technology in Literacy Education Special Interest Group (TILE-SIG)


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