"Transnational and Community Literacies for Teachers" by Robert T. Jiménez, Patrick H. Smith, and Brad L. Teague (Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 2009)
In this pivotal moment of both a global pandemic and long overdue attention to racial injustice, teachers are increasingly stepping into the home lives of their students through virtual teaching while also having to be mindful of representation and identity literacies for students from marginalized communities. Jiménez, Smith, and Teague share how transnational and community literacies make pedagogical sense for all students, including language learners. They argue that the inclusion of transnational and community literacies, which they define as "the written language practices of people who are involved in activities that span national boundaries" (p. 17), helps teachers relate to their students while developing meaningful relationships and assists students in better understanding their own linguistic and cultural backgrounds.
—Reviewed by Meg Jones, University of Rhode Island
Jiménez, R.T., Smith, P.T., & Teague, B.L. (2009). Transnational and community literacies for teachers. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 53(1), 16–26. https://doi.org/10.1598/JAAL.53.1.2
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